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Underground Associates [Quest]

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#1Xandra Queen † 

Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:57 pm

Xandra Queen †
Underground Associates:

Hosenka has always been a very colourful, vibrant city, but it is not without its darkness. Operating out of the crimson quarter are many crime lords and cartels, each of which work on the different facets of corruption. Sometimes adventurers are hired to infiltrate these organisations. The task may be something as simple as gaining information about the comings and goings of goods, or it could be taking out a powerful crime lord in Hosenka. No matter the job, those who chose to act as informants are rewarded handsomely for their efforts. However, the crime lords themselves may wish to know about the mission, and may reward an informant who lies about the mission's completion to the client. After all, money is a powerful motivator.

Underground Associates [Quest] Sig10
#2Xandra Queen † 

Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:58 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 302

Hosenka is a city that always radiates beauty. With it's vibrant colors and aesthetically pleasing infrastructure, it can easily be a place that serves as every tourist's ideal vacation spot. However, the prettier the rose, the sharper it's thorns. At least that's what she had learned after a while of staying within the ideally beautiful place. It was swarming with tourists on the surface who walk along the pretty illuminated streets, wafting the scent of the beautiful cherry blossoms. But inside the deeper allies where the street lights don't reach, the insects and rodents swarm. Perhaps this city was really in need of a clean-up.

Xandra walked down the aesthetic street which was lined with large and bulky trees that let the cherry blossom petals fall out from it's branches. It was almost like it was creating a path for her. Tucking the strands of hair behind her ear, the enchantress couldn't help but smile at the sheer beauty before her. The gentle wind tugged at the pale white dress she adorned. It was a v-line which exposed her collarbone as well as her pale neck. The sleeves opened as they got further away from her shoulder, stopping right before her elbows.

Her feet were adorned with a pair of white sandals with a line of flowers on the hem, leaving her feet with plenty of air to caress them which also securing her footing. Perhaps staying in the city for a long amount of time had affected her. Her outfits were beginning to match her the scenery around her but it was okay because it didn't hurt to feel pretty sometimes. However, that was not the reason why she was there. Her guild had plans to take over this city but claiming a dirty land wasn't all that appealing to them.
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Underground Associates [Quest] Sig10
#3Xandra Queen † 

Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 4:59 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 303

She was there to clean up, for herself and on behalf of the guild. If everything went according to plan then the guild would soon be taking over this land but they had no intention of taking all the dirt under their jurisdictions. It was like an initial clean up of all the dirt and rodents before they could proudly say that this was their city. After all, they wouldn't want all these crime lords and annoying men who do nothing but yap all day and unnecessarily kill people be associated with them. Moreover, rumors had reached her ears that there was far more than just killing happening here.

She had come of find out that there was a certain crime lord hidden within the city who captured young girls and sold them off to rich people, smuggling them out of the city. Perhaps the real dirt was truly hidden underneath all the beauty. It reminded her of the time in Orchidia when she worked as a Rune Knight in order to free the children from those who worked with her. The only difference, this time, was that she was alone and had a lot more freedom than before. At least she was sure that she didn't have to worry about losing her job.

A chuckle escaped her lips as she reminisced over the past. But that was all in the past. Compared to them, she was a different person and while many may say she isn't particularly as nice now, she was rather proud of the changes that had taken over her recently. She skipped along the path, whistling as she made her way over to the 'client' whom she very much needed for this very mission. To her and everyone else, it was a matter of life and death of course.

template by rem of WW

Underground Associates [Quest] Sig10
#4Xandra Queen † 

Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:00 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 304

Arriving at the restaurant where she planned on meeting her client, she noticed a young man sitting on an empty table with a grim expression. As soon as he saw her, his eyes lit up. Perhaps she was more well known than she had expected. His expression was enough to inform her that he was the client she was waiting to meet. Without any hesitation, she walked over to him and placed herself down on the seat opposite him. Ordering a cup of soda, she commenced the meeting. The man who currently conversing with her was a member of the police force.

The police, within Hosenka, didn't have much power. They wanted to help the citizens but the crime lords and swarming yakuza groups were just too many and far too strong to be able to fight among themselves. Anyone who came to the city or was already a resident would rather choose to join these illegal groups than the police force because they were more powerful. Being a police officer here was basically a death flag because the place was constantly swarmed with enemies. They could no longer fight them on their own and hence, resorted to asking the nearest guild for help.

And so, they obliged and here she was, ready to fight them down. He gave her information regarding a specific crime lord who went by the name of Michael Viole. It was likely an alias but he was well known throughout the city for targeting the poor into selling their children to him or worse, kidnapping them in order to profit off of them. There was no known record of what really happened to those kids but the speculated that the children were being sold off to rich people, guilds, government figures for their own pleasure and that irked her.
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Underground Associates [Quest] Sig10
#5Xandra Queen † 

Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:01 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 300

Word on the street was that girls and young women were particularly popular with his group. That was it, their plan was rather simple. The Bellan would pretend to be a tourist when she is kidnapped by the members of Viole's little crime syndicate and she had to sneak in to obtain information. It seemed as if there was a larger, well thought out plan in place and she couldn't rashly. For now, they just needed information and her job was to get the information. She nodded along to the plan she would be a part of and started to prepare.

