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Candy Crush [Tamas]

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#1Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:15 am

Farah †

WORDS: 210 | Dusky Desire

“Haah… Haah… Yes, Horvath, yesss! Much better!” The bronze skin of the battling belle seeming to be slick with sweat as she continued her duel with the dashing and to some daunting figure she had found her fondness flourishing with, and whether it was the image of this Amazonian woman thrilled by her fight or the action itself it seemed that their contest had seemed to accrue a small crowd, who watched on with the same rapt attention which the dynamic diva now gave to the contest between them. Though right now any and all around were scarcely an afterthought for the scarlet siren and the sheen she carried.

“Make me pant like you did last night~?” Instead all of her attention and interest focused upon the figure who was finally finding a way to bring out her best if the way in which her chest was heaving was anything to go by, after drawing in that nourishing air to flood her lungs and the form beyond it once more Miss Azur went on the offensive with the baton she held in hand with a lashing low swipe, aiming to unseat him from the floor so that she might finally and properly get a chance to swing fully at the target they both sought to shatter…!


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#2Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:54 am

Tamás Horvath
It seemed as if Farah was pleased that she was pushed in a more unfavourable position in their little match. She liked to struggle. He wondered if she was perhaps always willing to lose to him. Did she want him to dominate her and defeat her. Usually his mind didnt flow that way. He was the oblivious type, but after their excursion, he couldnt help but think in that manner if Lady Azar wanted to....

And then she spoke the words which only seemed to confirm what he was thinking "If you ask me that way, I will oblidge" though she wished she worded more... discreetly infront of a budding crowd. Well, he hoped it wasnt as obvious as it was to him, perhaps because of their activities he was 'in the know' more. But he was so daft on these manners that he just didnt know what was an obvious innuendo and what wasnt. Nevertheless, he would focus to swiftly win this little match so he can get his own spoils, since milady wishes to pant

#3Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Thu Dec 07, 2023 7:16 am

Farah †

WORDS: 230 | Dusky Desire

“Impress me, and maybe you'll earn sweetness even greater than the pinata~?” Driving the stick she had in hand against that of her lover's and leaning in close as she did so, with the heat of battle only seeming to warm her spirit all the more the voice of Farah became a growl, though not an unpleasant one. Promising reward for his endeavours if her managed to finally get the better of her, the dishy desiertian showed that she was far from the sorest of losers when it came to the art of competition, and instead rather savoured the proof of a worthy foe instead.

“Speaking of… Now you're taking this seriously, perhaps it's time for the prize~!” Not that she had much intention of making his life easy in that regard and showing this as she decided that it was finally time to begin their battle in earnest now they were both properly warmed up, after pulling back and lunging forward again in a feint the fox showed her experience in a fight as well as the incredible athleticism which came from her elven breed as she vaulted into the air in a backward flip, attempting to fake out the blind man as she arced around and made a beeline for the true object of their attacks. And this time, she rather hoped the man would be right on her tail…!

  • Drawing in close, she clashes weapons and offers a promise of a reward for his hard work.
  • Feinting with a lunge afterward, she shows off that Elven agility by backflipping and making a run for the Pinata!


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#4Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Sun Dec 10, 2023 5:11 am

Tamás Horvath
Well, if she wanted to be dominated, who was he to deny. So as they clashed he put much more force into his actions, such as the strike of the stick against hers, pouring the force and the power of the struggle to push her down to her knees.

But she pulled back and started lunging forward again in a feint. He had reacted accordingly and recognized a feint when he saw one. She was much more athletic than him while he was much more sturdy. She was light as a feather as she vaulted in the air with a backwards flip, while he was like a stone, grounded and unmoving. When he realized her strategy, he went immediatelly after her as he realized the object she wanted. So he rushed after her, hopefully to grab her and make sure she doesnt get her pinata prize before him. His goal was to simply grab her and toss her overhead behind him. She was shown to be athletic so she can land safely on her feet


#5Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Wed Dec 13, 2023 6:12 am

Farah †

WORDS: 230 | Dusky Desire

“Wuh-!” The bronze belle ultimately still baiting the boy to impress her and as such caught with a pleasant sense of surprise when the lad lunged and sent her flying through the air with a resplendent throw, even one so experienced and agile as Farah found her eyes widening as her world was suddenly turned upside down, though she both qualities played into her response. More than used to utilizing the acrobatic ability of her elven breed and responding as much on reflex as anything else, a strong hand and arm to support planted into the floor once it moved into her reach, and with a thrust of said implement she tipped her balance over and landed on the ground with her feet splayed and that free mitt to support her.

