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Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.)

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#1Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:10 am

Judith Karlinius
Well not shocking as Judith had mentioned she had not been here, Judith showed up in Laoshi Forest in Sin. Almost like now that she knew she could get into Sin because she was actually paying attention. She already had found a way here. Was it shocking? not really Judith already would find woods and forests she could linger in. While typical behaviour at least Judith always seemed so peaceful and hands off to not cause a problem.

But in some manner maybe that in which how people see the Laoshi Forest was some what fitting for Judith. There was a calm and quiet here was something Judith found some what idea. But being alone with her thoughts. While she would avoid the temples to not risk breaking any rituals or prayers of the people of sin where here. But it was a peaceful walk, At one point Judith felt so relaxed for once.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 5:27 am

Ryuuji was seeing the world as he wanted to and he had no idea where he should start, so sin was as good of a place to start as any he also didn't think that he would see anyone here so it was a better place to seem to start to grow alone and do what he can to meet new people as he hadn't gone out of his way to do that for a long time because of his past treatment by the demi-human village he grew up in that treated him like an outsider instead of the demi-human he was that was just like them. Ryuuji thought he had seen someone that he knew the guild master of the guild he was part of but how could that be why would she be in sin maybe she was here on some kind of quest?

Ryuuji walked out and toward the woman. "Master?" He tilted his head a bit to the side as if he was making sure that he was not just seeing some kind of illusion that was meant to trick him though at this point if it was a trick he had already been tricked and would be ambushed for getting too close to the fake but he thought that it was the real one.

#3Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 10:30 am

Judith Karlinius
With a forest of reflection around her and the idea of finding a fitting flower to bring home, She would stop her thoughts at this time because something else had came up. A guild member she had not seen in a while. Thus Judith only felt really her duty was to followed so she would go talk to him.

As always she was glad people were not shy to talk to her, After all that was the entire point no one should ever be scared to talk to Judith."Master? I suppose that is still what I am."Judith chuckled about it because she did finally come to terms with it long a go but still never truly like she was one, But here she was. Then she would walk over with a some what peaceful look on her face and ask him."How have you been Ryuji?"It seemed like the fair question he had not seen him in a while.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jun 06, 2024 4:29 pm

Ryuuji looked at her and he wonders what she means by that. "What do you mean by that were you replaced well I was away?" Ryuuji was looking at her a bit confused on it all had he missed that much while he was away training and trying to reform himself a little? Ryuuji is looking her over and trying to gauge that she is really his guild master or not or if she was someone else and he had misidentified her.

When she spoke his name he guessed maybe she was the real guild master but he was going to keep an eye on her and watch for differences. "I am good been training to use my gifts." When he said that he grew two more eyes and he looked at her and they were all blinking out of time so it was a bit creepy looking and he gained two more ears as well as he stood there looking at her. "How about you Guild Master Judith?"

#5Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 3:27 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith did need to remember her casual statements that in which she sometimes felt could be taken oddly. Ryuji was the case of this happening."As much as some could take the position from me if they asked, I doubt anyone wants the work. But I have not been replaced.'In some manner should she really chose to step away some one would settle in quickly but most likely do the of the other casual things she does

As for his question."Perplexed by various thoughts and reflection of my own life."But these were Judith problems, something far more expansive then even felt it could ever explain simply. Even if she could sum it up as she need to let go and move on to facing and dealing other things she had been putting off dealing with."But I am always delighted that while my members aren't always at the guild, they will find me in happen stance and update me, Puts my mind at ease."Some how just having two more eyes did not seem to scare Judith or make her feel off in anyway.

Then almost like she seemingly was coming at peace with her thoughts she merely sighed and went."Maybe my thoughts and worries while having an easy solution...should be left alone for now."It did actually sound like Judith was internally troubled and she was not talking to anyone about it.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:22 am

Ryuuji looked at her and he wonders if maybe something was bad or wrong with the guild and she had to run from there for awhile. "Well if there is something I can do to help this let me know. I am not sure I can really help as I am still a small fish in the large ocean of far far bigger fishes." Him saying this had made him hungry now and he wonders if this country has anything that is good to eat and that will help him to fill this now self made void in himself that he needed to fix and he was drooling a little before he snapped back out of it as he was in front of the guild master this was unbecoming of him as there was much that he needed to prove to her and others.

