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Pub Quiz

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Pub Quiz Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:39 pm


WORDS: 200 | Trick or Treat~?

“J-Jeez, that was… I was just trying to prove to papa that I could take care of myself? H-He always worried so much, kept throwing these guards at me that followed me around like puppy dogs… A young woman needs here space sometimes!” Perhaps in a moment like this one prepared to admit that the combination of that sweet and almost syrupy drink along with a pair of lips which proved surprisingly soft made both taste all the better had he not followed their kiss with a question. Instead those deep and dark eyes widened and Miss Skylar's cheeks seemed to flare with colour as he reminded her of the bratty attitude of defiance which she had shown to him upon their introduction and for some time afterward, and all of a sudden that lofty spirit she had been carrying was stifled by the humbling effect of embarrassing retrospect.

“This gives me an idea though… Heheheheh. Let's play a lil gamey game with our drinks~?” Not that the liveliness of the lass could be suppressed for two long, even though she continued to cringe over something she now felt now shortage of regret toward she did at least realise that they had plenty of reason now to engage in a little bit of harmless truth based fun in order to loosen up a bit, and so as the arrived somewhere new she looked to the barman and ordered a little something extra for both of them while asking her friend about joining her idea. Though, as was custom, it was a pretty rhetorical request…

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.

#2Silver Fang 

Pub Quiz Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:41 pm

Silver Fang
"Um, well you ended up being kidnapped, and then shortly after I saved you, you ended up running off with me to Fairy Tail, and only leaving a note for your dad to find the day you left right? I hope your father is a healthy man, considering how protective he was of you, he must have been beside himself with worry for you once he found the note. But I suppose after spending a few weeks with you, it makes sense. You can get pretty impish." He mused with an amused chuckle at the thought. "Hopefully you two have been exchanging letters and communicating."

"Huh, you mean like a game of truth or dare?" He asked having a game sort of like that back in his village, though the rules were likely pretty different. "Or a game similar, but not quite that one in particular?" It could be something like "Never Have I Ever" as well, saying things one of them had never done that they thought the other person had likely done, with those that did the thing the other person didn't do taking a drink. Though he was less aware of that game, waiting to hear what it was that Lola intended to suggest. But he was clearly up for it.


Pub Quiz Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:42 pm


WORDS: 200 | Trick or Treat~?

“Teehee, I never said I wasn't a handful~ That just adds to my cute charm!” The pink princess seeming to puff her cheeks out a bit as her furry eared friend described the array of hijinks which had led from their introduction and to their current alliance, Lola wasn't exactly happy to hear her 'greatest hits' being played out before her but seemed to be better able to take it in her stride now, and so gave a girlish giggle and admitted that even if she could be problematic at times she took that fact in her pride, and in her own way thought that it was a mark of her distinction as well.
“Basically we each take turns asking a question about ourselves, and if the other gets it right, you win! If not, you drink! I'll go first. What… is my favourite colour~?” All too eager to indulge their little game and as such trotting over the very second she spied an empty table with a tray of drinks in hand, the girl with the gigantic gaze grinned as she explained the principals of the game she had in mind, and once her rump was resting on a relatively comfortable seat she dove headlong into it with an immediate, though probably easy query…

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.

#4Silver Fang 

Pub Quiz Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:43 pm

Silver Fang
Fang walked over to the table with her, taking a seat as he considered her question with a tilt of his head. He was probably going to say pink, but he figured that black was also possible. Though the second guess was mostly based on her outfits. But he figured that she might wear dark dresses to highlight the unique and lovely color of her hair. Though it could also have been to match those large dark eyes...

"Hm... Well, I am going to say your favorite color is pink, like your hair." He stated while considering his own favorite color, which was probably black. Though dark blue was also a close second for him. He enjoyed all the shades of the night really. Perhaps that was just because he was used to hunting in the dark. He did also enjoy rainy days though, not so much being in them, but looking outside to see the rain was occasionally pleasing to him.

Whatever the case he waited to hear her reply whether he was right or wrong. He supposed that either way, this would be a good way to learn about her. If he ever wanted to get her a gift he'd know what color to get at least.


Pub Quiz Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:44 pm


WORDS: 150 | Trick or Treat~?

“Damnit, I made that one too easy didn’t I…?” The pink princess seeming to pout as a little speculation on her image seemed to tip off her ‘challenger as to the answer to her question, once more Miss Skylark was found with her cheeks bulging with air for a second as she found her friend rising to the occasion as it were, but ultimately she opted to obey the rules she had laid out and lifted het glass to sip from the sweetness within. Which, incidentally, hardly seemed like much of a chore at all given how good it tasted.
“Well, it’s your turn now? Hurry up, don’t make a girl wait on her revenge!” Swallowing that sweetness in short order and licking those ruby red lips once more as she enjoyed the flavour which clung to them, with his moment of victory over the vixen seemed perhaps a little bit impatient as she demanded he ask her a question of his own in turn, folding her arms across herself as she hoped for something easy right off the bat…

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.