“Uffuffuffu…! Yes! Yessss!!! We have no need for crude tools between us!” The sizzling siren feeling satisfied by his commitment to the contest at last as well and for that reason seeming to forget the timber within her grasp by tossing it away, after chuckling for a moment she returned to her man unarmed and fuelled by fire as she ducked low and swung one of those long and trunk-like legs of hers at the ankles of her adversary to fell him like an oak, and all the while felt her excitement growing. I mean, for her, this was practically foreplay…


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#6Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Mon Dec 18, 2023 5:04 am

Tamás Horvath
He rushed for the pinata and was ready to take a swing at it, considering he tossed Farah behind him like she was a rolled up piece of paper, yes thats how light she was. Besides, he expected her to come out unscathed with her agility and dexterity, so what was the deal?

Well the deal was that she bounced back rather fast to catch up to him. And not only that she went to do a leg sweep in an attempt to trip him up. What she didnt anticipate though was that he was like a hard tank. If her legs were like a long tree trunk, he was like a steel wall. So he merely halted as he looked at her and asked "Was I supposed to react?" because he assumed that she hurt herself. So he picked her up bridal style, walked her to a place to sit and... gave her a noogie "You must concede, you cannot defeat me. Understand?" After which he got up and made his way to finish their competition

#7Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 7:10 am

Farah †

WORDS: 300 | Dusky Desire

So, not quite so immovable when he puts his mind to it~? The brow of the bronze beauty lifting as she found that swinging sweep stopped in it's path by the sheer resilience which her rival showed her, while the result involved no small amount of smarting in the leg which had collided with his all that Miss Azur could do was grin with excitement, at least until she found her frame being handled in a manner she did not expect. Instead seeming to widen her gaze as the moment of admiration and stinging pain allowed her adversary to lift her into a bridal carry, those glittering irises shined and even a woman like her had to feel a hint of blush in her cheeks at such generous treatment, though she wasn’t about to simply lay back and accept defeat.

“My, my, how foolish, Horvath~!” Never one to give up the ghost until she knew that she was beaten and as such exploiting how much her frame would occupy his hands to strike at the man with an almost merciless fervour by kicking up her leg and more importantly the firmness of her knee cap, she aimed this directly at his nose to stun him, though really used this only as the introductory act of her rebellion.
“I've spent my life having men tell me what I can and cannot do, and it hasn't stopped me yet!” Always able to count on that every present balance and agility and using those as she tipped herself out of that grasp and sprang off her hands when her head plummeted groundward, once more the vixen aimed for their pinata in a mildly limping sprint, showing that no matter how much more dominant his frame was her spirit would never be so simply beaten…!


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#8Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:03 am

Tamás Horvath
He grabbed his face as she slipped away from him. He quietly cussed to himself as he was remined ANOTHER reason why to ALWAYS wear his helm. He heard her speak something which was curious, yet he didnt know that. He probably would've been able to appreciate it if his nose didnt hurt like hell now. He didnt feel like competing truth be honest, he just felt tired. Competition was good every once in a while, but not always as he wasnt a competitive man. He had a few thoughts in his mind as he heard Lady Azar. But he didnt have the thinking power to connect those thoughts into a theory.

He looked into her direction and see that she was in a mild sprint to get the pinata. He shrugged and mildly rushed behind her. He didnt mind if she won this, what he would mind is if she did call him out that he let her. In this case, he was content with letting her win. He did try his best before, she bested him again. He conceeded. He wouldnt mind this being his final competition, if she challenges him again, he might have to decline

#9Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:59 am

Farah †

WORDS: 240 | Dusky Desire

Still taking it easy on me, hm~? Feeling a note of guilt for the crunching impact which she had given to the nose of her lover as she allowed her excitement and drive to prove herself get the better of her, all the same Farah couldn't help but shake her head a little when she saw the man holding back and allowing her to race for the finish line without him, and rolled her green gaze because of that fact. It was time to teach him a lesson about his chivalry, no~?