Ryuuji wonders who could even take the spot of guild master if she were to leave it, as he knows that Kaito is always on business and he seemed to not like to be held down by things or held back by them, and is far too much of a free spirit to really be stopped from just leaving so he had no idea who could be the new master if something were to happen but he knows that he shouldn't be thinking that way in the moment as this was not one of those kinds of meetings this was more hopeful or so he hoped. "Is there something on your mind."

#7Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 3:25 am

Judith Karlinius
It seemed Judith would go in depth, But would just mention that she had some things on her mind. Ryuji also some one who just barely seemed to have entered the world that was his guild master, unsure if he dove into it things would scare him away or not."In some manner, I am happy my guild members can seem to find me at times even if in another part of the world."She wanted to laugh slightly about something since it was just how she was, why worry about such things right away when there was moment you could be happy about.

But she would merely state."For how long I have been alive, I am often reflect upon many things:My family, my children, The members in my family who had passed one...Various other things."Judith was reflecting on life. Something she was doing far too much of and letting get to her, But that was not becoming apparent yet. "Everything I have seen, good or bad with them, How it feels like yesterday at times while also seemingly being a long time a go."Maybe something just needed to give Judith a distraction for the moment.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 10:43 am

"I wasn't really looking for you I am kinda clearing my head and traveling as Kaori has gone missing I kind of wonder if she forgot about me or if she went off because she didn't want to be a burden to me anymore. She didn't leave a note or anything." He was speaking so she knew that he was also having his own burdens and that he was not sure if his were on par with her burdens but that he also was having some burdens so he was also on to how she might feel. Kaori was his world and now she is gone and it wasn't like her to just take off and not say anything or leave a note, so he can only grasp at the thin straws that he has left to him. Either she was taken, forgot him, or she wished to no longer be a burden to him and found it easier to just leave while he slept.

Ryuuji's heart hurt badly and he wasn't sure that he could really go on or not as she had saved him when he was lost and alone. She took him in and treated him like he belonged but now he lacked the stone that she use to be in his life and he has no idea what to do or where to go as she was his guiding light. "Keep strong and we might still get through this like the strong woman you are. I will probably take time to find my feet to even land." Ryuuji was trying to cheer her up but his voice lacked a good tone for it so it probably sounded bad.

#9Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:38 am

Judith Karlinius
It seemed Judith was witness some one else in their own struggles. These are the things she always trusted her guild member to come talk to her about. For the most part Judith seemed to list because she was just there to start being a helpful ear for him."I am unsure where exactly to guide you at this time, For this is news to me as well."But Judith was Judith she always had ways to some what maybe see what she could do to make some one feel better.

While she hoped Ryuji would not find it too strange as he seemed to always find Judith's actions in some view a bit more confusing at times given this is off of how she speak. But she merely walked over to him seemingly in the manner of always calm quiet and motherly and hugged Ryuji. Patting his back while they both seemed to maybe have a moment of quiet to settle their grieving minds even if only for a moment.

Here Judith was, in her mother unhealthy manner possible still holding on to something she shouldn't, After all she had came to terms about it what hurt her souls for years now, But still she struggled with various conflict with in her thoughts.

But her motherly hug for Ryuji she seemed to start showing him support."I admit what i am lingering one is...unhealthy."Judith admitted. But alas she continued on."But striding forwarding is possible..sometimes it is the steps forwards, not the finish line."


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:31 am

Ryu sighed a bit as he wasn't looking for pitty or guidance from the woman he was trying to connect but he guessed he had never really been able to connect to other people. He looked at her and he spoke again. "I think that maybe you need to take some time and rest yourself. I am not sure what struggles you have gone through or are going through but they are probably bigger than mine." He clearly had no idea that losing someone you love is as a big of a deal as it is, he was still hoping that his wife would reappear and be back with him not knowing that she was most likely not going to come back to him if she just vanished like that.

He stepped away from the guild master a bit as he was going to give her room to breath as she had been through something clearly as she is still trying to comfort him as she suffered in her own issues. "Is there a way that I can help you?" Ryu spoke before he had really fully thought out if he was able to even help in anyway as he is kinda like a rock but bull headed.

#11Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 2:00 pm

Judith Karlinius
In reality Judith was no fool, This all totally relied on her and she needed to move on, This showed she was entirely going insane.But she would get back into control eventually she just never too much time for herself to let it settle for long, only because she never gave herself the time now days."I don't merely do that enough."Judith seemed to over all just barely leave her guild master duties, often merely just hiding behind working and doing things in other ways. So she would make choices over all and settled herself quickly for now."Well first thing is: I will be okay, I will managed with a bit more time alone soon."Judith seemed to be over all trying to get better over all now days and spend more time to herself.

