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Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN]

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Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Tue Sep 15, 2020 5:44 am

"No, we have got until next month's full moon."

Now that Masami was here, he had realized that it's his first time in Sultry Heights, wasn't it? At least, it will be his first time trying out the hot springs, because he had been busy with theater work and for the means of relaxation, he had no time for it. Stalling time by chatting with the hot springs' receptionist, Masami had relaxed himself and was so used to speaking with older people that he had no problems being a conversationalist. "If you would wish, I may hire your staffs to clean the theater after that performance. Then, they shall get extra payment," he's used to speaking about money in such a way, too.

Sultry Heights is the most known spot here in Hosenka, other than the adult-like Cabaret Crescent and the Crimson Quarters where anyone can do whatever they want due to the lack of supervision, but as well as novelty and dignity, which is why Masami had never preferred to visit such a place, even by the means of requests. The hot springs were much more calmer and soothing; since Joyan men kept the tradition of keeping everything clean, Masami had no problems being comfortable. Even in the lobby, he could smell the hot springs' cherry blossom-scented essential oils; he was grateful that they didn't smell like a bunch of old men's sweat. Since he was apparently ready for sleep after relaxation, Masami wore white jinbei (Joyan pajamas, technically) when he leaned over the counter-top while communicating with the receptionist. From time to time, he'd welcome customers just so he can contribute something and not stall for idle chatter. Every time a customer enters, he'd turn back and bow, greeting them with: "Welcome!" He didn't need to say anything else, and a smile was all that was important.


Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Tue Sep 15, 2020 12:35 pm

WC : 455
Tags : @Masami
Étaoin dragged themselves over the bridge that lead to the hotels, it had been a long morning for them, running around this new city asking anyone they came across during their search adding in the actions as well; if they have seen a young boy, about yay high with blonde hair, super cute but if they laid a finger on him, then Éta would cut them because no one was allowed to touch Kisei like that ever! Eventually though, Éta realised that no that was not the way to ask around if people had seen the boy they wanted to visit, but somehow they had been dragged shopping with a bunch of girls from the crescent and by god did Éta regret going to that area of the city, although they didn’t venture further, it wasn’t time to dwell into that area of the city, but apparently being dragged to the adultery section was just as fine.

“Kiiiiseii~ Where’d ya goooo~!” Whining probably was not going to help them, and that fact that they haven’t even told Masami about the nickname also made the shouting absolutely pointless, but they were tired, donning a stupid dress because they were mistaken for female once again and was forced into feminine clothes, which dont get Éta wrong, were fine and all, but just not today, they were not feeling feminine today. They just wanted to see Masami, it had been, wait how long had it even been since they last met? “Masaaamii~!”

After passing the bridge, Étaoin gulped at the streets that were lined with hotels and bath houses. Frowning, taking a deep breath, Éta trudged onward, but never relented the grip against the skirt of their dress. God they really couldn’t wait to get out of this dress, purple eyes glancing between the curtain like doorways to the hotels and bathhouses, without even stepping inside, biting their lip, as they still didn’t know which one to even approach there were so many, and nothing had any familiar vibes like Étaoin was hoping, that could help them remember their time in Joya. Sucking it up, Étaoin just closed their eyes and spun around before stumbling to a stop, and nodded at the bath house entrance in their line of sight, walking forth towards it.

“Haaah… Please be here…” Muttering to themselves, Éta sighed stepping inside, just to hear a familiar voice, raising their head, Étaoin smiled widely, before running over to the small blonde that was standing near the reception area. “Masa~! I found you finally!” Taking the younger's hands into their own, Éta rocked back and forth on the heels of their feet, in excitement, the exhaustion from before disappearing now that they had found the boy.

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Last edited by Étaoin on Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Thu Sep 17, 2020 8:30 pm

No one has ever held Masami's hands whenever he'd greet customers; that wasn't a custom back in Joya, either. Thus, when the black-haired girl (as much as he assumed so) held his hands and called him by the name, he wasn't sure whether he'd assume if the girl was a foreigner or not. They spoke in Joyan, must be from Joya, thought he when he chuckled at the girl's reaction, slightly trying to pull back. What he'd do next will put him in a great awkward state and it's too much of a risk. Masami doesn't yet know that he has met this girl before—they were Étaoin, albeit in a dress this time, but Masami doesn't know that she was Étaoin yet. If he does, then he'd be in a very surprised turn: who could have known that Étaoin likes dresses? If, that was, if he knew.

