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Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra]

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Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 8:40 am

It had been several days since she had been there last. The events that preceded her being here last time she had been there, though they had been out of her mind, they had not been out of the focus of the people in Hargeon though. The incident at the dock some days ago had led to a great deal of questions as far as the handling of ships and the affairs of those that operated within them. Too much freedom, too many restrictions, it was impossible to quite say just what it was that had been the motivating factor. Perhaps it had been the nature of how the docks operated, the culture that had been built there over years, it was impossible to quite say, but it was clear that the riots which had taken place only a short time ago had seemed to cause people to begin wondering if the approach that had been taken towards all of this was something sustainable still or not.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 8:42 am


Vyra had seen it first hand, the chaos that came with all of it, the sudden rush for the people to respond to the shifting dynamic with an unrequited sense of rage. It had led to complete and utter madness. And what was worse was that so few people who were responsible and should have been held accountable for the incident were not there, were not punished. Even seldom few of the people whom took advantage of the situation, Vyra included in that group, did not find themselves punished. That was not to say that punishments were not carried out, and in the immediate aftermath, though relatively short after Vyra had left, but still late into the sequence of everything when put into the perspective of actually how long it had been afterwards, there were arrests made. People were held accountable, or at least as accountable as could have been put together.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 8:46 am

Those who began the riots, those who pushed for the aggressiveness, long before Vyra had taken interest in the entire affair, they were the ones that were most focused on being brought to justice. Most of them were caught, seldom few if at all of them having been there still when the Rune Knights and the local forces of Fiore had finally gone ahead and arrived there at the docks. It was not something easy, and across the city it seemed that people had begun to provide information about the masterminds in exchange for compensation or otherwise being cleared of their own respective participation within the riot. It had become a huge endeavor and for those who had been directly involved, it was a brief period of misery. Meanwhile, for people like Vyra who were not involved but had taken some degree of investment, in Vyra’s case the large emerald that she had quickly pawned off afterwards, there were still questions whether or not they’d come for her next.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 8:49 am

For a time, she had worried about it, whether or not that she had been targeted, if they realized that she was involved in the affair, but it was very apparent after the first day or two of the investigation becoming known that many people were not going to be targeted. Though they were unclear exactly as far as what they were looking for, at least when it came to the direct communications with the people whom relayed information to the public, it was apparent at least that there was an increasingly emphasized level of attention that was being put on the masterminds and other key players. The ones who organized the riots, who helped make it grow, who helped further antagonize the situation, who were actually responsible for pushing the crates off of the boats and onto the docks, who had struck the guards, and the ones who were coordinating with the people doing the pillaging, telling who what to take and what to leave behind.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 8:52 am

And soon enough, arrests were made. And the trials had begun, though they were hardly trials. Public condemnations more than anything. Those found first were painted as though it were a great conspiracy, that they were the next great threat to not just Hargeon’s businesses, but then to also Blue Pegasus, and Fiore for that matter. It was a show more than anything, and the idea that this was some level of a conspiracy that threatened all of the known life on the planet was one that was hardly believed. Most of the early trials resulted in those charged being found innocent on most of the serious charges, while some of the lesser charges were answered. It was what some considered to be a very serious mixed bag, one that few if any were willing to recognize or treat as a victory though. They felt that the investment in not just time, but also effort had not translated and instead of trying to solve the root of the problems surrounding the riot, this collection of show trials had done nothing other than further prompt frustrations for the future.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 8:55 am


At the docks now, the increased levels of security and oversight were the more reasoned response towards all of this. After the trials had proven to be ineffective at holding people accountable, the thing that most people had come to want, whether due to the financial impact that it had and was going to have on the city, or because of them having suffered personally or indirectly from the riot. They were not happy, had little reason to be happy about all of it. A lot of talking about holding people responsible, making sure that the guilty would pay, making sure that those who felt victimized could be made safe, these were all of the things that had been promised to them, and yet it was seeming more and more like they were just there to string along support. In the end, seldom few were held responsible to the degree that the people wanted.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:11 am