But maybe this would be something for him."But shall we, take a casual stroll together? return to the city hopefully refreshed and clear of thoughts"Judith seemed to not dismiss her problems but suggested they walk together just in case, Maybe just to merely keep each other in check, trying not to make it anything to extreme or out there.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:21 pm

The man agrees to what she said and he walks beside her as she seemed like a mother to the guild members though he did wonder why if she is struggling this hard that Kaito the guilds ace wasn't stepping up to be a stand in guild master for her, or was he but she was still stressed as he had seen the dimensional man being around the guild and helping more often as of late. Ryu wasn't sure but he was not going to ask the guild master on if Kaito was a slacker with power, or if he was more a silent guardian to the guild as he knows that he is still a bottom of the ladder guild member though he was thinking about leaving the guild and maybe finding something for himself as he just keeps seeing ghosts of his missing wife in the guild hall and in his home.

He might need a change or something to distract him but he wasn't sure that he could get that if he stayed in once place and felt like shit from never finding what factor that he needed to change and to take on if he was to get past this maybe he would find his wife if he broke free of this and looked for a different opening some where else that might help him find the place and things he needed not that Judith wasn't helping him but just he was not sure that he could keep this up and faking that he didn't see what he saw in the dark halls of the guild hall.

#13Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 8:21 am

Judith Karlinius
For Judith it seemed in the end there was a clam here. Then again Judith was also looking for flowers but that was just her normal hobby to collect flowers from the area and just bring them back to her house. So she would think about that while she was walking with him.

In some manner this was entirely not all about Judith herself there was a few other things in mind she had in her mind. But while she walked and observed the planet life. She seemed to be admire the plants of Sin it was wonderful.

The tree's were pretty, the flower were wonderful, everything here was ideal for any. So she would eventually walk over to a flower she saw that was pretty enough. Take it after making sure she would not get in trouble. Then walk over to Ryuuji and tucked the flower on to one of his ears.

Then giggled about it slightly. Seeing if maybe he could smile just as much as Judith was trying. For now it was not entirely about rankings and guilds. It was about clearing the mind.

Afterwords she would take another one."This will be nice to bring home, The garden needs more in it."Judith seemed to be back to normal at this time like she was starting to clear her mind.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 8:30 am

Ryu wondered if this woman was really okay as he walked with her than she put that flower behind his ear it triggered memories of his missing wife and how she was a plant based mage. He didn't smile and just looked distressed at this. Ryu knows that he was just being over sensitive, he was in pain but he really couldn't even do anything about it as the one he seeks had left him and he was just wandering and wondering if she was every going to come back to him in the end he had no idea's to if he could even do it or even get close to being able to get over his wife and her just being gone like she was, she was his rock as much as he was her rock but Ryu tried to force a smile but it was betrayed by the tears that welled and built up in the corners of his eyes.

"You will need to make sure to take a soil sample to see if you can match the dirt's condition and type so it will grow for you as plants are... delicate and easily ruined." He spoke from the things that his wife had told him when he use to bring her plants and him not having a true understanding of the harm he was doing and things he was ruining with his misguided attempts to make her happy in the past but Ryu knows that he should forget it but these memories cling tightly to his heart and feel as if he is ripping apart of his own heart out as he tried to come to terms with her leaving him.

#15Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 6:37 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was good advise, Something Judith knew already alas would still thank him for. After all she did not expect him to know about that. But he was not around Judith enough for her know what things he knew or not. But she seemed some what delighted with such a situation.

Even finally remarking."I will be sure to match it, along with the condition's for all of them in my garden."Judith would mentioned she was unsure how well he was getting through and connecting to him so far. but she won't give up yet she would still try.

She maybe just needed to try and rethink how to interact with him."However, thank you for mentioning that. Most people do not know how to tend to flowers."It was something he did not expect from him, but one person does learn a lot in their life.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:58 am

He looked at her and he wondered if he should even say why and how he knows such a thing but he guessed for the sake of saying something to let the woman know. "Well Kaori was a plant mage turned fae so she kind of made sure I knew how to tend to flowers as she couldn't stand when I messed up flowers on accident." It hurt him to think back to those memories of when he was happy and with the one he loved who was now gone from his life and had been missing for awhile but he knows that he was never born as a demi-human to be such a coward. He needed to embrace his animal pride and grow his own power and not just be a chicken filled with fear and regrets.