Instead, he smiled at her, leaned his head a little to the side and asked: "Who are you?" apparently, even with that gentle chuckle after the statement, Masami still came off as blunt. He didn't want to assume that the girl was a fan of him; he had a reputation as a performer and he was now known in both Joya and in Fiore, and fans who greet Masami don't happen so rarely, after all, but it was an egotistic thought and Masami had pushed the idea away before he asks many odd things. "Are you applying for a suite? The hot springs?" now, he's talking business. He was a customer too, supposedly, but even Masami himself didn't expect that he'd get into the receptionist line, assuming that he'd relax instead of... work. Maybe Masami isn't a workaholic, maybe... something worse? Someone who works by instinct without even being aware of it? Shouldn't I be soaking in the hot springs by now? he guessed it, too, maybe after he realizes that this "girl in a dress" is actually Étaoin.


Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Mon Sep 28, 2020 4:25 pm

WC : 440
Tags : @Masami
Étaoin paused for a second as they thought over their reply, it had been awhile since they had seen Masami. Tilting their head, the green strands slipped over their shoulder, as a quiet hum left Éta’s lips, purple eyes blinking, just as they allowed the grin to slither across their expression, releasing Masami’s hands. Lifting one hand, Étaoin extended their right forefinger as they said one syllable of; “Mi.” and then lifted their left hand and extended their left forefinger, finishing the nickname off with it’s last syllable; “Ji.” A cute chuckle left Éta after they had done this, because now they were hoping that Masami knew exactly who they were. “It’s Miji~” This was a specific nickname that Masami had given Étaoin, and now Éta had one to give in return to the kid that they held dear to themselves.

Glancing around the place they were in, Étaoin blinked a little before looking at themselves and eventually everything did click in on why Masami probably asked. The last time Masami saw them, Éta was pretty sure they looked more like a guy than a girl, and then they suddenly showed up at a bathhouse and acted like they did around Masami, in a dress nonetheless. It probably looked suspicious or whatever other words people used to describe these sorts of situations. “Ah… I’m sorry Masa…” Rubbing the back of their head, Éta took a couple of steps back from Masami, giving him some space, allowing him breathing room.

Honestly they just wanted to get out of this dress that they were forced into. Awkwardly looking at the workers and other customers, Éta decided to just approach the receptionist and ask if they could try the baths out. This question on its own brought up a whole new problem for the young mage, when the receptionist respectfully did her job, only to direct Éta to the female area. ‘W-wait…!’ Flustering a little, because they weren’t female, although they weren’t male either, so where did they go? ‘Which way should I go? It would be very impolite to go into the female baths, but then… It would be strange for me to go for the male ones too, considering I am in a dress…’ Purple eyes turned back to Masami with a cry for help, though they looked like this, Étaoin came to Hosenka looking for Masami and now that they had found their younger friend, they wanted to spend some quality time with him, but this stupid dress had obviously made that plan go sideways. Time to think of a plan B and maybe Masami could help them with it.

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Last edited by Étaoin on Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:29 am

Masami blinked twice; each syllable Étaoin spoke created an imaginary typewriter symbol in Masami's head until it formed... Miji...! he remembered! The scenario was awkward – because Masami understood the idea of "Étaoin" being male despite already knowing that they were genderless, and now they were in a dress and appeared completely female, who could have known? Miji was still that older brother to Masami, in a dress or not, but looking at them now, it was a pretty awkward deal, really. "What happened to you?" Masami's tone of voice wouldn't align with his words. Even though he truly was worried, confused, and surprised, his face couldn't help but look as if he was rather... amused. No, no, it really is amusing, he contradicted his own narration! Well, to be fair, Masami has been wearing a dress (kind of?) this whole time anyway, but it's different in Fiorian clothing.

Masami was no fashion expert, but he knew that clothes are supposed to worn in their "correct" ways. When his eyes travelled to look at every seam in Étaoin's dress, such as the lower portion of their dress and the corners of their sleeves, it looked alright? "Étaoin" didn't seem to be the type of person who'd wear clothes like this, at least to Masami, so maybe someone else did it. Whoever dressed him up, they seemed to have done a pretty good job at it, he lowkey approved, at least... before Étaoin gets taken away (the second time) by the receptionist to be brought to the... where did they said they'll bring Miji to? The female baths? Masami panicked on the inside.

