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Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event]

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Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Wed Aug 14, 2019 6:56 am


WORDS: 319 | TOTAL: 319 | Ravishing Rider

There he is… A slow and low breath escaping her lips as she peered around from the cover of a nice little patch of growth, Ellie Cavallero was rather thankful for her good fortune when she spied a rather nice prize on the patchy grass a none too considerable number of meters away from her, and even more so for the spot of cover she found to conceal herself from it. This sporadic plains growth perfect for stalking a fellow that might get spooked by the sudden presence of a stranger, the violet eyed vixen let her gaze wash over her target in a fashion that was filled with appreciation, and yet also just a little bit of irritation as well.

Imagine, thieves striking even in these times of harshness, disgraceful… Certainly not annoyed with the fact that she had managed to track her target to this site so quickly but instead somewhat vexed at the fact that she had to at all, a small knot formed at the centre of Ellie’s brow as she looked toward the fine looking figure that she had sought out, and recalled the reason for his escape. This no simple case of hunting to survive but rather retrieval, after the intervention of a bunch of fools this fine looking fellow had been set free into the world and took full advantage of that fact, bolting miles from town before he had apparently settled to rest and recover his nerve.

Though, I can’t disagree with their taste at least… It a real shame really, in many ways the good fortune that the flowery femme felt was one that was shared by the prime piece of prey that she looked at. It seeming all too easy for a boy as beautiful as this one to get attacked by wolves or worse while he was out and about, Miss Cavallero saw to her relief that he looked uninjured and though probably a little scared, was in good condition for the most part, and what a condition it was…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Ellie on Tue Aug 20, 2019 9:07 am; edited 1 time in total

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Q7O8hRr

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Thu Aug 15, 2019 3:44 pm


WORDS: 352 | TOTAL: 671 | Ravishing Rider

He’s a magnificent looking boy, look at him. As close to perfect as I’ve ever seen? This prized and primed horse that our heroine was stalking the image of pony perfection, one could tell just by looking at his sleek but strong frame and beautiful coat that not only was he bred well but also cared for as well, which only made the girl who sought him even more annoyed that someone might try to make off with him. Yet even as she felt enraged by the sheer gall of the thieves who had set this wonderful animal free and sent him straight into the face of danger, there was one more thing that Miss Cavallero felt as she looked toward the resplendent racer that she simply couldn’t ignore.

…I can’t help but wonder what a champion feels like to ride? Heading out in support of this effort because of her own love of all things equestrian, despite her affable and honourable intention, Ellie was no simple do-gooder in this situation. A purveyor of ponies with no shortage of experience admiring and riding horses, the ebony haired enchantress couldn’t help but wonder what such a lovely specimen might feel like beneath her, and how the wind would feel rushing past as they sped through a nice open space like this one.

Out in the open… Nothing but the breeze between us and adventure? Loving to feel the air flying by her and the way that her heart sent adrenaline through her systems as she galloped along at full pelt, though the teen had found quite the thrill with the horses from back home in this regard, she couldn’t help but muse over how one that had won prizes for its speed and stability might feel between her thighs. It was a difficult compulsion to ignore, really.

Almost worth seeing how much they might want for him back at the stable? The girl so thrilled by the idea of riding this stallion that she found herself having to swallow a lump down in her throat to try and steady herself and cool the excitement she felt, it perhaps reflected the privilege with which the young woman had been raised as she questioned the cost of such a wonderful beast on site, privately making just a small plan to see if she could swing the price to claim him as her own at some point in the future…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Q7O8hRr

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Fri Aug 16, 2019 7:35 am


WORDS: 366 | TOTAL: 1037 | Ravishing Rider

“Heeeeeyyyyy there…” A soft and smooth voice carrying over the plain once Miss Cavallero had gathered her nerve enough to move close to the creature, though her little patch of cover had her prize at quite the disadvantage in a tactical turn given the fact it was lined up with the hind of the animal, the experience of the eager equestrian told her that she would only make her future ‘friend’ more nervous by closing in from such a direction and so had taken the time to cross enough distance to approach more from a frontward direction. Common sense perhaps saying that this would give the horse more of a chance to spot her and bolt but in real terms the task her to soothe the animal more than anything, he was a tamed and trained partner, who deserved respect and consideration.

“It’s OK, It’s OK…” A flick of the animal’s ear seeming to hint that it had heard her, though the horse had seemed to be calm as it plucked and chewed on the grass beneath it, as Ellie drew nearer and spoke one could see the nervousness that she had anticipated in the creature almost immediately. The head of the animal lifting up instinctively as he spotted someone coming toward him, as the magnificent mount huffed and rapped a foot upon the ground, the young rider knew that this was his way of telling her not to get too close to him and she paused in place to show him she would take things at his pace.

