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Avery Bathory

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Avery Bathory  Empty Sun Oct 01, 2017 8:47 am






   Name: Avery Bathory

   Age: 20

   Gender: Female

   Sexuality: Demisexual

   Class: Adventurer

   Rank: D-rank

   Guild: Guildless

   Tattoo: Nape of the neck in pink

   Face: Tamamo no Mae - Fate/Grand Order



   Height: 1.61m | 5'3"

   Weight: 57kg | 125lb

   Hair: Rose gold

   Eyes: Amber

   Overall: Avery is a young woman of average height and voluptuous build. The woman's eyes are a soft amber, doe eyed for sure, yet can transition to the intense, sharp gaze of a predator as naturally as water travels down the stream. Her eyes can revert back to the innocent, dreamy stare of a young maiden just as easily, much like the water traveling downstream that will eventually fall off the edge of the world in a waterfall, or rejoin the ocean at an estuary; her mercurial gaze, one that encapsulates the fickle nature of women.

Her hair is a profound pink, finely textured as though it were sprinkled with pixie dust, and consistently kept in elaborate braids and styles, not uncommon for girls in this modern era of vanity and mass consumption. Her sense of dress is simple, with Avery being someone who prefers comfort over conventional fashion, leaving her intricate dresses, kimonos and other exotic garbs for more formal occasions such as weddings and ceremonies. Her hands are small and her fingers nimble, a woman who was blessed by the gods to be a grand mistress of sewing, knot tying and other endeavors of that practical nature.

   Extra: Contrary to the above photo, Avery does not have fox ears.



   Personality: Easily distracted, easily bored and as eccentric as they come, it takes a special sort of person to have a personality that either meshes well with Avery's façade, or is capable of enduring her forged idiosyncrasy. She is a cheerful person, almost annoyingly so, but her true nature is that of a cynic, one suffering from and having been badly influenced by crippling loneliness, and one who uses such cheerfulness to hide that loneliness. She is suspicious of people who show her unwarranted kindness and does not believe in unconditional love. Avery rarely takes things seriously, be it situations she finds herself in or the words of others, regardless of whether they are directed at her or not. Unjustified scrutiny and heartbreaking betrayals in the past have dulled her sensitivities to the point that harsh words and insults can not reach her feelings, yet that does not necessarily mean that she has become incapable of taking offense.

When affronted, rather than bursting into tears, Avery will immediately spring into a cruel counterattack, leaving no stone unturned as she launches her verbal tirade on her accuser. The passing of a loved one, some other unrelated family tragedy, even an unfortunate physical flaw, Avery will use anything at her disposal in order to mentally traumatize. Due to her desire to protect her mask of cheerfulness and optimism though, it goes without saying that it takes a lot to force her to break character and enter into one of her illiberal harangues.

By extension, Avery is not one that prioritizes long term thinking, and does not generally care for the consequences of her actions. Her morality is completely based on her feelings of the moment, and not on some philanthropic code of honor or way of living. She is empathetic to kindred spirits and those who are of similar origins to her, but because she suffered so badly, unjustly, at the hands of others, she is unopposed to inflicting the same kind of trauma on those she feels deserves it.

In other words, she is an introvert that pretends to be extroverted.


  • Pack Animals: Avery has a special affinity with some animals, and often prefers their companionship to humans due to their innate loyalty, and the fact that she does not need to pretend to be someone else when around them. She does get bored of their company rather quickly because of their inability to hold a proper conversation but appreciates the way they continue to love her even if she neglects them. Specifically, she is fond of dogs and foxes.
  • Strawberries: Strangely enough, the staple of Avery's diet is fruits, of which her favourite is strawberries. She's not too sure why she likes them so much, but in her twenty years of life, has never gotten sick of them even once.  

  • Monotony: Since she was old enough to think for herself, Avery has always been adverse to a life of ordered routine. It is for this reason that she does not maintain a household in any city in Fiore, much preferring to mooch off the kindness of others, or going to a nearby forest and living off the land for a while. This stems from the fact that she does not feel any real sense of belonging anywhere, or in the presence of anyone.
  • Clingy People: Avery has this bad habit of entering the lives of the forlorn for a few weeks, and transforming their bitterly depressing existences to ones of fulfillment and happiness.... before disappearing without trace or warning. Most people merely appreciate the positive impact she has had on their lives; some even begin to disregard her as an illusion or figment of their imagination, while some even begin to consider her a guardian angel of sorts. A select few, however, become obsessed with her and attempt to track her down. They occasionally succeed, and these meetings are always unpleasant for her.


  • 花火: An archaic word for fireworks, a beautiful phenomenon created by humanity that she wishes to emulate with her life; someone who blooms furiously for a moment, attracting the attention of everyone present before dwindling away into nothingness; a death marked by elegance that leaves no trace of its existence yet firmly plants itself into the memories of those fortunate enough to have witnessed it.


  • Fire: Avery is afraid of fire; no, rather it is more important to say that she is afraid of being burned. Allusions to Hell and hellfire will garner similar results.
  • Old Age: She is beautiful, and wishes to remain beautiful. That does not necessarily mean that Avery is searching for the elixir of life or the fountain of youth, but rather, she would like to meet her maker while in her most magnificent form. She is fearful of growing old, all the wisdom that supposedly comes with it be damned.



   Magic Name: -

   Magic Element: -

   Magic Description: -



   History: Avery resembles her mother almost completely, as though they were twins, as though she was born as a result of asexual reproduction, as though she were merely a extension of her mother's beauty. She did not take after her father in the slightest, but tended to prefer him growing up; that mostly owed to the fact that, in her life thus far, Avery has only seen her mother sporadically; at least once a year, three times a year at most, to reassure to Avery that she was healthy, and also to check up on her daughter. This kind of impersonal daughter-mother relationship was not the kind that Avery had heard her peers exalt, and it wasn't until she was a young woman that her father explained to her.

Her mother had hailed from a strange tribe of people, Avery's father eventually told her, a nomadic people who did not actively participate in the rearing of their offspring. This probably explained why Avery's mother was almost never around, likely looking after her from afar and occasionally popping in but never taking an active role or interest in her daughter's life. Avery eventually got used to this, and began to regard her mother's inconsistent appearances as treats, but learned early on that she could not rely on her at all.

When her elderly father passed away from an illness, seven days short of her thirteenth birthday, Avery decided that it was time for her to leave home. Her mother would not know, of course, until she came for her annual visit and realized that her husband had died and her daughter had left home, deciding for herself that settling in one place for a long period of time wasn't really what she was into either.

After all, she is her mother's daughter.


#2Venus Rosé 

Avery Bathory  Empty Sun Oct 01, 2017 8:54 am

Venus Rosé

This character application has been approved.

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