Tracing back what happened last Spring in Myras City, Étaoin told a story of when he was a boy, then he turned into a girl, and now she was non-binary... whatever that is. Even if that was the case, his perception of "Miji" and "Étaoin" only allowed Masami to ever view the older person as an older brother, so why would he get taken to the female baths? Oh wait, but they were also female too, right? Darn, gender is such a scam; Masami appeared like both but he knew himself that he was a boy. "U-Um...!" he called the receptionist from far away, then achieved eye-contact with the anxious Miji who seemed as if he or she or they or it wanted to cry. Miji was still a boy too, right? "Miji is a special guest," Masami's face UNINTENTIONALLY turned into a smug face and he didn't even know it, "they're not used to um... Joyan baths so they'll be placed it a bathtub instead!" This is called the I-need-to-make-a-reason-to-vouch-my-beloved-sibling kind of love, but at least it saved them though, right?

The receptionist seemed to understand anyway, so Masami went ahead and forced them to let Étaoin go. "Let's change your clothes, Miji," he went on and saved his beloved cross-dressing older brother by dragging them to an apparently regular suite. Even though Masami was (now) a known figure in Hosenka City, he still wasn't used to using too much money for himself, so the room was rather smaller and regular. Wanting Étaoin to switch back to Joyan clothes (the clothes Masami was used to seeing, of course), he immediately pushed the poor non-binary person inside the room then locked them in. "There are clean clothes in the shelves, I'll just set up your bathtub once you're done!" No, seriously, he was actually just going to drop Étaoin in a bathtub. Hey, at least that's "non-binary," right?


Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Thu Oct 01, 2020 6:32 am

WC : 645
Tags : @Masami

Étaoin chuckled nervously when the younger boy asked what had happened. It wasn’t a long story, but it was an embarrassing one. Scratching their chin slightly, Éta hummed as they tried to think of a way to explain why they ended up in a dress and not the clothes they first entered the city in. “Well… Let’s just say, it was all down to a hopeless case of no sense of direction and women.” Pausing, Étaoin nodded before they froze. That didn’t sound right. “Not like that way. I got lost… in uh… that area of Hosenka…” Lifting their hands, Éta covered their cheeks as they flushed a little, because even though they had done some grunt work in that area, and befriended one of the brothel owners, it didn’t mean that Étaoin liked that area of town.

Following, well more like being dragged by the receptionist before they could even finish explaining, then again, they had asked about trying the baths, but it would’ve been nice just to talk a little more before being dragged away from Masami. “Ah!” Nodding, hearing Masami’s words to the receptionist, the lady paused as the younger explained Éta’s situation when it came to things like gender orientated stuff, lets just say public restrooms were the bane of the mage’s existence. ‘Thank you Kisei!’ So when Masami approached, and freed Éta from the receptionist’s grasp, they instantly stood behind the younger, and smaller boy, not that height mattered in a situation like this, Masami seemed to be in his 'zone' of explaining and settling the problem, and to push the point a little more, hopefully to show that Masami wasn’t fibbing to the receptionist about it, Étaoin spoke up in a quiet voice. “Mhm. I can speak… but I don't know the rules…”

Shrugging after, Étaoin followed Masami further to a room so they could change, just to be shoved into said room with a small confused noise leaving them, just to turn back to the door, hearing the younger explain what was happening. “Y-You are going to wait right?” Their purple eyes glanced around the smallish room, as they stayed near the door before walking to where the younger said the clothes would be, and picked them up. It was only when it came to removing their own clothes, that Étaoin glanced over their own dress and tilted their head on how the hell they were meant to remove the garment. “What the… oh…” Muttering to themselves, Étaoin eventually found how to get out of the outfit, and began to change into the other clothes, at least that is what Étaoin assumed Masami meant. Once they were done, Éta just kicked the annoyance to one side for now, only to pause realising that they had now made a mess, which was something they were brought up on to never do. ‘I should actually pick that up… It is kind of cute after all…’ Sighing with a small frown on their face, Éta knelt down collecting what was actually a skirt and a turtleneck shirt, which made up what they thought was a dress, as well as neatly setting the boots to one side, and the tights folded neatly with the other clothes on one of the shelves. ‘I think that should be fine…’

Walking back to the door, Étaoin opened the door slightly and peeked out to see if the younger was there, “Uhm, Kisei…” Wait had they told Masami their nickname yet? Oh well, the younger would ask about that if they remembered that side of the promise too. “Was I meant to change into the clothes on the shelf… or not?” They did do that, but if they weren't meant to do that, it meant changing again and honestly they’d just rather jump into a bath than have to change for the fourth time that day.

