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Viva Pinyaaaata!

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Viva Pinyaaaata!  Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:46 pm


WORDS: 220 | Rose Ruffles

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank yoooouuuu!!!
I've been stuck in there for aaaaages!"

W-What the-?! A sweet and almost shrieking voice seeming to seize the attention of Miss Skylark long before she ever had a chance to see from whom it was sourced, the girl had no idea just what she had broken free from the pinata and now found lunging forward to cuddle her chest until she lifted up the ribbon which wrapped around her eyes, though once she did she found herself instantly able to forgive such transgression in the face of what she spied.

“You're welcome, I-I suppose…?” Pulling her blindfold away to find herself being embraced by something with eyes which were bigger than even hers and seeming to be filled with gratitude as well, the perky pinkette had never expected her little expedition into the traditions of the stellan people would see herself being cuddled by what appeared to be some sort of cute talking cat, but she was hardly complaining really. A fan of animals and this one really seeming to take the cake when it came to lovability as well, all she could do was blush that little bit because of where it had chosen to nestle itself, before lifting her hand to offer a soothing touch which was likely as satisfying for them both…

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.


Viva Pinyaaaata!  Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:47 pm


WORDS: 200 | Rose Ruffles

“Though… How did you even end up inside one of those things…?” Hardly seeming to feel surprised when the teasing and toying touch she offered her new friend was something which appeared to elicit no small degree of purring from her furry focus, such was the experience and intrigue created from even so predictable an outcome that she found herself lost in the activity for more than a moment or two, though once she had rather thoroughly come to enjoy the event Lola did find a question or two seeming to form in her mind as to the logistics behind such a meeting.
“ Did one of these men stuff you inside?” Appearing to only too quickly take to the feline with such sufficient bias as well that she almost immediately looked toward the pranksters who had been teasing her with the task a moment ago, the expression she wore was far from the childish frustration she had shown them thus far and was far more focused and fearsome, and perhaps would leave them glad with the confession which came from the cat only too swiftly soon after. I mean, she looked like she was out for blood…

"Ohhhhh, nothing like that!
I heard there were delicious treats inside so, I climbed in!"

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.


Viva Pinyaaaata!  Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:48 pm


WORDS: 210 | Rose Ruffles

“You climbed in there for treats…?” Those big, black eyes found blinking as her new and blue buddy admitted that it had been neither cruelty nor even misplaced mischief which had seen the moggy buried within the belly of pinata but rather his own drive and direction, though she had heard tales of the flexibility and infiltration ability of the humble housecat she was still astounded that he had not only managed to do so but done it without even being noticed, and was left to wonder just how long that he had been stuck within such an item for before she expelled him.
“Wait, do cats even eat sweets?!” Not only that but something else about the story not quite adding up for her either, Miss Skylark couldn’t help but tip her head to one side as she questioned the idea of any kind of cat regardless of this one's strange ability to talk seeking out sugary sustenance since she also knew that they tended to go more for savoury and salty meals, and never anything that was overly saccharine. Though, it seemed this foolish feline had an answer for that, of course.

"Aye sir! Well, not really, but…
Sweet treats? What else could it mean but a Caramel Cod~!"

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.


Viva Pinyaaaata!  Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:49 pm


WORDS: 220 | Rose Ruffles

“Caramel…? Is that even…?” It proving to be clear that this cute but confusing cat was a master of leaving the lilac lass with more questions than she did answers as he answered her query with honesty but oddness all the same, the fuchsia femme couldn't help but frown as she tried to imagine the combination of sweet and wonderful caramel being applied to any kind of fish without the result being wholly appalling, and frankly felt glad that if that was such a thing it had been a moggy who craved it rather than the dish itself which had tumbled free from the pinata.
“So wait, did you eat the sweets inside?” On that topic the girl also having to note that whatever reward which had been stuffed within that casing had apparently vanished by the time of her feline friend's liberation, at least one clue did seem to occur to Lola as she considered this fact and the mechanism through which this eccentric but endearing character must have used to survive his confinement, and sought a confirmation which at least was informative, if a little disappointing ultimately.

"Yes, I got real, real hungry!
I had to eat everything, even though it wasn’t nice…
All these gross chocolates and gummies and things, just awful…
Just talking about it is making me… Wow, kinda hungry!"

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.


Viva Pinyaaaata!  Empty Wed Nov 01, 2023 2:49 pm


WORDS: 260 | Rose Ruffles

“Y-Yeah, me too, how about we… Actually!” The doe eyed doll certainly feeling at least one knot of disappointment when she discovered that the treats she had indulged this event for had been devoured by something which clearly had no appreciation for them, though given the circumstances and how adorable she found the animal she could scarcely hold the matter against him, that didn't stop her feeling a pang of desire when the cobalt kitty seemed to confess a sense of hunger, which she could only second really. I mean, she had worked pretty hard just now, right?

“Hrrrraaaa!” Certainly feeling that she was worthy of a snack as well and in that vain deciding that it would not be too greedy either for her to opt to choose a secondary prize when her first had seemed to meet with such lack of fulfilment, at least as far as her appetite went, after a breath the beauty looked about to a table on which their now stifled host seemed to have a row of further pinata, and unleashed yet another blast of air toward it.
“Might as well grab something for the road, hm~?” Erupting more than one and seeming to stir no small degree of joy from the children nearby as she did so either for that matter, from the blast did she seem to create a shower of lovely little sweets for all to enjoy as she forced not one but all which had been lined up to erupt, and as a result almost created a geyser of treats for any and all to enjoy, herself included…

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.

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