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Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:27 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
That’s the bravado I was looking for!” Akira says as he begins to pace around the area. Daisuke watches him intently, controlling his desire to immediate lunge at him. With his leg as injured as it was, he needed to be careful. Akira, completely confident in his assumed victory, stares at the amulet that dangled in his hand. “Do you know what this is? The accumulation of the power your parents had. Power that was stolen from me. Do you know they actually intended to give it to the two of you? That’s why you two were the key to opening this place. I will show them, show you, how this power is really meant to be used!” A smile appears upon Akira’s face as he places the amulet around his neck as his body is enveloped in a blinding light. An otherworldly, guttural growl emanated from within the light as Daisuke shields his eyes.

WC: 155
TWC: 155 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

Last edited by Daisuke on Sat May 13, 2023 4:29 am; edited 1 time in total

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:29 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
The blinding light dims and reveals a transformed Akira standing in its place. His body became bulky and bestial in nature, covered in jet black scales. He had become almost akin to a humanoid dragon with blackened wings adorned on his back. Piercing red eyes glared at Daisuke and sends shivers down his spine. His appearance was reminiscent of the dragon that haunted his dreams. “This power, this glorious power…” Akira says, his voice deeper and matched his new bestial nature. Calmly, he raises up his right hand and fires a blackened orb of magic towards Daisuke who barely his time to react. He could only raise his sword up to block the blow as he sent flying backwards. The knight is slammed against the wall, a few of his ribs broken upon impact. “…Is all I’ve ever wanted.” He says as he slowly brings his arm back down to his side.

WC: 152
TWC: 307 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:31 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
With blood now flowing freely down the side of his head, Daisuke using Galantine to prop himself up. His vision blurred and his chest burned like the fires emitted from his sword. He so desperately wanted to stop, to lay down and rest but he knew that he couldn’t do that. He needed to fight, he needed to continue. This man…this creature, could not be allowed to leave. “You are a resilient one. No matter, I will put you and your accursed sister out of your misery soon enough.” Taking a deep breath, Daisuke moves forward, using the peaks of his speed to dart from spot to spot in hopes of finding a moment to strike. Unfortunately, Akira easily tracks the youth’s movements, finding the matter to be trivial. As Daisuke moves to strike, Akira calmly catches the sword in his right hand. He grabs Daisuke’s face with his left hand and squeezes as his nails dig into the boy’s flesh.

WC: 161
TWC: 468 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:32 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
The clang of Galantine falling to the ground could be heard echoing as Akira squeezes harder with enough force to torture but not intentionally holding back to not completely crush the boy’s jaw. He pulls Daisuke closer towards his bestial snout and smiles a fiendish grin. He recites a small chant before a blue portal appears at the end of the room. “Goodbye Daisuke Sato. Thank you for helping me achieve this level of power. Now, I’m off to begin my rightful reign as the ruler of Earth land. Be sure to greet your father for me.” As Daisuke begins to fade in and out of consciousness, he begins to furiously grab and swipe at Akira. He knew that it was futile but he had to do something, needed to do something. As he swipes, the tip of his index finger lightly grazes the amulet. A bright red light begins to shine as Akira roars in anger. “What have you done?!” he shouts as Daisuke’s vision goes black.

WC: 168
TWC: 636 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:34 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Where am I?” Daisuke says as he finds himself in a white void. He looks around and sees Misora laying on the ground a little way away from him. “Misora!” he screams as he moves towards her body. He shakes her furiously as her eyes slowly opens. “Dai…” she says as she looks around, attempting to ascertain her location as well. “Are we dead?” she speaks, almost as if a whisper. “Not yet…but you’re close.” a voice says behind them. The twins look behind them to see a man dressed in a white kimono with his arms folded. He was a muscular man whose height and size easily dwarfed that of the two. He had long blonde hair that was tied in a high ponytail as a thick beard lined his jaw. As they looked closer at the man, they noticed that his appearance was strikingly similar to Daisuke. “You’ve grown up so much.” He says as he looks at the two of them with a sense of pride.

WC: 169
TWC: 805 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

#6Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:36 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Both twins are in a state of shock as they realize the man in front of them. Neither of them can move and are unable to form words. “I know you’ve never seen me but I’d hope you’d know who….” The man is unable to finish his sentence as his children rush towards him, embracing him in a hug. Tears stream down their face as for the first time, they are able to meet their father. The man, overcome with emotion, begins to tear up as well, gratefully holding onto his children. A few minutes pass as the trio break from their hug and stare at one another for a moment. The sound of a slap echoes in the void as Misora delivers a hard hit to her father’s face as he falls down. “Where the hell have you been?!” she yells. “Jesus, you hit as hard as your mother!” Kazuma says as he rubs his face, slowly picking himself up.