Well then~! The vixen more than able to vault high enough to snatch their prize out of the air on account of this absence of opposition and showing that as she lurched upward and pulled the Pinata into hand, since the aim of the game was to break it rather than seize it she decided to take pity on him just the same as he had her and turned around and lined her aim up square with his skull, before unleashing it like a missile toward him. Perhaps such horseplay likely to earn her recrimination from most but the clash between her leg and his telling her that he was more than tough enough to shrug it off, all she could do was smirk as she landed on the ground with a roll, and then fold her arms as she showed him that she was just as good at throwing contests as he was…


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#10Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:51 am

Tamás Horvath
He allowed her to win this one. But to his surprise she did not destroy the pinata, instead she swiped it and threw it at him. He used his free hand to clench it into a fist and be in the pinata's trajectory so he can destroy it. Once he had done and destroyed the pinata with the combined effort of him and her. He just sighed and sat down. He was tired. He let go of his nose and looked at his fingers to see it was bleeding a bit. He hoped she didnt break it. A knee to the nose tended to be rather bad. But he was not a doctor. Perhaps he should check on that and seek one out. Broken anything aint good.
But for now he just looked at Farah and gave her a thumbs up. Although after all of this, he was in the mood to rest and call off any competitions still

#11Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Sun Dec 24, 2023 7:24 am

Farah †

WORDS: 220 | Dusky Desire

“Looks like this victory is yours, Ser Horvath~?” The girl with the green gaze grinning as broadly as she might have done had she smashed the pinata on her own terms when she saw it explode in a shower of sweets before her, Farah let loose a breath as she felt her pulses still pounding with adrenaline and shook her hair out, and perhaps was glad for that systemic shot in the arm as she felt the way in which her leg seemed to be throbbing already. That was going to leave a bruise tomorrow, now?

“Perhaps we should find you a spoil or two, for your win~?” Not that she wouldn't cherish it as a badge of honour like the other marks she had received from battles worth her memory, all the same now that the heat of the contest had died down the dusky dish felt that little bit guilty for allowing herself to get carried away, and especially so when she noted how the nose of her perhaps a little too gentlemanly knight was oozing. For that reason heading over to him and lifting her thumbs to it gently to inspect the damage tenderly, she was hopefully that it hadn't been broken and satisfied to see it wasn't too crooked either, but likely would be sore and swollen for a few days further wouldn't it…?


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#12Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Sat Dec 30, 2023 3:46 am

Tamás Horvath
He blinked as he looked at her. His victory? Unlikely, she got to the pinata first, so she won it. He didnt understand how did she think he won? So he shook his head as now she was giving him wins that he didnt win. All he wanted to do now was find a healer to do some magic and rest up. Competitions typically dont get his adrenaline going much unless its a battle of life and death.

He noticed that Farah approached him and lifted her hand up to him to inspect him rather softly and gently.
"Can my spoils be a healer?" he asked her as he went to just grab his helm and place it back on his head. Thinking that he was a fool for moving away his head and face protection. A lesson learned that a pretty face is also a deadly face. He was a fool for sure, but he wont fall for beauty any longer

#13Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Wed Jan 03, 2024 6:18 am

Farah †

WORDS: 280 | Dusky Desire

“Ahahaha, I can play nursey, if you want~?” The bronze beauty left to laugh at the request which her man made as his reward for his victory, she couldn't help but tip her head to the side a little as she considered the matter of offering him some aid for the injury she had inflicted upon him, and bobbed her brows as she thought of a rather specific means of helping him to feel better. Though as he shuffled away from her she couldn't help but let loose a sigh and a shake of her head as he seemed to be bearing something of a grudge, at least from where she was standing.

“Oh come now, when you put that thing on it seems like you're sulking~?” Rolling her eyes a little as she watched him reach for that bucket-like helm and exhaling heavily once more as a result, while there was a certain kind of charm about brooding men that she didn't entirely dislike Farah still called him out for such grumpy behaviour as she followed after him, and once that headpiece was in place seemed to show an immediate disapproval for that fact.
“How can I see your pretty eyes when you hide them so~?” For that reason the flame haired fox reaching for it but a moment later to remove it and shaking her head again as she did so, she let her voice relax into something breathy and teasing as she implored him not to hide himself away from her like this, aiming to remove the obstruction so that she might give him a far better form of healing for his battered nose. Like, for instance, a smoochy or two~?


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#14Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Tue Jan 09, 2024 4:54 am

Tamás Horvath
"If you wish" if she wanted to play nursey then sure, she can go for it. Who was he to deny her of that pleasure. Though he never really saw an attractive nurse. She'd probably be the first one. Though he knows he heard that ladies do look prettier in a nurse outfit. He never got it, maybe because he simply hasnt ran into one that looks good. Or maybe he's just overcomplicating things. Then again if we think about this current moment, that overthinking does help with the pain of a knee to the nose.

