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Seclusion [SOLO]

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Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:54 pm

Deep in the Worth Woodsea stood a unique structure formed by the felled trees in the surroundings. Atop a nearby boulder rested a large red wyvern basking in the midday sun. On the opposite side a clear stream could be heard rushing through the clearing full of large stumps. If one closely examined the surroundings they would find countless sword scar decorating the surroundings excluding that particular boulder and log structure. It was only due to the ever growing foliage that the surroundings were a barren wasteland.

The interior of the structure could be described as more refined than the exterior, but it was only to the extent of an extremely basic building that you may commonly see around Fiore. With only wood and stone as the materials it gave off the impression of primitive simplicity to most. Only a skilled craftsman would easily recognize the surprising quality of the furniture within.

Word Count: 150


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:54 pm

If the average person were shocked by the fact that a structure such as this existed in the Worth Woodsea that was filled with dangers, then they would only be confused by the scale and openness of the building. The size of the building felt appropriate for giants as there was a large doorway and windows allowing free access to any and all creatures. The regular sized furniture would look misplaced in such a large space had it not been for an inner wall separating the space. The rest of the space seemed to be dedicated to the large nest-like structure placed to one side.

Based on the size, it would comfortably allow the wyvern outside to rest within. It would only be after moving your attention away from that nest that you would notice a stone stairway leading into the darkness below. If a person approached it out of curiosity they would hear the faint rhythmic ringing sound of metal being struck, a sound that had echoed out from the darkness every day for over two years now.

Word Count: 170


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:55 pm

A billowing heat came from below giving the impression that the path downwards led to a magma chamber. It would only be after reaching the bottom of the staircase that the faint sound became clear. One of  only two lights shining within the darkness of the large stone chamber was the glowing red light of the forge that maintained its heat through steady use of the attached billows. The other light was radiating from the bright orangish-red metal that rested in a sturdy anvil forged from an unknown metal.

As for the person skillfully operating the forge and hammering that glowing metal, the faint light revealed that it was a well-built man. Faint scarring could be seen decorating his uncovered upper body revealing a part of the man’s history. Anyone seeing his physique was certain to recognize his status as a warrior even if they weren’t immediately aware of the infamy he built for himself over two years ago.

Word Count: 150


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:55 pm

Many hours passed as the man continued to devote his full attention to crafting the sword that he had been working on. The midday sun had long since set and night descended on the Worth Woodsea, but the man’s hands didn’t stop working for a moment. In fact, he hadn’t taken a break for a few days now. His sturdy and well-trained body allowed him to work beyond his limits as he pushed onward to complete the forging process in one go.

Even if a meticulous dwarven craftsman were to spectate, he wouldn’t be able to find many faults with the skill and dedication shown throughout the process. It would only be when inspecting the weapon’s final form that he would be criticized. Even then, that would only be due to the simple appearance that only prioritized efficiency and functionality. It was certainly a quality sword, but the appearance didn’t live up to that quality.

Word Count: 150


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:55 pm

Thankfully there wasn’t anyone else present, so there wasn’t any way the man would be interrupted as he appraised the sword with satisfaction. Fatigue could be seen on the man’s face as the light of the forge steadily dimmed, but the darkness didn’t seem to affect the man as he continued to study the weapon. It was only after several minutes passed that he couldn’t help but frown and leave the forging chamber and head directly outside.

The early morning sun would have normally felt refreshing after working so long, but he was too distracted to notice. After reaching a decent distance from his home he started to slowly wield the sword he just finished. Each move was sharp and full of intent, giving off the impression that the man had cut down an enemy rather than air. With each swing of the sword a faint shimmer of light grew stronger along the blade of the weapon revealing some of its uniqueness.

Word Count: 160


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:55 pm

Unlike what most would expect, the man frowned as that light grew stronger. The only witness was the red wyvern that had appeared as an observer shortly after the man started moving. Having been together for a long time, the intelligent creature quickly understood that something was wrong as the shirtless man’s movements accelerated. The intensity of the light strengthened in response to the man’s growing efforts and was now producing a seemingly blinding light.