WC: 161
TWC: 966 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

#7Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:38 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
A look of sorrow appears on his face as his looks at his children. “I’m….no longer a part of this world. Your mother and I died shortly after you two were born.” The twins had always suspected that this was the outcome though hearing it gave little closure. “If you’re dead, how are you here? Where even is here?” Daisuke says. “It’s a little something your mother and I cooked up before we passed. We ingrained our mana and a piece of our essence into two separate items so we could see you when the time came. It was meant to help reveal what you two really are and the power you possess. Unfortunately, everything got scattered and that damned Akira’s interference has disrupted things.” “What we really are?” Misora says. “I would explain but I’m afraid we’re running low on time. When you meet your mother, she’ll be able to explain it all.” Kazuma says as his body begins to fade.

WC: 162
TWC: 1,128 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

#8Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:40 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
Meet mom?” Misora says. “Head to Mount Kuja in Joya. The item your mother engraved is there. But be careful. There are individuals there even more dangerous than Akira.” He moves to hug his children once more, embracing them as his body continues to disappear. As he pulls back, he places his index fingers on both of their heads and smiles. “A little present to help you out. I’m so proud of you both. Tell your adopted parents…thank you.” He says as his body completely fades away. The red light dims as Daisuke’s right foot lands squarely on Akira’s snout, causing him to lessen his grip. Dropping down, Daisuke quickly picks up Galantine and swipes towards Akira, causing him to evade backwards. Akira glares at Daisuke who is now fully healed. A fully healed Misora stands beside him, her weapon repaired and tightly clutched in her hands. Both twins glare at Akira as one of their eyes begins to change.

WC: 160
TWC: 1,288 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

#9Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:43 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
For Daisuke, the pupil in his right eye becomes dark red with a blackened design in the middle of it. For Misora, the pupil in her left eye becomes pure white with a dark rectangle in the middle. “What the hell have you done?!” Akira yells in irritation. “A gift from our father. One to take you down with.” Akira’s body trembles in anger at the mention of their father. “Even in death, that man torments me. I’ll make sure he sees me wipe the floor with his kids once more.” In a rage, he outstretches his arm and fires a large orb of magic towards the twins, this one dwarfing the size of the previous ones. Wordlessly, Daisuke moves forward. As the orb of magic nears, Daisuke lifts his hand as the area around the orb begins to distort. Suddenly, the orb vanishes without a trace, leaving Akira bewildered. “Impossible!” he says shortly before he sees Misora appear in front of him.

WC: 163
TWC: 1,451 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

#10Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:44 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
As she aims the tip of Luin towards him, he sees the orb of magic he fired before rapidly appearing before firing off. He attempts to dodge but finds himself momentarily restrained by the ice Luin produces. He could only mutter a swear as he is engulfed by the power of his own attack. He is violently thrown back as he sees Daisuke in front of him with Galantine alit with flames. Gripping the sword with both hands, he swings down the sword with all of his might, attempting to cleave the man in two. The attack hits its intended target, severing the amulet from around Akira’s neck and engulfing his body in flames. He yells in pain as he falls to the ground, his body reverting back to its human appearance after the removal of the amulet. Akira, in a fit of desperation, attempts to grab at the amulet on the ground but finds it quickly encased in ice. Soon after, the flames go out and Akira lays on the ground near death and unconscious. All is quiet within the area once more. “Is it over?” Daisuke asks as he glances towards his sister. Misora could not speak, completely drained from the fight. She could only nod in approval before collapsing from exhaustion. “Thank fuck.” Daisuke says before he too falls.

WC: 222
TWC: 1,673 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

#11Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:46 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
With an unconscious Akira slung across his shoulder, both Daisuke and Misora enter the blue portal that Akira originally created. As the light from the portal fades, the twins find themselves back at the temple-like structure where it all began. “They’re over here!” a voice yells as the two of them stare in amazement as a group of fifty strong Rune Knights descend on their location with Merry leading the way. “You really did get everyone.” Daisuke says as he places Akira’s body on the ground. “Lieutenants!” one of the men says as he salutes them. He glances down towards Akira’s still unconscious body and stares in amazement that the twins were actually able to catch him. His admiration quickly fades as he realizes he still needs to do his job, quickly instructing two subordinates to help with transporting Akira. “Damn good work Lieutenants. They’ll likely want reports on this but you two deserve a little rest.

WC: 157
TWC: 1,830 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield

#12Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father Part V: Finale [SL] Empty Sat May 13, 2023 4:48 am

Tsukishima Higurashi
They depart as Daisuke sits down on the ground and stares at the now night sky, his sister and Merry shortly joining him. Merry curls up atop Misora’s chest and promptly passes out, equally exhausted by the day’s activities. “So…that was dad.” Daisuke says after a long pause. “Yeah… I wish… I wish we had more time.” She says solemnly. “I know you’re probably thinking the same but I want to see mom. I need to. Just once. But…I’m worried. Father’s words about what’s in Joya, the people we would encounter. At our current level, we’re no match for them.” “So, what do you propose? We just stay here and just have it be a pipe dream yet again?” “No. We need to train and get stronger. Are you with me?” Daisuke says as he extends his fist towards his sister. She smiles warmly before bumping his fist with her own. “Always.

WC: 152
TWC: 1,982 / 1,625
35% WC Reduction due to Merry & Great Warrior Shield
[Quest & Storyline Completed]

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