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Last edited by Étaoin on Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Fri Oct 02, 2020 1:50 am

While waiting outside Étaoin's changing room, Masami leaned his back against the wooden sliding doors and started to recall all the things Étaoin tried telling him a while ago. The first one was about women... what about women? Although most people would think that Étaoin has been a playboy and going out with all the girls because of the way Étaoin worded their words, Masami thought of a completely different thing. 'That' way, huh...? he thought as he looked upwards to support the thinking process, What did they mean 'that' way? Did they mean the... OH NO. immediately after that thought, Masami received a vision of Étaoin in Crimson Quarters, who was then being forced to do gang works such as stealing, killing (insert eyes emoji here), serving poisoned food to guests and those things they call "aphrodisiacs" or something! Masami remembered being told by Kurisa unto what that is and the definition certainly wasn't surely clear, but Masami thought that it must by why Étaoin is wearing a dress, what have they been feeding Étaoin?!

When Miji peeked through the door, he'd see Masami's eyes in a teary state. Masami would sniff and wipe his tears off of the corners of his eyes using the side of his palms before he'd respond with a nod. "Indeed, there should be white garments there, but you can wear the prepared yukata if you're not going to the baths..." imagining how traumatic Miji's experiences could've been, Masami couldn't help but think: You are such a brave soul, Miji...! and sniff once more before sliding the door back closed for Miji to continue changing his clothes to whatever they preferred. Oh wait, we were supposed to question whether Étaoin would go to the females' or the males' baths, or would they rather drop into a bathtub instead? Masami didn't even question who "Kisei" was, assuming that it was a foreign word despite sounding very Joyan. "Oh! By the way, those clothes are in my size, so I don't know if they'd fit," especially the yukata one, which should be in a dark blue of color unless Masami missaw a while ago, but Masami and Étaoin didn't look like they varied too much in size.

"I was going to soak in the baths," said Masami, sounding completely normal despite slightly weeping for Étaoin's loss a while ago, "usually, they place me in a different area 'cuz I am a child, so you can join me if you want; I'm not sure if you'd be comfortable, since you did tell me about your condition." What is science, anyway? It's something I can't grasp for some reason, correct. No matter how many times Étaoin attempts to make Masami 100% understand their status, it'll always be confusing. It was better if he'd directly ask instead, but that would be too awkward to even handle.


Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Thu Oct 08, 2020 3:46 pm

WC : 480
Tags : @Masami

Étaoin blinked at the sudden teary expression of their younger brother, tilting their head a little confused before reaching out and wiping the wet streak from his cheek. Usually Éta wasn’t this bothered by people, in fact most of the time they didn’t really give two cents on another person's feelings, but there are a few people that Étaoin felt like they should take the feelings off into consideration, and Masami was one of those people.

“Are you okay? What happened?” When they were nudged back into the room and the door closed Éta just stood there confused, before glancing down at the clothes that they already had on. “Ahh I think they are okay… I-I’m not that much taller than Kisei~”

Smiling a little Étaoin did pull out the yukata that the younger was on about, before humming to themselves, it’s not that they didn't want to go into the baths, it’s more that they were confused on where to go as the baths are gendered and well, Éta was a confusion on their own. Shrugging, Étaoin moved to grab a towel at least, not knowing if they did need one of those or not, and opened the door once more, before stepping outside. The clothes were a little small but not that it mattered to Éta, considering that they were pretty sure before they went into the baths, the clothes had to be removed anyway, or was that also wrong. Blinking at the younger when the mentioned their condition, Éta hummed, tapping their lip with the forefinger in thought, before frowning slightly. They wanted to spend time with Masami, considering that was one of the reasons they came to Hosenka in the first place, because they remembered that Masami had something connected to a theatre here or something along those lines at least. Glancing back to the younger with their purple eyes, a small smile replacing the frown that was once there.

