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Quiet Familys Day Out.(Open)

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Quiet Familys Day Out.(Open) Empty Wed May 01, 2019 11:55 am

Reading a letter he had in his hand Waylon walking along his way to where one of the many parks here. Waylon was holding a letter from his mother about how he like him to go to this location. Which was a park. Because she wanted him to join her and a guests she had with him to a picnic. Not one to avoid seeing his mother. Going slowly to where he read Waylon saw so far nothing out of the normal, so far his mother was just sitting alone. Why he still had no idea, Yet again she was odd much like him.

But walking to join them his mother seemed to be watching near by children, two of them be exact. But soon enough Waylon got a hug and a kiss on the cheek from his mother."I am glad that letter has reached you my child." Waylon at least could not feel embarrassed about it after all this was just how his mother worked."I would not miss seeing family, but this is a bit more public then I could see any of our family in."Waylon pointed out to his mother. It seemed out of place.

But there was a reason."Yes I have had some interesting things happen for the past while, But I have kept it to myself."His mother explained to him."I see, would you like me to get you something since you seem to be watching something."Waylon asked his mother almost like it was second nature."Always for others why not yourself?"He heard in return but it is mostly because his mother had everything else she wanted for the moment."I was getting to that as well."He chuckled slightly and nervously about his mother was not hostile sounding more like just mentioning to her own sound.


Quiet Familys Day Out.(Open) Empty Sat May 04, 2019 10:43 am

As Grace sat down on the park bench, she looked around to see how beautiful the park really was. Although she's seen way better sites, especially after being a noble, it was still pretty. So, as she held on to her umbrella, she just sat there, in her dress, admiring the view. As the sun cast down upon her and her umbrella, she did a tiny grin. However, she didn't show her admiration after that. She just sat there looking calmly, as she read a tiny book, taking a few moments each time to look up to take it all in.

She honestly loved nature. After all, that is the main reason why her magic was based on animals. She didn't just love the fact that water allowed her to be really creative with things. No, she loved it because water is the center around all life. It is why animals survive, and trees grow. Although it sounds childish, she truly does love nature. Some days, as a child she wished to go outside and play in the forest. She wanted to mess with the animals and play with them. But, being a child of a noble, she wasn't meant to be playing in the mud like the disgusting lower classes. She was meant to be prim and proper. Not rambunctious.

So, that was why she usually took time to herself to observe places like these, and take a calm quiet break from it all. From all the pressure, and all the insanity. It allowed her ways to calm her mind. Usually, if there was a homeless person anywhere, she would scold them and decimate their morales. However, in times like these, she'd just let them go by without a hitch.


Quiet Familys Day Out.(Open) Empty Sat May 04, 2019 2:17 pm

With the ever watching eyes Waylon eventually asked."Who are you spying on anyway mother?"Before that continued his mother seemed to correct him."I am not spying on children I have been requested to watch by your sister and her close friend."Waylon then kind of picked up on it at this point but since he was not looking after children he quietly continue to getting himself something to drink and getting something for his mother.

"Who's children?"Waylon mentioned just because this was the first he had heard of it. but he did not seem overly harmful but nosy about it in the end. Much like more he would get an answer but also a hug and kiss on the forehead from his mother which would freeze Waylon in place for a moment, She had gone up on her feet already to check on them even being a few feet away in his frozen minded state for a moment.

The ever watchful mother she was Judith was already being that type she was and looking into to making sure one of them was okay as they had fallen. Left Waylon to wonder what else to do so he would get up himself and slowly behind his mother to check up to help these children if he needed too as well. Then again not like Waylon was not super helpful here because he was clueless to help children and still kind of feared what to do around him. It would still be taking his time seeing the smallest of life the little girl seemed to have to tripped some how and was crying for some reason, Her brother was just watching for moment but went back to play. "It is okay child, Come here."Judith mentioned mentioned in comfort to the while while Waylon was still a few feet away, It seemed he was a bit behind like he normally was.


