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Shared History [Caius]

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Shared History [Caius] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 5:36 pm


To think she would have returned to the city of Oak after all those years. Once the grounds of the dark guild known as Phantom Lord, it was here that a clash several years ago between the Rune Knights and the dark mages had almost made her lose something very important to her, and it also caused her to lose trust in the Magic Council afterwards.

But nowadays it were the lands the Eternal Nightmare claimed as their own. Even in her human disguise and the long hooded robe obscuring her features the young demon felt the presence of the guild. While at first sight Oak looked peaceful, she could see members of the guild blending in with the common folk, and the more she approached the direction of the grand tower in the mountains overlooking the city, the more she drew the attention of the guild members. They might had been rank and file members, but they still served the Wizard Lord Odin, and that on its onw meant they were indirectly opposing her own goals.

But even then she disregarded the curious stares, till she finally arrived at the tower itself. One of the guild mages approached her, a look of warriness in his eyes. "What business do you have here, stranger?"

The mage asked, to which the cloaked Esperia replied in her usual soft tone. "I seek an audience with Caius." The words made one of the mages turn toward his companion, a fellow guard who shook his head lightly.

"Can't do that, with the recent stuff that happened we're on alert, and sir Caius doesn't have time to see some random nobody."

The woman sighed softly, raising a hand lightly as she lifted her head. The moment the guard tried to force her away she whispered something under her breath, a magic circle appearing in front of her hand while a small marble-sized orb of energy swirled into existence. Before the guard could even react properly, the orb collided against his torso and exploded, knocking the man against the wall of the tower and yet, at the same time she turned toward the other guard.

Shared History [Caius] KekhhCO

"Tell Caius an old acquaintance of his is here. And surely he of all people knows a Demon doesn't like to wait..."


Shared History [Caius] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 8:30 pm

Though he had survived the assault on the Eternal Nightmare guild hall, Caius still didn't like his current situation. He had originally traveled to the guild to wind down and make more connections with his guildmates after two years but now everyone was on edge. Word would come out they were attacked. There was more than likely going to be a second assault in the future. They were vulnerable. Luckily, the guild did come with it's perks. Caius had his guild tattoo activated which helped mask information about him and his guildmates to outsiders. As expected of their guild master Odin's power. Despite that, he still had to get out of here and back to business in Era. Once he regained his power, he could expand his territory and help his guild in the counter attack when the time came.

Caius was throwing darts at the middle of the guild hall when a low level grunt ran in and starting screaming in a panic. "ENEMY AT THE FRONT DOOR" he shouted. "THEY ARE REQUESTING CAIUS. THEY STATE THEY ARE AN OLD AQUANTAINCE." Caius dropped his darts on the table and let out a reluctant sigh. That didn't take very long. Still, his curiosity was getting the better of him. Not many knew where he was and he did have many connections in the underworld over the years. Perhaps it was an ally. If worse came to worse he could always bail out again.

At the front door, Caius surveyed the situation. One of their soldiers was dead slouched up against the wall and in front of him was a woman in a hooded white robe waiting patiently. From what he could see of her face, she didn't seem familiar to him. "You know you could have just knocked like a normal god damn person." He said to her. Caius walked over to the dead Eternal Nightmare member and reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet. He counted the jewels and put it in this suit pocket. He pointed to the dead man on the ground with his thumb. "Trust me he won't need those where he is going." It was a joke to lighten the already dark mood before getting to serious business. Caius put his hands on his hips and questioned the assailant. "So anyways here I am. Who the hell are you? You don't look familiar and I never forget a face."


Hi I'm Caius

Shared History [Caius] Empty Mon May 02, 2022 11:30 pm


Caius his arrival and the way he handled the entire matter of the fallen guard earned a curving of her lips, her eyes slowly closing themselves as she replied. "Do please forgive me, I overestimated the durability of the human body, I tried to knock but..." She gestured with a hand toward the recently deceased guard. "Someone was in the way."

Yet the fact Caius didn't recognize her right away earned a soft chuckle from her. "Ah right, the years might have a play in that regard, and you only seen me when I was still a human being."

