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Hunger Games: City of Altin

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Hunger Games: City of Altin Empty Fri Feb 09, 2024 5:23 pm


City of Altin

Page Details

City of Altin is where all the wealthy people and those who are favored by the Leader of Altin resides. The games are written, watched and started here in their arena where sponsors and mentors will meet the participants. The place is layered with gold, marble and it is seen as the Unknown City of Wealth. The games begin here as when the characters are transported here, they will show themselves up with their dedicated teammate(s) and say what they must in order to get favored if at all.


  • Sponsors are the rich and resourceful people that are able to send participants items.
  • Sponsors pay attention to every single move of each player.
  • Certain Sponsors favor certain actions more, rather it is revenge, rom-com, a goal that may make a sponsor want to keep you alive or even one that is not listed.
  • These items can consist of medicine, weapons, or even something as big as saving your life in exchange of killing another. Sponsors have no chill and crave to be entertained.


  • Mentors are people that have won the Hunger Games in the past.
  • Mentors may choose two people of the same district to mentor through the games.
  • Whomever are chosen by the Mentors will get a +5 in their rolls.
  • Mentors are able to seduce, bargain or spoon feed a sponsor some story that will affect the sponsor to get the Sponsor to send things to their participants of that mentor's.
  • Mentors are dependent on their participants when it comes to any rewards, but the Mentor does not die.
  • Mentors get to enjoy outside of the Hunger Games Zone and roleplay with other mentors if there are any or solo post.

  • This year, we have 2 Mentors.

  • 1. Kana, Kanna [District 1 Receives higher chance in receiving Sponsors]
  • 2. Saturn, Zoya [District 2 gets +20 in STR rolls]
  • 3. Erebus, Zariya [District 3 Receives small tools to use x2 to electrocute enemies if wires are found.]
  • 4. Vasiliy, Kon [District 4 Never fails at finding Meat if searched for.]
  • 5. Jai-Han, Megan [District 5 Cannot get electrocuted]
  • 6. Michael, Rockie [District 6 Gets the magical Map]
  • 7. Alaric, Kamui [District 7 Can hide within Trees if against enemies without great scents ]
  • 8. Lazarus, Nadia [District 8 able to use their special items x2 if made out of material that's not metal.]
  • 10. Yu, Noel [District 10 cannot be harmed by animals that are counted as Beasts.]
  • 12. Manzo, Sasha [You may choose whichever district perk due to being able to adapt new skills.]

(OOC: Forgive for the incredible lateness. It is due to Real life complications that arrived without further details.)

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