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Hunger Games: The Participants Code

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Hunger Games: The Participants Code Empty Fri Feb 09, 2024 6:02 pm


The Participants Code

This code is given to all participants before the game even starts. I hope they read it! A bunch of sweaty computer and game experts are now in control of the excitement that is given to the Sponsors. The random poison frog? They dropped that on you. The random rain of blood that blinds you? Also, them. They can also decide if your teleporting tube malfunctions and sends you elsewhere. Their job is to make the games fun and exciting for the Sponsors and the Island Master, not you.

Please read these rules that are more for you than the Game Master and Island Master.

The Beginning

  • After the first and only day of living luxury, the participants are sent out through the transferring tube and into the large island-like arena where everyone will begin the games.

  • The beginning will be the only game that is the same for all districts and teams.

  • The area will be described by the Island Master as will each game after that.

  • Get prepared because this is your chance to get a good item that could change the pace of your game in a good way or neutral way.

    Or the possibility to step on a mine and die like last year's participant.


  • After each game, the participant will create their own topic, join their team's topic or the Island Master's topic for their team and roll up to 2 dice using the 100-Sided Dice to see if they receive any food.
  • The user puts in their post if they are searching for nuts, fruit, meat or vegetables.
  • Below is what the benefit(s) the quality of your food gives you.

    Food Category

    • Nuts: Intelligence
    • Fruit: Speed
    • Vegetables: Constitution
    • Meat: Strength


    • None (1-25) Empty Handed
    • Poor (26-50) +5 Category Stat
    • Good (51-75) +10 Category Stat
    • Magnificent (76-97) +15 Category Stat
    • Perfect (98-100) +20 Category Stat

  • Some Resorces will appear randomly in the topic, mainly due to a sponsor seeing a specific thing happen that you did. Rather or not, you share it is up to you unless there is only one of it.
  • The food that is rolled is used in the next game no matter what, even if it is not needed.
  • Items such as weapons, MISC or medicine that are special can be held onto.
  • To use an item, you must tell the Island Master that you are using the item before the game starts unless the item specifically lets you use it on command.
  • The if sponsored, the Island Master will request the participant to roll a dice in the dice channel that will open for them to roll in in discord. The item and what it does will be privately told what it does. They must keep track and remember to use it as it is not the Island Master's job to remind them.

Games & Occurrences

  • The games will start when the Island Master goes to each team OOC and asks which direction the team would like to go; left, right, straight or backwards with a chance of chaos. Each direction will set off a specific thing they must do to survive.
  • Sometimes deaths can cause specific rewards to magically appear in your pocket. (Example: Death by poison frog, receives a frog pouch gift.)
  • The highest/lowest number between those who have rolled will die a certain way and be materialized off the unknown Island.

  • This year, we have 2 Mentors.

The 3 Occurrences

  • Sponsorships are gifts from the viewer(s) that may help a specific person with a current or future task. To get these, during a social topic, a viewer might be awed by your cause or like what they see. The island master will roll what you get out of a cure, weapon, or food that will surely give you a boost in winning. Not all topics will be lucky, only those the viewers choose to feel passionate about or feel sorry for.

    Ex: Romance, specific stories, etc.

  • Negative phenomenon will happen if the viewers either get bored or if the team or team members get close to something that will trigger it. This can cause illnesses that require specific medicine to cure it. If not cured, it will cause negative stats to the participant. [Even Numbers]

  • Positive phenomenon will just mean they get to be safe for a day and are free to scavenge for food to boost their stat(s) for the next day. [Odd Numbers]

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