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What's Mine is Mine - D-rank (Solo)

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What's Mine is Mine - D-rank (Solo) Empty Wed Aug 02, 2023 2:26 am

In Dawncliff's mine, a tale unfolds,
Of riches vast, of gems untold.
Adventurers brave, with hearts of fire,
Seeking treasures that never tire.

Hyphen, a soul of mischief bold,
With wooden sword, and tales untold.
A quest he took, a challenge grand,
To unearth gems from this vast land.

The sun did rise, its golden rays,
Illumined paths, like shining maze.
Hyphen ventured, with eager stride,
Into the mine, where riches hide.

In darkness deep, the air grew cold,
Yet Hyphen pressed, his spirit bold.
Through winding tunnels, he did roam,
With agile grace, he found his home.

Silver and copper, gleamed bright,
But Hyphen sought a grander sight.
The motherlode, the ultimate prize,
Glimmered far beyond mortal eyes.

Through rickety bridges, he did cross,
Past hidden traps, he faced no loss.
With wooden sword, he battled bats,
A dance of skill, a thrilling act.

And in a chamber, wondrous, rare,
He found gems beyond compare.
The walls adorned, a dazzling sight,
A treasure trove, a gemstone light.

But distant rumble, storm's approach,
Another group, their hearts encroach.
Hyphen's eyes, a playful gleam,
He embraced the challenge's theme.

With quick wit and combat's grace,
He challenged them to join the chase.
A clash of swords, sparks did fly,
In the dark depths, their fates did lie.

Hyphen's cunning, a master's art,
Outmaneuvered, with a playful heart.
He claimed the prize, the gems so rare,
His victory, a triumph to share.

Emerging from the mine's embrace,
A hero's grin upon his face.
Grateful hearts, the group's delight,
In Hyphen's courage, they found light.

But this was just the start, you see,
For more adventures there would be.
In Dawncliff's mine, so vast and grand,
Hyphen's story, forever stand.

A tale of riches, gems, and glee,
An adventurer bold, forever free.
His wooden sword, his heart of fire,
In Dawncliff's mine, he'll never tire.

Beyond the mine, new quests arose,
As rumors spread, his legend grows.
Through haunted forests, he would roam,
In enchanted realms, he'd make his home.

With every step, a world of wonder,
He'd face the dark, the lightning's thunder.
A band of friends, a loyal crew,
Together, they'd make dreams come true.

In every town, his name was known,
As the hero with a heart of stone.
A jester's laugh, a warrior's might,
He'd conquer shadows, bring forth (b)light.

With each new challenge, he'd arise,
With twinkling eyes and endless skies.
In realms of magic, he'd find his place,
A smile upon his carefree face.

Through meadows green, and mountains tall,
He'd answer destiny's call.
For Hyphen was more than meets the eye,
An adventurer with wings to fly.

In taverns, stories would be told,
Of the hero with a heart of gold.
Through battles fought, and quests fulfilled,
His legend spread, his name instilled.

So let us raise a toast on high,
To the spirit that will never die.
To Hyphen, the adventurer's name,
In tales of glory, he'll remain.

In Dawncliff's mine, where it all began,
His journey started, a daring plan.
With wooden sword and heart so bold,
Hyphen's story will forever unfold.

548 words

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