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Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani]

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Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Empty Wed May 12, 2021 3:10 am


[Continued from a training thread]

Atani couldn't help but feel pure enthrallment over her success with water magic. Not too long before her breakthrough, the most she could do was utilize the very basics of water to her advantage as some sort of extension of her natural abilities. Until the breakthrough, she couldn't so much as cast the simplest of healing spells. Now, she could heal deep injuries that would otherwise require medical intervention to treat-- stitches, staples, bandages. Burns as well. Broken bones, torn tissues. There was no doubt in her mind that with further practice, she would be able to do even more with her skills.

Alas, that all came with time. Only so much progress could be made in one day, and she had made far more progress in that day alone than she expected to make within a week. Though for that matter, why had she thought she couldn't do just that in the first place?

Atani looked down at her hands. Whoever she was in her past life, she must have been stronger than she realized. Maybe her old self lost her mastery of nature magic, but she didn't lose her mastery of healing at all. It appeared she was right all along. All of this was just a mental block as opposed to a magical or biological one. There was nothing wrong with her magic. All that was wrong was her perception of herself. From what she could remember, she never had any experience in being a mage in Fiore; however, her abilities proved otherwise. Her magic was not of a beginner's caliber. Her reflexes were not those of a novice fighter either. For a while she attributed that to the hunting skills she developed in Athalran, but those could only take her so far. No, this was evidence of something greater.

WC: 303/2000

Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Empty Wed May 12, 2021 3:10 am


"It's crazy, huh Zimra?"

The winged lemur flew to her shoulder, not caring that her blood spattered shirt would potentially dirty his fur or paws. In fact, he seemed totally oblivious to it. Now that he knew her shoulder was no longer bleeding (or injured at all for that matter), he paid no attention to the blood. After all, it posed no real threat any longer. It was simply a remnant of an old injury, a remnant that would have to be disposed of. Atani frowned as she pulled on the fabric. Not only had it been jaggedly ripped from the dagger piercing through her skin, but it was soaked with blood. The makeshift bandages she applied, which were nothing more than scrap fabric she found aboard a ship, did little to stop the blood from also soaking into the fabric of her shirt. It was ruined. Not even her water magic, she imagined, would be able to clean it up. But that was why she wore cheap clothing out to do quests. You never knew what sort of enemies you could run into along the way, especially being a mage. If she ran into a fire wizard for instance, her clothes could become charred, and that would equally result in having to throw clothes away.

Being a wizard in that regard wasn't kind to her budget, but at the very least now she didn't have to pay for medical services. With her learning new healing spells, as well as some extra utility spells to make enemies slip and sensory spells to allow her to figuratively 'see' even when blinded, she was a far more capable mage than she was when she first started out as a member of Blue Pegasus. With that extra experience behind her belt, she would rise through the ranks in no time.

WC: 303+307=610/2000

Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Empty Wed May 12, 2021 3:11 am


And by that 'extra experience,' she of course meant the experience she gained from who knows how long ago. It was at times like these when she wished she at least knew the basics of who she was. What guild did she belong to? All she knew was that her tattoo was of some serpentine creature that eventually faded... Probably due to the guild disbanding. Whatever the guild was, she didn't believe it was active, or else she would have heard of it by now. Either that, or it was an incredibly small guild she was removed from for who knew what reason. Inactivity? Presumed dead? Who knew, though she strongly expected it was due to disbandment. Though in all honesty, the guild she used to be part of was the least of her worries. It was gone. From what she could tell, there was no bounty on her head, so it was unlikely this guild was of the dark kind. Its alignment was likely either neutral or good, so there was nothing she had to worry about. No messes to clean up. Besides, it wasn't like amnesia could change her personality that much, right?

She liked to believe that fundamentally she was still the same person as she was before the ablution. Before her body was purged of an evil spirit. Before her memories were erased. And if that was true, she was the same person with the same core morals. The same wood elf who took pride in healing others. The same wood elf who pledged to protect nature at all costs. The same wood elf who was willing to help anyone in the blink of an eye. The same wood elf who took in animals like Zimra who, like her, had nowhere else to go in Fiore.

WC: 610+300=910/2000

Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Empty Wed May 12, 2021 3:11 am


The same wood elf who was reckless enough to get into situations that ended up in a stab wound that would otherwise be a great pain to take care of-- literally-- if she didn't have the sort of healing magic like she did. She was lucky in that regard. But perhaps it made her somewhat reckless. Perhaps the reassurance that she could heal virtually any injury, so long as it was not lethal or maiming in nature, ended up with her being more careless than she should. Wounds like the one she sustained from the job before were not difficult to deal with. It hurt like hell, but it was able to be healed with ease. With more practice, she would be able to heal even more with even greater ease, but what if, in that moment, the felon had gone for the kill? He clearly hadn't. His line of work probably didn't take a liking to murdering people unless absolutely necessary. But what if it did, and what if he had? She could have been stabbed in the back or had her neck slit. That... was something she could not heal yet.