#6Silver Fang 

Pub Quiz Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:45 pm

Silver Fang
He scratched his cheek at the question. "Well, I thought my chances of getting the right answer were decent." He noted with a chuckle, enjoying the cute pout she put on for him. She could be so silly sometimes, but he liked that. He was glad he got it right at least, it was a pretty simple question and he would have been a little annoyed with himself if he'd failed to get it right.

"Hm..." He pondered what he could ask in return, wanting to give a different question, though he didn't want to make it too hard for her either. "What is my favorite thing to eat?" He decided as he looked at her. It should not be too hard to guess this one, although it would have been funny if it was obvious enough that she might second guess the answer as a result. He was a wolf after all, but were all wolves the same? He'd imagine there might be a vegetarian wolf out there somewhere. It sure as heck wasn't him though.


Pub Quiz Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:46 pm


WORDS: ### | Trick or Treat~?

“Well, there's a certain something you really seem to love, but maybe this isn’t the place to mention that, hm~?” The query which Fang offered her something which could only play to that more mischievous portion of her spirit and provide her with a delightful little opportunity to provoke a blush, Miss Skylark couldn't help but grin smugly as she dropped a delicious piece of innuendo into the conversation and had to supress a giggle as she did so, though admittedly that was one kind of appetite she had never found herself finding much hate for. After all, it suited them both, no~?
“But, hmmmm… Meat!” Not that the doe eyed doll intended to entirely deflect his question but instead was merely hoping to see a little colour flood the cheeks of her friend for a moment, after a second she seemed to turn the issue over in her mind a few times and lifted her thumb below her jaw to stroke her chin as she did so, pausing in a state of rather focused contemplation as she recognised the fact that she never had paid that much attention to what he ate, but given the canine features he was blessed with could easily make for a rather uneducated but not wholly uninformed guess…

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.

#8Silver Fang 

Pub Quiz Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:49 pm

Silver Fang
He caught the innuendo in her words, though he wasn't entirely sure what she was referring to. The suggestive nature of her phrasing made it clear she wanted to suggest something less than wholesome, likely indicating to his interest in her, and parts of her he was interested in, but without greater detail he could not be sure. Though it did cause him a little bit of excitement, his eyes sliding over her before glancing away with a little hum. "I'm curious what would be the proper place to mention it then. This certain something sounds interesting, but right now I can't be sure what you are suggesting... I think you'll just have to show me later." He replied back when he could finally face her again.

He chuckled when she finally answered his question, though it was slightly more simple than he'd intended it was still accurate enough for him to count it. "Steak in particular, but yeah. I remember having this bacon wrapped steak when I first got into the city. Great stuff." He said practically salivating at the memory of dinner that night.

"Alright then, your turn. Looks like neither of us are taking a drink yet." He noted simply with a smile waiting to hear what he needed to consider about her next.


Pub Quiz Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:49 pm


WORDS: 200 | Trick or Treat~?

“S-Show you? Jeez, I don’t know if you're being dense or really pushy! Hmph!” Such a dip into the realms of implication apparently something which could be reversed as easily as someone pulling the right card in certain games orientated toward the youth however, the smugness shown by the fuchsia fox seemed to vanish in favour of a show of rosiness in her own cheeks as her companion played dumb as to her meaning, and instead now it was the turn of the mistress of mischief to find herself flustered as she contemplated matters of demonstration. A spicy subject, in this dress especially.

“Haha, I win! Yes!” In the end though it perhaps seeming that the pink princess was given a stroke of luck or at the very least generosity from her opponent when she was offered a victory largely through the vagueness in her guess than anything else, Lola giggled with glee and clapped her hands together as her furry 'foe' gave her the proverbial point regardless of the degree of specificity she had shown in the answer she gave, though on the plus side she did make a mental note to take the boy out for some bacon wrapped steak tomorrow as well. I mean, she was enjoying herself, and felt like doting on him a bit when given the chance, right? He got so cute when you spoiled him.

Life is a lot more fun

When I Get My Way~!
- Lola Skylark

credit to nat of adoxography.

#10Silver Fang 

Pub Quiz Empty Sun Oct 22, 2023 12:52 pm

Silver Fang
It seemed that whatever he wanted her to show him later it was something she had not expected to show off. So he supposed it really must be something he wanted to see, especially if it could make her blush like that to think about showing it off to him. Which made him want her to show it off even more, whatever it was, which he assumed was probably something naughty. He could only imagine how the rest of the night might play out, especially if she became progressively more drunk through it, seeing as this was the second bar they had come to already. The beginning of a spree it seemed.

"Yeah, you got it. But what is your next question?" He asked once again though she seemed to have forgotten in her excitement. "I assume the game doesn't end after just one question each?" He assumed there had to be a minimum of at least three questions each, and then they would probably finish their drinks and jump to another bar. Or so he assumed at least.

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