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Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath]

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Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath] Empty Tue Jun 11, 2024 6:36 am

Vex returned with Nasira the sunhallowed bow in hand as it was time for them to go and use this bow to take on the hideout of vampires but first they have to capture one. Vex looked at the woman that was with her and she spoke low. "We need to find a vampire and catch it alive." She makes sure that Nasira has the fire bow as the bow will work better with her plus it is a weapon for her to have in case this idea were to go side ways and cause them to have to fight off more than one vampire. Akiza got low and walked among the brush till she sees a vampire that is out on the hunt for food. She is careful and very watchful as she is not looking to get bitten down on or ambushed her steps are near silent along the ground as she walked and she gives a signal to the other woman that there is one and that she should be careful.

Akiza focuses her magic as she is going to use a binding spell to capture the vampire and have Nasira weaken it. Vex focused her void cursed magic and the spell fired to life and spun around the vampire holding it as it struggled against the binding spell and Vex is focusing all that she can into the spell to make sure that it doesn't fail before the other woman can take her shot at weakening it. Vex wishes that she had better made this plan but it is far too late now as they were going to have to capture this creature and make it sing like a bird in a coal mine for them so they can go and kill off the vampire hoard before it gets too strong or finds a new way to kill of those that were close to them and they needed to protect.

Vex trusts in Nasira and moves in to better restrain the Vampire after Nasira weakens it for them as they were going to have to make sure that the thing has no way of biting them or getting away and hurting others like they had already tried to do and had done up until this point. Vex hopes that others were having as much luck as they were at getting through all of this stuff and fighting the vampires where ever they all were at this moment but she needed to make the most of this and help keep her guild safe and not have them think that she was just going to roll over and let her guild ne over run and killed by vampires and their evil plans to kill off the day time so they could freely rule the world.

"Good work Nasira now lets get him back to base and get what we need out of him so we can deal with the rest." Vex's voice was a bit cold as she doesn't like to kill randomly anymore but this was something that couldn't just be bartered with or settled peacefully.


Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 10:28 am

Picking up where they left off, Nasira and Vex where back at it again solving problems with her odd way to do things and Vex just being able to support some one through it at all. In some manner Nasira figured and thought up if they ever to ever talk outside of these fights Nasira could most likely learn a few interesting things form Vex just what they where she did not know, It was also not the time to think about it right now either. they needed to figure out and get their hands on a vampire. She could admit she was a bit disappointed it was a live.

Then again Nasira knew she solved things by removing them quickly and that was a quick reaction to fight it all to death and continue on capturing a live was manageable but she preferred to kill threats to the people. But one thing at a time and maybe this would work out in the end better for everyone else, So they where off to find and deal with a vampire. Bringing them back alive. It was going to be interesting. Diving into it as pretty quickly. Nasira was always quick to get to work.

Nasira was given a bow this time, Something Nasira should have guessed eventually, But she looked it over and inspected it as she did anything she was given. Even giving it a few test pulls of the string to make sure it was all going to be okay and not break, She didn't think Vex would do that to her. It was just her normal test. Since it all seemed to be in order it was over all going to be a good mission so far. It seemed she didn't seem like she was going to handle the vampire with her hands. Not yet anyway.

Alas they were at least quiet and prepared already moving forward to find this vampire and catch it, If it was just one anyway. It would take time most likely to find one, considering everything else that was done, It was most likely that they where in hiding. But they had already kind of found them enough times that it would not take too long for them to find one. Just so far not making a sound, As they where just prepared Where exactly they where just gonna trap a vampire was a good thing to ponder at this point.

However Nasira on the other hand would finally express it, But most likely she was a very different person even if they got along. After the use of the fire bow and a bit of wrestling about. Since they where talking anyway."Better off off dead..."Nasira at least did not sound like she said it out of hatred and or bias. Almost like it was more her protect the people mind set that was just right away out there and she was not covering it up. Maybe if another chance if it was not just protect and keep people safe, Nasira would be more reasonable to about it.



Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 6:15 pm

Vex put the captured vampire in her domain for the time being as she walked with the other woman toward the guild. "Nasira I can tell you want to kill it but you need to wait will it breaks down and tells use were the nest is cuase we need the info on their hideout, after that I will let you kill him, trust me capturing it alive feels wrong to me as well but we need to know so we can stop something bigger." Vex smiled at Nasira to reassure her about what they were doing as she knows that his feels wrong and that was just something that Vex was going to have to get over for the time being as they really needed that info and to know where the monsters were hidden and stop their plot to take over the world with a final nail in their coffin but she needed Nasira to be on the same level of understanding on it.

Vex made sure to keep an even pace as she walked with the woman to the guild as they were going to need a room set up and ready for them in case the vampire were to break loose it would have no where to go. "Carla fly off ahead and tell them to get the room ready for us so we can get what we want out of the monster." Carla nodded her head and her wings appeared and flew off toward the guild as fast as she could as she needed to make sure that mistress Vex's order was done swiftly as she knew that the eye was taxing on Vex to keep things in but she knows that she can do this for her and not let down the guild that Vex served as well while she was at it.

Carla made it to the guild and told them of Vex coming in soon and that they were bringing in a vampire to be questioned for info and the guild mates move swiftly to get the room ready for the vampire and to make sure that the woman would be safe as she was one of their strongest members and was an ex dark guild member on top of that so they know if they fail they might meet the end that the others that had crossed her did. Vex arrived hopefully with Nasira right behind her and she went into the room and let the vampire out once they were all in the room with the door sealed shut from the outside incase of the vampire getting loose and Vex walked over to a table and she grabbed some tools to help loosen the vampires tongue.

Vex hoped that Nasira was not one with a weak stomach as vampires are stubborn immortal creatures so he would probably not give up the info that easily but she invited Nasira to help her in trying to get the info out of the vampire if they can.
(508) (1,031)


Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath] Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 6:33 pm

Over all even if her feeling the way she did, Nasira was logical and knew she could not just kill them when they needed them, Even with Vex's reminded she did not seem offended by it. It was a good thing to remind a person. So as they where preparing to go and head back she would ponder on how to explain to Vex that she knew she shouldn't kill them. It was part of the job so she would won't complain about it. As they walked along quietly anyway. But Nasira seemed to be in thought.

That was not shocking in anyway. But she would finally speak."I do understand why we need to spare them."She finally stated plainly. Not trying to come off rude about it, Then again since Nasira did not speak a lot it might seem that way. But Nasira did not rush trying to understand Vex she did tend to take her time to learn some one. There was some kind of bond forming between the two. That over all would most likely seeming be easier as they got around one another. Nasira was some what a blunt person and hard to understand

Because she often did not add a lot of detail at times."As much, as I wanted too. I know and wouldn't have tried to kill them."It did seem she would make sure Vex knew that, She had not tried to kill either of them. Because they needed them alive. But Nasira would use this space between getting to the spot to talk to the vampire and where they where now walking. Nasira would ask Vex at least one question just to be sure they would be on the same page with one another. for her own wonder.

So it would be phrases as a general question"What kind of person do you take me for Vex?"Nasira honestly asked her in wonder. She wanted to know because she felt like she wanted to clear any thoughts of what Vex could think of her. Nasira was slightly brash but that was about it, She was stubborn and did things her own way. But that was about it. So over all Nasira seemed to wonder what all and all was in her mind. So far she figured it was going to be positive she just wanted to be sure.

But after that while waiting for an answer, It was pretty peaceful over all while they walked. It seemed like there was not many problems or lingering worries while Nasira and Vex most likely looked around everyone and check. Nasira would also continue to think up if there was things she could also ask Vex while they walked."Too serious, not that friendly?"She did not sound like she was integrating her, If anything she was actually serious about what she would hear. But it was this wondered that she hoped they would bond slightly over this conversation.



Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath] Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 7:57 am

Vex would hear the woman agree that she knew that she couldn't just go about killing the vampire before they get what they need out of him but Vex also knew that they were on a time crunch and that they needed to keep moving and getting this moving. "I see you as someone I know would have my back to the bitter end, loyal, trustworthy, hard working and a bit stubborn, but you are a friend that would fight beside someone no matter the mounting odds that you might not make it out alive." Vex turned her focus back to the vampire who looked very confident that they couldn't do anything to make him break. Akiza started to heat a few tools and then stabbed them into the vampires arms as hard as she could the tools had wide bases to them and the tools pinned the vampire to the chair and his confident smile started to disappear as he had underestimated them because the wood elf one seemed more talk than action, but that had changed and the wood elf was taking charge of this with a strong showing.

The vampire refuses and says that he rather just die than to rat out his clan to these two idiot women that were in front of him. Vex turned to Nasira and she smiled. "You heard the man he rather die than to give up the info we want guess we will need a different one." Vex motioned Nasira like she was telling her that she could kill the vampire. The vampire looked to Nasira with pleading eyes to not kill him, but as the vampire looked over the other woman's face he realized that his pleading or begging would only fall onto deaf ears and that the only slim chance he had was to probably give up his clan as either way he was dead, if they kill him or if his clan and their high vampire lord got their hands on him and did it. The vampire looked the women in the eyes and he started speaking. "Okay okay I give up I know I am dead and one of my greatest fears is dying alone... The hideout is in an abandoned building tucked in the outskirts next to a cave like mining area, it is highly trapped and there are a few trained werewolves guarding it as well."

The vampire hopes they will spare him but he knows that they will not spare him and this was his end. Vex looked back and gave the signal to those that were waiting out side that had heard what was said and they unbarred the door so Vex and Nasira would be able to get out of the room when they were done as they went to get the other members on the same page of where the hideout was and to get them all ready and on their feet as they needed to go and strike as soon as they can as soon the morning would come and that is the best time to attack from morning into the day when they would be weakened and unable to fight at their top potential.
(542) (1,573)


Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 4:36 am

It was fair enough for Nasira to hear that she was if anything she needed to be sure. As long as Nasira did not seem like entirely just kill and destroy mindless. While she sometimes could be that way. But No one had entirely needed to see that part of her, At least not for a while anyway. Even if she expressed it in some manner for moment self control is simple to achieve, After all she tried to balance her mind from such of that worry. But it was over all just it for now. there was work to do.

After all their was things they had to do, like talking to a vampire to get information from them, While Nasira did not mind just watching and letting Vex do some handy work towards it. Vex had already handle this pretty much going forward herself, Nasira could ponder just how much it work would take to get what they needed and wanted from this person. At least for the most part, They seem to give up quickly. It was interesting for Nasira to witness. She figured it would bit more then that. Not her place to judge for a beings desire to live.

Nasira would save some kind of remark of about their work being cute easily short because they spoke quickly after a few quick actions from Vex, however they where painful she could see it being the horrors it was, Vex and Nasira just kind of found them quickly and got right to the point of causing horrible pain. Most likely they expected them both to at least try to talk first. All and all a good plan with Vex to start with, Even if Nasira did not know about the plan to start with it and they did not know talk about how they would talk about the vampire. It was interesting.

Dying alone was it's fear? Nasira had other fears but that was entirely not important. But the desire to live or die with dignity was always something that Nasira could understand. But alas life is cruel Nasira knew this from how she got to Fiore, it was not considered anything a nice way. But suppose this just meant they got everything they wanted. They would progress towards the goal so to say. Just in case for karma's she would avoid any witty comment about how it worked out.

Nasira would not have used knives, but that could have lead towards more time being wasted and the Vampire feeling like they could not submit what they wanted to know right away. Eventually she would sigh as they left the room."Who knew. A vampire's fear was dying alone."Nasira mentioned almost like she found it interesting but not that she was judging them for such things. In the end the Vampire spoke. It seemed all of Narisa's worries and inner thoughts were over all settled, Their progression was going well.

"Almost thought I might have had too put my hand into the fold with them."She figured it was a good it was a good piece of conversation, it was an odd calm with her Nasira, But that was about it she was making conversation moving alone with other things to do.



Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath] Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 8:44 am

Vex looked at the woman and she wondered if she understands that, that went so easily cause of the fact that Nasira didn't even react or care about the pleas of the vampire. When the woman spoke about the fear of dying alone and Vex giggled a little and was going to make a joke about it. "Well that explains why they turn other people to vampires doesn't it? They don't want to live alone or if things go wrong die alone makes sense to me." She went and grabbed the gear and handed Nasira her gear as they get the troops rounded up and make it toward the place that the vampire said that they would find the nest of the vampires and Vex looked over the guild mates that were walking along with them and she wondered if they would really be okay out here in the big battle that was about to start but she didn't get to even question it.

Three large werewolves came running at them as if the vampires had been warned of their coming and the shadows shifted slightly blocking out the sun light, they had been set up and the vampires were ready for them and Vex got separated from Nasira in the shuffle as the vampires came out behind the werewolves that had been trained by the vampires to attack those in the day that messed with them. Vex had her daggers out and was fighting the creatures that dared to come at her and fight with her as well as her casting healing magic on her close by injured guild mates that she could reach with her spells and buffing others that she could reach. Vex was feeling a bit over whelmed by the amount of things all going on at once but she knows that she can't stop to think on the things that were going on but she knows that one slip up and that was it.

Vex hoped that Nasira would be okay as she probably also has a group of guild mates with her as well fighting the dark creatures that were rushing them. Vex had faith in Tutrix's protection of her self and she hoped her goddess would extend those blessings to the other woman that was her team mate and her other guild mates. Vex makes deep wounds on the vampires and tries to take out their hearts as fast as she could to end their lives but these vampires were stronger than that and had good reflexes then she heard Carla call out in a panicked voice to Vex to duck and Vex does it without thinking about it as she knows Carla's gift of foresight.

Carla had seen a vision of Vex focused on the vampires in front of her that she missed the rampaging werewolf that slashed her in the back and tore out her insides and ducking helped Vex to dodge the attack and move to a different area while rapid firing her arrows and blocking attacks with one of her daggers and she hoped that they were culling the numbers as the werewolves seem to all be down now but was that really the end? Vex needed to regroup with Nasira and get into the hideout of the vampires and aim for their vampire master and lord to really end this so Vex stayed low and moved quickly along the bush making as little noise as she can to make it to the opening of the hide out to get inside and fight.
(596) (2,169)


Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath] Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 7:00 pm

While Nasira had not realized how hard she was becoming to read at the times, Maybe if they ever reflected on it in the future, Nasira knowing exactly how it all worked or not. Or they can just continued a joke."I guess, you can say, They will be Heartbroken."Nasira was not good with jokes, She was a wee bit too blunt for that kind of stuff, Even if she tries. Then Nasira realized it might not be that good of a joke and kind of sighed about it. Almost like she thought she was at times a bit too serious when working.

But Nasira knew she was bad at making jokes for the most part, It was something she needed to work on, But she was managing over things. Other problems for other days. It was not a work nor a Vex problem. I was a Nasira problem, one she could admit to having if asked about it. She was open to her own flaws, it was at times people made see Nasira reading a lot of self help books, General life improvement books, Books of various deep thought provoking subjects. In some manner she was often seen doing a lot of self improvement things.

But that was another entire matter for the future. After all reality had other things for them now. By that it was werewolves three of them total. IT seemed there was things that needed to do. Everyone would get into actions quickly. There was an odd smirk on Nasira face, Because they were werewolves. Nasira actually knew how to handle werewolves. It almost reminded her of something she needed to go do. Knowing full well when she found that woman again, She was going to be really mad with her, But her children will be happy.

"Werewolves?...how funny."Nasira mentioned about it almost like it was it's own form of entertainment, To Nasira these werewolves where insults to the ones she bonded with in the past. It was a challenge now and she was not backing down. So Nasira charged into them with out anything but what she had now, She had dealt with werewolves hand to hand a few times. Now she just had fire to add into the mix. Vex most likely was not going to like this. Nasira knew she was going to get clawed up a bit.

