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Bandits and Scrolls [Q]

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Bandits and Scrolls [Q] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:26 pm

Kali narrowed her eyes thoughtfully at the ink-stained letter in her hands. She had an odd feeling last time with Godfrey that she will be seeing more of him and it seemed to have come true with this haphazardly written letter. He must have hesitated a lot in the process of penning it because the places where his pen lasted too long were too obvious. The content was quite simple; he wanted Kali to go get an ancient scroll back from a bunch of bandits. The quest was so very straightforward that Kali had to wonder what all the hesitation was for. It seemed like the kind of quest anyone with a bit of fame would take on. But then her eyes landed on the words “kill them if necessary” and she knew this wasn’t simply about retrieving a magic scroll. This was illegal and Godfrey wanted no part in it if things take a turn for the worst.



Bandits and Scrolls [Q] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:26 pm

Lucky for the short-tempered goliath of a blacksmith, Kali could care less about what is legal and what’s illegal. Besides, Godfrey promised a hefty sum of rewards in the letter and she could kill a bunch of bandits for it with no remorse. Her pride made her not want to admit it in the open but Kali was running very short on money with lack of a permanent residence being the best indicator of it. It kept her constantly on her feet, traveling and wandering wherever the wind took her. She wanted to settle down in some town and live with no regard to how much money spent every day.

So regardless of how annoyed the letter made her, Kali packed up and was on her way to where Godfrey hinted she would find the bandit camp. It didn’t take her too long. The destination was only a couple of kilometers down the run-down shack she temporarily stayed in.


Bandits and Scrolls [Q] YJbUk0F

Bandits and Scrolls [Q] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:27 pm

The bandits seemed sorely unwelcome when she walked in on their territory. She had barely uttered a word and one of the ten men she found there already produced a worn out looking knife out of nowhere. ‘Whatever happened to talking things out first? I thought that was the human way of doing things?’ She mused with a curious tilt of her head. To be honest, Kali had no idea of what being ‘human’ even meant. She had woken up in the middle of nowhere a while ago and found herself unable to even recollect her own name. All she knew at that moment back then was the soul-sucking heat in her throat that craved blood and the pain on her torn-up face. She hated thinking about it now. She had done some very vulgar stuff in order to survive at the time; things that her current self wasn’t very proud of. But it turned her into what she was now, someone that can dig into anything dark and dirty to survive.


Bandits and Scrolls [Q] YJbUk0F

Bandits and Scrolls [Q] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:28 pm

Kali dropped the lifeless man to the ground none too gently. She licked up the dripping blood still left on her lips and fingers as she relished the taste of blood. “It could be better,” She smiled deviously at the rest of the panic-stricken bandits. “Come now, I need more than that,” she said, beckoning the rest of them with bloody fingers.

Seeing the rest of them stuck between hesitation, fear, and anger, Kali made the first move, clicking her tongue in annoyance. She lunged at the nearest one first, instinctively going for his throat. Sinking her fangs into them, she once again relished the warm flow of blood. Her eyes glowed a deep red with desire and greed. It has been a while since she had such a feast. She almost never left her prey alive and these men were no exception. Godfrey wanted them dead and Kali had the chance to keep herself satiated for weeks.


Bandits and Scrolls [Q] YJbUk0F

Bandits and Scrolls [Q] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:28 pm

“Don’t come here” One of the bandits, horrified by the sight in front of him had his legs give away and crawled on the ground, eager to get as far away from Kali as possible. Most of his companions shared the same horror but Kali could sense that a couple of them still has the will to fight, especially in a rage to avenge their fallen comrades. They grabbed the closest weapon and rushed toward her. She easily dodged a dagger while grabbing the other man sneaking up behind her back. It took less than a few seconds to get her fangs into them and drain their blood. Her speed was far above these human bandits and she didn’t need to exert much effort into the overall process of it. With the way they were attacking in a hurry, it was almost like they were ending their throats to her mouth. Kali had no trouble tearing into them with her claws and fangs.


Bandits and Scrolls [Q] YJbUk0F

Bandits and Scrolls [Q] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:29 pm

She made quick work of the rest of them. It wasn’t any trouble with how slow and weak they were and just as the last one fell into the heap of bloodless bodies on the ground, an older looking man came out of the tent. He looked awful almost tearing up at the scene Kali presented to him. While he fumbled and choked for words, the short haired mage took her time to lick the remaining blood off her hands. She resembled an unconcerned cat with the way she just stood there, eyeing the man from the gap between her fingers.

“You have a magic scroll in your possession,” she stated.

“No!” The grieving man seemed to almost forget about the death of others as he looked up at Kali and took a few steps back. “Not that one! It is such a dark magic. Leave and forget about it!” He warned the pale-looking woman.


Bandits and Scrolls [Q] YJbUk0F

Bandits and Scrolls [Q] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:31 pm

She made use of her inhuman speed to grab the back of the man’s neck. “I couldn’t care less of how dark the magic is. Give me the scroll,” Kali told him. She really didn’t put much thought into it. No matter how dark the magic is, it can’t be any darker and almost non-existent than the soul inside her body. Even if she had to face death, she would rather die than run away in fear.

The man in her hands seemed to think otherwise, however. He struggled hard, even going as far as using his magic to try and bury the two of them in ground. If Kali had not reacted fast enough and used her blood wings to fly up and away from the ground, there was no doubt she would be done for by now.

“Are you suicidal?” She raised her voice at the crazed looking man.

“You must not take the scroll. Die with me here!” He bellowed, pointing his palms at her ready to strike using the same spell.

This time, Kali was expecting it and she swooped down on him, making use of her soundless nature to step behind him and sunk her fangs into his neck, piercing his heart with her claws while at it.


Bandits and Scrolls [Q] YJbUk0F

Bandits and Scrolls [Q] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:32 pm


She spared no more of her time watching the leader slide to the ground lifelessly. The scroll was found in a very obvious looking chest in the middle of the bandit leader’s room along with a symbol of the Holy Knights. Now this complicated things. The bandits were not really bandits and their leader was a Holy Knight who lived like a thief just to protect whatever was inside the scroll.

“Hmm,” if she wasn’t questioning Godfrey’s intentions before, she sure was curious of it now. He was planning something and Kali had a feeling she would be involved in it whether she liked it or not.

Anyhow, the scroll was taken and she had no need to think more about the messier side of it. Whatever it was would be more Godfrey’s problem than hers. She only had the task of taking it back to him and claiming the rewards.


Bandits and Scrolls [Q] YJbUk0F

Bandits and Scrolls [Q] Empty Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:32 pm

“Leave,” Godfrey closed the door on a very ticked off Kali after shoving the rewards into her hands. She had just watched the man turn from ecstatic to looking horrified from hastily reading the scroll. Perhaps he did not like what he saw? But why make the void mage so curious? Now she had to find out what the man was hiding and if his look of helplessness was any indication, Kali was ninety percent sure that Godfrey would come find her once again.

She knew the scroll was for crafting some sort of weapon but what was in the instructions that made Godfrey go so pale? He looked like he would flip a switch and throw a tantrum for a moment there. Plus, the way he practically forced her out the shop. Ugh, just thinking about it pissed her off more. If she wasn’t so full of blood from the ‘bandits’ and their leader, the next person to get a taste of her fangs and not live to tell the tale would have been Godfrey himself.

1510 /1125

Bandits and Scrolls [Q] YJbUk0F

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