He looks at her curiously, but is unable to comment because he was bit puzzled at her comment and did not know what to tell her as a reply. "I can always take a different helm?" was the only thing he could think of. He had different armours and designs of helms. Hell, he even had one with a 'see no evil' motif. Perhaps his reply was not good, but it was an offer to please her and him. A win win for him.
"I just believe every time I take off my helm, I get hurt in the face. Like the one time I took it off, a highwayman decided to attack me and slash me" hence he pointed to a faint scar over his face

He softly chuckled when she mentioned his eyes. Again he didnt know what she saw in him. Whenever he looked himself in the mirror, his eyes to him appeared just very very tired. But somehow found beauty in them. He wondered if that was a sign. Well if it was, it hit him squarely in the face so he doesnt miss it
"You flatter me. But if anyone has beautiful eyes. It is you. I am just a common brute" it wasnt the most flattering of replies. He didnt want to make it a 'no you' more than it was. But to him, it was the true. She was the pearl here, not him.

#15Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Tue Jan 09, 2024 7:14 am

Farah †

WORDS: ### | Dusky Desire

“Uffuffuffu, why, my gaze certainly is gorgeous, but yours is too my dear Horvath~?” The bronze belle certainly not able to deny the thrill which was carried in the mix of blue and green which coloured her eyes and the energy which usually suffused it, though it was sweet of her Horvath to try to flatter her at the same time she would not lay the issue lay when it came to the vision before her, and even though she knew all too well that he was not all that accustomed or comfortable when it came to being flattered like this she wasn't going to give up on the subject either.
“These gems hold so much in them, so many stories and sweetnesses, it would be a crime to deny the viewer~?” By no means doubting what a prize many and perhaps most would see her as but at the same time taking pride in the fact that she only picked lovers who were worthy of her, it was painfully evident to her that for all of his belief in his ability when it came to battles the boy was lacking a little when it came to his faith in his beauty, and therefore she was determined to change that fact.

“Then it's decided! Your boon shall be…” Sensing that there was a great deal of depth to this solemn and sober figure and wanting to peel back those layers like one would onion or ogre, though she had initiated this little tryst of theirs as a fun little distraction she found herself enamoured by his complexity and that need he had to guard himself, and frankly wanted to strip him naked and have her way with him in more ways than one because of that.
“My being your bodyguard~? Making sure no one ruins my latest treasure~? At least once you've been thoroughly nursed, of course~?” For this reason deciding that she would stick with him a while longer yet and concocting the perfect excuse to do so, Farah hummed as she revealed this intent and then aimed to sweep his hand into her own as they once more collected up their things and moved onward to somewhere she might procure the kind of costume which would suit their fantasy, of course…


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#16Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Wed Jan 10, 2024 2:51 am

Tamás Horvath
"Very well, as you wish" he relented and allowed Farah to convince him into not putting on the helm. Farah then spoke how it was decided, and the man looked at her curiously as she spoke what his boon would be. He didnt know what to make of it as he awaited what she would say.

And thats when the reveal would came, her being his bodyguard? Did he understood that well? It certainly surprised him. What Farah would notice that he was very expressive.. with his face... that he would constantly hide under his helm. One could imagine how many people had missed these moments and just took him for being quiet and were missing tons of context. From every bewildered expression to a simple smile, a lot of these moments would be missed
Tamas listened to her and the first sentence was so surprising that he almost missed evrything that came after it
"A-ah, I see. Well... hmm... let the nursing begin?" he spoke a bit unsure and in a questioning tone as he was uncertain what exactly was beginning with this declaration
Thus thy lady took his hand into her own as they moved onward, where? He had no clue anymore

#17Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:55 am

Farah †

WORDS: 230 | Dusky Desire

“Uffuffuffu, though if I'm going to play the part, I should look it, right~?” The titan of chivalry one who was often stoic and understated but so rarely left speechless or stammering the few words he chose to speak, that little misstep and the unsure tone he carried seemed like reward enough for Miss Azar to debase herself a little with what was to follow, and as such she seemed to snicker and bob her brows a she declared that she would go the whole hog now that she had opted to do it. I mean, just because it was a treat for him, didn't mean she couldn't benefit as well, right?

