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Jianghu: Original Chinese Fantasy RP

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Jianghu: Original Chinese Fantasy RP Empty Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:03 pm

Jianghu: Original Chinese Fantasy RP Jianghu-ad2-300
7 playable groups | light/dark skin | 18+ premium | home | guidebook |  DISCORD | ads

A rift in the earth leading to the spiritual realm threatens to open once again as the stability of the protective array keeping the rift sealed wavers. Cultivators from across the land must work to fend off the growing presence of monsters, reinforce the protective array, and ensure the rift does not open further. Join one of the six main sects, or contribute as a wanderer, to defend the region from the tragedy that once consumed the past.

Xianxia is a genre of Chinese fantasy heavily inspired by Chinese mythology and influenced by philosophies of Taoism, Chan Buddhism, martial arts, traditional Chinese medicine, folk religion, alchemy and other traditional elements of Chinese culture. Although with few inspirations drawn from MXTX and Priest works, Jianghu RP's setting and sect concepts are original with room for players to add flavor and trivia to existing lore.

A small community looking to grow, new players and players new to the genre are welcome!

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