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We've Known the Devil [Short] [WIP]

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We've Known the Devil [Short] [WIP] Empty Mon May 13, 2024 4:55 pm

Name: We've Known the Devil

Difficulty: Short

Participants: Coventina

Story: Some memories aren't so easily forgotten. Some people aren't so easily discarded. Who haunts the ghost of Oak?

Rewards: N/A

Objective: Face down the First Evil of Alexis Carmen.

Name: Hello, Coventina
Rank: B

Type: Bad

Participants: Coventina

Summary: A description of what is going on in this part of the storyline. It should be at least a few sentences long.

Non Player Characters's: Does the quest involve other non-player characters? If so, mention them here.
  • Example NPC: ???

Objectives: Shortly mention what needs to be accomplished in this part of the storyline.
Name: Memories Unforgiven
Rank: B

Type: Bad

Participants: Coventina

Summary: A description of what is going on in this part of the storyline. It should be at least a few sentences long.

Non Player Characters's: Does the quest involve other non-player characters? If so, mention them here.
  • Example NPC: ???

Objectives: Shortly mention what needs to be accomplished in this part of the storyline.
Name: Goodbye, Alexis
Rank: B

Type: Bad

Participants: Coventina

Summary: A description of what is going on in this part of the storyline. It should be at least a few sentences long.

Non Player Characters's: Does the quest involve other non-player characters? If so, mention them here.
  • Example NPC: ???

Objectives: Shortly mention what needs to be accomplished in this part of the storyline.

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