He looked at the guild master and thinks of a question about her married life. "How do you stay with the same person for as long as you have is there some kind of hidden tactic to doing it?" He had heard that the guild master was married and had children of her own and a loving husband that has been at her side for a long time.

#17Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 3:44 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was a puzzle many figured out, how did Judith and her husband Anders managed all these years together, In some manner Judith never fully figured out. With how she changed in these latter years of her marriage she was shocked Anders had not merely elected Judith and his marriage to end because Judith was not the same person anymore. She would out live him. Judith wouldn't lie to herself for some time now she felt guilty that she had so many things change her that Anders merely seemed content to die in his old age. But he seemed still a happy and humble old man. Putting aside his grumpiness at times.

Judith would fix this in a simple way."There is a degree of understand it that everyone is different, We all work differently."Judith mentioning the most simple of things first for a reason. Judith was different than Kaori. Anders was different than him."There is years of trial and error...learning likes and dislikes, How you work with one another."This was the basics but there was something that maybe she was unsure if she explained it.

That would be understood."But understand the trials you both will live through, Will test your wills, desires, fortitude and patience."As she said to start with. Then adding in."There are a lot of things that will challenge you from personal failures, Sickness, Family at times."Judith even paused for a moment. "And Death. Everything will test this bond and your faith to one another."She wondered if he was getting something of value out of this at this point.

She almost felt like she was starting to over explain."You and whomever you are with will need to learn each other, to over come the hardships of the world and life together, While learning and ensuring your bond never fails."Then she would wait to see what he would say about it, After all there was surely more questions to come form him.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 4:06 pm

He looked at her and he tried to understand what she was saying and trying to explain to him about how it all works but a lot of it just went in one ear and out the other or just plain went over his head. Ryu just kept trying to work it out in his head even though he was not a bright bulb he was trying to make sense in his brain in a different way than when he was hearing it but he was starting to see why Kaori had just left him as he was not good enough for her it would seem at least to him now that he had heard what the guild master had said to him.

Ryu just sighed as he was sure he didn't really understand it but he was still young he guessed and maybe later on it would make more sense to him when he was in the moment of it happening maybe a break through. "I will try to figure out your meanings in time I guess, most of it just bounced off of me." He was willing to admit that maybe he was the problem here and not anyone else that could have come under fire for it.

#19Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:42 am

Judith Karlinius
In some manner it seemed she tried because there was only so many things she could do. Some of it was over all experience as well and that was the part that she could not entirely give him, In some manner he might know that sad part already."I can only teach so much, before one has to learn from experience."Judith mentioned as she did not sound disappointed. Just unsure how else she could help.

As much as she really wanted too."I am unsure how else i could show what guide you, At least here anyway, I am sure if i was in fiore I could fine a random couple with my magic and we could move through out their life and see what they dealt with and learn from it."Judith said as a random example. But it was a suggestion, if he had other idea Judith would not mind hearing it.

But at least he knew, Judith actually did want to help him, in some manner he did not view him hopeless.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:23 pm

The man was a bit scared by the power the woman just said that she had that she could just walk through a whole couples life with her magic and he was not sure if she was being serious or joking with him but he needed to make sure that he didn't cross her in some way that she might use that grand power on him and he end up dead before it was his time cause she aged him to death or something. He was staying on guard. "I was more asking so I could have an idea of what I had done wrong..."

The man now understands how stupid he was in even asking this of his guild master and he needed to make sure that he could do what he needed to do to get stronger and maybe be able to grow from the small and whimpy loser he was into someone that was worth being kept around for more things that just to look pretty and to lug things for people. "I Don't need you to show me but thank you for the offer." He bowed his head and he got closer to the ground to look at more of the flowers as he wondered what all there were here.

#21Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:20 am

Judith Karlinius
Now since it was a straight forward question, She most likely could ask him something to maybe see if he could piece together how it could be pieced together after all she never went into his life and check what all and all went on with it. After all Judith did keep boundaries even then before she asked her question."I will mention, It was a joke about the use of my magic....time magic is something risky to use."Judith mentioned because she seemingly was going actually ask him a serious question, Maybe it could help maybe it wouldn't.

