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Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns]

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Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Empty Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:16 pm


Kerii had only just gotten to Magnolia and she already wanted to start getting to work. It was a very beautiful town. The sparkling waters, cute homes, and the green parks made Kerii want to stop, relax, and just take in the beauty of Magnolia, but she knew she couldn't, at least not for long. Kerii was a mage and she came from her own town to Magnolia in order to help the people there. So no, she couldn't stop to enjoy herself when there were others that were bound to need help.

She wandered around the town until she came across the request board where she found a request put out by Father Jared. Apparently, there was a sickness affecting many people in Magnolia. As a healer, it was only natural for Kerii to take this request. She was sure that her healing magic could be of great use. Even if she didn't need to use her magic though, she was sure that she could find some other way to help everyone who was sick. After all, she wasn't a healer just because of her magic. If she was, how could she expect to be the greatest healer in Fiore?

Just as Kerii was about to reach and grab that quest, she looked over to see someone who she was sure was eyeing the same request she was. "Did you want that quest?" Kerii asked, motioning towards the one she was just about to take, kind of hoping that the guy would say no.

WC: 255/1000

Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Empty Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:19 pm

Videns was walking through the Magnolia, its radiant sunlit city was truly gorgeous. The city was bathing in light, and despite it being early morning the town was rather warm, almost welcoming. Its green grasses, it's crystal clear water, it's little houses where families were starting, the whole atmosphere screamed dreamland, however as much as Videns wished to find a nice café and enjoy some tea, he had work to do. With having such success in Crocus it was only natural for Videns to want to explore the rest of Fiore and get his name out there. Granted he had only done enough quests in the holy capital to get his name mentioned here and there, and only doing four quests in total would not seem like much but the quests he dd do he also gained some strength too. Both recognition and growing his body and mind were key goals to Videns and he had achieved so much in Crocus, but he knew he had to move along, hence Magnolia.
Videns began to walk around the city wondering if this place had a bulletin board where he could take his pick of quests, rather than having to wander around and hope he was lucky like in Crocus. As luck would have it however, Videns did find a board smack bag in the middle of town and naturally he went to it. Videns was almost oblivious to the girl who was reaching for the same quest he was until she spoke. "Well yes." He replied simply. wc 256/1000


Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Empty Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:20 pm


Kerii frowned and looked back to the request. She really wanted to do this quest, particularly alone and obviously that blue haired guy wanted to do the same. Perhaps not alone though. She turned to face him and asked, "Would you like to do the quest together then?" She didn't know how friendly this guy was or if he even wanted to quest with some random stranger, but it was worth a shot. If this guy didn't want to quest with her though, so be it. If he declined, she would end up taking the request alone. That is, if she managed to snatch the request before he did. Assuming he said yes though, she would proceed to introduce herself. "It would be weird to quest with a complete stranger though. I'm Kerii, a mage of Lamia Scale. And you are?" She didn't see any visible guild mark on him, but that didn't mean he was guildless. She was confident at least that he wasn't a member of her own guild. She's never seen him around Orchidia, let alone the guild hall.

Regardless if he responded or not, she would turn back to the board and grab the request. "So, I guess we need to go to Karida Cathedral now," she said, trying to remember where that was. She was sure she saw it on the way to the board but she wasn't one hundred percent sure. "Do you remember how to get there?" she asked, wishing that he did.

WC: 505/1000

Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Empty Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:23 pm

Videns noticed the girl frown. She clearly wished to do the quest alone much like Videns did. Videns was not sure what to do. To be polite and give the girl the quest or to take it himself and get stronger as well as recognition. It was a hard dilema. Althoyvh the girl came up with a answer that somewhat surprised Videns considering her visible frown just a moment ago. She asked if he would accompany her on that quest. Videns looked bewildered for a second before smiling politely. "If youre okay with that, then no I wouldn't mind doing the quest with you." Videns replied his polite smile still on his face. Videns wondered why the girl had a sudden change of heart. Was she too trying to be polite? it seemed like the most reasonable answer. It was as Videns pondered on her reasoning that she introduced herself stating that it would be weird to work with a stranger. Videns silently agrees as she told him her name was Kerii and that she was apart of lamia scale. "My name id Videns, not apart of a guild like Lamia scale did you say? I would have figured you to be apart of blue Pegasus if I was forced to guess". Videns admitted. He hoped she didnt think he was trying to flirt with her.

Videns nodded at Kerii's statement as to where they should go but shook his head as she continued. "No clue. Only arrived here quite literally. If I had to guess though..." Videns moved his neck up then pointed. "Id look for a bell tower." Videns would lead the way in the direction of the church. wc/281!255=532


Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Empty Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:24 pm


Kerii was glad that the man had agreed to quest with her. That way, they'd both be able to do what they wanted to do. Right after she introduced herself as Kerii, he introduced himself as Videns and said that he wasn't part of any guild. However, he did say that he would have guessed that she would be a member of Blue Pegasus rather than Lamia Scale. She looked at him quizzically. Was he trying to flirt with her or was he just making a mere observation? Deciding to go with the later, she pushed the thought aside and proceeded to focus on the quest they were about to take.