So Nasira stretched out her arms and legs. Then ran towards the werewolves willingly. There was no falling back now. Just a lot of fire, burning hair and fist fighting. Nasira really did need to remember to buy a weapon one these days. Maybe she would buy herself a good sword after they won. With her fighting at it's start, the closest Werewolf had it's arm held on to, pulled down follow by two swift fire punches to it's face, letting go of it's hand at the same time she would tuck her right foot under it's left foot, pull it back and trip it, Then she would stomp on them twice, The she would then head butt the next one to square up to her and she would then knee it in the stomach pull it behind her so it fell to the ground.

before she got to the last one she would make sure the two she already some what subdued where set on fire enough that they would burn quickly, She was doing her best to handle them. She was not backing down. There was only one left at this point now.



Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath] Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 1:34 pm

Vex had turned around in time to see Nasira unleashing fire and fists of fury on the other werewolves and she was proud of her guildmate as she was finding her own path and Vex wasn't over pressuring her or trying to force her to go a path that she didn't like and Vex could hopefully keep helping the woman grow and become a monster in her own right. Vex thinks back to the people in her past that have helped her even if she was not the best person in those times. Her daggers meeting with a few vampire guards that were right inside the hide out that had stayed back to defend the vampire lord that was in this place and she made short work of them and then she hurried deeper into the hideout when a giant bat like creature dropped from the ceiling and it was the vampire lord that they were seeking.

Vex hoped that she would soon have back up from Nasira and the others that were here from the guild but she would jump back and rapid fire her bow unleashing a hail of water arrows and then releasing a blast of arcane and water magic at the vampire and she hoped that it would be followed up by the other woman's fire magic and vex keeps moving as the vampire let loose darkness spells that threatened to drain the women of their blood and health but Vex knew this was a dangerous spot. "Nasira be careful and if it gets too bad run away and let me fight to the death with this undead beast." Vex knows that is a selfish request that she was making of the other mage woman and in a way might have come across as Vex calling her weak but that was not what Vex was doing.

Vex saw as a spell was to fall on to Nasira and she quickly used her eye's power and caught the spell in her space that her eye granted her. Vex knows that this eye is taxing but it was something that she needed to use and get use of when she could but now that she was here and the fight was going on she had to risk it all. Vex dug deep into her heart and she pulled all the power that she could out and she with the help of Nasira in her own way would take out the Vampire lord and those that remained in the hide out. Vex ran over to Nasira and hugged her close to her chest and smiled. "We did it, we finally did it and I am so Proud of your Nasira and all the hard work that you have done during this." Vex smiled big at the woman even though she knows that Nasira was simply doing what she could and trying to make this all work out well and she took the woman's hand and walks with her out of the hide out.
(508) (2,677) (Exit)


Clearing The Nest [TLB – The Last Breath] Empty Wed Jun 26, 2024 5:57 am

They can cleared out everything, seemingly have done a fair amount. over all it was a good day of work. Everything went as planned and there was not a massive amount of problems that came from it. Vex had done good work, Nasira had also done good work. It just was the final push of this phase of the problem. She handle these werewolves really quickly simple because she seemingly had figured out and managed to deal with them far more quickly then most people. Since Vex didn't really piece it together yet same with other guilds members it was she just knew how to kill them quickly maybe she got lucky.

Nonetheless there was other things to do, Nasira would do what she could to help and progress over all the limits Nasira had seemed to have done her best while much like everyone else was starting to get a tired. Eventually it was all over and Nasira just needed to switch off from being in her fighting and work mind set. As annoying as it was this way of working made Nasira effective at work. Then again hearing it was over made it quick to settle into moving on.

Nasira seemed to smile peacefully, Mind you Nasira also had seemed relaxed about her hand being take. She did ponder if she was being guided to something and what all would happen with her soon, But most likely Vex was making sure Nasira was going to actually relax. Then while she did not resist her hand being held, it was used as a chance for Vex to realize Nasira was looking over her and seeing just what kind of shape she was in.

While Nasira did not need to do, Most likely everyone was going to get checked over soon anyway. Then she had to ponder where she was going with Vex as she seemingly stopped paying attention and forgot now, IT seemed maybe it was all getting to her.




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