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Monster Hunter [B RANK]

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#1Nova Kentaurus 

Monster Hunter [B RANK] Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 12:58 am

Nova Kentaurus
Nova was happy to take on this new request in Crocus. This reminded her of home where she would repel monsters off in Seven. Now she would do the same thing but in crocus. Nova would go to the rune knight hall and then she would go and she would talk to the head there and then she would go and she would see where the request was and then she would go and she would she would see where all the monsters were and then she would go and she would get the map to show the locations of all the locations of the monsters so she would stop them and then she would go and she would decided to head to the middle of the city and work her way outwards and then she would go and she would salute the knights and head to the middle of the town.


#2Nova Kentaurus 

Monster Hunter [B RANK] Empty Tue Sep 20, 2022 12:57 am

Nova Kentaurus
The first stop was the park where Nova would go and then she would go and she would see that there was a pack of wolves going after a family and then she would go and she would get in the way of them to stop them and then she would go and she would guard the family from the attack and then she would go and she would start to charge her electricity and then she would go and she would fire off the beam at the wolves and then she would go and she would see the wolves get shocked and then she would go and she would see that the wolves weren't able to move after the attack so she checked on the family and then she would go and she would see that the were ok and she would tell them to go inside while she did the quest.


#3Nova Kentaurus 

Monster Hunter [B RANK] Empty Sat Sep 24, 2022 3:51 am

Nova Kentaurus
Now that the wolves were cleared out she would work her way out and see that there were some tigers that were attacking so she would tell the citizens to get out of the way and then she would go and she would prepare to fight and then she would go and she would see that she would have to be careful because the tigers were more cunning that wolves and then she would go and she would see the tigers taht would charge at her and then she would go and she would dodge them and then she would go and she would coutner attack with a lightning attack and then she would go and she would see that it would tank the lightning attack and it would slash at her and hit her and then she would go and she would get knocked back. These tigers would be tough.


#4Nova Kentaurus 

Monster Hunter [B RANK] Empty Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:33 pm

Nova Kentaurus
The tigers growled at her so Nova would prepare herself by gather more magic energy. The tigers were tough but Nova was a dragon slayer. She would get rid of them. The tigers would roar and then she would go and she would get an idea to fight back with a roar of her own so and then she would go and she would open her mouth and then she would go and she would gather the magic energy in her body and then she would go and she would fire off the magic energy from her mouth and then she would go and she would see the lightning strike the opponents that she was facing and then she would go and she would see the tigers would get shocked from the blast and then she would go and she would see the tigers fall over so she was done here.


#5Nova Kentaurus 

Monster Hunter [B RANK] Empty Sun Sep 25, 2022 6:36 pm

Nova Kentaurus
There was a loud cry at the side of the of the town so NOva would go and investigate it to see what has been going on. She would run and see that there was a mammoth that was attacking the citizens. This mammoth threw a citizen into a wall and was about to crash into him and then she would go and she would rush him and then she would go and she would light a spark in her hand and then she would go and she would see the mammoth would get blinded by the light and back off and then she would go and she would turn around to the citizen and tell her to get the hell out of there and then she would go and she would start to get a battle stance and then she would go and she would get ready to battle the animal.


#6Nova Kentaurus 

Monster Hunter [B RANK] Empty Mon Sep 26, 2022 3:35 pm

Nova Kentaurus
THe mammoth would raise its trunk and swing at her and then she would go and she would predict the movement and dodge it and then she would go and she would prepare an attack by gathering up lightning and then she would go and she would fire the lightning at the mammoth and then she would go and she would see that it would hit and then she would go and she would see that it would tank the attack and then she would go and she would see that it would stomp the ground and then she would go and she would see the ground shake and then she would go and she would lose her footing and then she would go and she would start to attack again and then she would go and she would hit it in the foot and it would start to cry. That would be the weakpoint.


#7Nova Kentaurus 

Monster Hunter [B RANK] Empty Mon Sep 26, 2022 3:47 pm

Nova Kentaurus
Now that Nova knew the weakness of the beast, she would get ready to couther attack. She would gather the lightning in her hands and then she would go and she would form a magic circle and then she would go and she would gather the magic into a beam and then she would go and she would fire the beam and it would hit the mammoth's feet and then she would go and she would do the same thing for the rest of the feet and then she would go and she would fire the other 3 beams and then she would go and she would see the mammoth fall down and then she would go and she would fire the beam at its head and then she would go and she would see the beam hit it and it would knock the beast out for now. She would have to go find the tamer now.


#8Nova Kentaurus 

Monster Hunter [B RANK] Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:32 am

Nova Kentaurus
Nova would go and see at the zoo that the man was there and then she would go and she would chase after him and then she would go and she would head after him and then she would go and she would see that he was leading her into a tiger pit and then she would go and she would chase after him anyway and then she would go and she would gather her power and then she would go and she would fire the electricity off at the tigers and then she would go and she would see they would pass out and then she would go and she would focus on the tamer and then she would go and she would see the tamer would bust out a whip and start to hit her and then she would go and she would get ready to gather her power to take him down.


#9Nova Kentaurus 

Monster Hunter [B RANK] Empty Sun Oct 23, 2022 3:37 am

Nova Kentaurus
The tamer would use his whip and start to smack at her and then she would go and she would dodge it and then she would go and she would start to get lightning in her feet and then she would go and she would use it to jump at the man and then she would go and she would shoulder tackle him and then she would go and she would see him fall down and then she would go and she would see the whip got her foot and then she would go and she would see that she would be getting thrown from the whip and then she would go and she would she would gather herself back up and then she would go and she would see the man start to get up and they would have to fight again and then she would go and she would gather her power and lightning and start to attack the man and then she would go and she would see he would whip at her and then she would go and she would start to opern her mouth and then she would go and she would form a ball of electricity and then she would go and she would fire off the beam from her mouth and then she would go and she would see the roar woudl go through the whip and then she would go and she would see the roar would strike the man and they would be knocked out. Now the monster would be calmed down and she would report what had happened to the knights now


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