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Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest]

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#1Kenzo Valens 

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:07 pm

Kenzo Valens
”This bastards have finally done it.” Kenzo muttered with a ragged breath as he dragged along a massive corpse. It was a comical scene, the kind where you needed to look twice because the first time you couldn’t quite understand what was going on. With each step the mercenary took, a long, 5-meter body was dragged along by its tail. Kenzo held a firm grip with his left hand, resting his right one in Masamune’s hilt. The environment had been completely destroyed, but at the very least the culprit was now dead. Not that it ever was alive for that matter, but if you defined death as remaining completely still and not protesting against being carried by the tail, you could use the word dead.

Either way, the point was that Kenzo had once again killed a giant beast. It seemed that his job as a bounty hunter would soon need to be replaced by monster hunter in his resume. Honestly, most of the jobs the warrior had made in Fiore involved killing some beast or another, leaving him very little time to bounty hunt people. Maybe it was a signal from the skies that he needed a career change.


Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] ORlEmnn
#2Kenzo Valens 

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:07 pm

Kenzo Valens
After what seemed like a long while, Kenzo finally arrived next to the alley where he’d first been briefed about the plan. It was nefarious in many ways, but the mercenary didn’t quite care for specifics as long as it was tied to a contract and didn’t involve voluntarily committing any crimes now that he had cleared his bounty. It had been a pain in the ass, but it was well worth it.

Either way, if Kenzo was locked up for completing the job he’d just finished, he could very well be convicted for a stupid charge like jaywalking. The reason being that his contract was on the same side as the people that usually handed out bounties after all. However, while Kenzo still ignored this particular detail, he would soon find out.

”Here it is. As promised, I only used my fists.” The mercenary’s business voice shone in these situations. ”Incredible… It killed half a dozen Rune Knights when we were trying to seal it.” The voice was full of genuine surprise.

However, Kenzo was way more intrigued by the piece of information the person that hired him had just unconsciously spilled out. ”What do you mean Rune Knights?”


Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] ORlEmnn
#3Kenzo Valens 

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:07 pm

Kenzo Valens
”Shit!!” The male’s voice of surprise was quickly transformed to a horrified face. He even took his hands to his mouth, attempting to cover it as if it would be of any use at this stage. Kenzo could clearly see the color live the stranger’s visage. Someone was definitely getting fired if his bosses heard about this. A mischievous smile coursed through Kenzo’s lips, deciding to capitalize on this little detail.

”Aaah! So the Rune Knights are the ones behind this non-living entity experimentation. I didn’t know they were such forward thinking… While I knew they were pragmatic and didn’t have many qualms with sacrificing people for the greater good, I didn’t quite expect them to be on this level. I’ve gotta say you’ve really surprised me. Good for you all.”

”SHH!!! SHHHHHHH!!! DON’T SAY ANOTHER WORD!” The man hurriedly hushed Kenzo with an excited whisper, taking one of his index fingers to his mouths and trying to cover the mercenary’s hand.

Swatting it away like a flie, Kenzo placed his arm around the man’s neck, bringing him closer to him. ”Now now… there’s no need to get nervous, right? I’m sure there’s still plenty I can help you with”


Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] ORlEmnn
#4Kenzo Valens 

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:08 pm

Kenzo Valens
Kenzo threatened the guy as he forced his arm to lower the man’s face, so that he’d be looking towards the blue haired man’s free hand. It was forming the all too popular international sign for money. It wasn’t honestly surprising in Kenzo’s case after all. He didn’t quite care if Rune Knights decided to inflict millions of jewels in damage to their own capital city while experimenting with artificial beasts. Heck, he’d gladly lend them a hand as much as it was need as long as they paid him well. Besides, the merc had previously checked and the people living inside had already evacuated from the initial shock of the beast’s arrival.

”Y-Yes!! That’s exactly right… We-we can still use your help.” The messenger seemed to quickly understand Kenzo’s point of view. While his voice was still irregular, he was slowly starting to get calm again. ”I-in fact. Once we deliver the information gathered from the homunculi’s core, we still need to collect more battle data.”

The man finally broke free from Kenzo’s lock, taking a leather pouch out of his cloak full to the brim with jewels. ”It’d be quite convenient if you were to collaborate with us”


Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] ORlEmnn
#5Kenzo Valens 

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] Empty Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:08 pm

Kenzo Valens
The mercenary remained silent as he crossed his arms. His plan had definitely succeeded way better than he expected, so much so that it was just a tad bit concerning. As the mercenary extended his pouch-holding hand in front of the mercenary, Kenzo simply stared at him with a menacing look in his face.

Thew warrior could easily distinguish the drops of sweat streaming down the man’s face, accompanying the slight tremble that grew in magnitude from his extended hand the longer he kept it that way. Either the man was a top-notch actor that had really made a wrong career choice, or he was telling the truth.

Figuring the guy didn’t have the looks to succeed in the acting industry either way, Kenzo decided to believe in the latter. Helping the trembling man off from the heavy load in his hands, the warrior smirked as they implicitly signed their mutual contract of agreement and secrecy. ”It just so happens that my date decided to bail on me tonight, so I think I can hang around a couple more hours with you guys if you need that desperately my help with your experiments.”

”Anything in the name of science huh?”


Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] ORlEmnn
#6Kenzo Valens 

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:03 pm

Kenzo Valens
The blue haired warrior trailed behind the knight in silence. He’d been asked a couple of minutes earlier to wear a cloak, covering his head. After all, he was a very recognizable figure in the country at this point, so it would be better for the two parties if no one managed to discover the swordsman’s identity before arriving at their destination. The two men passed through a couple of security checks, only to be left alone as soon as the knight took out a golden insignia from his pocket.

It was a round, medal-like sigil. From the quick glances Kenzo could give it, it was seemingly made out of gold. However, the impressive part came from the effect it caused in the knights positioned at the security posts. Most of them immediately burst into a salute, stiffening, and widening their eyes in surprise. Kenzo had only ever seen one thing cause that exact effect, and there was probably a connection between it. It was exactly the same reaction that people got whenever they saw a royal seal in a letter, so it was obvious that the insignia was something that only nobility - perhaps only royalty, even - possessed.

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] ORlEmnn
#7Kenzo Valens 

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:03 pm

Kenzo Valens
”We’re here.” The two men had made their way through a maze of underground tunnels and stairs inside Mercurius, the grand capital’s palace. The center of governance in Crocus was impressive, only matched by the Domus Flau, that definitely paled in comparison. The warrior had only been once inside Mercurius before, back when Advent World had won in a tie the Grand Magic Games almost a year ago. It was kind of ironic that he was now once again here but for a completely different reason. One that was not entirely unrelated to the first one.

”If magic wasn’t a thing I’m sure the only explanation for this crazy ass building would be aliens” Kenzo blurted in a slight disbelief state. Even if the men were at the very least 12 meters below ground, considering he couldn’t see the surface anymore using his eye’s ability, it was obvious from the layout of the chamber they had entered that Mercurius ran way deeper into the underground. The two of them stood in an enormous hall, surrounded by carved stone warriors and magic lacrima that lit up the enormous area. At the very center, the reason why they came laid dug up.


Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] ORlEmnn
#8Kenzo Valens 

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:03 pm

Kenzo Valens
It was an arena; big enough in size to at least house around a thousand people if they squished themselves together. A circular, 20-meter diameter stone floor delineated the fighting pit. Kenzo’s gut was suddenly twisted, as he imaged the reason why such a structure would be built below the center of power in Crocus. He knew the tendencies bored people in power used to have, so it wasn’t hard for him to understand its uses. However, it was none of Kenzo’s business to meddle with their affairs. As long as they left him, or his loved ones away from their twisted games, he couldn’t care less. Even more so when he was getting paid by them.

”Pleasure to make your acquaintance at last, espada…” An unknown voice echoed through the chamber’s walls, with no one to be seen in the proximity. ”I wish I could say the same… but it seems like you people really like playing god with your long distance messages” Kenzo rebuffed as he turned his head around, inspecting every corner of the arena trying to find the owner of the voice. ”Hahaha, Sorry for the rudeness, but I’m sure who I am I isn’t relevant”


Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] ORlEmnn
#9Kenzo Valens 

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:04 pm

Kenzo Valens
Kenzo chuckled as he clenched his teeth slightly in annoyance. ”I guess you’re right” The sentence acted almost as a cue for the knight to hand Kenzo yet another bag full of jewels for the job he was about to complete.

”So. With that out of the way, why don’t we jump straight into business?” Kenzo remained silent, simply storing the jewels inside his pocket dimension ring and making them disappear in a bright flash of light. A nod signaled at the voice that he was ready.

”Excellent. The job’s description is quite simple. Trivial, even.” A set of large metallic doors opened in unison inside the fighting pit’s walls. ”Your job is to simply defeat the monsters in whichever way possible. We don’t honestly care what you do in order to kill them, this is just a field test for their strength.”

Three pairs of magic beasts sprung as if programmed by a computer at the same time, roaring fiercely as they made their appearance inside the fighting ring. They were smaller versions of the beast Kenzo had previously fought back in the city. Sharp claws complimented the even longer fangs coming out of their snouts. ”More small fry?”


Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] ORlEmnn
#10Kenzo Valens 

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] Empty Fri Aug 13, 2021 7:05 pm

Kenzo Valens
Kenzo immediately sprung into action, jumping from atop the plateau and inside the fighting pit with a single stride. He landed swiftly as he extended his right arm. A blueish light enveloped his hand for a second, only to reveal a long, golden axe that materialized seemingly out of thin air. Kenzo was more accustomed to using Masamune, so he needed to give his axe some love as well. It was a weapon with immeasurable power after all, one that appeared in the legends of the Nine Heroes carved at the sides of the Domus Flau arena. While its name was Beowulf’s Axe, tonight it would be the beast killer.

The three monsters jumped in reaction to the mercenary’s presence. Two of them started circling the arena’s walls, trying to flank the mage as the third one approached him slowly from behind. Kenzo smirked in excitement as he saw the pitiful attempt at strategy from the monsters, walking towards the third one and allowing the other two to slip past behind him and into his sides.

Under any circumstances, this was the words possible scenario, one that would mean certain death to most. However, the mercenary couldn’t care less for their petty plans. He was just simply that much more dominating. As the three monsters attacked at the same time, Kenzo simply lowered the axe and made it touch the ground just before they ate him. A chill suddenly covered his arm, extending from the ground and covering the entire arena with frost magic. The monsters were now frozen solid and dead.

”Anything else?”


[2064/2000] Done!

Monster Hunter II - Solo [Quest] ORlEmnn

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