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A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines]

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A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines] Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:04 pm


WORDS: 330 | TOTAL: #### | Black Romance

It's weird as fuuuuuuck…! The scarlet eyed siren showing both an uncharacteristic level of punctuality and an unusual tendency toward fidgeting as she waited at a high round table with a couple of drinks in front of her, Nikki Marcello couldn't help but drum her fingers upon the counter before her and found her knees a rattling as she sat atop what barely qualified for anything beyond a stool, and all the while found that crimson gaze darting toward the doorway whenever she saw someone entering into it.
I'm more nervous now than the night we first met~? The heart of our antsy heroine seeming to leap especially when she spotted a sign of a blonde mane and more than a few times tasting a sense of disappointment as some bad dye job raised her hopes and then dashed them, it felt like the fanged fox had never wanted to see the fair haired femme for whom she had fallen more than this moment, and couldn't help but reflect upon how needy she felt right now with a bit of a huffing sigh.

I hope she likes the dress? Really gone all out for ya, 'Fiance'~? Such a fact occurring not least because of the lavish leather number she looked to have practically painted onto her frame and the inquiring eyes and all the worse words which it seemed to invite, more than a few fools had been told to sling their proverbial hooks in far worse turns when they had elected to fancy their chances with a woman who had put her all into her efforts to entice the emerald eyes of the enchantress upon whom she waited, but even now she knew that it would all be worth it when finally that green gaze fell upon her. I mean, she could practically taste the lip bite already, and could only wait to see just how hungry her woman looked along with it. Man, her spine was practically quivering with excitement for that, wasn't it~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

Last edited by Nikki on Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:29 pm; edited 1 time in total

#2Kanna Kusanagi 

A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines] Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 12:32 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | V-DAY | @Nikki

Damn~... Kanna's heart was hammering the whole time... How long had it been since she dressed up for someone like this? Even for Nikki their relationship had always been more... Spontaneus~... To put it mildly. Neither of them needed much to light a fire underneath them, and the whole effort to dress up for each other seemed... Almost unbearable~...

"Fuck~... Can't wait to see the look on her face when she sees this~?", to the point that the mere sight of her reflection shot a tingle up her spine as she blonde cocked her wide, womanly hips to the side, pushing that leather clad peach back as she slid a hand down the side of her body~...

Biting her lip, utterly thrilled by the mere thought of the look on her lover's face~... And what a look it would be. After all, for this to work, the two women promised not to look at omne another until they met up at the nightclub. There was quite an impressive queue at the door, but ignoring the wolf whistles, Kanna pushed and elbowed her way through until she came face to face with a stunned bouncer:

"'Sup..? Ya gonna let me in or what?", she spoke, her voice rough and aggressive like the many hoodlums loitering around these streets. Yet despite that glare on her face, Kanna's heart was racing... Thumping madly like the first time she laid eyes on her... And by the time she was allowed her way inside, she saw her immediately, "Whoa~..."

She had to pick her jaw off the floor for a moment as she caught but a mere glimpse of what her lover was wearing~... That sinfully tight dress leaving just enough to imagination, making her heart race the closer she got... Her hips swaying left and right as she traced those curves with her eyes, practically undressing her with that ravenous gaze, pulse quickening all too easily as that tingle in her spine was impossible to miss now:

"Now what's a red hot bombshell like you doing here all by herself huh~...?", Kanna purred once she finally got close, leaving a plastic bottle of water atop Nikki's table, a little gift for her, before draping both arms around her lover's waist and seeking her lips for a hungry, sizzling kiss, "Mmmmn~"

Kanna, meanwhile, had also went for thigh boots~... Amazing how great minds think alike huh? But unlike Nikki, she'd picked a sinfully tight pair of leather black shorts, leaving her tight, toned midriff completely exposed until the bottom of a cozy, yet revealing white jacket hanging just above her abs, hanging loosely off her shoulder~... And leaving just a little peek of something lacy running along her neckline, framing that full figured valley of well squeezed cleavage


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines] Empty Fri Feb 23, 2024 3:38 pm