And so, the decision was made, perhaps out of pressure, or in hopes of calming the people, that there were be a more diligent force surrounding the docks. It had been met with very lukewarm and unreliable feelings of success by the people, much in part out of response towards the response that had been seen in the wake of the riot itself. And for many, it was felt that this was just going to be another instance of the politicians and people in power within the city that were not Blue Pegasus were just trying to show face once again. And for a time, it certainly did feel that. The docks were hardly a place of bustling prosperity that they had been in the immediate aftermath, but time passed and shortly thereafter it seemed that things were moving forward in a way that was going to actually allow for some level of improvement, if even at a slower rate than what people may have wanted.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:28 am


It did not make it seem that things were actually better though, at least not at first. The riot had made people inherently distrustful, not just of the people who operated and essentially ran the docks but also the people that were supposedly in charge of the repairs and reformations that were to take place. And for a good reason, as well as the lack of tangible progress that had been made, it seemed that there was little hope that things were going to get much better. Even Vyra, who had often found solace and peace within the confines of the docks, she seemed to have a hard time believing that there was going to be much tangible progress within any near future. But in time, eventually she began to come to find that there were things being done. It was slow, perhaps a byproduct of the political machine that had to manage everything going, but over time it was becoming more obvious that the efforts to try to prevent a riot again were being put into effect.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:46 am

There were few things that were particularly impressive. Much of the changes were more limited to that of increased security, efforts to make it more difficult for people to get through onto the dock areas, but they did not address the fundamental problems, and in part it was a reason why there remained to be so much frustration towards everything about this. It did not seem that they understood or otherwise appreciated the actual cause of frustration towards the riots, the actions of the people and the businesses themselves. The trading companies, the ships that viewed their crews as disposable, and the merchants that were only worried about the quality of their goods, ensuring that their shipments made it safely to port. Outside of that, none of these factors really mattered towards them, certainly not the safety or well-being of the people hwo worked there. It became more apparent that that was the reasoning behind the riot, and yet, it seemed that no efforts to improve things actually had gone ahead and solved that.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 11:07 am

There was more security admittedly than what there had been, but it was hardly a contrast against that of the existing security that had been there prior towards it. If anything, it seemed that the quality had worsened since the changes had been made. Rather than having the trading companies and shipping companies pushing for their own sort of security for the sake of their own business purposes, instead they found themselves having to benefit from the city of Hargeon paying instead. With that, the urgency, or assumption that there stood to be any sort of problems that may have affected the port, it was no longer something that they were liable for. Damages that stood to have come from the ships, instances of thievery that may have happened, those were things that very easily the city could have found themselves paying for all of the respective losses that came with that.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 11:13 am

Thus, once this was realized, it actually came to a point that the companies were not even trying to protect their goods now. It was almost a way for them to exploit this system, by commissioning and ordering goods and insuring them for so much more than what they had been valued at. If Hargeon was going to go ahead and cover the costs of everything, it did not become a case that the companies were pushing for their goods to be stolen, but they were certainly not trying to stop it from happening. Thus, displays were made to showcase the goods but hardly made it so that they not going to be stopped by their doing. It was something that even Vyra noticed, how easy it could have been for her to take advantage of this herself. She was hardly a saint. Since she had arrived in Hargeon at first, the ability to exploit these shipments from the trading companies to get something to sell in order to help fund a state of survival had started to turn to second nature.



Pirates #7 [Quest: Vyra] Empty Mon Mar 28, 2022 11:20 am

She looked at the goods for a while, wondering if she should have made an attempt or not. She had been looking for so long at something that she had failed to notice the man step forward. She identified the man based on the attire that he was wearing, recognizing him for someone who worked the trading company post. Not a word was said about them, the man looking at Vyra, her eyes exchanging between him and the jeweled necklace that her eye had been on. The man seemed to mirror her movements, her eyes backing back and forth between Vyra and the item. Then, a shrug from his shoulders seemed to be the last bit that she needed to hear, or be informed of. Looking at him one more time for verification, a nod from his head seemed to indicate it as she stepped forward a step, looking back for further verification. The man nodded once again, and then as she moved closer and closer towards the necklace, the man seemed to turn his back, as though unaware of what was going on. Taking hold of the necklace, she started to walk off, and as the man turned back to look at her again, there was a look on his face as though he had never seen her before. Just like that, he had allowed her to take the necklace, uninterested in what her purposes were for it, knowing that the insurance that would have stood to come from it would more than cover it. As she came to realize this, she headed off, not wanting to spend any further time than what she had already.


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