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Ethereal Machina: Engineered Isekai [Moderate]

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Ethereal Machina: Engineered Isekai [Moderate] Empty Mon Aug 07, 2023 11:31 am


Difficulty: Medium

Participants: Hyphen and any volunteers

- Hyphen is from a parallel Fiore (or so he believes)
- Hyphen, in that parallel Fiore, was a Summoner, who had a 'Asterisk' (formerly 'Korani', but Hyphen wanted to keep the naming scheme he had going on) as their main summon.
- Asterisk was a Stellar Summon that was permanently anchored to a mechanical body.
- In an attempt to prove that the parallel Fiore that he comes from exists, and to recover his old companion, he's going to try to forcibly pull his summon's soul from that realm, into this one. Given how his summon already can anchor itself to different bodies, he'd anchor it to the one in this Fiore. Or at least, he will anchor a soul that's very similar to the original Asterisk. He just can't tell the difference.

Objective: Recovery of Asterisk from the parallel Fiore that Hyphen supposedly comes from (...or the creation and binding of a soul entirely fabricated in this Fiore that just happens to look and behave just like the former Asterisk)

Name: Divergence Gauge

Rank: C

Type: Neutral

Participants: Hyphen

Summary: Hyphen assembles all of the clues that he has gathered during his time here in Fiore, and using his engineering abilities, he attempts to build a "Divergence Gauge", a machine that - supposedly - can measure how far this dimension is from his original Fiore.

This machine will use valuable and rare materials, and the machine itself will be very fragile and have limited uses, so Hyphen will only employ it for this SL. After using it in the SL, it will run out of its uses and break down entirely.

Others: -

Enemies: None

Rewards: -

Objectives: Construction of the Divergence Gauge.

Name: A touch of Dimensional Magic

Rank: C

Type: Neutral

Participants: Hyphen and another participant that has access to magic related to dimensions (eg. Kaito)

Summary: Equipped now with his Divergence Gauge, he will now attempt to test that it works. If it does, he'll use it to try to find his original Fiore, testing each dimension that they visit to further calibrate the machine, and hopefully hone in on the original dimension that he came from. Or maybe he just finds a dimension that is identical to what he's looking for, but it's actually not the same one.

Others: -

Enemies: None

Rewards: -

Objectives: Finding the dimension that Hyphen is looking for.

Name: Nigredo

Rank: C

Type: Neutral

Participants: Hyphen and possibly another participant with blacksmith related skills

Summary: Knowing now that the dimension that he's looking for actually exists, he'll now try to build the body that will house the soul of Asterisk, using exotic materials and metals to contruct her material form.

Others: -

Enemies: None

Rewards: -

Objectives: Building Asterisk's artificial body.

Name: Name of storyline.

Difficulty: Medium

Participants: Hyphen and any volunteers

- Hyphen is from a parallel Fiore (or so he believes)
- Hyphen, in that parallel Fiore, was a Summoner, who had a 'Asterisk' (formerly 'Korani', but Hyphen wanted to keep the naming scheme he had going on) as their main summon.
- Asterisk was a Stellar Summon that was permanently anchored to a mechanical body.
- In an attempt to prove that the parallel Fiore that he comes from exists, and to recover his old companion, he's going to try to forcibly pull his summon's soul from that realm, into this one. Given how his summon already can anchor itself to different bodies, he'd anchor it to the one in this Fiore. Or at least, he will anchor a soul that's very similar to the original Asterisk. He just can't tell the difference.

Objective: Recovery of Asterisk from the parallel Fiore that Hyphen supposedly comes from (...or the creation and binding of a soul entirely fabricated in this Fiore that just happens to look and behave just like the former Asterisk)

Name: Divergence Gauge

Rank: C

Type: Neutral

Participants: Hyphen

Summary: Hyphen assembles all of the clues that he has gathered during his time here in Fiore, and using his engineering abilities, he attempts to build a "Divergence Gauge", a machine that - supposedly - can measure how far this dimension is from his original Fiore.

This machine will use valuable and rare materials, and the machine itself will be very fragile and have limited uses, so Hyphen will only employ it for this SL. After using it in the SL, it will run out of its uses and break down entirely.

Others: -

Enemies: None

Rewards: -

Objectives: Construction of the Divergence Gauge.

Name: A touch of Dimensional Magic

Rank: C

Type: Neutral

Participants: Hyphen and another participant that has access to magic related to dimensions (eg. Kaito)

Summary: Equipped now with his Divergence Gauge, he will now attempt to test that it works. If it does, he'll use it to try to find his original Fiore, testing each dimension that they visit to further calibrate the machine, and hopefully hone in on the original dimension that he came from. Or maybe he just finds a dimension that is identical to what he's looking for, but it's actually not the same one.

Others: -

Enemies: None

Rewards: -

Objectives: Finding the dimension that Hyphen is looking for.

Name: Binding of the Soul

Rank: C

Type: Neutral

Participants: Hyphen and another participant with dimensional abilities (eg. Kaito)

Summary: With Asterisk's body ready, he will try to forcibly extract her from the parallel dimension that they have found earlier into this dimension. But the work wouldn't be done there, they'd then have to fully bind the soul to the mechanical body that he has built earlier. FMA Alphone moment.

Others: -

Enemies: None

Rewards: -

Objectives: Binding Asterisk's soul to the built body.

Name: Quality Testing

Rank: C

Type: Neutral

Participants: Hyphen

Summary: With the soul and the body now united, it's time to test the result. Hyphen will make sure that this new being can walk, interact, communicate, but most importantly, he will try to test to see if it really is the Asterisk, the Korani that he has had with him for so many years.

Or it may just be someone coincidentially identical.

Others: -

Enemies: None

Rewards: Unique Custom Companion

Objectives: Testing the new creation's abilities and sorting out any kinks and bugs in her design. General finalization of the creation of Asterisk.


Ethereal Machina: Engineered Isekai [Moderate] Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 7:19 pm

This Storyline has been approved to Begin.

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