Quiet Familys Day Out.(Open) Empty Sat May 04, 2019 2:59 pm

Grace looked over to see a few children playing around like the low class children they were. Grace didn't expect them to be of high class, especially if they were gonna act the way that they were. However, Grace wasn't going to scold them for it. These children could still have hope be put in them. They aren't set in their ways yet, they just need someone to push them the right way. Towards fame and money. However, Grace wasn't going to get her hands dirty by pushing them the right way. It wasn't her job to teach the children right.

So, she just went back to looking at her books, only to be interrupted by the crying of a child. As she looked over to see the child, she looked as though she was hurt. Grace shook her head as she said to herself, "This wouldn't have happened if you were taught to be proper." With that, her face turned into a more subtly angry look, rather than calm. As she glared at the child. She was waiting for her to stop crying, as she saw a woman trying to comfort the child. Grace rolled her eyes at the woman. She shouldn't allow that child to show weakness. It's whats wrong with this world. Why people get so lazy, because we allow for weakness. But once again, Grace won't allow herself to be knee deep in the lower class. So, she crossed her legs and read her book, while keeping up her same subtly angry face from before.


Quiet Familys Day Out.(Open) Empty Fri May 10, 2019 5:55 am

So with that Judith would still be herself and Waylon would still be the clueless blue haired son he was."You never did learn how to take care of children, Waylon. It could be helpful for you." Waylon heard that and felt a bit of panic in his system and tried to settle himself down quickly, To his mother laughing at him for a moment."I am kidding with you my son, I understand why you are the way you are." Judith was quite the tease to her children but was still pretty caring over all, That or she was just a different person then most people would consider motherly.

After assuring the small crying little girl was okay Waylon would quietly watch his mother put the little girl on the ground."Maybe we should find other places than where we are to sit down and maybe see if they could use a rest."Waylon was unsure if they were really worn out.

But would part to get the things that were left behind rolling up the blanket or mat that was brought here, and the basket, not cover showed all it's well prepared food: The homemade cookies. sandwiches made from freshly made bread carefully cut slices of them, same when for the meats they used. The fruits there seemed like they were picked that morning. All this work by one woman caring enough to do so.

But he would neatly carry them as he always did. With Judith watching quietly to the little ones being themselves, One the little boy roam around quietly to look at things as he did curiously, The little girl seemed to stick by her care taker while she walked with her.

Waylon would be in walking in hearing Distance of Grace but seemed to not pick up he was, Not like he would be doing anything to try and be sneaky at all Waylon was too honest of a soul for that."I am unsure how she manages this much effort even after raising four children....It amazes me."still carrying the things and walking a bit slowly to next meeting spot.


Quiet Familys Day Out.(Open) Empty Sat May 11, 2019 1:55 pm

As Grace looked up at the blue haired man before her, she said to him in a calm but cold voice, "Effort? You really call that effort? I wanted to be nice, since the amount of beauty in this park was outstanding. However, I can't let this go on. That woman is babying those children, by letting do whatever they want. That is no way to teach your children. Whenever I was young, sure I'd get whatever I wanted, but I needed to work for it. I had tons of private tutors, who taught me the way of being prim and proper. Through training after training, I was able to be good enough to be one of the bests. These children, with the way they're going, they will doing nothing much in this world. I'm sorry to say it, but it's true." Even with all those words being spoken, she was able to keep her composure through it all, not showing a sign of complete and utter anger. She only let out a tiny bit of it, so that no one could ever see what happens once she over exaggerated. Like Grace had said, she was taught to be prim and proper, so she would stay that way, no matter what had angered her. For now, she would just give these low statused idiots, some words of wisdom.


Quiet Familys Day Out.(Open) Empty Mon May 13, 2019 3:07 am

It seemed that Waylon seemed a bit more nervous at the fact a stranger just spoke to him about something he was never sure about to start with. that nervousness showed he was far far more uncomfortable now. Still in that moment stun for words. But Waylon did manage to gather his thoughts for a moment."These are not my children, Nor would I tell my mother how to raise children over all." Waylon said to start with but his heart was more nervous because a strange was being aggressive and confrontational to some one who did handle either well enough to have it be normal and healthy.

