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Serena Philomele

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Serena Philomele Empty Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:22 pm



Name: Serena Philomele

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Class: Hierophant

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Guildless

Tattoo: Hand - Beige

Face: Tear Grants - Tales of the Abyss


Height: 165 | 5'4

Weight: 50 | 110

Hair: Long - Light Brown

Eyes: Blue

Overall: Serena is a girl of average height with fair skin, blue eyes, and long, light-brown hair. She is mostly seen wearing a feminine uniform that has a large collar and bears her shoulders, leaving the remainder of her arms to be covered by matching gloves that appear to have a separate layer of small white gloves attached to the ends of them. Beneath her coat, Serena wears maroon-colored stockings. Her look is completed with a delicate pair of white heels to accompany her gloves.

Extra: -


Personality: Despite being seen as cold at first, Serena is a kind and polite person, always trying to keep her stature high. Hard to socialise with, at first, she becomes warmer the more time she spends with the other person. She doesn't judge others harshly but expects them to have proper manners and act civilised like normal human beings.

However distant she might be, she will not turn down a plea for help. Towards her request clients she is always polite and speaks with respect.

Whatever walls Serena has built around herself quickly crumble in front of cute animals or things like toys, teddies etc. She might one day lose her mind if she finds herself in a mega toy store.


  • Performing: Serena is used to performing in front of a big crowd, singing is what she does best and wants others to enjoy it like she has been doing all these years, whether it's through tears or smiles.

  • Music: Even though a songstress Serena is unable of playing any instruments which has saddened her over the years as she finds great comfort in music. Whenever she hears of someone playing music she will have the first spot as a listener.

  • Books: Serena's hobby is reading romance books, novels, or whatever has to do with love, however she is very down to earth and isn't looking for a prince on his white horse. Sometimes she also reads detective stories that involve the murder of a lover.

  • Nature: Serena loves the smell of flowers and green in spring, being her favourite season as it's called the season of life when everything blooms. She is also especially kind and loving towards animals, often seeing that they repay her with acts of love, like allowing her to stroke their fur, pet them, or keep them in her hands.


  • Busy Places: Serena dislikes multiple noise sources, like the market and as such she will only go there during the very early hours that people have yet to gather. She doesn't really mind the noise in the bars as long as it's kept to a certain volume, and not to the point where she can't hear her own thoughts.

  • Loud People: Serena dislikes people that are loud, those that talk just to talk, the ones that provoke just to show themselves as something better when in reality they are the complete opposite.

  • Bad Smells: Serena has a sensitive nose and can detect smells from further away and in higher density than average people can. This in return makes her really vulnerable to foul odors and disgusted.


  • Her Mother: Serena loved her mother, she was the one that taught her everything she knows from proper manners and finesse to singing and magic. She was a loving and kind woman respected from her peers, adored and idolised by Serena. However, because of her father Serena became a colder person than what she used to be, now she seeks to find that warmth in her heart that her mother left while she was still alive.


  • Her Father: Serena's father was a wealthy and corrupted businessman, even using his own daughter for profit. During her childhood Serena saw her father as a terrifying monster, a cruel and spineless person. She still has nightmares of the way he mistreated her after her mother's death, waking up screaming in the middle of the night.

  • Darkness: Since her childhood Serena was afraid of the dark, the things that hid behind it's black curtain, she thought of monsters hiding under the bed and in the wardrobe and ghosts hovering over her body wanting to take it for themselves. She still sleeps with a night light until this day.


Magic Name: Eternal Song

Magic Element: Light

Magic Description: The user's magic is compiled of 4 Hymns, each of which requires a high level of mastery to actually implement and use. The verses from these hymns may be used separately as the mage learns the magic, each one offering a unique ability pertaining to the original hymn. Once the mage reaches the required mastery of her magic through rank, she can then begin to weave these verses back into their original hymns, giving them enhanced and unique capabilities. Having mastered the 4 hymns, through RP, she will then be able to weave them back into the grand hymn completing her repertoire. The songstress's magic allows her to  use healing, supplementary, buffing and debuffing spells.

The mage directs the magic of the verses through her right hand and the magic of the complete hymns and the grand hymn with various hand movements while singing. Verses can be sang while moving, while completed hymns and the grand hymn require the user to stand still until the song ends or she wishes to end it. Effects begin from the moment she starts singing and moves her hand(s).

Directing through Hand:


History: Serena was born to a wealthy family thanks to her father. She used to spend most of her everyday life with her mother, a loving woman that cared for nothing else other than her daughter's happiness. She was Serena's tutor, from actual subjects like writing, literature, astronomy and everyday life lessons, to understanding how gifted she was with her magic and training her.

Serena possessed the same magic as her mother, the Eternal Song, a song lost in the eons, the verses and hymns that made up the song were passed from generation to generation to the females of Serena's family along with the gift of singing to execute them. As such all of Serena's female ancestors from her mother's side were songstresses earning the respect of the people wherever they would perform. The magic itself was complex, the mage had to understand the true meaning of the verses before being able to sing them, just the words weren't enough and for that a lot of the verses were lost with time, however the song itself is etched into the mind of the songstress the more powerful she becomes the more verses she remembers. This gift was powerful and as such had to be kept hidden from Serena's father.

Serena didn't really have feelings for her father, he never showed her any affection but at least she respected him for his work. That is until her mother passed away, the doctors couldn't explain it, there were no visible symptoms, not even their magic could give them an answer. Her father hadn't even shed a tear at her mother's funeral, she started to despise him. She was on her own from now on and she had to take care of herself, she kept up with her studies and practiced every day when her father was away.

One day as she was walking outside of her house she noticed a wounded animal, she quickly went to its aid and making sure no one's around she started singing. What she had never predicted was that her father had heard her the other day and wanted to confirm whether the song had real effects or not, after all he knew some people in high places that confirmed it's existence. As he was hiding behind a tree he saw the wounds of the animal close, he approached Serena and grabbed her by the arm. She was to obey his every command from now on, he made her use her voice in private for other men while he got large sums of money, he would use her gift to heal criminals, give them the strength to steal from people they normally couldnt, and if she would dare to disobey she would get beat up and left alone locked away in a dark room. That's how her father worked, the almighty businessman was nothing but a thief that abused his child.

It had been ten months and Serena couldn't stand the situation any longer she even thought of ending her own life countless time, no it was her father's life she was going to end, she decided it was time to act. Her mother had left her a final gift, a verse she constructed herself that would be erased and forgotten once used, but the effect was just what she needed, a spell to induce sleep, since it wasn't a part of the actual grand hymn she could easily weave it's verse during a normal song.

Her father had returned and at night he ordered her to sing for him. Serena obeyed. While singing she changed the verse of the song to that of the spell, the words had been erased from the paper, and as she sang them Serena forgot them, but her father was asleep and nothing could wake him now.  As she had found out, her father had given a mysterious substance to her mother that ultimately killed her and left no trace behind, she was going to have her revenge for her mother and herself. She run to the kitchen, grabbed the sharpest cutting knife she could find and killed him, stabbing him for each day he tortured her, she then disposed of the body, cleaned the house, packed her bags and free from her shackles was ready to venture forward to the world.

She travelled to various lands over the years and just settled in Fiore, awaiting her next adventure.

#2Tenshi † 

Serena Philomele Empty Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:55 pm

Tenshi †
Congratulations, this application has been approved.

Serena Philomele D09aavQ

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