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Back From The Dead, Jolyne Atreides

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#1Jolyne Atreides 

Back From The Dead, Jolyne Atreides Empty Sat Oct 24, 2020 11:07 pm

Jolyne Atreides


Name: Jolyne Atreides

Age: 29 | September, 16th, X760

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity, Father: Fiorian

Ethnicity, Mother: Desierto

Class: Paladin

Race: Lich

Rank: C-Rank

Guild: (Currently Guideless with her original guild disolved) Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Rune Knight Tattoo from being from it's first iteration on her left inner thigh.

Face: Vroscaz - Pirate Cashoo


Height: 6'1''/185cm

Weight: Was 194lbs/88kg

Hair: Was Blonde (Dyed Green)

Eyes: Was Green

Overall: Having now become nothing but skin and bones, Jolyne is still an intimidating figure. While most of her is like a regular skeleton she has elongated fingers on her hands and she almost seems to be fleshy in a few places such as her arms and legs. It belays her soft temperament and luckily for her she seems to be able to express with her facial bones more than a lich should be able to allowing others to interact with more than just a static toothy grin. Oft dressed in flowing robes or dresses of teal, purple and gold with enough regalia to make a monarch blush Jolyne may look quite a bit different but she is still the same woman she was before.



Personality: While curiosity normally not a bad trait, Jolyne's curiosity drives her to far lengths to observe things and understand how they work. These things include anything from humans to the stars to rocks and minerals. Jolyne can become blinded by spite and shift her focus towards a slight or even a perceived slight, though luckily this happens only when she becomes emotionally unstable. The female Atreides can sometimes steamroll over social norms and often offends people when doing so. Jolyne has often been known to lose control of her emotions and when she is in this state all her other negative personality traits are shoved front and center.
Above all this however she can be extremely loving, friendly, loyal and protective. She is extremely philisophical and analytical catching most things while retaining a mask of gullibility.
This allows her to be logical and deductive behind a screen of positivity, which is not faked either, causing any readings of her to only see the outside as it is not a fake shell or a trick. This has caused Jolyne to become very talkative to most every person, she presses in most subjects but seems to favor whatever the person she is currently speaking with favors. While some see this as brown nosing, most can see it as genuine interest in others that Jolyne has.


  • Justice: Jolyne's parents instilled a strong sense of justice in her, as her house usually has throughout the ages.
  • Plants: Due to growing up in a place where greenery is rare she enjoys them quite a bit, which is good considering what her magic is.


  • Control: Developed over her childhood while being pursued by rival tribal nobility.
  • 'Chaos': General philosophy, and a belief that there is no true chaos, just order that is not yet comprehended.


  • 'Fairness': Jolyne knows life is not fair and she wants to make up for it in every life that she can.


  • Calamity: Jolyne is of the mind that one day Humanity may fail a challenge it is presented and the end of the world will be brought about before countless innocents could live their lives.
  • Loss of Loved Ones: While it used to be fear of loss in general, thanks to recent events this fear that was conquered has come creeping back.


Strength: 1

Speed: 16

Constitution: 19

Endurance: 21

Intelligence: 1


Magic Name: Green Genetics

Magic Element: Nature

Magic Enhancement: Binding

Magic Description: This magic is rather simple, it allows for cross pollination between species which normally would not be able to breed. It can allow the user to manipulate plants they have grown(not plants they have not personally grown), accelerates growth and can do a wide variety of things all based on the plant. This cannot affect a human directly as such.
Wielded by a Paladin such as Jolyne this magic allows the user to cast Healing, Other-Buff, Supplementary, Defensive and Debuff spells.



Jolyne Atreides was born in the nation known as Desierto as a daughter of the brother of the Shah of the Atreides Tribe. This would seemingly have allowed her a lot of freedom however due to the political upheaval and nature at the time of her birth, her childhood was based upon survival first and freedom much behind it. This caused a distaste of authority that has followed Jolyne to the present day. Raised by her father and mother and guarded extremely closely she did not despise her parents but rather ended up pitying them for the events surrounding them. Even though it clipped her wings, Jolyne even back then saw the reasoning behind it and instead placed her ire towards those inflicting the fear unto her elders. This was not forever however and soon her uncle took the throne, allowing more freedom to her family and causing her father to vacation in Fiore immediately as it was the country of his birth, and a much needed change of scenery.

While this caused a bit of a problem to her blossoming interest in genetics, it did not stop her breeding program so Jolyne went along with her father for the journey. The amount of freedom and choice in Fiore immediately swayed the young Atreides and planted a seed that would soon grow inside her bringing her to journey away from her mother's ancestral homeland. The process of moving her laboratory and specimen took a while but her wardrobe posed the longest threat to the time it took them to move. Upon getting settled Jolyne soon sent a letter of application to the Rune Knights, she had seen what had been going on in the world and while she refused to shelve her personal goals she also knew she could not refuse the call to justice. Was it the right choice she wondered having received a letter about her parent's death not two days before our journey starts? It was.

While not entirely certain how, one thing is known the woman known as Jolyne Atreides had died and now is back to life. As such she had no memories of what happened during this time skip but instead memories of what 'happened' when she died. While most would debate this, it is hard to tell a lich they are wrong about having come back to death so most listen to her inane ramblings without a peep. Though ultimately all that death really changed in Jolyne was her appearance, she was still the same girl that cared about the weak of the world.

Reference: Jolyne

Last edited by Jolyne Atreides on Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2Jolyne Atreides 

Back From The Dead, Jolyne Atreides Empty Sun Oct 25, 2020 9:35 pm

Jolyne Atreides

Attribute Reallocation

Total Points: 58(+15 after https://www.fairytailrp.com/t50583-jolyne-atreides-sheet has post approved)

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 16 (+15)
  • Endurance: 21
  • Constitution: 19 (+20 from item 39)
  • Intelligence: 1 (+20 from item 21)

Other Changes Binding attached to Green Genetics Magic, Class switch to Paladin, Race changed to Lich


Back From The Dead, Jolyne Atreides Empty Wed Oct 28, 2020 10:36 am

Hello, there're some errors I'd need you to fix first:

  • Tattoo: Every character is required to state the color and location of their guild tattoo for future references, such as a race change just in case.

  • Magic Description: Please state that the magic can do your class' available spell types: Healing, Other-Buff, Supplementary, Defensive and Debuff.

Bump when changes have been made!

Back From The Dead, Jolyne Atreides Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#4Jolyne Atreides 

Back From The Dead, Jolyne Atreides Empty Tue Nov 17, 2020 11:03 pm

Jolyne Atreides

Alright I got those edits in.


Back From The Dead, Jolyne Atreides Empty Wed Nov 18, 2020 4:25 am

This character application has been approved.

Back From The Dead, Jolyne Atreides Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)

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