WORDS: 310 | TOTAL: 640 | Black Romance

“Ohhhh, not much~?” One who rarely seemed to enjoy surprises but on this occasion the black belle over the moon to feel herself being blindsided by a bombshell of her own, the busy atmosphere made it that much harder for even her keen vampire nose to pick up on the presence of the peach she waited upon but when finally the fair fox appeared and flooded her senses, sufficed to say that the scarlet eyed stunner felt no shortage of satisfaction that was for sure.
“Just looking for a good time~?” The lips of the lass curling as she found her beautiful blonde leaving her a little treat upon the table which she took into hand in due course but ever more so the girl drinking in that scent, she couldn't help but grin as she felt that green gaze washing over the wonder she had opted to wear for this occasion, though had to admit that she did not know which of them had seemed to outdo themselves more.

“Looks like I've found it, hm~?” This crimson irises practically drinking in the goodness she was offered by the emerald eyed enchantress and doing so with a shameless hunger, the sight of Kanna Kusanagi decked in black, white and ever more so daring was something which drove the dark dish wild, and seemed to find her hungrier for something other than the bottle she had been given for the moment. Squeezing it into her grasp as she lunged for the neck of her beloved and dragging the mouth of the minx to hers, Nikki couldn't help but purr as she pilled that pout toward her and devoured it with maximum relish, and frankly had to be commended for her restraint really. After all, with what the woman was wearing and how she had been waiting, it was tempting to mount the minx right then and there…!

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#4Kanna Kusanagi 

A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines] Empty Sat Feb 24, 2024 5:48 am

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | V-DAY | @Nikki  

"Shiiit, that so~?", Kanna, looking down shamelessly as she drunk deeply of those bewitching curves in that sinfully tight dress that left oh so little to imagination, and the blonde could only slide her hands down to Nikki's hips as she tugged that fine frame close to her, biting her lip hard, already feeling her throat growing dry, all the more so when she felt that plush, full figured bust squeeze against her own, "Yeeeeeah bet~... I got just the thing... Hnnfg~... To give ya a good time and a half~...?"

God just the sensation of her lover diving for her neck shot a shiver up her spine, and Nikki could easily feel that quickened pulsation as Kanna slid one arm back up behind her lover's neck, kissing her along her cheek, leaving a little lipstick mark along the way as she smooched her way down to those soft, succulent lips, a deep, wanting, passionate kiss:

"Mmmmn~... Though with ya standing there lookin that hot...", Kanna all but growl, pinching that glossy bottom lip between her teeth, her idle hand gliding back down Nikki's impossible curves and squeezing that big, succulent behind, feeling that softness spill out between her fingers before toying with the hem of her dress, her heart hammering the whole way through, "Damn tempting to just take ya right now~...?"


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines] Empty Sat Feb 24, 2024 4:33 pm


WORDS: 340 | TOTAL: 980 | Black Romance

“Shit babe, you know me…?” The vampish vixen always feeling a hunger for blood but when Kanna was around that endless hunger seeming to be dedicated solely to the flesh of the fair femme and the pleasures it could provide, Miss Marcello looked toward that green gaze with a giddy growl as she savoured the succulence of the kiss they shared, and made no effort as she did so to dissuade her date either verbally or physically either.
“Never quite been able to say no to my beautiful blonde~?” Instead content to feel the sparks the woman created within her shooting up her spine as she spoke of taking her right here and now, it was like the fingers of the fox were made of pure electricity as they toyed and teased at the hem of the dark delight's dress, and all that she could do was admit to how for all of the tough front she showed most when it came to the attention which her lover could provide she was like putty in the palm. Soft, and easily coerced.

“Reckon we should make a quick pit stop before we get this night started~?” Showing such a fact as she bit into her lip and let those ruby red eyes wheel around the regard the blinking sign none too far away which indicated the bathroom, though perhaps in some ways she had found a mite of disappointment when her fiancĂ© had been cured of the condition she shared Nikki had to admit that she did rather enjoy feeling her pulse again, especially when it was shown to her with such fervent intensity as well. This only seeming to leave the lass more torn in regard to their plan, all she could do was cling to that firm and flaunted frame with a smirk as she finally cracked the bottle she had been given and took a generous gulp from it, and in doing so almost literally showed the thirst that this emerald eyed enchantress could conjure with effortless efficacy…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#6Kanna Kusanagi 

A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines] Empty Mon Feb 26, 2024 2:29 pm

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | V-DAY | @Nikki  

"Well shit~... Already got me feelin' like the luckiest bitch in this whole fucking joint~...", Kanna all but purred as she savoured that delectable frame with her touch alone, utterly bewitched by the allure of her beloved belle.