The man before her told her that one of Viole's workers had been tipped off about a pretty tourist who would be seen in the park and it was time for her to get into character. He had brought a disguise for her because she couldn't get caught as that would ruin their plan completely. She put on the wig that he had given her and put in the ruby contacts. Just a change of color to her eyes and hair was enough to make her look like a completely different person. The long, blonde wig and ruby eyes was indeed a look.

It was now time to get the show on the road. Her beautiful dress and lack of athletic wear allowed her to blend into the crowd as a normal tourist. The police force had given her a strange pill which was said to be able to hide the presence of her mana in case if there was someone within Viole'e syndicate who could recognize it. She sat herself down on a bench as people passed by, licking the ice cream cone in her hands. The moon shone brightly in the night sky, illuminating the beautiful city.
template by rem of WW

Underground Associates [Quest] Sig10
#6Xandra Queen † 

Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:01 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 302

As she sat there, waiting for someone to come to her, she noticed the crowd clearing up. It was unnerving how the number of people reduced but it was perhaps a natural thing as people drifted away to more lit up areas. She sensed a pair of eyes on her and suppressed a smile. Fishing the ice-cream cone within her hands, she got up and brushed her hands against each other before slowly skipping behind the crowd which was headed towards the center of the city, where a festival of lights was amidst commencements. Her slow steps were being followed.

She could sense that someone was following her but it hurt not being able to look behind. Instead, as she walked, she glanced at the doors of the buildings which showed her reflection as well as that of the men behind her. There were about three men following her, each being at least a whole taller than her. They were covered from head to toe in tattoos as their dark attire blended into the darkness. It was clear that they had no intention of hiding the fact that they were criminals. Xandra resisted the urge to click her tongue at them.

As the crowd sped up, drifting further away from her, she knew it was about time for them to start acting. Walking along the street, she neared a dark inner alley where no light shone. She could feel them closing in on her and before she knew it, she felt a strong pull on her arm as she was tugged inside the darkness. A cloth wrapped over her face and as she inhaled, she felt her consciousness slipping away. Although she was on a mission and was sure that she would be fine, it was far from being a pleasant feeling.
template by rem of WW

Underground Associates [Quest] Sig10
#7Xandra Queen † 

Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:02 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 300

Her head felt heavy as she slowly opened her eyes. The blurry sight before her made her blink furiously a couple of times before she could lay in her focus. She could see the backs of a few men facing her and as she turned her head around, she realized she was surrounded by heaps of women. They were all tied up, just like herself, and unconscious. Those who had their consciousness simply sobbed silently and it didn't take her long to realize why. The bruises on their bodies was enough of a reason to understand what was happening.

But she had to turn a blind eye right now. It was not the time to jump up and save all of them. Instead she waited as the guards changed shifts. Luckily for her, the next set of guards looked strong but were fewer in number and a lot calmer than the previous ones. This was her chance. She opened her mouth, asking them where they were going to take the girls and herself. If she couldn't be saved, at least she had the right to know what was going to happen to her. To the guards, it was a fair deal.

They were probably bored and wanted to talk as her words didn't make it seem like she was going to explain. Luckily for her, they were as arrogant as they looked as they thought, even if she did try, she couldn't escape from them. It was their arrogance which was beneficial to them. They spilled like a broken dam, letting out all the secrets of the organization in an attempt to scare her as they told her what her future would hold. Apparently, women and young girls were being sold at high prices to brothels inside and outside Hosenka.

template by rem of WW

Underground Associates [Quest] Sig10
#8Xandra Queen † 

Underground Associates [Quest] Empty Tue Jun 23, 2020 5:04 pm

Xandra Queen †
So tell the gun to sin Like an angel with the dirty wings Tainted by tastes of the soul This is another level Deep in
WC: 307

They would send them out in batches and if any of these women were purchased by a rich person at the brothel, a percentage of the profits would go to Viole's little group. In light of their arrogance and her feigned fright, their lips became looser as they listed out the cities and even the names of the brothels, making her job a lot easier for her. The next batch would apparently be set sail in five days time as they needed to have at least one hundred women and girls per every batch that they sent out once a week.

It disgusted her knowing that every week, one hundred girls suffered this fate but that was something she could think about later. It was time to escape. As she was told, there was a man within the organization who worked with the police and he would set her free, claiming that she tried to escape and so he killed and discarded her. Once everyone fell asleep and the guards changed shifts, he entered as he dispersed a gas that would put them to sleep for a while and untied her. She escape easily but remained enraged at the happenings within the city. They had five days to prevent the next shipping.

She returned to the man who acted as the client on behalf of the police force and told him everything she had found out, wondering why their spy couldn't. Turned out that even members of the organization were kept in the dark and only told what they needed to know. She was lucky enough to stumble upon a bunch of guards who actually knew what was going to happen. Given that they knew, they must've been strong and important members of the organizations. It was perhaps for the better that she didn't engage in combat.

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Underground Associates [Quest] Sig10

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