Hard to blame him for being a little jumpy, I bet those fools scared him pretty badly… The hands of our heroine raised in the air to let him know she wasn’t going to hurt him in any way or try and approach before he was ready, with the distance of a good dozen meters or so separating them Miss Cavallero knew that she would struggle to close on him before he spun around and ran or worse tried to kick her, and honestly she wanted neither of these. The trust of the animal in people dented by what he had been through, it was better to take things slow and easy rather than risk upsetting him more. This boy had been through enough in the past day, after all…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Q7O8hRr

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Sat Aug 17, 2019 7:38 am


WORDS: 324 | TOTAL: 1361 | Ravishing Rider

“I’m not going to hurt you, Boreas…” Hands held aloft and a none too over the top smile worn upon her face, Ellie spoke with a sense of gentleness as she looked toward the equine that enamoured her, saying his name in as soothing a fashion as she could manage so as to try and tell him that she was someone who he could trust.
Horses are sensitive creatures… As much as people for the most part… This simple and patient behaviour the result of a great many years of experience and understanding of creatures such as this, the black beauty knew better than to treat such amazing animals like tools or beasts of burden, and had learned that in childhood.

“My name’s Ellie, and I’m here to take care of you…” It perhaps true that a humble horse was not capable of speaking as a human does or copying many of their habits but far more of a ‘person’ than a great many of the brutes who roamed the lands these days, at least in the lavender eyes of this young lady, she had been best friends with ponies and even helped to deliver foals a couple of times and really fell in love with the noble creature that many would see as a simple steed. Certainly no amateur when dealing with them and showing this as she let that purple gaze mix with that of her target, though perhaps roping the boy was perhaps the easiest way to capture him, Miss Caravello could not stand the idea of stressing him any more than he already had.

She certainly was… Hard to think it’s nearly been ten years since I last had Mirabelle…? Ultimately it all boiling down to the fact that the femme had not only fallen in love with the pretty pony she received as a girl but also been forced to watch as some savage slaughtered her as well, no matter the time it took or the toll it placed upon her to do otherwise, Ellie would never ever seek to harm or otherwise strain the humble horses she met in any way. To her they were beautiful and wholly worthy of her kindness and protection…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Q7O8hRr

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:17 am


WORDS: 312 | TOTAL: 1677 | Ravishing Rider

“That’s it… You’re a lovely boy, a beautiful and bold and brave boy…” The patience of the prim and protective pilot seeming to pay off as her coaxing seemed to provoke the pony to move a little bit closer to her, whether it was a sense of faith and hope that brought this beauty closer to the black belle or simple curiosity about her she did not know, but whatever the reason was Miss Cavallero made happy, she cooed gently as he moved toward her one step at a time. The act of earning the trust of a strong and capable animal like this always feeling like a rewarding one, in many ways it felt like making friends with person or even something sweeter than this, and as Boreas began to accept the floral femme she couldn’t help but smile in response. Feeling her heart touched by that mix of openness and honesty she felt from this stunning steed even in this situation.

“Aren’t you, Boreas~?” Really the purest of creatures, though it might have surprised some to hear, horses were in many ways more similar to dogs than the animals that one might happen to find upon a farm or roaming across a plain. Frank, sympathetic and most of all loyal, Ellie had seen creatures as long as a carriage and taller than her head thrashing around on their backs excitedly and loving nothing more than to have their bellies rubbed, and so had been overwhelmed by the inherent sweetness of the elegant equine on a great many occasions. It hard not to fall in love with such beautiful beasts when one got to know them, in her life so far the floral femme had never known a better friend or confidante than she had with the mounts that she had tamed and bonded with, and thought of them just as fondly as she would have any human figure really. Or, considering Mr Gilbert, almost as well…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Q7O8hRr

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:17 am


WORDS: 320 | TOTAL: 1997 | Ravishing Rider

“That’s iiiiiitttt~” It taking a series of still and calm minutes the number of which Ellie had not had any notion to count but the result ultimate worth any kind of wait, finally did the floral fox find herself close enough to pet the pony with which she had been so preoccupied, and she certainly indulged that opportunity.
[b]“It’s nice to finally meet you properly, Boreas~” The steady hand of our heroine moving to the shoulder of the misplaced mount and rubbing it softly and soothingly, the ebony haired equestrian purred with satisfaction as she greeted her new friend, and also couldn’t help but giggle as she felt just how soft his coat was. Not exactly sure why she expected it to be rougher and more rugged on the body of a racehorse but certainly charmed by the fact that it wasn’t, all too quickly the girl had spread her hands across the body of the striking steed and then took the chance to caress his mane and head as well, and loved every moment of it really.

