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Avis Kitagawa

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#1Avis Kitagawa 

Avis Kitagawa Empty Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:13 pm

Avis Kitagawa


Name: Avis Lynette Kitagawa

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Class: Beserker

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Gold on her neck

Face: Saber from Fate/Zero or /Stay-night


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 141lbs

Hair: Blonde hair that reaches down to her shoulders. She always keeps it up in a high ponytail or bun with a braid wrapped around it.

Eyes: Emerald Green eyes

Overall: Avis is a bit taller than the average woman with blonde hair and green eyes. She is a medium built of muscle. You almost always find her wearing her blue dress with armor to show her love for knights. Though, she does wear other outfits like basic blue jeans and a shirt or just a bit toned down dress. Her woredrobe varies on what she is doing or wanting to look that particular day.  

Extra: There are five different tattoos on all over her body to show the five different guardians that guard her and her family.  


Personality:  Avis is a naturally curious person. She loves the world around her. In response to this, she does have a consistancy of wandering off, but some how always shows up back later at the right time. She is always willing to help and is extremely loyal to her word and her guild. You have to work for that loyalty, though. She never backs down on a promise to anyone. Though, she is wary about who she makes promises to. Avis does follow the Knight Code and will not kill anyone even her enemies. She would put them to justice or in jail so to speak. Avis is not afraid to die which is really uncommon for a human. ITs the fact she would be gone that freaks her out. As a knight of the Kitagawa family, she follows her family code to never kill and to have chilvary. To always stand for those who cant do it themselves.  And to never back down even against all odds. If there is a drastic situation, she is always willing to sacrifice herself or her time. Avis is a very dependable person.

Around people, Avis is quiet and reserved. Not much of a spokesperson in general. She will talk without no problem, but she is a tiny bit shy. It is easy to spark a conversation with her She is not one to start them. She is not one to be very social and its hard for her to make friends since she is always serious.


  • Magic: The science behind it. She loves its since it s a tool, a very useful tool that makes life easier. It makes the world go around in her mind state. Learnign about it is endless. There is always something new to learn about it.
  • Stories: She always enjoyed stories and storytelling. The realm of entering another fantasy and imagining righteous knights and damsels in distress. She loves wondering about the possibilities that could happen. The heroes in the stories are her favorite. ]


  • Enemies of the Kitagawa Family: There are people aiming at the Kitagawa family due to their rich history and being a noble family. Anyone who threatens her family, they get the sword
  • Evil: Any or all evil she hates, anything that destroys the order of peace. All sins must be punished. She will not rest until its all abolished.


  • Fairy Tail: As this was now her new adopted family, other than the guardians, she strives to protect it. There is no other way she could describe it. It's going to help her lead towards her main objective to become a hero.
  • To become a Hero: Like the knight in shining armor in the stories, she wants to be like them. It was her dream as a kid since she loved stories and fairy tales. The thrive of helping people.


  • Loosing: Whether its loosing to a simple comrade or to her enemy, the fact of defeat is never an option for her. Who doesn't like to win? Loosing is just a horrible feeling espceially to one who feels like she had to be a winner all the time.
  • Jellyfish:They're creepy and disgusting blobs of transparent flesh. She remembered being stun by one as a kid and how creepy they looked. Turns out hse was allergic to the jellyfish sting. Not something she wasnts to be around again or experience
  • Killing Someone: Herself dying is not the problem, but death by her own hand to another being is against knight code. The value of life can be easily given as it can be taken away. Killing is looked up as evil and not right in society. It's something that would haunt her for life. You are taking someone's life here.


Magic Name: The Sun Gaurdian

Magic Element: Light

Magic Description:  A magic that only the Kitagawa family can possess. It can be learned through the guardians of the family. The user must have a soul of light in order to perform any of this magic and enlist their body with tattoos. These tattoos are connected with magical energy. When using the magic, the tattoos glow radiating magical energy. This magic is the element of light. It's functions are only for Offensive, Self-Buff Strength and Endurance and Supplementary spells. Its good against the element of darkness and weak against the Nature element
  • Note: The Guaridans are not known to society and secretive. They remain for my own personal plot and history.



Avis was born as the child of Joplin and Zar Kitagawa. Her family were both extremely famous mages who had a sacred history behind the name of Kitagawa. Although, her parent's died when she was extremely young. Too young to even remember. The spiritual guardians of the Kitagawa family raised her as one of their own. Five of them revealed with the leader being Concord, and the four others. The guardians are spiritual beings that are considered to be secretive and unknown to the rest of society other than those within the family. They always have to remain human looking if they want to show themselves to those outside of the family. They disguised themselves as her parents to kinda help give her a false sense of security and almost the real thing. Avis grew up with a loving home of course. Her home was in Crocus as the status of a noble. She wasn't spoiled like most. The guardians as she had to work for things like regular people do. She grew later to be a hard worker and always finding something to fix.

