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Feed The Fish [Quest]

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Feed The Fish [Quest] Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 9:38 am

Another day and another quest taken with the intent of helping around the town he now called home. Vesper was starting to get his footing feeling more comfortable navigating the winding streets and bustling boulevards. He, however, has not done his due diligence when it comes to getting to know the people, taking it slower than he'd like. At the guild he shyly sits by himself, fiddling with his hair as he chomps down on sweet after sweet. He's a cautious pup in a crowd of truly dazzling people, wishing that he could attain even an ember of their radiance. And he knows he can - he will! Step by step, at his own pace, following the ideals he believes in.

Today's adventure would be a rather simple one as well and with a familiar face he's helped once before. Raina, a marine biologist, has requested assistance in the simple act of feeding the fish at a local pond. Vesper would have to carry a heavy bag of feed and row her out, but that was the easy part. His true goal was to improve his social skills to become like his new family in Blue Pegasus - the type of person that he has always idolized. Exuding opulence with every minor request and bringing a smile to all the people that relied on you with class and the epitome of charm.

Vesper made his way to Raina's warehouse, greeted with a bow of graciousness. "Good morning~ Ah, hello Vesper, It's nice to see you again~ The food is right through here. Any of the bags are fine and do be careful, they're quite heavy." She smiled and stepped towards the warehouse, the jingling of keys as she bumbled a bit to find the correct one to unlock the door.

"Don't worry, ma'am~ I got this!" Vesper sports a stupid little grin and flexes his arms, entirely way too overconfident as a result of his weightlifting spotting that he had done the day prior, eliciting a giggle from the woman that could be a reward in and of itself.



Feed The Fish [Quest] Empty Wed Apr 10, 2024 10:19 am

Vesper marched down the trail alongside his companion, lugging the bag atop his shoulders making small talk with every little step. Vesper has a deep respect for Mrs. Burke's efforts and was ecstatic for the opportunity to listen to her passionately rant about how crummy people are about the environment. It's a beautiful quality in a person - to be able to shed all inhibitions and just let every emotion burst out. She explain that this particular pond that they were heading to was too polluted to accommodate life at one point and through her team's efforts were able to make a difference, restoring the ecosystem, little by little.

"That's incredible, Mrs. Burke! What kind of fish live here now then? I'm assuming you reintroduced the natural species back?" Vesper stumbles over a rock in his excitement, eliciting a look of concern and then giggle from the woman before she answered. It takes a lot of time and resources to even manage a small pond like this, making sure the ecosystem is functioning as nature intended despite the human intervention. Preserving life that was extinct once before due to habitat destruction is no easy feat, but one that her team was clearly dedicated to.

"Come, come, Vesper-chan. The boat is right over here. We don't have to row very far. I'm sure your arms are sore." She said, settling in to the boat, unpacking a few vials to collect water samples. Vesper hops in and sets the feedbag down at the center of the boat, bumbling around to balance the oars evenly on each side. "It's no issue ma'am! I'd like to hear more about your work if you don't mind~ hehe" Mrs. Burke fully took advantage of the young boy's curiosity explaining concepts that Vesper had zero clue about, but the enthusiasm displayed made the rowing a trivial matter. And they sat there in the peaceful little oasis that was given new life, revitalized through passion and an unrelenting defiance to allow the world to rot because of the indifference and neglect of the common person, watching fish swarm around the boat to gobble up their gift - their apology.

The row back was a quiet one, Vesper pondering the importance of all those little things that are hidden beneath a shallow surface - easy to forget and just as fragile. Mrs. Burke was grateful, of course, paying him out for the quest reward with the invitation that he was always welcome at the lab.


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