[b]“You mind giving me a little ride back to the stable~?” Indulging her desire to dote upon this dashing delight for more than a few moments but ultimately the aim of Miss Caravello calling an end to the casual comfort she could offer, after looking the lovely lad up and down, she saw something that might have made her return to town somewhat of a chore. The brown beauty bridled but found with a somewhat sore lack of a saddle, though our horse whispering heroine always had the option of leading the animal back to the stable by his reigns that would feel like something of a waste to her. After all, so very curious about seeing just how good a runner that this charming champion was, while a bareback ride was something that the girl was not at all new to, doing so with a stallion she had just met was another thing entirely. Especially one as big and strong as this…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Q7O8hRr

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:19 am


WORDS: 344 | TOTAL: 1997 | Ravishing Rider

I think I’m falling in love~ More than happy in many ways to let her sweet steed decide the manner in which they returned to the stable, though she was quite keen on a quick ride from this sublime stallion, Miss Caravello knew that it would be a risky proposition given their inexperience with each other. Journeys sans saddle a test of both the rider and the horse as well as the bond they had built between them, it would be a risky prospect for any animal who didn’t trust the person they were with, so when Boreas nodded and lowered his head it was with no shortage of sweet sentiment that the eager equestrian greeted the animal’s acquiescence.

“Oh my, you are a gentleman~” The superb steed stooping by lowering his head and bending his long legs at the knees so as to make it that bit easier for Ellie to climb onto him without the aid of a stirrup, the black beauty couldn’t help but purr with delight at the act of generosity, and climbed aboard that big, strong back without much of a delay so as to save the animal the trouble of being in such a straining position for long, and once they were both upright couldn’t help but reward the charming creature for the gallantry he had shown. Wrapping her arms around the neck of the beast and cuddling him as she leaned into his man for a nuzzle as well, though they were practical strangers our happy heroine could feel a bond building between them already, enough so that this affection didn’t feel quite as strange as it perhaps should have otherwise.

“Heeheehee, here we go~” Climbing aboard her new friend and gripping his reigns in a firm grasp so as to help herself feel more secure without the support of a saddle, once she was all ‘aboard’ Boreas and reasonably comfortable Miss Cavallero opted to get them underway sooner rather than later by lightly nudging the sides of this splendid stallion to get him moving along at a nice steady pace, at least until they had gotten relaxed with their position that was…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Q7O8hRr

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Empty Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:42 am


WORDS: 401 | TOTAL: 2398 | Ravishing Rider

“Yah! Yahhh!” It not taking Miss Caravello and her mighty mount to get up to a fine pace once they had found a sense of comfort with each other’s movements, while she was perhaps moving with a hint of recklessness given the lack of a saddle or helmet, the young rider had struggled to restrain her urge to see the animal going all out she still felt rather assured of him even when she did. Boreas somewhat lithe in his frame and yet what was underneath her never feeling less stable or sturdy for this, his reflexes were sharper than any sword and responses perfect, which was what as she might have expected from a horse built for winning races.

“That’s it Boreas, you certainly are a champion, huh?” Perhaps not testing him to his absolute limit but definitely going as fast if not faster than she would with any horse she had raised herself, as scenery whizzed by the side of her eyes, the teen wore a smile that felt like it was a mile wide and felt her pulse pounding so perfectly within her chest as well. Exhilarated by the experience, that ease with which this champion could accelerate to blinding speed and then change direction on a dime, as Ellie thrashed around the farmland and approached a hedge that on foot she might have had trouble climbing over the dark haired delight only felt more daring in what she did.

With a ride like this, I could go all day long~ Not even letting the magnificent mount beneath her break his stride as they approached the obstacle and then guiding him to clear it with a big grin on her face, it was no small amount of satisfaction that the excited equestrian felt her body lifting and stomach being left behind her as she and Boreas cleared the challenge with little issue, and kept on going. Certainly loving this feeling of just letting loose, something she had always been thrilled by since she was a little girl, Miss Cavallero relished the chance to have a little bit of fun and also knew that the beautiful boy on whom she rode was also having a good time to.

And if I’m not careful, I might end up doing that after all! A horse like this built to run and run hard, hopefully a nice jaunt like this one working off any lingering stress from the animal, even though she did feel a hint of guilt at delaying her return to town it did seem worth it in the end. They needed this, after all…

~Follow Your Heart~

"~Let Your Passions Come Into Full Bloom~"
- Ellie Cavallero

credit to nat of adoxography.

Training & Helping Those In Need I [Ellie/Solo/Mini-Event] Q7O8hRr

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