She turned her gaze back from the lifeless body to Caius and decided to clarify further. "We met in Crocus years ago, but back then I was still the vessel for Asmodeus. Does it ring a bell?"

She lifted both of her hands to her hood, slowly pulling it down after which she spoke. "I am Esperia, but the body you see before you is but a disguise, as interesting as it would be, I doubt neither of us wants to get the people of Oak in an uproar if I walked into the city in my true form, Earthland doesn't have the best of reputations when it comes to Demons anyway."

With her revelation made she took a step closer toward him. "It is for that reason I came to seek you out. As one who experienced the same, I was wondering to get your insight into this. After all, being reborn as a Demon is not exactly an everyday occurance."


Shared History [Caius] Empty Tue May 03, 2022 8:44 am

Well he was happy to see the woman had a sense of humor at least as she joined him in mocking the deceased guard. He liked her already. They would go on to explain when they met previously, she was Asmodeus' host. Caius really had to go back in his memory banks for this one but it did sound familiar. He clapped his hands together as he pointed at the woman when he figured it out. "Ah it's you. The one with that crazy old butler. Is that you Esperia?" This put him at ease as it didn't seem like she was a threat. The last time they met they were on good terms. Now the question was what did she want.

She removed her hood and confirmed it to be her despite having a new appearance. Face changes were quite a common occurrence in this magical world they lived in. The thing that threw him off though was mentioning that it was not her true form. She spoke of being reborn as a demon like he had been. That was the reason for the visit today. She wanted his help to gain an understanding of the new form she had gotten from someone who had the same experience. Now she had Caius' full attention. Though he was a pure demon previously, he had lost it and became a half breed demon now. He had always wanted to find a way to return back to a pure demon so this conversation would benefit both of them.

Caius smiled and threw his hands up like it was a celebration. "Reborn a demon? That's great news. Welcome to the superior race." He was genuinely excited. Some of the most interesting people he had met were demons. They appreciated his line of work. Caius then walked around Esperia in a circle inspecting her. The magic power felt great but she didn't look much of a demon. "I'll make deal. I'll answer any questions you have but you got to show me this true form you were talking about. Sound good? " This would be a way to satisfy his curiosity and confirm what she said was true.

Hi I'm Caius

Shared History [Caius] Empty Tue May 03, 2022 8:57 am


Caius his words earned a chuckle from the white-haired demon who nodded her head in agreement. "Indeed, unfortunately Sebastian is still in the Abyss tending to some business~"

After the inspection by the demon Esperia pondered for a moment, clearly considering the idea as she raised a hand to her chin. "I could, but be warned I can't really suppress the aura of my obscura then so your friends over there might not enjoy it as much."

She gestured with a hand toward the remaining guards and after a moment of consideration took a step backwards, a soft inhaling of her breath following after which she felt the obscura being expelled from her body, the cocoon coiling around her. The Obscura's presence intensified after which the cocoon surrounding her started to fade away.

Shared History [Caius] 91LWmeV

Her eyes gazing at Caius she explained with the same melodious tone as before, yet it was clear that her mere presence was making the guards somewhat restless.

"This is what you could consider my base form, as you see it mostly retains a humanoid build, but my physical capacities improve a fair bit already. Albeit there is little I can do to conceal my demonic presence."

She hummed softly, her lips curved up in a smile as a hand rested lightly on her torso. "However, I still am only at like 25% of my true potential currently. I can draw forth more of my obscura's essence to transform into a form that shares traits with my humanoid form and my true form. If you wish I can proceed to transform into that one next?"


Shared History [Caius] Empty Tue May 03, 2022 1:46 pm

"Well I'll be damned" Caius said as the Obscura started to form around Esperia. He recognized it's power all too well. That was a true demon alright. As the sphere of demon energy subsided, a wave of pressure rushed over him from being in her presence. He held his arm over his face to block some of the force being exerted from her new pristine demon form. Judging by his strength starting to fade away, she was even more powerful than him. It's how the demon hierarchy kept each other in check.

