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Call to Adventure {Storyline}

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#1Azure Fenic 

Call to Adventure {Storyline} Empty Wed Sep 22, 2021 11:34 pm

Azure Fenic

While waiting for an update about his gift to the Rune Knights he received a letter from someone that he had long forgotten about or so he thought that is, Greyroad the man that found him and nursed him back to health. Given that he hasn't heard from him in years this must have been really important or was just him checking in after all this time. Within the letter help information about an item that he had only read about in his father's books some fairly old reports that he borrowed. I never thought it could actually exist and in such a place he thought to himself quickly pocketing the letter and heading back to his room with excitement on his face he rushed to get his affairs in order. While he packed his belongings he kept trying to recall the last interaction that they shared with one another, Azure had made up his mind or mind's in this case and decided to set out on his own to finish what he had come there to do in the first place. Seeing an old friend would be nice it could give them a chance to catch up on the happenings around the other countries and things though he did wonder if his room was still the same or if it had changed into a storage room or something.  

Azure wasn't really sure how this meeting would go given the amount of time that they have spent apart and the lack of communication between the both of them but given the beginning of the letter he must have been worried about him to some extent. The letter had told him to meet at Astera with no other information following from what he could remember any time that he sent a letter without a location it always meant to go home but then again that was when his memory was corrupted.

As he finished reading the note he ripped it up and let out a sighed Somethings just never change he thought to himself walking off into the direction of the new location that was given. The new location was that of the very first bar that he worked out of while still in his care not to say that it wasn't sentimental but at the same time wasn't really needed. The smell of booze was rather much stronger than what he remembered but regardless of the smell he had to get the information that he came for even if it meant sitting in a place that had rude and perverted people crawling around every part. Searching through the sea of people was hard enough given the nature of this bar, in particular, finding someone was truly like finding a diamond in the rough of roughs but it didn't take long before someone tried to drag him off to some random location. "Get your hands off-" he shouted as he turned around to see his teacher grabbing his arm, realizing what he was about to do he covered his face out of shame but mostly from embarrassment.

{Sheet / Magic}
Call to Adventure {Storyline} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#2Azure Fenic 

Call to Adventure {Storyline} Empty Thu Sep 23, 2021 12:40 am

Azure Fenic

Greyroad warped his arm around the scholar's neck bringing him more to his level "It's good to see ya mi boi!!" the old man said taking a swig from his mug from the faint scent of booze on him he had only just started to drink about a few minutes before he even walked in. "My apologizes for not keeping in touch over the years much has happened and I-" the old man covered the boy's mouth "It is not like you to be so sentimental mi boi, now let us get down to the letter." as he said this he dragged them to a back room of the bar that was littered with maps, notes, reports, and diagrams all centered around the stone that they both now seek.
Azure looked around to examined nearly everything within its confines, some of them were correspondents from others that wanted the stone for its power. What was supposed to be a nice reunion had turned into the reverse of what he wanted "Oh that reminds me I finally got that forged doctorate you wanted," the old man took the fake documents and went on to give more details regarding the stone and just why he even reached out to him about it. It was odd seeing his old mentor be so focused on something normally he would have gone on some tangent about something related to the stone but then again it was just nice to see that he hadn't lost his touch.

After giving him the rundown the informant took the two of them back to the inn he originally stayed at so they could talk in private and actually catch up on life. Grayroad tugged on the man's arm the whole way to the inn muttering something to him that even he couldn't understand which was new as he was the one that taught him how to pick up on such things. The child side of Azure felt as though they had let him down in some way but at the same time the adult side of him wanted to start looking into the stone and all its properties so they could sell the information later if given the chance.

Stopping just a few feet from the inn Azure turned to his mentor and bowed to them before running off to the pier where he called for his mount to meet him so they could get to a location that would most likely have the information he would need to look into this Magic Stone without interruption from anyone with connections to the law or his current group for that matter, Extortion looked at him as if she knew that he was about to in for a few all-nighters which were fine by him most of his best finds come from lack of sleep. The skies were clear and the day was still young so he had ample time to get everything ready for their adventure give or take a few hours to contact some people that can help him out with this.


{Sheet / Magic}
Call to Adventure {Storyline} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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