“I came here to see Kisei again, so I’m fine with being with Kisei…” Pausing for a second Éta lowered their head, “Though I am still nervous about what has happened to me sometimes, I’m also okay with it, and I’ve come to terms that I’ll be like this for a long time…” A nervous expression laced their face, before Étaoin lifted the towel and covered the bottom half of their face with it. “Though, it is a difficult thing to explain… I try my best to do so and move on.”

Nodding to themselves, Éta glanced at the younger with the decision set that they would follow the younger wherever he was going, as well for starters, he is the one who knows about their condition, even if he doesn't understand it that well, and two Éta just felt safer being where Masami was, as it was their first time using a bathhouse in general.

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Last edited by Étaoin on Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Sat Oct 10, 2020 1:29 am

"Who is Kisei?" Étaoin's glance met with Masami's peeking face that peeped from the outside of the suite. He's been hearing that name ever since a while ago and until now, it was still left unanswered, so Masami went for the generic strategy and ask directly instead. It's been a few months ever since Masami left Myras City and surely, he wasn't the only one who had met a lot more new people than before. At least they weren't weirdos in armor with a sword, Masami still couldn't forget Tomoe's expression when they were feigned upon such a disturbing danger, but until now he wonders where his (ex-)guild master is now. Though, unbeknownst to Masami, the guild has disbanded and his guild master is missing. He still hasn't realized that the guild tattoo on his lower back has already vanished, too.

Now that Étaoin was ready and Masami didn't think of anything else apart from the possible people Étaoin has met through the months, Masami helped his older brother slide the door open. "Oh! We can get some moon cake before... or after the baths?" Masami offered as the two of them walk in the corridors, their wooden sandals creating beats with the slightly damp wooden floors, fresh from general cleaning. Masami led Étaoin to the second until the third floors; the stairs were quite the hard climb and along the way, they were able to see public baths out in the open, and Masami was the one who tried his best not to look at the naked men that played with each other in that one gigantic tub. Masami was glad that they didn't have to join them, which was why they had to make the effort to go to the third floor, which seemed like the ground floor because of its' artificial (or magically-utilized) decorations. It was a suite that was twice as big as the dressing room they were in, but it was still quite small compared to the baths they saw while they walked their steps to the room they are in right now.

Finally, Masami slid the door open to reveal two tubs in the middle, separated by a bamboo wall for privacy. It smelled unused but warm due to the stone tubs that had evaporated the continuously-refilling waters, outside the bathroom was grass that looked real, and it was the reason why it felt like it wasn't from the third floor. "Oh wow, if this was the kids' room, then I'll gladly be a kid forever!" Masami forgot that the management staff had to make the room special because of Masami's reputation, too. He waited for Miji to enter before he could close the door, hiding them from the corridor of a bunch more rooms similar to this one. "This way, we can bathe together, but not really," these baths were a lot more common in Joya, but they had enough decency as to separate the females' from the males' area, as well as having baths for children only. When Masami leaned his hands onto the mouths of the stone baths, he was glad that it wasn't kid-sized and could still fit about three people in per tub. The bamboo wall separated almost the whole single room so they had enough reasons to be comfortable.

Masami decided to look around before hopping into the bath. Right after the entrance was a wooden object carved with an instruction, and Masami was slightly familiar of it. "Huh, you can use magic spells to change the bathwaters," of course, Masami was the first one to read it, "then the price will depend on it, hmm... what an odd category of water." There was actually a list of different mixes, which made Masami feel like a topping on top of hot tea. He faced the left tub and as he turned his head back at the carved wood, Masami clapped his hands then brought them downwards. "Herbal water," half of that was a question, because he wasn't sure if it would work this way. It should work as long as the person is capable of magic and from how Masami remembers, both he and Étaoin knew how to utilize their own magic. After that, although there wasn't much visible changes apart from tiny magic circles (because we have to make this as Fairy Tail as possible, y'know), immediately his sense of smell picked up a strong scent of green tea. "I didn't expect that it would work like that..." he backed out a little. The sudden change of scents in this current warm atmosphere didn't mix very well, maybe it was better if they came here earlier.


