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Quest - oroborus part 1

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Quest - oroborus part 1 Empty Sat Dec 05, 2020 5:39 pm

Yugo made his way to the alleyway, having been mid breakfast when he was called out to assist shichiro once again. He ate as he ran through the streets and tossed the remains of his meal in the garbage as he passed by a can. He finished his meal and drink before he arrived at the front of the alleyway. A small crowd had formed that was thankfully held back by the other rookie Rune Knights. He showed them his pendent and they let him through as he headed to meet Shichiro. 

He paused, as he noticed the higher ranked knight was speaking to the detective. Yugo turned and returned to the front area. He looked over the crowd and cleared his throat before addressing them. He told the citizens to return to their homes in a large and loud booming voice. Those who tried to stay would get a personal visit from Yugo to scare them away. He sighed after he got the crowd down and then looked back to see Shichiro and the detective. 

He made his way over and offered his services to the two. The demi human waited for orders and should he recieve any hed get right to it. 



Quest - oroborus part 1 Empty Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:46 pm

It turns out there was a purpose for him cleaning out the office previously for the whack job of a client. He never really caught his name but he figured that he would have to this time around as he was meeting the same client once again. Actually, he could somewhat recall the name, 'Weirdlock'. Arriving at the scene of a crime, he met up with the client he helped out last time, looking over a crime scene. He wasn't sure what was going on yet but all he knew was they had to get to the bottom of this eventually. Yugo had shown up shortly afterwards, pushing through the crowds and eventually showing away the gathering folks with his voice. He had then come to the side of him and client in order to get down to business. First, shichiro decided to properly introduce himself as 'Shichiro Uchida', a Lieutenant of the Rune Knights at his service. He hated sounding so formal now as it almost sounds rehearsed but this was currently his life now. The client himself also forgot to introduce himself previously to the two knights and introduced himself as Weirdlock Jones. He then pointed at the crime Scene as if they weren't already observing it, preparing to give them the rundown of the situation.



Quest - oroborus part 1 Empty Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:30 pm

Weirdlock sighed softly as he began to explain. Shichiro was to help him examine this body, while Yugo was to search for other bodies or evidence nearby. Weirdlock sighed and handed Shichiro and yugo gloves. Yugo nodded and took the magnifying glass he was given by Weirdlock and sent on his way. He made his way to the other end of the alley as Weirdlock had shichiro help him roll over the first body and examine him. 

Yugo got to the end of the alleyway and begin to search for other clues. He stepped over the obvious garbage, and made his way toward the dumpster halfway between the two groups. The demi-human nose wrinkled and he approached it before opening the metal lid. As he did so he saw the bloated corpse of another person, her ha probably been dead maybe... two, three day? The smell wasnt pleasant. It was decay and death. 

He closed the lid and backed away as he hacked up a lung and almost puked. Weirdlock turned and saw Yugos reaction. "Shichiro, can you go check withi. The dumpster? I think our monkey friend may have found another corpse." Weirdlock said that as he kept searching the body and checking for any information they can find. 



Quest - oroborus part 1 Empty Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:55 pm

According to their client Weirdlock Jones, they were tasked to assist with examining the first body in front of them while Yugo was to go off and search for a second body that may or may not be in the area still. They were then handed a pair of gloves in order to not disturb the crime scene too much with their own DNA. Watching Yugo go his own way, he was called over by his client in order to help him turn the body slightly. He wasn't sure if this was legal but he figured since this is what the client wanted then, he'd have no choice but to oblige as long as he knew it wasn't downright Illegal. After watching his client examine the body, he had told shichiro to assist Yugo in his endeavor as he might have found something that might indicate where the second corpse might be located. Giving a little shrug, he responded, 'Alright' before heading in the direction he last same Yugo go in. It wasn't too long of a walk and when he got there, it seems as if they wanted to check the dumpster. Looking through it, it seems Yugo's nose was right on the money.



Quest - oroborus part 1 Empty Sun Dec 06, 2020 1:31 pm

Yugo ended up puking a few second before Shichiro arrived. He sighed and cursed as now his stomach was empty, what a waste of a delicious breakfast. He sighed and held open the dumpster for Shichiro to take a look inside. He did his absolute best to jot breath in through his nose, but it only helped so much. Ontop of the slightly rotten body was a note, slightly wet with the dampness of being in a dumpster with a decomposing body. The note had the sign of a prominent gang called the Black Dragons. 