At least, so she thought, but once again that would have to be another training session for another time. For now, she had to take care of all her soiled clothes: her blood stained shirt. She also had to clean up Zimra. She wasn't going to let her new companion sleep on dirty, pollen-filled, matted fur with specs of dried blood sitting in there. Atani reached her hand up and scratched Zimra behind his big white ears. He purred happily beneath her hand, body gently vibrating upon her shoulder. He couldn't care less about his current state of filth, but Atani for one did not want an animal to tarnish her furniture.

WC: 910+305=1215/2000

Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Empty Wed May 12, 2021 3:12 am


Atani got a few odd stares as she made her way out of the woods, through the streets of Hargeon, and back to her apartment. She tried to pay little attention to them. It was understandable why, however. Even in a town occupied by a guild where a dangerous line of work was expected, not everyone walked around with bloodied clothes. Especially when it looked like the blood was hers due to where the wound was placed and where the tear was in her shirt. Furthermore, she was walking around just fine as if she was not injured at all. Because she wasn't. But that could still come off as perplexing for bystanders who hadn't seen her healing magic firsthand.

All stares ceased by the time she reached her apartment building. She quickly entered so not as to risk anyone in her building catching a glimpse and retreated to her room. The elf took off her shirt and wrinkled her nose as she threw the bloody mess in the garbage bin. She would have to remember to take the trash out asap. The rest of her clothes, which were not ruined but very much were filthy from the dirt of the forest and the ocean water from her job, she threw in the wash. Done with the day, Atani threw on a clean set of pajamas and took Zimra to the sink once more to give him a bath. The lemur was happy to be back in the water. She scrubbed his fur with some shampoo when it dawned on her that there was probably a healthier alternative than the stuff she used on her own hair. She would have to make a trip to the pet store to see if they had something to recommend for lemurs-- if they even carried that sort of stuff.

WC: 1215+306=1521/2000

Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Empty Wed May 12, 2021 3:12 am


But for now, her things would have to do. With Zimra all washed up, Atani decided to take a shower of her own. Once that was complete, the two had their dinner and called it an early night. In no time at all, the wood elf shut her eyes and fell fast asleep. She hadn't had so much as a dream before waking up bright and early to Zimra pulling at her blonde locks.

"Stop it, Zim," the girl groaned as she lazily shooed the lemur off her bed. It scattered away with the swat of her hand. Atani sat up and rubbed her eyes. Another day, another opportunity to make more money. "How about some more pirates. Are you up for that?"

Zimra flew over to the table and began to eat some more fruit. At this point, she just laid out a bowl for him to eat from whenever. Also, at this point, she concluded that it was safe to bring her companion along for quests. He did well at flying out of harms way, and he was able to alert her to the incoming attack from the pirate, though she failed to recognize it as a warning at the time. But, she learned her lesson. She now knew what Zimra's alerts looked like, and she wouldn't ignore them again. No more running into trouble.



She would just cross that bridge when she came to it. After getting ready with Zimra, she and the faithful winged lemur headed out to search for more quests to do, though she highly doubted that Zim knew what they were going to be getting themselves into till later. Not to anyone's surprise, there was yet again a need for dealing with the pirates. There was just no end to these things.

WC: 1521+301=1823/2000

Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Empty Wed May 12, 2021 3:15 am


Atani tore the request off the board and knit her brows as she made her way to where the boat was last spotted. This was not like the other pirates she encountered in her jobs. This band was one of mages. They used magic to overtake their victims. In particular, they were known for being well armed with the use of fire magic. An odd choice to use where water so clearly had the advantage, but fire did come with a certain factor of intimidation that water quite frankly lacked in most cases. She saw why they would be drawn towards that branch of magic.

The wood elf came upon the ship and started her infiltration with stealth. Not being able to take Zimra onto the boat with her, she instructed the lemur to simply stay back on the shore while she dove beneath the waves. Utilizing her bubble spell to breathe underwater, Atani swam to the hull of the boat. She pulled herself into the area where the cannons were stationed, only to discover that this time, it had been guarded. One of the fire mages spotted her immediately. He began to charge at her. She pointed to a spot on the ground and a slippery patch of water appeared on the ground. He slipped on it as he was charging up a spell. It misfired and hit a barrel of gunpowder, causing an unintended explosion on the ship. Atani gasped. That wasn't supposed to happen. She ran up the stairs before anymore mages could come down, only to be greeted by several more on the top. They were all reckless, throwing spells one after the other. The Ember Savages, she believed they were called. A fitting name for such a rowdy group. They set their sails and mast aflame as they tried to hit Atani, though these amateurs were no match for her natural elven swiftness and agility. She was able to make out with the treasure and sprinted back, dashing across the water with her spell. The law enforcement would see the smoke from the burning ship and come to arrest them in no time, leaving Atani able to safely return the stolen goods.

WC: 1823+367=2190/2000

Spells Cast:

Pirates! VIII [Quest: Atani] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese

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