“Let's hope a few of the costume shops are open~? Especially if they've got some nice, tight sizes, hm~?” The minx more than able to guess that she would get quite the sweet reward of her own as she watched a man as steely and sober as this seem to melt to her own charms, serious boys had always been the most fun for her to tease and she expected the same would be true as she suggested they find something she might just struggle to contain herself in, and swept his arm up into her own as she urged him onward, only too happy to show off the grand prize that this year's day of the dead had brought her…


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#18Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Fri Jan 19, 2024 3:21 am

Tamás Horvath
She really knew how to make him at a loss for words. What could he say or do to that?
"I..." he was speechless when she merely said that she wanted to look the part, but then mentioning a costume shop really made him so "Well... I am sure they have some for the Dias de los Muertos, right? There is bound to be something"

It was the best he could say. With pinatas and drinks and all that fun and celebration, there was bound to be something here at Stella. So he would explore the area to find some shop that would please her. That was all he could do. He thought he would've been prepared for this kind of stuff when he met the Blue Pegasus guild master, but not even that could make him handle something like Farah. So what should he do? Well... maybe he should embrace it and just relax and go with it? It was something he still needed to get to use to. He should accept that someone does actually like him, no matter how bizarre it is to him. But the sooner the accepts it, the better it will be for the both of them. But first things first. Costume for her, and healing his face for him.

#19Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Sun Jan 21, 2024 8:21 am

Farah †

WORDS: ### | Dusky Desire

“Yeeeaaahhh, I'd imagine so~” The bronze beauty certainly not hating the manner in which her lover looked that little bit bewildered by both her suggestion and the behaviour which accompanied it, though the fact was surprising she had guessed from these moments of simple intimacy and affection that while he handled himself well in the sheets the streets were a whole new issue, and found that strangely endearing. For all of his dauntless bearing he could still be cute as hell, and that was something which she couldn't help but savour since it seemed a side that was a privilege only to women like her.

“The hard part will be finding something that fits…” For that reason feeling happy to stroll down the streets with him in a manner befitting the recent coupling, even though some might have stared at their size or the fact that they were each wearing pieces of armour she did not mind the rather public display of their new connection, and merrily seemed to march along by wrapping his arm about her shoulders and her own around his waist.
“Though I suppose a little pinching in the right places won't hurt either of us, hm~?” Teasing that shell about him as she did so as well and perhaps looking to garner secrets that his enemies would love to know by probing and pressuring his plate with her fingertips, she couldn't help but want to find a few weak spots through which she might be able to tease and tickle, though what she found would remain a closely guarded secret limited to only herself. After all, this man was hers and hers alone to enjoy, right~?


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#20Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:12 am

Tamás Horvath
He sort of chuckled or coughed or something between that when she said that it might be hard to find something that fits her. Knowing her, he imagined he had an idea what she meant by that. Though just as he was easing in all of this, small bits and gestures still surprise him, but on a smaller scale. Such as her wrapping his arm around her shoulders and her own around his waist. No one did that, usually, and well whats a big '''''''''usually'''''''''' he had one night stands at best. And '''''''usually'''''', that would be end of that. No one really stuck around, then again, neither did he. So this whole thing with Lady Azar was like new uncharted waters. So does this make them a couple? He didnt quite know when does one become a significant other and when not. Those lines are blurred to him that he just had no idea. He was someone with 0 relationship knowledge. If dating knowledge was a stat, it would be -100. Yes, in the negatives. He was that dense. Then again, a guy who saw himself as an ugly duckling who didnt expect any action, didnt have a reason to learn about love.
"That be true" he reply curtly as he did his best to maintain his composure.

#21Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Sun Jan 28, 2024 7:48 am

Farah †

WORDS: ### | Dusky Desire

“Ohhhhhh~? You like the sound of that, Mr Stoic~?” The quietness which Tamas showed something which Miss Azar found endearing in its own way, despite those youthful looks she was no silly little girl begging for the attention of the man beside her but rather a figure of age and wisdom who liked to peel back the layers of those many would overlook, and as such the prize that was seeing a man of such composure like this blush or be at a loss for words was far more alluring to her than the false promises of playboys or bragging of belligerents.
“They say watch out for the quiet ones~” Enjoying the fact that she could take such a strong and perhaps at times serious man and make him hers, the fact that she had quite the level of seniority over all those of races outside her own had made the bronze belle rather comfortable when it came to wearing the proverbial pants in a relationship, and found that one of the things she was starting to appreciate more and more about the leader of Guardia Compagnia was his willingness to defer to his women.