403 Forbidden link; clothes button don't work and iz suspicious

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Thu Oct 15, 2020 3:55 pm

WC : 620
Tags : @Masami

Blinking at the younger male, Éta stood there for a couple of seconds confused by Masami's question. Kisei was him of course, how had the younger not realised this? Opening their mouth slightly to answer, before closing it again, and scratching their head. It wasn't this hard when they came up with the name or how to tell Masami that he was now ‘Kisei’ but now the moment had actually arrived, Étaoin was having a bit of trouble getting the words out. “Kisei is you?” Just go the blunt route. Shrugging Étaoin continued in their steps to the room that Masami was leading them too. “Just like how I am Miji.” Glancing towards the younger once again, a tiny smile setting itself along Éta’s lips, “I promised I would give you a nickname, in return for my own.” Stretching a little, they wondered if they should explain the name to Masami or not, or wait to hear whether the younger wanted to hear the meaning behind the name. Actually they’d just do it when they both were more relaxed, because it had a very deep meaning to it on Étaoin’s end of the nickname.

Humming a little at the thought of eating mooncakes, they didn’t know what they were, so Éta wasn’t sure whether to get them before or after. Honestly it was probably better to get them after, because if they didn’t like the mooncakes, Étaoin didn’t want to accidentally be sick in the bath. “Let’s wait till after.. I’ve never tried them, so I don’t know how I will react.” A nervous chuckle left the elder mage as they scratched the bridge of their nose in mild nerves.

When they entered the room, Éta glanced around, their purple eyes widened at the sheer size of the room, but not just that, how the room was laid out and the interior design of the area amazed them. “Woah…” They had never been to this place, and a chuckle left their lips at what Masami had said, it was almost like the younger was reading their mind, because it was honestly way too close to what they were thinking as well, except Étaoin’s was more on the side of wishing they could go back to being a kid. “R-right!” It wasn’t that Éta was bothered about that, they were used to their appearance, but it would be rude not to take Masami’s worries into consideration, so maybe sitting on the separate sides of the bamboo screen would be better. “I mean, if that is what you want to do, then we can do that?” Tilting their head at the younger, when Éta noticed him going to mess with something near the door. Since he was going to explore that area, Éta decided to wonder in the opposite direction and explore around there. Humming a little tune quietly to themselves as they peeked round corners and over some rocks that sat around the sides of the bath to give it more of that exterior bath feel, and more of an outside like approach.

It wasn’t until the sudden change in smell that Éta really stopped looking just to groan and cover their nose. They heard what Masami said about requesting what kind of water they would like for their bath, but this was definitely not the right option. 'Oh what the? What did you ask for Kisei?' Making their way back to the younger, before pointing at the door, suggesting that they maybe just step outside for a few minutes before approaching any baths. “Next time… Maybe we should decide together on the type of water?” Stepping outside themselves, Éta nervously smiled at the younger, before letting out a soft laugh.

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Last edited by Étaoin on Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
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Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Sun Oct 18, 2020 8:04 am

Masami's nose adjusted immediately to the sharp turn of scents. "It's alright, I will settle with this one," he coughed a little—a little intentionally. He didn't want to waste the herbs used for the water; for a person who had some knowledge about how hard it is to mix and create effective baths for customers, Masami at least understood that this wasn't just any normal "herbal" water, because then it wouldn't smell so strong. In fact, Masami believed that this bathhouse was better than the ones he saw in Joya, but perhaps it was because Hosenka City had magic, and Joya had to use whatever that was there. At least, as far as Masami could remember – because from where he was from, there was no magic. Sure, there were beliefs about spirits and onmyoji existing but it wasn't like this, where he'd visually see real magic circles floating around the air... and demon souls taking their vessels over. Right, I should find a reason why Étaoin feels like a target, target to Lucifer, that was; but tonight, the only thing Masami wanted to do tonight is to relax.

After the bath, they'd grab some mooncakes. Masami could actually ask for them now, but perhaps it would be better to have a meal outside the steamy room instead (maybe get some tea, too). "I'll go to my side, then," Masami pointed at the left tub before he'd walk along, eventually sinking his toes unto the warm water, and then his whole body after taking the white bathrobe off for him to fold and place on top of the surface right outside of the tub. "Oh," he faced Étaoin, "it's actually nice." Masami came to the point where he'd slowly sink his face down, creating bubbles from under the water, then rising up to breathe. It was hard for Masami not to forget that he was with Étaoin in this room, since he usually took baths like these alone. Gradually, although he fell silenced, his mind couldn't help but wonder while Masami rests with half of his face under the water. 'Kisei,' huh? I wonder what that meant—did he mean from Go? Masami has never played Go before, as he found it too hard for him, since he was never good at those types of games. Maybe Étaoin was different, because Masami couldn't think of anything else but Go when Étaoin called him "Kisei," just as how Masami calls Étaoin "Miji" now. Amusing; looks like Étaoin really took their time trying to think of a name for Masami this whole time they were apart—hopefully, Masami doesn't accidentally fall asleep in the bath.


Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Wed Nov 04, 2020 12:17 pm

WC : 450
Tags : @Masami
Standing there Éta nodded to Masami’s reply about the water, just to follow the younger back into the room, making their way to their side of the springs, parted by the screen. Relaxing is what today was about and then enjoying the moon buns that Masami spoke of previously. All Étaoin wanted to do was spend as much time as they could in the busy schedule that the two had acquired before parting ways once again. Hearing the fire mage perk up about the water actually being nice despite the smell that had attacked both of them by mistake, Éta turned their purple gaze towards the water, before stepping into the bath. Instantly a shiver ran through their body at the sudden warmth that graced the skin up to their knees, and quickly removed the robe before dunking themselves straight into the rest of the water.

Eyes tightly closed, as they stayed under the water for a good minute, just to rise up again, and let out a much needed inhale of air. Masami was right, the water was perfectly fine even with the smell. “It is nice…” A soft chuckle left them before they moved back to the edge of the tub, just to peak around the screen. “Neh, Kisei… Wanna know what your name stands for?” A grin laced their lips, as they pushed a few strands from their face, that was sticking to the skin. “It is Ki from Kisho, and which means rare, and the character of Hoshi, meaning Star.” Folding their arms against the floor around the tub, Étaoin rested their chin on their forearms. “It means rare star, and I like to think that when we go, we become another star in the sky, but i chose rare because I have no family, and it is rare for me to call a person family, let alone a friend.” Slipping back into the water, Étaoin quietly mumbled to themselves before sinking further into the water. “That’s why you are Kisei.”

Falling quiet after their explanation, Étaoin just laid back in the water, and gazed at the ceiling enjoying the movement of the liquid around them. As a water mage, being in water was a natural thing, but it also made Étaoin feel a little safe, because then they had a weapon around at all times if something bad decided to happen. They wondered if they should get something to eat now, or let Masami decide on that one, they younger had been quiet for a bit now, maybe he had fallen asleep, if so Étaoin didn’t blame his younger brother, the water was relaxing enough for anyone to want to sleep in, dangerous or not.

"There is no LOVE...
When there is no JEALOUSY."

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
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Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Empty Wed Nov 04, 2020 8:04 pm

He played with his hands. As soon as Masami's nose had adjusted to the sudden scent of vibrant green tea, he had learned how to enjoy the quiet bath—it was very quiet here at the top, when the lower floors were extremely wild and noisy. This is better; he was grateful to have connections that would treat him as "special". That way, he could become a vessel—to treat the others as "special" too; or was it just Lucifer? Étaoin has not met him yet, and Masami doesn't know whether he'd like to have Étaoin and Lucifer meet. Maybe it's better to say this now, rather than never.

Masami's lips folded into a frown; he had gulped. "Hey," he called, the same time as Étaoin decided to break the ice and ask Masami if he wanted to know what his nickname meant. I was wondering that, too, he kept silent instead, letting his Miji speak for himself. There, he explained that it represents "rare star," or something along those lines. Although Masami could not envision what Sinese characters Miji was recalling, Masami nodded in understanding. He sighed before a response, "I see, so you really did think it through," he giggled quietly, thinking that now wasn't the time to reveal Lucifer. Rather, maybe it's best that he was never revealed. In Joya, they'd purify the demonized using painful rituals. If the same goes for Masami, then he would rather not come back to Joya at all.

"I assumed you meant the Kisei title from the game of Go," he said, "which makes sense, you are the black pieces and I am the white ones." A piece of Masami felt off when he called himself the "white pieces," as if he was being forced by himself to look pure and innocent; not like he wasn't, considering that he knew perfectly how and why he left Joya in the first place, but it also wasn't enough to call him "impure". Lucifer had probably fed himself through that sort of impurity, hence why he took Masami as vessel—Masami wouldn't want to think about it anymore.

He hummed, uttering: "This is making me drowsy," before he'd lower his lips under the water for a snooze, the back of his head leaning against the border of the tub. Maybe, once he wakes up, he'd forget that he even wondered.

[to be continued]


Several More Seconds [SOCIAL; ÉTAOIN] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

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