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Substitute Teacher

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Substitute Teacher Empty Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:52 pm

Kishin arrived early at the school, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. He had never taught a class before, but he was determined to do his best for the kids and for Teacher Sandine. As he walked into the classroom, he greeted the kids with a smile, introducing himself and explaining that Teacher Sandine was unavailable today, but that he would be taking over the class. He wanted to make sure the kids felt comfortable and familiar with him.

The kids seemed to be excited to have a new teacher for the day, and Kishin began the lesson on math, starting with the basics of addition. He used different teaching techniques such as visual aids and real-life examples, like counting the number of pencils on the desk or the number of students in the class to help the kids understand the concept. He also interacted with the kids by asking them questions and praising them when they gave the right answer. He wanted to make sure that the kids were participating and understanding the topic before moving on.

Next, Kishin moved on to subtraction, using similar teaching techniques and real-life examples. He explained how subtraction is the opposite of addition, and how it can be used to find out how many items are left after some are taken away. He provided different scenarios where subtraction can be applied in daily life, like calculating how many candies left in the jar after some of them were taken.

After subtraction, Kishin taught the kids about multiplication. He used visual aids like flashcards and pictures of groups of items to help the kids understand the concept. He also provided examples, such as "If you have 5 groups of 4, how many in total do you have? That's right, 20." He made sure to ask the kids to repeat the examples and ask them questions to check for understanding. He also provided examples of how multiplication can be used in daily life, like calculating how many candies in total if you want to buy 5 packs of 8 candies each.



Substitute Teacher Empty Sun Jan 15, 2023 11:53 pm

Finally, Kishin taught the kids about division. He provided examples such as sharing candies among friends. He also explained that division is the opposite of multiplication and that it can be used to find out how many items are in each group when they are divided equally. He provided different scenarios where division can be applied in daily life, like calculating how many pieces of pizza each person will get if you have 8 pieces to share among 4 people.

Throughout the day, Kishin made sure to break up the lesson with activities and games to keep the kids engaged and make learning fun. He also provided plenty of positive reinforcement and encouragement to help the kids stay motivated. He wanted to make sure that the kids were not only learning but also enjoying the process of learning.

At the end of the day, Kishin felt proud of the progress the kids had made and grateful for the opportunity to help out. He realized that teaching was not only a challenging but also a rewarding experience. He received positive feedback from the kids and the teacher who came to the room to hand him his pay.


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