Caius tapped into his own Obscura as a black aura surrounded him. His eyes start to turn pitch black which slightly increased his strength to help counteract the aura. Once he had gotten used to it, he was able to regain his composure. Esperia now had milky-white skin, teal eyelashes and nails, and circular, red facial markings. It was very beautiful in an about to be murdered by a demon kind of way. The shocking part was she stated this was only 25% of her power and it had this much power. She even was cheeky and offered to release more of it.

He just smirked at her and accepted the offer. "Look at you go. You've gotten pretty fucking strong huh? Of course I want to see more. I got to hear the story of how you acquired this power." Caius waved of the guards. "Clear the hall unless you want to get killed. I got business." This way they could be alone. Caius turned around and motioned her inside. "Come on in and we can talk like civilized demons. What you drink water, liquor, blood? We are very flexible here."

Hi I'm Caius

Shared History [Caius] Empty Tue May 03, 2022 2:03 pm


Esperia chuckled briefly at Caius his words, yet she was quite interested in the man's own transformation. However, a momentary pause followed as she listened to his desire of hearing about how she obtained her power. "It's a long story, but I don't mind regaling you with the details."

Watching Caius command the guards to clear the hall, the moment they were inside and he offered her a drink she pondered softly. "If you're offering, fresh blood is quite high when it comes to beverages~ Albeit due to the nature of my being I am less a drinker and more of an eater, and I doubt your guild will enjoy the idea of offering the meals I tend to sample."

As she explained further she allowed her obscura to stir, yet this time her form seemed to metamorphosis into a far less human-like being. While her upper-body still remained human, her lower body had changed entirely to resemble a large monstrous spider. The spider made some soft noises while she continued to speak. "The short of it is that I died during the fight between Asmodeus and an Ancient Demon~ My body absorbed the essences of both demons, hence I am neither a Demon of Lust or a Demon of Gluttony, but a crossing between both~ Also the little one down here eats meat, usually prefers live game~"


Shared History [Caius] Empty Tue May 03, 2022 9:34 pm

Caius walked inside the guild hall and headed behind the bar. The low level grunts that were hanging around looked like they had cleared out now leaving just the two of them. Esperia seemed to have a taste for blood so he pulled out a packet from the fridge. It wasn't uncommon for the guild to have a stock of it. Caius would bring back care packages for Odin by giving him bones if his lich body ever needed replacements. Not wanting the waste the rest of the donor corpse, Caius would keep all the other parts to sell later. He had a business mind.

"Well if you want fresh there is still that guy outside. I think this is a few days old." Caius said as he poured the blood pouch in the wine glass. For himself, he just grabbed himself a beer. As he got the drinks, his backed was turned to Esperia. He felt a chill down his spine as the pressure she exerted before got even stronger. Turning around, he saw that she was half human and half spider. Most people would turn and run at the monstrosity she had become now but Caius just found it fascinating. "Now that is cool. You see I never transformed that much when I was full demon. I still kept my humanoid appearance for the most part. Do you shoot out web too? "

He placed the drinks on the table and sat down. Cracking open the beer he listened to her tale. His eyes widened when her story was similar to his own. The body died and absorbed the demon that they were fighting. "So we ascended the same then." It wasn't often he heard origin stories of demons. He could use this if he ever tried to ascend again. Esperia would probably be relieved to hear it too. "It was a few years ago I was doing a request to clear out a cult. I killed everyone there but it turned out to be a setup. All the death was part of a ritual that called a demon. I fought it to a draw and my body died but I managed to absorb his power."

The demon he fought wasn't a major one like Asmodeus but it was still high rank enough to push an S rank mage like him to the brink. Caius kicked up his feet and laughed. "It feels great huh? So how long ago was this? How are you holding up after the transformation?" He would start to probe some questions from her to give her the answers she was seeking.

Hi I'm Caius

Shared History [Caius] Empty Wed May 04, 2022 3:49 am


Esperia raised a hand to her chin, pondering for a moment about the invitation. "If you don't mind~" Esperia chimed as she waited for Caius to call for the guards to bring the corpse of the guy who had just died, and afterwards the spider underneath her raised one of its barbed legs, Taking a closer look one could see bits of venom dripping from the tip of the leg. A jab followed, piercing through whatever clothes the man had been wearing and straight into the flesh, and then it lowered its face, the venom softening the skin and muscles and slowly the spider started to devour the lifeless corpse.

