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Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul

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Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:07 pm



The Nightmare's Daughter

An isolated spot along the coast.

Seldom few knew of it, even fewer barely bothered to venture there.

It was a place that none wished to venture towards, it being so far out of the way from any popular route to the beaches that to go there, one would have to be willfully looking to deprive them of the pleasures of the more tourist-centric parts of the coast. Seldom did, even fewer would dare venture out there on their own, which was ideal for Vyra.

She had hardly wanted to be noticed, hardly wanted to be seen. Beyond simply the circumstances surrounding her presently, but rather throughout, the nature of what she had endured and gone through, the fear she had of her time with the Red Queen being discovered, no doubt some having learned of it already, possibly even going as far as to convey it to Alisa or others within Blue Pegasus.

No, she would have much preferred the idea of venturing back under the guise of hidden routes.

It just made things easier.


Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:10 pm



The Nightmare's Daughter

“And what exactly are you hoping to accomplish through this?” Zera’thul barked, the aberrant-creature whom Vyra had encountered admist her tour of the Red Queen’s estate, the intriguing creature that was as much captivated by her as she was of it. For only a short time they had been travelling together, but the companionship was welcome, something that she sorely had been seeking out, only to have finally received.

“Trying something…” The Demi-Human whined out as she struggled with all of her might to try to push the large boulder before her. If there were a single reason why this part of the shores of Hargeon were deserted as frequently as they were, it would be these; large boulders, remnants of cave-ins and other debris that had long since washed upon the shore or otherwise having split from the coastal cliffs nearby.

Eye sores, inconveniences, they were hardly ideal and lent little to the idea of relaxation. But for Vyra’s purposes, they may have yet had value.


Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:11 pm



The Nightmare's Daughter

“Seems to hardly, I’ll be honest I just don’t quite get it. Is this some effort to improve yourself?” Zera’thul struggled to fully appreciate it, resting within the air just a few feet above, granting itself a comfortable look around, figuring just what it were that the attempt was.

It watched Vyra as she pushed with all of her might, trying to dislodge the massive rock, one that stood at least an foot taller than her, its width arguably capable of exceeding that of Vyra’s own wingspan. More though, it likely weighed that of more than a dozen of the young girl, even weighed down in the most unyielding of materials and articles available.

“Is that so confusing?” Vyra responded, frustration apparent in her voice. Her eyes gleamed over to the aberration, an annoyed glare fixated upon it. She pushed further upon the rock, all of her weight being thrust upon her next effort, only for the rock to not budge whatsoever.


Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:13 pm



The Nightmare's Daughter

Vyra sighed as she brushed the hair out of her eyes, sweat having matted it down upon her face. She looked upon the rock for a moment and then to the sand beneath her, hoping for something, any sort of indication to believe that the rock had been moved, even in just the slightest of amounts.

Nothing at all.

“I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but I don’t exactly have the luxury of just going wherever I want here. I’m a little limited in my options,” With that she began once again to try to push the rock, her flesh beginning to more pronouncly redden as she continued to push against it.

“I gathered as much,” Zera’thul mused. “Why not venture somewhere else then? To remain in a place where you are most vulnerable, seems contradictory, wouldn’t you agree?”

She kept pushing, small cuts beginning to become more apparent as sweat forced her arms to slide and scrape against the rocks. “It’s still safer here than other places…. Besides…”


Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:14 pm



The Nightmare's Daughter

“Besides what?” Zera’thul huffed in its own sense of frustration. Watching the girl try in absolute vain to move this rock, it seemed so beyond foolhardy. Not only her effort and attempt, but the nature of this entirely. Training, but what purpose would training of this sort prove, assuming it were even to work? “Whatever you seek to gain out of this form of self torture, you mean to say that something compels you to remain here to endure this?”

Vyra pushed again, harder and with more aggression, Zera’thul’s words as much ringing true as they happened to hurt. She wished that it were wrong, but it was impossible not to recognize that, if even somewhat so.

A brief loss of her footing and she caught herself, her forearm absorbing the brunt of the stress as it caught itself and her upright, the pressure scrapping against it all the same. She winced as she felt the rock cut against flesh, a warm feeling as blood began to lightly trickle down her forearm.


Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:14 pm



The Nightmare's Daughter

“You wouldn’t understand…” Vyra said, looking at the injury to her arm, trying to assess quite how bad it was. A flesh wound. Nothing too serious, but she knew also nothing to disregard either. She had seen wounds as innocent as that becoming a problem for others, and unfortunately without Blue Pegasus and the services that they had, including the rough, but caring nurse Fiona, Vyra suddenly found herself far more mindful.

Zera’thul watched on, saying nothing for a moment, watching as the Demi-Human tended to the wound as able, quickly wrapping a small cloth around her arm, the sweat making it less than securely in place, the blood penetrating through, pooling otherwise beneath it in a faint canvas.

It looked at Vyra, trying to understand it. The determination that was driving her to do something as foolhardy as to try to push a boulder. What did she expect to accomplish through this?

“Enlighten me then.”


Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:15 pm



The Nightmare's Daughter

Vyra pushed further, ignoring the remarks of the Aberration as much as she could, but with each failed effort, more and more she could hear the scathing remarks filling through, resonating within her mind. She pushed once more, her hand slipping, her wrist making contact with the rock first, the unexpectedness of it catching her more by surprise than anything else.

The pain that followed, she wished that she had been ready for it. She perhaps should have been, but as bone made contact with the rock Vyra could not help but yelp out in pain.

Looking at it, she expected the worst. The skin around it a reddish tint, nothing that screamed dire situations, but hardly anything that was desired, especially not under these conditions.

The Aberration similarly noticed this, adjusting itself slightly as to see the look upon Vyra’s face, watching on with some level of intrigue, if even concern. “You perhaps ought to stop. This clearly is getting you nowhere.”


Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:16 pm



The Nightmare's Daughter

Through the beginning of tears Vyra looked at the Aberration with dismissal, some level of pity upon her face.

She could not. Even if she did not want to be here, to have to endure this.

“I don’t have a choice…” She said in a defeated tone, “I owe it to someone very special to me. I have to become stronger…”

Injured wrist aside, she pushed towards the rock once again, hoping to make a meaningful effort, only to be met with no success, instead just that of the same intolerance that the massive stone had presented before.

Zera’thul let out what seemed like a sigh of its own, “Strength. Power. It seems that is all you humans focus upon. A drug that you cannot chase enough of. Make no mistake, I revel in such sentiments, but you, I struggle to understand what you would hope to gain out of it.”


Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:17 pm



The Nightmare's Daughter

“It’s just something I have to do…” Vyra said, pain now beginning to overtake her, the constant effort to try to move this boulder, as futile as they had repeatedly been, now starting to more take its toll. Streaks of blood began to pour down through, the aftermath of failed clashes between her and the rock. Beneath her, sand mixed with blood and sweat, leaving an unpleasant, if not ugly, surface beneath it. A sinking feeling felt upon as she planted her feet, another inevitably failed attempt cast forth.

She pushed, strain rippling through every bone in her body, her muscles tightening as a sense of pain began to swirl, strain from her failed attempts now merging alongside the more active injuries faced in the immediacy, lending to a feeling of absolute despair and pain. More Vyra tried, continuing to push forward, only to be met with nothing other than more strife, the boulder unyielding, giving her nothing other than a cruel retribution for her failed endeavor.

A pain struck through her leg, her body losing its balance in its entirety, her body slumping against the rock, her upper arm and backside absorbing the brunt as a whimper escaped Vyra’s lips, the tears that had begun to form of pain now becoming all the more apparent and persistent.


Death Tarot: Vyra Emrakul Empty Tue Sep 13, 2022 3:18 pm



The Nightmare's Daughter

“But why,” Zera’thul insisted. To see Vyra so desperately struggle at something at this, being driven by some urge in which it could never hope to understand, it made no sense, making it all the more difficult to watch. “That I just do not understand.”

Her body ached, wishing not to even get up. It was a failed effort, her thinking that this could have manifested into anything being a fool’s errand. Instead, she lay there, every part of her body in utter agony now. She could feel the bloody streaks trailing down her backside, the latest in a long string of injuries that she had inflicted upon herself in the foolish pursuit of strength, something that she believed she needed yet knew nothing of where to acquire.

She looked to the Aberration that watched on, her eyes bloodshot, her face showing clear and apparent pain, “Because someone stronger than I could have ever been saved me, but she can’t protect me forever. And I can’t protect her as I am now…”

Vyra doubted that Zera’thul could understand, but it did not need to. Only she needed to know why she was willing to endure this. “I owe her that much, even if it kills me…”

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