After asking Videns if he knew where the Kardia Cathedral was, he unfortunately said that he had no clue. Like her, he apparently only just arrived at Magnolia. "Same," Kerii replied. That meant that they were two clueless mages taking a quest in a town they were utterly unfamiliar with. What a great way to start her stay in Magnolia.

Videns did suggest looking for a bell tower though, which would make sense, considering it was a church. And so, she set off in the direction Videns pointed in. And, sure enough, when she got there, the place looked like it would fit the name "Kardia Cathedral." She entered the cathedral and saw a man dressed in black surrounded by a good amount of people who were clearly sick. Kerii walked up to man. "Father Jerad?" she asked. He turned around and Kerii proceeded to say that she and Videns were there to help out in any way needed.

WC: 775/1000

Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Empty Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:30 pm

The journey to the church was very quiet, neither spoke and neither really made any attempt at talking to one another, which was fine by Videns' standards. It wouldn't of matter if either did try to strike up a conversation with the other as they had arrived at the cathedral very quickly. Kerii entered first and Videns followed. Videns immediately seen many sick people as soon as he entered the church. Videns looked to Kerii who of course noticed the many people who were clearly in dire need of medicine. Kerii walked to the priest looking man and asked if he was the father who requested for help. Videns thought of it to be obvious but he thought it'd be too rude to say so especially in front of the priest. The priest responded with a smile and told them that they needed to go around and give the medicine to the people that were there. "Just ask them where the pain is or what's ailing them. These people dont have the amenities to buy their own medicine nor do they have enough money for a decent health plan with their job, that is why our church must answer their prayers and help the needy!" The priest explained but Videns had already gone and started to ask a group of people what was troubling them. "T-the medicine is labeled as to-" But again Videns was already ahead of the priest. He didn't want to waste time. He ddin't even see what Kerii was listening or not. Wc 256+532=788


Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Empty Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:31 pm


Father Jerad began to explain to them what to do. They were to basically take care of them and give them medicine. It seemed like an easy enough job and would help Kerii even more with her training to become a healer. While Father Jerad was explaining what to do, she noticed that Videns already went off to help some people. She thought that was rude of him to just leave while the priest was talking, but there were people who needed help. She respected that, but she also thought it would have been nice if he could have waited for a little while longer. Kerii listened to every word Father Jerad had to say and once he was finished, she reassured him that she and Videns would take excellent care of everyone and give them their medicine.

Kerii walked up to some people and asked how they were feeling, what was wrong with them, and did everything Father Jerad asked her to do and more. She made sure everyone was comfortable and checked on each group periodically after they took their medicine to see if it was having any effect, and it was. She could already tell that their fevers were going down a bit and they looked less miserable. It brought a smile to Kerii's face to see that everything was going smoothly. After a few hours of doing this, it seemed like their work was done. Father Jared thanked them for their service and rewarded them with some jewels and gave them some medicine in case they contracted whatever sickness everyone else had. "I guess I'll see you around then?" Kerii said, looking to Videns. Since they were both mages in Magnolia, she thought it was more than likely they would cross paths and honestly, she wouldn't mind it at all if they did.

WC: 1082/1000

Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Lu7gGv2
#ff6666 - Fiorian #cc6666 - Elvarin #996666 - Val'Elvarin
#ffe666 - Fiorian #ccc666 - Elvarin #999966 - Val'Elvarin
#9b2222 - Sinese


Community Outreach [Quest: Kerii | Videns] Empty Mon Jun 26, 2017 12:33 pm

Videns continued to help everyone he talked to similar to Kerii. Without realizing it they both had taken half the patients each. Videns' patients however seemed to want to leave as soon as they had come to him which confused him slightly. Videns went to speak to the priest again to make sure this was normal. Granted Videns wanted to be efficient however it seemed like some of the sick people were using this to their advantage. "Um excuse me father can I ask something?" Videns asked. The priest ignored him however, similar to how Videns was acting to him earlier. Videns sighed. "I'm sorry I was rude father, I just wanted to get work done as fast as I could to help people but in doing so I was very rude to you and I apologize." The priest tried to suppress a smile however he failed and looked at Videns. "Oh I'm so glad you found the error of your ways, I was worried you wouldn't realize but the-" The priest realized he was beginning to rant and stopped. "But back to your question... No it's alright they are probably returning to their family." Videns nodded and went back to work.

Before they left both Kerii and Videns were given their reward and some medicine incise they caught whatever sicknesses the patients had. As they left Kerii spoke. She said she would see him around. "More than likely." Videns said with a polite smile. "I mean we could go on more quests together? That one went well so we could keep it going." Videns suggested remembering how well crocus turned out.

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