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4.b. Guild Bank and Shop

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4.b. Guild Bank and Shop Empty Fri May 10, 2024 2:13 pm


Guild Bank & Guild Shop

Guild Bank

  • Guilds may purchase things to improve their building or replace their perks and spells using their own Guild Bank, this is directly controlled and maintained by the Guild Master.
  • Guild Banks are organized by the Guild Master, which is present on their profile as Guild Bank field. Each Guild Member may transfer up to 2,500,000 jewels per month into the Guild Bank while the Guild Master may transfer up to 5,000,000 jewels per month.

Guild Shop

  • Guild Masters have explicit control over the Guild Bank Funds with the Jewels being tracked in their profile.
  • Through the Guild Shop, They can purchase a variety of things including cosmetic changes as well as perk changes and additional features.
  • Guild Additions such as Additional Sub-Forums and Teleportation are tracked in the Guild Master's profile.

New Sub-forum

Price: 2,500,000J

Note: The cost for a new sub-forum increases by 500,000 Jewels for each sub-forum.

Restrictions: This can only be purchased up to 5 times and only once every 2 months.

Description: The Guild receives a sub-forum that is exclusively accessible to them.

Guild Teleportation

Price: 500,000J per member

Requirement: The Guild Building can not be actively attacked.

Description: Guild Members may teleport to their guild building once every two weeks, equivalent to traveling the region, requiring the members to complete a post doing the teleportation.

Guild Emergency Travel

Price: 1,000,000J per member

Restrictions: The guild building must be currently under attack in a Guild Raid.

Description: Guild members may teleport to a single active guild raid thread as a defender. This ability can only be used for a single thread, which must be stated when purchasing the consumable.

Fortified Guild Wards

Price: 5,000,000J

Restrictions: The Guild Building can not be actively attacked. The Guild members cannot have actively participated in a Guild raid as an attacker in the past 3 months.

Description: The Guild's members cast a powerful protective warding spell on their guild hall: This prevents it from being raided for 6 months. As a drawback of their focus on defense, members may not participate in Guild Raids as an attacker for the duration. Raids and Raid-Type storylines may still be undertaken, but only with the consent of both parties.

Guild Member Maximum Member Increase

Price: 2,500,00J

Restrictions: This can only be done five times and only once per month. This increases the cost by 1,000,000 Jewels each time it is purchased.

Description: The maximum amount of Guild Members is increased by 2.

Secured Guild Bank

Price: 10,000,000J

Restrictions: This only needs to be purchased once.

Description: The Guild Bank when successfully raided only loses half as many Jewels.

Guild Revision

Price: 5,000,000J

Restriction: This can only be purchased once every six month.

Description: The Guild Master may change their guild perks, spells, guild hall, and description.

Guild Repair

Price: 100,000J per 1x S-Rank

Requirements: This can only be done after the guild has received damage.

Restrictions: This can only be done once instances of damage have been completed.

Description: The Guild Master may repair 1x S-Rank's worth of damage that their guild has received.

Guild Location Change

Price: 1,000,000J

Restrictions: This can only be purchased once every 3 months.

Description: The Guild Master may change the location of their Guild Building within their Country.

Greater Guild Location Change

Price: 5,000,000J

Restrictions: This can only be purchased once every 6 months.

Description: The Guild Master may change the location of their Guild Building to any country on site.

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