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Playing at Hero (Quest)

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#1Jolyne Atreides 

Playing at Hero (Quest) Empty Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:45 pm

Jolyne Atreides

Following in a long line of rather mediocre romps through completing quests assigned to her, it seemed today she would be returning to Giuliano and his son Luca. Though this time at least she would be undertaking this task with her own magic to provide the proper illusion to the young boy who was also tasked to be her ward for the day. While she did not like meeting new people in large groups, one or two people was a novelty she could actually digest and as such no anxiety followed from undertaking this event. The last time she had worked with a mage, they had a rather interesting companion with them as well as a shiny helmet. Vicey she thought was the memory of the name, it made her wonder just who else was mucking around in Magnolia.

Today she chose to don a dress without her head veil or any fancy baubles, just a velvet forest green strapless with dark violet undertones that shown most in the direct light from the sun. The Lich enjoyed feeling fancy even though her flesh had fled her far ago, falling out with her over something she had forgotten. It did not matter much, for today she had to find a small child wearing a 'super hero' costume and convince him he was the greatest thing since sliced bread even though he was throwing fits over how lackluster his magic was. The kid should train first before worrying about the results in Jolyne's opinion but as she was not the parent she lacked any direct ability to influence that so she set the thought aside.

Arriving at the meeting place for where the child would be, the woman was curious if she was the first to arrive as it was just a regular street corner and she was not certain if her 'partner's' appearance was quite as outlandish as hers.


#2Jolyne Atreides 

Playing at Hero (Quest) Empty Wed Dec 09, 2020 3:57 pm

Jolyne Atreides

It seemed as though the child was dressed in such a way that made her look mundane, all the better then for the illusion seeing as his headpiece blocked his peripheral view. Such it was with life the Lich supposed as she took a moment to compose herself before she engaged with what was no doubt a headache inducing small child. While not completely incorrect he seemed to be in a good mood and did not act out with her during their greeting so the Plant Mage was a bit more stoked for using her magic to help with the facsimile than when she had begun the quest. The first order of business was to rescue a cat arranged to be 'stuck' in a tree and Jolyne Atreides knew just which spell to use for that delicate procedure. While it was a couple blocks away from the meeting point it would take the duo some time as the child meandered about making noises as though he was flying. The Lich was not such a curmudgeon that she would disturb this and instead allowed the young human to enjoy the innocence that youth brought with it. There was no need to rush in the adulting in that area, but rather instead in his father's for allowing the poor boy to believe his magic was something that it was not. In the end it would ultimately only come back to hurt them and Jolyne was not looking forward to seeing if it stunted Luca's development to have other ideas about what his magic would be. Still it was not the Lich's place and she refocused onto the task at hand, soon after arriving at the predestined tree she would twist her hips as the boy did an ornate dance and a vine would sprout up rushing up to the Cat and gently bringing it back down to the boy's outstretched arms. The whole display softened her heart to the small being as she saw Luca's care for the feline.


#3Jolyne Atreides 

Playing at Hero (Quest) Empty Wed Dec 09, 2020 4:12 pm

Jolyne Atreides

Next up they had to set about helping a man who had a broken wagon, though the Lich could not help but wonder why the man would rely on them when he benefited so much from the free market. Why not simply buy the help? Still, it was one of Giuliano's friends so nepotism no doubt played a rather large role in the decision making process. Again the Plant Mage would do her best to make Luca believe he was the one casting the spells that helped repair the wagon, and again the small child bought into the charade without any hassle. It seemed like they would have to find an organic issue occurring for their next task before she could bring the young ward back to his estate where his mother was probably enjoying her break. This is where the waters would become choppy once more for Jolyne Atreides' view on the aristocracy that currently ran the land around them, for unfortunately the crime that they encountered was one that the Lich would have turned a blind eye to otherwise. The man being robbed was obviously of such a ludicrous amount of wealth that the only thing preventing him from stopping the boy around Luca's age was his ridiculous ensemble of clothing. The visually starved lad had snatched his wallet and with oohs and other excited noised Luca began 'casting' towards the small child. Swallowing the vile that built up in her throat the Lich continued with her quest and allowed the spoiled welch to stop another child from being fed. A child who would no doubt end up in jail, 'saved' by this gentlemen, and never seen from again. As far as Jolyne was concerned she was now escorting a murderer back to his mansion. So it was that she went with a heavy heart with Luca, pushing him along at points to bring him back to the place whence he came. She would simply have to make sure she went on quests of a different nature from here on out, the current crop was souring her.


2 Strength
200 Fame
57,500 Jewels (15% rep + guild level)
6,500 Experience (30% returning + guild level)

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