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Sirius Concerns {Quest:Lucian}

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#1Lucian V. Crimson 

Sirius Concerns {Quest:Lucian} Empty Sat Oct 14, 2017 9:58 pm

Lucian V. Crimson
So the prince fears that there are spies living among the workers of the castle. Hmm, I don't know whether to applaud the young man for his forethought or to place him into the category of the paranoid. Though considering that they are royalty of sorts, there is no shortage of people that desire to either take his family down or to remove him specifically from his place in power. But either way, the man has asked for me to act as a new assistant mason to spy in among the builders. Which I might add has me in this rather dingy looser fitting uniform, that easily belong or should I say belonged to someone else. Though I would rather not know their fate.

But enough with that back to the task at hand, who better to be a spy for you than the man who builds the very walls you're trying to enter. He could include various hiding places, secret passageways, and the other various tools of secrecy for others to exploit.

Here comes the construction director. Let's see what he has to say.

"You will be helping the southern wall team today, it is imperative we get it repaired and fixed. Though I must say we do appreciate the help, it looks like you haven't done much work like this before. "

Granted, that is true. These men have a much more hulking form and all kinds of worn and rough features. Their hands look like they were made from the very stone they built these walls out of. My hands have the appearance of a wild boy with some sort of hygiene.

Maybe I don't really fit the part but that matters not.

"Many don't think I can do it. But I have taken many jobs on through the years. I'll work hard. "

"Well for both of our sake I hope you do. "

The men in the group, they stare at me as some sort of outsider. Which was to be expected. I am an outsider to Oak in general. That night at the bar was all the proof I needed to know that I stuck out around here more than the common mage. The people here seem well acquainted with the members of Phantom Lord and they definitely knew I was not with them.

"Good morning. "

A few gruff responses here and there and even more stares but it seemed they were prepared to disregard me as just another mason which meant that the quicker the tension was broken and they started talking, the quicker I can get out of these clothes.

Hmm, this hammer heft had a certain weight, easily able to be swing consistently. Though this is definitely heavy. But the part must be played sadly.

*clink* *clink*

Crazy, these men really do this all day. Lifting stone after stone. Crashing hammer and iron into rock. Risking their lives up here to build a castle they will never live in but must give up their time and energy for. No wonder one of these men might be a spy, the sheer audacity of it all. I can sort of feel where they are coming from. Emphasis on sort of. In the end, your personal dignity and pride should be worth more than any amount of money or desire to see another man fall. But then again with the way the sun is beating on down me, I'd give up almost anything about me to get out of this heat.

*ring* *ring*

What is that?

"Come on new kid, Lunch Time." Oh thank the heavens, I'm starving. Wait.. I didn't bring anything to eat, I didn't think I'd be here that long to be here for this.

"Who comes to do a mason's work and doesn't bring food? Take this. "

"Thank you. " Delicious. I never knew an apple could taste so good. Definitely better than most apples I have had, though this is probably from the starvation in my body than anything else.

*ring* I guess it is time to return to work I guess. So there has been no mention of anything supscious so far and the day is almost through. Maybe there is truly no such spy or snitch for that matter among these men. MAybe, they really are just a bunch of hardworking honest laborers who are...

"Yeah, with the money I'm about to get tonight, I will finally be able to get out of this damn town and go somewhere to raise my family properly. "

Damn. It was the one from earlier. Now I know that masons don't get paid daily so its safe to say that this wasn't the source of income he was going to be getting tonight.

I guess, I have the snitch. Time to figure out what he's snitching about.

Hmm, the others have started to disperse and the day is coming to end, this is the time.

"Hey man, I just wanted to say thanks for the apple earlier."

Good, just right here. Right behind the wall...

"Yeah man, no problem...Wha..."

Luckily for me having magic on my side allowed me to overpower him but I didn't want to do anything unnecessary. He was still a decent man. For the most part.

"What is going on tonight, what is this money you are talking about?"

"Sigh. I was going to give the schematics to the Phantasm Castle to the Martello family. "

The martellos? Why in the world would they want the schematics to the castle? To have a possible contingency plan or one up on the family is the most likely reason but...

"Is someone meeting you or are you getting the money and dropping the schematics? "

"Dropping the schematics and picking up the money. "

Mmmm. I refuse to condemn a hardworking man to die. Especially one with a heart like his. Though I still have a job to do. I just don't have to make it known the individual is still here.

"Get your payment and get out of the city by tomorrow morning. Go start your new life. Forget you even exist here. I will make sure you are never followed. For your kindness. Now go. "

The look on his face says it all, I did the right thing indeed.

"Thank you, I... "

"Don't worry. Just get out. "

Now to go visit with a certain Phantasm.

"Ah mister mage, I see your back, I trust you found what was needed. "

"Yeah. One, the drop was supposed to happen in two days. The Martellos would have been receiving a copy of the plans to the castle. Two, the rat has been taken care. And three, I think you need to invest into your masons more. They wouldn't desire to turn on you if they had more incentive not to other than the death penalty. "

The young man looked intently as if he was genuinely weighing the words placed before him. To be fair after having done their job for a day, this is the least I can do for them. And who better to talk to, than the man right below the leader.

"I'll take what you have said into consideration, take your payment. I'll be in touch. And I hope you feel a little stronger after being out there with our men. "

"Yeah, If I need a workout, I'll come back. "

Finally, I can now get out of these clothes. I just hope that man gets out in time, the gift of life is one that shouldn't be taken lightly.


The Harbinger of WarFortune wheelLucian's character sheet.

Sirius Concerns {Quest:Lucian} Qhre37u


Even if the morrow is barren of Promises
Nothing shall forestall my return
To become the dew that quenches the land
To spare the sands, the seas, the skies
I offer thee this silent sacrifice

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