Waylon seemed like he was going to say something else but the six foot on inch man stopped because the very mother Grace was mentioning things about had stopped him for talking by placing her head on her it was her sign she was here and wanted to say something to her. Judith was five foot 4 inches tall total. Light purple hair, a dress that seemed to match her hair and purple eyes.
Picture of Judith:

Waylon seemed to go quiet and a bit more settled to the caring voice."I prefer you don't preach to my youngest and most nervous child please."Judith sounded rather polite but like she had a bit of commanding authority in it as well. She even had a peaceful smile, The two child she was seen looking after asleep in her arms.

But one thing was for sure, Judith was judging this stranger and what she stated to her son."Waylon most likely meant the effort i put into making the bread, Picking the fruit, Finding just the right meats and additives to the sandwiches."She started off by stating that to her."Have you made bread yourself? Baking it's self take a lot more time than most assume." She said that some how remaining polite about it.

"But if you wish to preach to me about child caring and raise."She paused like she was curious really wanted to know. "How many have you raised to tell some one else how to do?"Judith would seem to wait because sure it was a simply thing to mention.

"I am the kind while my husband is the opposite, the enforcer and discipliner, We taught these things our selves to your children  because we wanted them to themselves but will be in line."
It was an interesting life for sure, It had it's moments and changes that had happen for sure, Judith wouldn't change it at all."I have raised four of my own before, All different paths in life. All with in balance and contrast."

"I also taught them how to have humility, as well as to not confront other people and what they wish to say."She then said one thing to that she wanted to be sure of one thing."It is better for the parents to raise the children, Not tutors or teachers that money and time could be wasted on."Judith was still for the moment being nice about it.

"What results did I yield? I have a son in Fairy Tail, A have a Daughter in Lamia Scale, A Daughter in the Rune Knights, A Son who is married with children."And she would reveal finally to who these two children are and why she was looking after them."And these two are?"Waylon finally mentioned to speak up about it since he had been quietly watching and listening, His mother was not preaching more as mentioning.

"These two are children from a family friend one of my daughters,The one who is a rune knight, She had varying problems and trusted me to look after them, After gaining her trust."Judith then stared her right in the eyes and said."Kindness goes a lot longer way then you assume. Maybe your prim proper lessons did not make you any less rude and arrogant to other people who would been the first to take you in if you needed help."With that Judith waited to see what she would say, Waylon had slowly tried to settle his mind now, He was not not thinking this would happen.


Quiet Familys Day Out.(Open) Empty Thu Jun 06, 2019 5:43 am

Short after that conversation Judith would wave her son to leave this person who spoke to them. Waylon unsure what else to do would just shortly follow to enjoy the after noon with his mother and the two children she was looking after.

So with that it seemed to be the kind of afternoon Waylon enjoyed the most. Peaceful, quiet and not much was getting brought up to annoy and tease Waylon from his mother. Which well was a relief to him there was something less for his easily troubled mind to be stuck on.

That and he was just happy to see his mother again, Not that he was trying to avoid her. He was just bad at this whole remember to keep in touch part of his life that he was figuring out. But the peacefulness and settled moment of the quiet wind and quiet eating between all of the four of them. The ice mage just seemed so content with such a time, He realize what he could wish for in life sometimes.

Alas it's entire plan was finish and drawn to a close. A wonderful and nice close. Waylon would help his mother carry stuff back to where she needed to bring it home. Meeting his father there one he saw as little as his mother would see him. Before the final good byes his mother Judith would just hug him and give him a kiss on the head before he really expected it in which left him frozen slightly for a moment but realize what the intent behind it was. Even getting a hug from his father as well."I will try to visit more often, I know i am horrible at it."Waylon mentioned to them both but until then they would both be on their ways.


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