First she would ask. in her series of question."How often did you talk to her about what she wanted and felt?"Judith was getting right down to the point of it since it might help him in some manner."Have you done anything she would consider being wrong for the marriage?"Do note she was not saying he did anything, Just asking his view of it there was still plenty of chance for whatever he thought up to be true or not.

And with the final question for this moment she would be sure to ask."Are there also things she did that could have cause both of you to drift away?"There were the serious questions and she wanted him to at least try and think about it.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 7:07 am

He looked at her and he wondered if there was something that he had done that might have put the marriage into trouble or not. He was recalling anything that he could have done that would have done that but he knows that he is also not a bastion of information either as he only goes on instinct. He goes to speak and he stops himself for a second. "I think I did all that I could do. The best drift I think is the fact that a Fairy stole a huge chunk of her memories... Which scared her into thinking that soon she would fully forget me." He was not sure if that was right or not but that was where he was standing with it as it was something that he had but he had no other ideas about it.

"Yeah but your magic... It could change that... Save her from that right?" He looked at the guild master knowing it was too dangerous of a thing to ask as she had said so herself that it was dangerous to mess with the timeline but she could be the answer the one that could fix his wife's memories... but there was nothing really wrong her that needed fixed... He held his head and was trying to make sense of his own thoughts as he was thinking as if she was broken or wrong and this all just made him feel despair from the thoughts and the way he spoke about her... He thinks that he sees why she abandoned him.

#23Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:20 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was a good thing to ask this question for it might give him some insight to his guild master, In some manner while Judith had over all a good and wonderful power in which she would over all have to sadden keep use at a limit for reason at that at the time actually might seem, Stupid as well if they went in depth enough, Mentally taxing and damaging to Judith as there was things very clearly things she wanted to fix at point but just didn't because of a thing that most people would think is stupid to agree too.

There was a slightly depressed look on her face. Ryuuji would going to learn a harsh lesson of what Judith's life is."Ryuuji, While I want too help. I sadly have to tell you I can not help."Judith mentioned seemingly only wanting to get that disappointment out now. As in equal parts Judith felt powerless.

Even if Ryuuji most likely did as well."In my case with time magic. There is boundaries in place, I can not personally alter these things as it was an oath I was told I needed to take to keep this timeline unaltered."Judith mentioned almost like she equally hated it well."Even I have had to resist temptation...My daughter would still be alive.."Judith mentioned that lingering and hidden defeat she had in her mind that Ryuuji just witness.

There as things she could show, But she could not just change the past."I can not change things that have already happen, We can see and learn from it...But can not alter the past."In theory how looking into the past to learn from it to solve the problem in the present wasn't altering the time line, But she was not hear to logically argue that.


Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:46 am

"What is the use of having time magic if you can't use it?" Ryuuji was confused as the woman had just said she wasn't allowed to undo something that had already happened but wasn't that what her magic was about? To be able to shift time and undo stuff that had happened already or was her magic just pointless things like changing the future that hadn't happened yet. Ryuuji had to wonder now if his guild master was even all that powerful or if it was all just lies told to him from Kaito about their guild master being a hero. Ryuuji would have to find Kaito again and try and get the truths out of him as Kaito was a hero or so people say but there was nothing that was able to be touched to prove that he was anything other then a liar and a fraud.

Ryuuji thinks about what could have happened to the guild masters daughter and how she died but he knows that he shouldn't ask that as there might be more there than he really wants to know right now after her had just lost his wife and only family that he had.

#25Judith Karlinius 

Now She's Here Too.(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 4:32 pm

Judith Karlinius
I seems now Judith would have to go in depth and explain things that she had a feeling he would not understand right away. But she would have to try anyway."Well Ryuuji, The most simple way of explaining why, Can be explained as. An altered action of things that already happened can cause events to alter horribly from what would happened if things where left untouched."Judith mentioned it was trying to keep explaining the Butterfly effect fairly simple."One small change....can blow up into other massive things."At least it seemed Judith was trying, to explain it maybe she would use a more personal example.

While it was not entirely possible he would feel unsure how to take her example."Say...I where to go back in time, Alter my daughters passing in Honsenka so that she lived. What is to say her not passing on doesn't lead to worst evens coming from it? What if she ended up becoming a corrupted rune knight and just making a massive chain of horrible events from it?"It was an extreme mention but it was the first one she could string up.

"What if I never joined Fairy Tail and ended in a dark guild?"It was another extreme example as well. But their was some examples to what could happen from small choices.

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