Esperia meanwhile explained in a soft tone. "I can indeed shoot webs, I have in essence the same physical traits as a spider, and in that regard my clothes are actually woven from the silk I produce myself."

As Caius explained the nature of his ascension Esperia mused about the revelation. "Indeed, it sounds quite similar. In my case, Asmodeus was fighting an Ancient Demon, and while the two were clashing in a magic duel I tried to ambush the latter, but a surviving demon knocked me into the magic clash. From what I been told I died at that point, but due to the nature of my body it started to absorb the essences of both demons. As my body got corrupted due to the Obscura of the demons, Asmodeus tried to bring back my soul through a ritual, so in essence I was reborn as a demon."

Esperia couldn't help but grin at Caius at his questions. "It feels pleasant, using this form feels more free, the absence of the restrains of my human disguise are comforting, and I still retain control over my being. In my true form however, the Obscura becomes a lot more active and I still struggle to keep control over it. While Asmodeus's essence is compatible with me and acts quite positively, the Devourer Demon's essence is much more unruly, and there are times the gluttony tries to get the better of me. It forces me to focus intensely to ensure I don't get lost in the hunger. I can turn into my true form if you'd like, but be warned that even now I still struggle to keep control for extended periods of time."


Shared History [Caius] Empty Wed May 04, 2022 12:49 pm

Caius just sat back in awe as he watched Esperia feast on the dead man. "Neat" he thought. After her meal, she went on to explain that her looks just weren't for show. She indeed did have the same capabilities of a spider and then some. Caius felt a bit ripped off when he became a full demon. All he got was a pair of wings and a sturdier body. Hopefully he could discover her secrets and find an even powerful one to take over to gain even more strength.

Answering his questions, she explained the feeling of freedom after ascending. It was something he could relate too."Right? No human emotion comes close to this freedom. Once you become a demon you see how insignificant these humans are. It's entertaining just to use your power to manipulate them and watch the sparks fly." It was something he was very passionate about. That's why he created his business in the first place. Not for the money and not for the drugs. It was just for the pure chaos that his influence was causing on them.

Esperia wasn't done yet. She offered to transform again but this time mentioned she lacked control. The offer was tempting but at the same time if Odin came back to a destroyed guild hall again, he probably would be pissed. He couldn't risk it right now. Right now his magic was having issues so he could do very little to stop her if she did lose control. Caius would have to hold off on his curiosity for time. He held his hand up to her. "As much as I want to, Let's stop here for now. We can save it for a later time."  He instead decided to shift her focus elsewhere.

"One word of advise I would give as a fellow demon is to get used to your transformation slowly and master it over time before advancing to your full form. That should help with the control. You don't want to be fighting with allies and then come to your senses and see you destroyed them too. I've been there." As he spoke the black obscura formed around him. His body would slowly start to transform turning his skin a dark gray and causing red markings to appear around his body. Horns and wings sprouted out of his head and back. Once the aura faded he was in his unleashed demon form. "These are the results. I'm sure a mage of your talents can master it in no time"

Shared History [Caius] 15207211

Hi I'm Caius

Shared History [Caius] Empty Fri May 06, 2022 7:19 pm

Now that Caius was transformed, his full demon power was on display. Esperia didn't see too much impressed as her aura still dominated his own. It was really quite impressive. Not many were able to overpower him. Caius stand up and would start to head to the door. "Well if you want to find out more come follow me. I got some business to attend to out of the guild. I'm sure we can find some more people to feed that spider mouth of yours too." Caius would head out the door and he would start to head towards the city. If the two of them were together there would be nobody who could stop them. He hoped that she would join his side. For now, he would continue his own agenda and attempt to get his magic power back so he could continue operations as normal. If Esperia came, that would buy him some time if she acted as the muscle.


Hi I'm Caius

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