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fantastic fabrics [quest]

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fantastic fabrics [quest] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:55 pm

There was finally a semblance of belonging for Momiji in his time with Fiore - as he stumbled upon that bright, pink slip and the pretty pictures stapled along with it, he rediscovered a subject matter and a faith in this country yet. He hadn't been entirely making due only with what he brought with him over from Joya - requisitioning various fabrics from the noble and ignoble of his new home, and doing a vibrant enough job of shoving them together until something ... well ... too beautiful to understand came out of them. This was his first real chance to interact with someone with the same eye and appreciation of fashion he had. They were in desperate need of help - and Tachibana no Momiji, former heir to the Tachibana Clan, and friendly neighborhood Guardia Compagnia Mage ... he would be just what they ordered.

He didn't know how to read anything on this flier. He did know, however, how to jump and yell and wave something around until someone, panicked and concerned, found the strange foreign boy and sent him on his way.

fantastic fabrics [quest] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

fantastic fabrics [quest] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:56 pm

The boutique, despite its troubles, was such a lively affair for Momiji. He basked in the colors, smells and sounds, and the various gorgeous silks that called to him ... ribbons and frills and breath-taking sleeve buttons ... he practically squealed - and then he did, coming across an ensemble of green and black that about pumped his heart full of obsession. He would have grabbed it and ran out of the store in that instant, his hands already cooked with need, when the proprietor - Fernando - spotted and inquired the boy's attentions.

He was taken in immediately, bounding from place to place and motioning to Fernando's creations as if they'd be their salvation. Momiji would help. For a price. And this outfit. ... And a hat, and he beamed so brightly up at the pretty man and his lack of other options, tipping the fairly worn tophat he had come in with, and held his grin and expectation until it was given in.

fantastic fabrics [quest] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

fantastic fabrics [quest] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 8:56 pm

Fernando conceded that he enjoyed Momiji's energy and the passion he seemed to share for fashion, and shared the requisite case: he needed various rare fabrics from traveling merchants and he was having trouble procuring them himself, not to mention he was swamped by demand. Of course, Momiji understood. He'd tenderly cherish the jewels he was given for the line of negotiation and nod along, stars in his eyes and his legs kicking out in hops in place until he was freed.

He would do anything for the pretty man and his pretty clothes. As he went to each merchant and storefront of necessity, he'd first plead, then haggle, then hold them at gunpoint until he got what they needed - returning all smiles and with earned enthusiasm, each strip of cloth securely swaddled in a dapper suit he couldn't wait to trade for this man's great invention.

A good day and a good friend made. He smiles.

[ 483 / 450 (10% Monopoly) ]

fantastic fabrics [quest] 8auN8uY

you might be the bigger person but i'm l o u d e r ♢

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