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Neviro Veinhardt

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#1Neviro Veindhardt 

Neviro Veinhardt  Empty Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:17 pm

Neviro Veindhardt


Name: Neviro Ciscero Veindhardt

Age: 21

Gender: male

Sexuality: heterosexual

Class: Sentinel

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Lamia Scale

Tattoo: Navy blue, middle ab

Face: Cu Chulainn (Lancer)- fate/stay night


Height: 6'5

Weight: 223lbs

Hair: BLue

Eyes: red--most of the time

Overall: Neviro is an abnormally tall human with a well toned body. He wears rather skimpy clothing that reveal a lot about who he is. He isn't afraid to show off his guild tattoo, flaunting it almost everywhere. He has two pierced ears, but doesn't always wear earrings. Neviro has the same colored eyes (bright red). But one happens to have a snake pupil instead of a human pupil. Some say his hands are abnormally large, but it happens to be a trait of his father who was descended from giants. Neviro retains none of the magical attributes that giants have, he simply is taller than others, but no where near the height of a giant. Neviro is a broad shouldered man with long legs. His standing stance always has his legs sort of a part, ready to spring at a moments notice.
Overall he's a rather attractive man.
Extra: One eye has a snake pupil instead of a human pupil
(The eye acts only as a insignia lfnthe curse, and the curse does not grant any buffs, only effects his emotion)


Personality: Neviro is a kind man, willing to help those in need. Neviro belives his hopeful and cheery nature originates from his crazy parents and there odd habits. Neviro is a loving person who believes that not even the tiniest thing with even the tiniest amount of purity in its soul should be protected. He strides to create a safe world. One where inside his barriers there is nothing that evil can do to penetrate its walls. Neviro has vey little unredeeming qualities in his mind. His few small dark qualities come from his cursed mother. When truly angered he'll lash out. His left eye (the snake one) will turn bright green). When this happens his voice will become dark and he'll act out. His emotions will become extreme, meaning so will his views. Neviro becomes dangerous at this time causing many to run from him.
When he is friendlier Neviro might seem a bit overbearing and too friendly. The kind of friendly that makes a person wonder about the true nature of their plans. While it has lead Neviro down many unsavory paths before, he usually assures people he means them no harm in fact most of the time, they later become friends.
During the short times when the curse tempts him to the darker side, he becomes volatile and angry. His voice gets low and his words are short. He is known to speak cruely. Though this happens very rarely he hates himself and the curse for it. He desperately searches for some kind of cure. Though the cure ranks second in his motivation to create a safe hold that he can defend.
Neviro tried to lad by example and learn what motto do by the examples his parents lead. Neviro knows his parent loved him, but they should have never been parents in his opinion. He has no idea if their alive and holds little remorse.

  • Safety: Neviro feels safe behind his magical constructs, and he wants others to feel the same. Even when he was little he had a safe spot
  • Magic: Casting it, watching it, learning about it, the list could go on and on, he just likes magic. Neviro enjoys learning about people's interesting magics


  • Himself:He isn't scared of himself, but he knows that people get disturbed and he didn't want to cause any disturbance, leading him to extricate himself from social groups on many occaisions.
  • His parents: Neviro descends from a rather disturbing family. His mother was cursed and his father was a distant figure who brought many women home, and not in the good way. In the way that lead to many heated arguments, and a few dead bodies in the side yard, no could ever find out why Neviro's grew such beautiful flowers.


  • A safehold: Neviro knows he can make his dream of a safe town come true and if he could do it, he'd make it the safest placeo n earth, dark guilds and plotting ogds would never be allowed to come near him.


  • Snakes:His mother's family curse comes from a ancient disgraced snake queen. Just like descendants of Athena and Arachne hating each other, the same goes for snakes and Neviro.
  • Churches: a symbol of love to most countries, but behind the hidden doors lies a much darker world. Neviro’s mother hailed from a line of witches intertwined with many churches. Already hating his childhood this is a perfect embodiment of his fear.


Magic Name: White Essence

Magic Element: Frost

Magic Description:  The user casts their magic by drawing from within and pulling out their purity and morphing it into shapes. The element of this magic is always frost because of its ability to be seen through, so there is nothing to hide from. The spell will always be emitted through ones eyes (though and action is needed ex: tapping one eye). It is emitted through the eyes because eyes are the window to one's sould
This magic exists only in a defensive nature, thus it has no offensive nature and one cannot cast offensive spells with it.
castable spells

  • Defensive
  • Debuff
  • Supp.


History: Neviro was born to Adelesia and Havren Veindhart. As a child he lived in Marigold, spending his young days running around in their small hidden farm, away from the rest of the world. Havren, Neviro's father, was descended from giants and had ties to the Marigold theater, a rather unsavory place. Nevior disagreed with his father's tactics but never said anything about it. Adelesia, his mother, suffered from a dark curse, the ofioeidís curse. His mother's great grandmother insulted a disgraced ancient queen known as Amerie, a ruler of snakes. Now all of his decendants will be cursed with snake blood, tempting them to a darker side. Wanting them to turn to a darker path everyday of their life.
Adelesia was a member of a coven of witches. Her entire family had been members of this secret organization.  The organization happened to be deeply intertwined within the darker parts of the church. Adelesia left once the curse began affecting her far to much.
Neviro left home after one of his mother's episodes. She murdered his father's lover and buried her in the garden, she was the 5th person in the garden. Finally fed up with his lire, Neviro left home at the age of 16, vowing a new life. He ended up in Orchidia and joined Lamia Scale, Where he was introduced to the library. Neviro studied hard and eventually found a magic he believed in, White Essence. He began to practice it and he hopes to become stronger than anyone with it. Once he found he was able to protect people he strides to create a safer tomorrow for everyone.
Neviro's mother:

Reference: Syliph's alt

Last edited by Alessandre on Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:28 pm; edited 4 times in total

#2Neviro Veindhardt 

Neviro Veinhardt  Empty Sun Jan 14, 2018 8:18 pm

Neviro Veindhardt
asking for name change to Neviro

#3Venus Rosé 

Neviro Veinhardt  Empty Sun Jan 14, 2018 9:00 pm

Venus Rosé

Please put WIP in the title of the application is incomplete.

#4Neviro Veindhardt 

Neviro Veinhardt  Empty Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:35 am

Neviro Veindhardt
It does have WIP in the title

#5Venus Rosé 

Neviro Veinhardt  Empty Mon Jan 15, 2018 7:37 pm

Venus Rosé

Hello, I'll be your moderator.

  • Does your snake pupil have any effects or is it just for cosmetics?
  • Your personality is a bit short, please add more, preferably around 300 words.
  • We don't have gods, goddesses and demi-gods on the site. Please fix your History and Personality to appropriate measures.

Bump when done.

#6Neviro Veindhardt 

Neviro Veinhardt  Empty Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:15 pm

Neviro Veindhardt
Added some more and added that the eye was just purely cosmetic.

#7Venus Rosé 

Neviro Veinhardt  Empty Tue Jan 16, 2018 7:29 pm

Venus Rosé

    "...His few small dark qualities come from his 3/4ths cursed goddess mother."

  • Please remove this from your personality.
  • There are still traces of goddess being mentioned in your History. Please edit.

Bump once edits are made.

#8Neviro Veindhardt 

Neviro Veinhardt  Empty Wed Jan 17, 2018 12:28 pm

Neviro Veindhardt
Pretty sure I removed them

#9Venus Rosé 

Neviro Veinhardt  Empty Wed Jan 17, 2018 7:39 pm

Venus Rosé

This character application has been approved.

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