Yugo held it open as specialist mages arrived to handle the badly decomposed body. The note was cleaned with magic and placed in a see through envelop. Yugo stepped away as hopefully shichiro brought the note to Weirdlock. As soon as he saw what it was he sighed. He made sure to double check the note and then sighed again. "So it is what I thought... damn. Alright you two, we've done our jobs I'll make.sure to deliver this evidence myself, you two head back to my office and my assistant will pay you two for the help. Yugo would do as he said, but only if Shichiro would as well.



Quest - oroborus part 1 Empty Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:49 pm

Peering into the dumpster, shichiro had saw there was indeed a corpse in there that was beginning to decompose despite it being a recent murder. He thought to himself that somebody must have some sort of strange magic to be able to do all of this in a short amount of time. Well, it was of no consequence to him as his job was to only locate the body and not handle it in any way shape or form. As he thought this to himself, a group of local Rune Knights had come to retrieve the corpse, cleaning and handling it properly. One of them had found an envelope with the crime family logo on it and handed it off to shichiro. Taking it, he figured this was a clue of some kind that he could present to Weirdlock Jones and most likely wrap this case up. Walking back towards him, he had Yugo follow back in hopes he could keep the rest of his meals in his stomach. Upon returning, he handed the envelope to his client and awaited further orders. He informed them, he would present the evidence himself and the two of them should return to his office and await payment.



Quest - oroborus part 1 Empty Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:47 am

Yugo followed Shichiro in silence as he had nothing to say. The walk to the office wasnt too long, but it was just long enough to be awkward. He hadn't ever had issues with bodies before, was it his enhanced sense of smell? Was it his new outlook on life? He didnt understand yet. The demi human spoke up finally. 

"Thank you for allow me to join you today sir. As always your a good leader and I look forward to working with you again." He would follow until they arrived to the office at which point weirdlocks assistant would greet them inside. She smiled and addressed them as they entered. She spoke to shichiro about the owed amount and even flirted a bit. Yugo took his money and examined it. It was jewels all right. He smiled and left the pair after getting permission from Shichiro. 

He then made his way outside and back toward the barrecks. He stopped along the way to grab something easy for his stomach. The demi-human made sure to spend as little money as he can. He managed to eat a full belly worth of food as he made his way back to the barrecks. He checked in and turned in a report on his mission. He filled out the paperwork he had to do in order to complete his mission properly. The young rune knights sighed as he was then summoned in to speak to a specialist, first exposure to a corpse was something they required you speak to someone about. 

He sighed as he exited hours later as he made his way to the cafeteria to get what food he could. The young demi human yawned. He was for the first time in a long while, exaughted. He had spent years in the wild and yet for some reason this task was the most taxing he had ever attempted. He made his way to his bunk. He got in and sat back down on his bed before sighing and laying down. He didnt understand anything anymore. He wasnt even sure he was his normal self. 

He sighed softly and closed his eyes to take a few minutes to himself. He wondered what he would dream. 



Quest - oroborus part 1 Empty Mon Dec 07, 2020 8:26 pm

Walking back to the office to receive payment for a job that was a bit raw, there wasn't any conversation between the two of them as began their walk toward the office. Eventually though, as they continued the demi-human finally began to spoke up. Apparently he was grateful that shichiro took him out for missions and thought he was a good leader. Placing his hands into his pockets, shichiro just shrugged and responded, "I didn't really do anything, the client made all the calls. We were just there to help." It felt odd being thanked but he didn't really mind it all too much as it made him feel pretty good about himself although he wouldn't show it. Continuing onwards, they had made it to Weirdlock Jones' office. It turns out the client had an assistant he hadn't yet seen before and this was the first time they had been acquainted. Briefly they had chatted and the woman flirted with him to which shichiro nervously chuckled and attempted to flirt back before they had received their payment from the secretary. Looking at the money, he briefly looked at Yugo who seemed to be inspecting it rather closely as if he suspected foul play.

This made him cautious himself but he figured it was just being overly guarded. Yugo departed first and shichiro hung around a bit as the assistant was a bit clingy. He figured it would do him some good to go and figure out what kind of job he should be taking on next as he wanted to more money to save up for something special. Exiting the office himself, he figured he'd do a little bit of sightseeing before looking for the next task. Maybe he'd take Yugo along again if the option arises but he'd still prefer to go it alone for the most part. For now, he'd place his hands into the pockets of his navy blue pants. As he walked, he had saw a black cat sleeping nearby on the side of the road. Walking towards it, he could sense a decent size of mana exuding from the creature. Approaching it, it woke up immediately as if it could sense his presence. This made shichiro halt for a bit before deciding this was worth it for scratches and bruises. With that, he figured he make his way around time to see what other things he might be able to do.



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