Fuck~... Even now she couldn't get over how stunning her lover looked, and the though that she'd gone all out to show off for her~... Damn that sent a shiver up her spine every time~ Kanna was practically tearing at her dress already, tugging one side up and the other down, just eager to see what surprise her lover had slipped on there underneath her:

"Mmmmm, damn babe~... Sometimes... It's like you're reading my mind there hot stuff~...", she growled as she kissed her way along to Nikki's ear, giving that pert, succulent peach a good hard clap to go with the nibble to her earlobe.

And with this, she slipped her hand down to Nikki's and held it firmly, watching as her lover gave a good chug of their bottle of goodness, before taking the bottle and taking one herself. She could feel the grainy, chemical taste of the powder she dissolved in the water, and gave it one good shake to mix it up properly before taking another chug:

"C'mere hot stuff~...", and with this, she interlaced her fingers with her lover's, winking seductively at her before turning on one heel and pulling her lover after her, making a beeline for the bathroom as every step of those high heels emphasized the sway of her full, leather clad hips


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines] Empty Tue Feb 27, 2024 11:48 am


WORDS: 460 | TOTAL: 1440 | Black Romance

“Teeheeheehee, more like a case of great minds if you ask me~?” The clawing coquette seeming to commend her for the insight she had shown into the common desire between them, Miss Marcello knew all too well that when it came to matters of carnal expression there had never been a single day that they had been together or perhaps even long before that upon which their opinions had seemed to differ, and while they had found buds of other matters like romance and maturity sprouting from the oak which bonded them there was no denying that it was their common opinion on such matters which proved their strongest bond.
“Mmmm, sharing is caring eh?” Ever since that first day they had run into one another in a club which wasn't too much different from this one the dynamic duo seeming to make a mission of being on the same page, while it had been true that their moments of space has seen them both singed at one time or another when it mattered the most it was as if they lived in perfect sync , and this showed as the scarlet eyed stunner surrendered the gift she had been given to share with her blonde belle and licked her lips as she watched them indulging it together. Doubling their fun seemed par for the course, right?

“Almost seems a shame to pull this pretty thing off so quickly~?” Already the pair seeming to look to multiply their enjoyment or at the very least the outcome of it as they began to stumble toward the door that the dark dish had highlighted earlier on as well, while her feet seemed to fumble a little the fiery fox certainly did not allow either her mouth nor her hands to do so as they wobbled and rolled and eventually seemed to reach the threshold they sought, where Nikki couldn't help but to lament the idea that they were about to in one way or another ruin the vixenly visages which they had crafted for each other.
“But I suppose we've never had much trouble working around these kinda obstacles, hm~?” Not that she had any intention of stopping herself however and at the very least the experience held between the enchantresses of ebony and emerald knowing that they had certainly learned how to deal with the obstruction of outfits and disorder that a moment like this could provide long ago, all that she could do was purr as she took a moment to look that wonderful image of her hopefully soon to be waifu in the light of the club until she thrust them both inside, and began to work on making a little access for herself without ruining too much of what she saw before her…

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#8Kanna Kusanagi 

A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines] Empty Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:12 am

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | V-DAY | @Nikki  

"Yeeeeah bet~... And I got more than enough to keep us going throughout out this whole night~?", the blonde grinned with this bold declaration, biting her lip, feeling a shiver shoot up her spine at just the sheer amount of devilishness the two of them could get up to tonight:

Kanna sprung forth like a woman posessed, biting her lip as her heart hammered in her chest, feeling her throat growing dry even after the greedy gulp of water she'd just drank, sharing the treat with her beloved before guiding her to the bathroom... Fuck, they did all that and didn't even make it as a far as the dancefloor before needing a little taste~... But they had a whole night ahead of them, so nothing wrong with having a little bite for the road:

"Who said anything about pulling it off babe~?", and thus Kanna growled as she practically pushed her lover into an empty bathroom stall, locking it behind them as she pressed her against the door, lunging for those soft, luscious lips as her hands clawed at that frame, hiking that daring dress just high enough to get at those delectable curves underneath... All while keeping her lips pressed against her lover's, suckling that supple, pillowy pout slowly and ravenously, "Mmmmmn~... With access this easy~... smoooch~...... Ain't pullin it off... Till the night's over~"

Letting out another hungry, heated growl into the kiss, Kanna's hands dug in the suppleness of those thighs and started clawing her way, half wandering what lacy goodness her luscious lover had slipped on for her, and knowing all too well... She couldn't wait to find out~


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.


A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines] Empty Tue Mar 05, 2024 11:03 am


WORDS: 310 | TOTAL: 1750 | Black Romance

“Ooof, shit babe… Threaten me with a good time, will ya~?” No longer needing to breathe and perhaps that a good thing with how this blonde bombshell seemed to so habitually take her breath away, the vamp couldn't help but feel all the more voracious as her equally hungry lover promised her that this little pit stop of theirs would in no way impede their appetite for later on, and frankly felt all the more thrilled for it really. I mean, imagine getting a treat like this one and knowing that there was something even better waiting for her later? Fuck Valentines day, this one was like Christmas or even her birthday.

“D-Damn, you always did know the way to my heart, huh~?” Certainly eager to feel more of the suit she had for the latter being exposed as the fanged fox and her flaxen lover stumbled their way into a spot which was that bit more discreet with all the grace and discretion of a cannonball, whether it was the way in which the dynamic duo seemed to clash and clatter or the dagger-like jabs from their eyes they sent to the other women which cleared the place out none would know, but for the moment the place would be their own and she wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Well, some part of me, huh?” Certainly not averse to the idea of sharing her company on most nights but tonight wanting Kanna Kusanagi all to herself, all she could do was smirk and lick her lips as she felt the attention of her woman drifting downward and adjust accordingly by shifting both her hips and the straps on her shoulders as well, and allowed her bold beloved to take what she wanted from her while knowing all the while she would give back just as good as she got… And then some probably~?

~ It's more fun ~

~ to play with your food ~

credit to nat of adoxography.

#10Kanna Kusanagi 

A Date To Die For~ [Kanna - Valentines] Empty Wed Mar 06, 2024 2:38 am

Kanna Kusanagi

WORDS: 500 | V-DAY | @Nikki  

"Mmmmm, bet~... Though these days babe~... Feels like I know my way... To each...", Kanna could only speak inbetween panting, breathless kisses for her mouth was busy kissing those soft, perfectly glossy lips as she suckled sensually on on that pillowy pout, sloooowly dragging her nails up the inside of her legs, following the trail to her woman's sizzling want until she could properly caress in a heated fit of lust, wasting no time peeling any offending garments up and out of the way, "And every... Single part of you~?"

Nikki was driving her utterly crazy~... Her scent filling her nostrils, her heat, the softness of her body... The sound of her voice shooting a shiver up her spine. Kanna kept going as she slowly lost herself to her urges, wanting nothing than to see her woman shudder in her arms, stroking her center of pleasure as she probed every nook and cranny for every spot that made her knees grow weak, all while her hand slid up and peeled down the straps of her dress, diving down on that valley of heaven like a woman posessed, a frenzied heat of lust as the drug started to kick in and she could think of nothing but taking her lover against the door of the bathroom:

"F-Fucking hell Nikki...! I can't... Get enough...!", she spoke between her teeth as the drugs she took well and truly kicked her heartrate into overdrive and that tingling, blissful sensation overtook her entire being. She felt powerful, like she could do anything, and right now, more than ever... She didn't give a flying fuck what other people had to say about the mess they were about to make her, the loud thumping of bodies against the wall and rapturous voices painted a clear enough picture.


- Kanna Kusanagi

credit to nat of adoxography.

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