The guardians would tell her bed time stories of the great mages and heroes of Fiore. Avis always loved how heroic and righteous they were. The knight in shining armor saving the princess from the tall, tall tower. Constantly, she would daydream during her schooldays about her becoming a hero and saving her kingdom. When she was seven, Avis was taken to her first Grand Magic Games tournament. The excitement of the crowd cheering for their favorite guild and demanding them to win. Blue Pegasus, Lamia Scale, Fairy Tail, and many other guilds participated in these games. Avis actually wandered into the area during one of the matches causing a draw. She was taken back to her guardians and was given a long lecture of wandering off like that. Thus, began her thing for adventures.

After the games, she begged the guardians to let her become a mage. They said when she was ready. In her schooldays, she would constantly write about fairy tales about kings and queens, dragons, knights, and everything. Avis was picked on as a kid due to her social awkwardness. One day, when she was thirteen, Avis noticed something odd about her "parents" and "siblings". Snooping around her parent's room, she saw a news article with a picture with two dead bodies that looks just like her parents. The title of the article said "Two nobles counted dead". She read it and felt confused. The guardian who played as her father, Concord, walked in and noticed what was in her hand. Fearing the worse, he tried to approach her, but she backed away. It was then they had to explain the whole story. Avis was officially freaked out by everything. It took her a long time to finally accept it. For a while, she was broken. She felt as if all she had known and loved was all a lie. Her family was dead or gone. She was the only known survivor. The guardians: Concord, Nile, Goblin, Achilles, and Shika. All five of them continued to do things as they had been for the past thirteen years.

Finally, Shika came up to her with a sword that belonged to her father. It was Excalibur sword with gold and navy blue paint on the hilt and casing. She presented it to Avis and explained its whole story. The origins of her love for stories and now wondering about her parents peeked. Shika was not like the other guardians and was open to talk about her parents. The others were more secretive and shy about the subject and denied that it ever happened. Avis looked at the sword and at Shika. Shika had said that when she became old enough her father would of given her that sword. The blonde learned to cherish that sword and the stories of her parents. If was then decided that she would become even more like her parents after hearing stories about them and their heroic actions to save other's lives.

The guardians saw her motivation and chivalry for the subject. They granted her wish in teaching her magic. It was a long and hard process. They began with basic muscle building exercises and ridiculous chores or daily activities for her to do. They were building her mental and physical skills. As she trained extremely hard, she became to realize that she could travel. On her travels, she discovered shew as the last of her family. The guardians had discovered that she was. The Kitagawa family had owned a huge estate in Magnolia as well that was entitled to her name. Her parents left her everything in their will. Her parents and herself were the last of the Kitagawa family. Not much else was known about if she had any brother's or sisters.

Avis moved to Magnolia and enrolled as an official mage by age 18. Over the course of the last few years, she had mastered the basics of magic. Her brand of light magic required her to have several tattoos that held symbols of the Kitagawa family gaurdians in order to run her magic. There was several ceremonies to perform  in order for her to become the head of the family. She joined the Fairy Tail guild to help get her started. Avis had grown fond of the guild from its reputation of family-like environment. Now, her missions is to become the best mage she could be and revive her family.

Last edited by Lucky Vollan on Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2Avis Kitagawa 

Avis Kitagawa Empty Thu Oct 20, 2016 5:22 pm

Avis Kitagawa
Done and ready for reviewing

#3Yoshino Freljord 

Avis Kitagawa Empty Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:28 pm

Yoshino Freljord
Hey there! Yoshino here to grade your application. Let's get started!

  • Can you add one more fear? You generally want to have one more fear than motivation.
  • I'd like to know whether or not these guardians are regular humans or magical entities. It's a tad bit unclear to me.
  • Not really a correction, but do note that the guardians are secretive and not known to society, only your own personal history and plot.
  • Please fix that coding at the very end of the post, the list one.

Upon completion, simply bump the thread! No need to add the [Done] in the title.

Last edited by Yoshino on Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

#4Avis Kitagawa 

Avis Kitagawa Empty Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:44 pm

Avis Kitagawa

I placed a note under the magic and in mentioned in the first paragraph of the history.

#5Yoshino Freljord 

Avis Kitagawa Empty Thu Oct 20, 2016 6:54 pm

Yoshino Freljord
Congratulations, this application has been approved.

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