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Days of Darkness

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Days of Darkness Empty Sun Aug 13, 2023 2:18 pm

[align=center]Days of Darkness ZuXcqVt

Darkness hath come.

The amber-toned heavens bristled with the threat of a storm brewing from the North. Violet eyes observed as the first raindrop descended from the sky and christened the mangled corpse of a beastman. Dark and foreboding clouds rolled in, signaling the coming war that had yet to take place. The bodies of the fallen had been the precursor, and the last stand of those who hoped to keep their countrymen safe had begun. Companions of the Knight cried out around him, and streaks of ruby, silver, and gold flashed across the battlefield. His head lifted to greet the falling rain, as he dislodged his sword from the skull of the deceased beneath him.

It was time. The onyx armor he wore, splashed with crimson from those he had slain, became sleek from the downpour. Powerful legs jetted over uneven land and towards a destiny uncertain. Those violet hues glared painfully skyward, the rain deterred from the ebony helmet as a bronze suit hovered over him. The ground was soaked, be it with blood or rain, and the Knight found himself unable to lift his sword to fight on. He could no longer hear the voices of his comrades, and wherever they were, they had likely suffered the same fate. Thunder cracked overhead, though no sound could deafen the noise of laughter from the one he had failed to destroy. The sound of metal striking his armor echoed through the darkened fields, like drums sounding in the deep. It was over. The war they had raged on one who sought destruction had been fated to fail. Now, the knight could only watch as his body was torn and his weapon clanged on the rocks nearby.


Silver Nights is a VMMORPG video game with graphics and a storyline that has outclassed other games in its genre. Gamers all over the world have applied to be beta-testers for a game that promises to be an adventure never before seen. Millions applied, but only select people were given downloads to begin their travels in Agrogoth. Their inventory was sparse, their coins low, but each Beta-Tester filled forty servers that ranged across the globe. Those who tested talked highly of the quests, the monsters, and the gameplay, which brought in new hype and a new wave of gamers hoping to try their luck. Recently, a decree has been broadcasted in Video Game stores: the Silver Nights developer has promised money and an in-game legendary weapon with a lifetime Premium Subscription to the game to anyone who can complete the game first. The Beta Testing servers were closed, as only the first Kingdom and a handful of quests were available to start the Beta Testing. As new servers begin to go online, players are finding themselves in an ever-immersive world that goes against everything virtual reality games have been known for. Players have logged in, ready for their chance at winning real-life and in-game prizes. What they find, though, is that their menu screen no longer has a Log Out button. They are trapped in a virtual reality world with monsters at every turn. Nowhere is safe, you are imprisoned.

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