“Uffuffuffu, maybe I should see what else they do, since you like that thing so much~?” Such a fact only meaning that she wished to dote upon him all the more even if she tended to show that fact in a manner which was rather vixenly and mischievous, given the rather generous number of years she had left to live as an elf she was happy to play the proverbial long game with the lad, though enough of a thrill seeker that she didn't mind nudging the wheel now and then to see how things played out.
“Anything you'd like to see me in~?” Ultimately just wanting to peel back the walls he had and see what lay beneath those layers of chivalry and command, she savoured the notion of finding those cracks in his armour both literally and figuratively, and seemed to grin merrily as she continued to bait him to show the spice she knew lay beneath his wall of decency. I mean, there just HAD to be a reason he kept these sort of things locked down with a tight, heavy lid, no~?


And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

#22Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Sun Jan 28, 2024 8:33 am

Tamás Horvath
"Hah, well that also would be true" to watch out for the quiet ones. She would know that he was a bit of a deviant when it came to making love. Its just he knows what to do with the carnal pleasure once you get down to it, but not so much with anything before that. Such as flirtation and romance love stuff. He was aware of the watch out for the quiet ones. His whole demenour would never let anyone guess that he was experienced in a certain sexual field of area. And yet he was, very much so. Hell, Farah probably put him more into practice and thus he was better. But when it came to peeling those layers, thats the part he was getting stuck on. Which is kinda typical for him.

She then asked him more stuff, though he was able to answer one "Well, lets not get ahead of ourselves. A lovely nurse seems nice" one step at the time. She wanted to be nurse, they can let her be nurse. They have plenty of time to think about any other options. He usually did things rather raw, though he heard some people like to dress fancy in a roleplay kind of way. He never did it that way. Its like a kink as far as he heard. Well, it'd be an interesting self discovery to find what he likes in terms of that.

#23Farah † 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Thu Feb 01, 2024 4:37 am

Farah †

TOTAL WORDS: 3300 | Dusky Desire

“A man of simple ambitions, hm~? Very well…” The devilish dish feeling a dash of disappointment for the fact that she did not see her man admitting to some rosy cheeked fantasy or something of the sort, ultimately she had not expected him to be so easy a nut to crack so wasn't dismayed by such a fact, though did suspect that there might be even greater deliciousness to be found if she was patient and cunning enough. All in good time, she supposed.

“Well then… Nurse Farah better make sure she takes real good care of her patient, hm~?” Not that she wasn't thrilled for the change to comport herself with such frisky foolishness now of course and as such the leggy lass batting her eyelashes over those emerald eyes as she teased him on that very topic, given the relish she demonstrated for the subject one perhaps was left to wonder whether she was doing this more for him or herself really, but ultimately fun shared was fun doubled, no?
“Not a moment to spare, either. This nurse needs a Horvath in the sheets, stat~!” Even going so far as to feel an uncommon sense of urgency for the subject as well, and seeming to show that as she threaded her fingers with that of her lover and broke first into a marching stride and then something which was almost a run as well, with her little appetiser for the day out of the way she was more than ready for her main course, and that lay just one short trip to the costume shop away, no~?



And a smile to guide you through it~
- Farah Azar -

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Farah on Mon Feb 19, 2024 11:25 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding Total Wordcount)

#24Tamás Horvath 

Candy Crush [Tamas] Empty Tue Feb 06, 2024 5:02 am

Tamás Horvath
As much as he wanted to say some fantasy, he never was 'adventurous' when it comes to exploring his sexual endevaours. He was fairly straightforward and 'traditional' about it. Just average but raw in it. Then again with his past it made sense he was his way. Infact these were the first steps to him just kinda letting it loose and relaxing. Though he had to admit, this did actually make him think what would he like? If a woman dressed up for his fantasies. Perhaps a damsel, someone in the need of saving or a princess? Stories usually denoted princesses in the need of saving. Damsels were weak, harmless but beautiful. And he liked that, it was very visually pleasing for him.

"Trust me, right now. All I desire is a nurse." he spoke. It might be uncreative, but a nurse was really all he wanted right now. So Farah's little costume would be perfect. And so as per her command, he would follow. Yes, sheets and treating him sounds nice


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