It would be hard to understand the intended effect of the sword based on this light, but both the wielder and observer knew that it was a bad sign. The faint sound of cracking metal could be heard by both the man and wyvern, each having distinctly different responses. First, the wyvern immediately tucked its head behind its wings in preparation as if it had grown used to this occasion. As for the man, he could only say a single word. “Fuck.”

Word Count: 150


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:56 pm

In the next moment a sharp explosion of mana burst from the sword away from his swing completely out of his control as the blade itself shattered into countless pieces that assaulted both the man and the area. A few stray shards even struck the wings of the wyvern positioned behind the man. A deep scar could be seen on the ground clearly demonstrating the potency of what happened. It would have been impressive had it been the intended outcome. Unfortunately, the state of the sword was the clearest indication that what occurred was far from intentional.

“...I’m certain that the mana circuit within was formed properly…” He closely observed the bladeless hilt after part of his thoughts slipped out unintentionally. Recalling the entire process he was certain that the intended effect had been achieved. In a voice close to a whisper he spoke his conclusion. “It seems to be mana overload?”

Word Count 150


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:56 pm

Paying no heed to the small wounds decorating his body the man proceeded directly into the building’s living quarters where a desk decorated with many loose papers and journals full of various notes were stacked neatly. After taking his place at the desk, there wasn’t any hesitation as he began writing in the journal that had been resting alone in the cleared area of the desk.

The handwriting was sharp and bold reflecting some of his tendencies, but it was also clear and concise. To those lacking the prerequisite knowledge it would seem like gibberish, but what the journal detailed was the systematic process he used while forging weapons. When placed next to the tall stacks of papers and other journals it was clear how much effort the man went through during the past two years to create such a complete journal. It would be more accurate to describe it as a unique forging manual that could clearly pass on the forging techniques he had learned and evolved during this time.

Word Count: 170


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:56 pm

The journal was untitled and unadorned, but completing it left the man satisfied. It also allowed him to confirm his theory once more and what resulted in his failure earlier. The reaction displayed made it clear that the mana conductivity of the metal had been too low to allow the mana to circulate perpetually within it as he intended. His test with a more common conductive metal laid on a nearby table proving that theory. The issue he ran into was the scarcity of metals with both the conductivity and durability required to apply his theory to a sword as intended.

It was only after reaching the final page that his face relaxed and signed his own name in bold letters along with the date. He may have even left a note for others had he intended for others to read it, but he had no intention of doing so. He slumped in his chair slightly as he accepted the growing exhaustion leaving only the final page of the book visible. ‘Ikazuchi Kumo’ was the name signed there in Joyan due to his final whim.

Word Count: 180


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:56 pm

After finally producing the results he wanted Ikazuchi was free to relax and drag his tired body to the nearby bed without any worries. After several days awake he didn’t care for the time he would be sleeping at. He wasn’t concerned about how long he would sleep either. For the first time since he built this secluded structure he chose to give his body the full rest it deserved.

What he didn’t expect was that it would last for more than two days leaving him starving when he finally did wake up. He hadn’t drank in years, yet he felt as though the worst hangover in the world had descended upon him. He blamed himself from before he slept as if he were a different person before exiting the bed made of various beast leathers that had been processed for his comfort. After one final glance at the table where the culmination of his hard work rested, Ikazuchi decisively made his way outside to first find water and food.

Word Count: 170


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:57 pm

It was at times like this that Ikazuchi was thankful for the fact that he chose to settle near the stream that he had. Early on he had concerns about the quality of the water, but he eventually came to trust it after bravely trying to drink it without processing it first. He couldn’t be sure whether it was due to his strong body or simply due to the water quality, but he never had any problems during the occasions that he drank directly from it.

He had continued to process the water normally despite that, but today wasn’t normal for him. He didn’t hesitate to drink some water directly from the stream as he realized that it was surprisingly early morning at the moment. He also finally noted the fact that the red wyvern had left earlier after he woke. He rose to his feet with a slight smile as he stretched his stiff body as he thought to himself. ‘I wonder what breakfast will be today?’

Word Count: 160


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:57 pm

Ikazuchi had moved to prepare the outdoor firepit where he cooked his meals after realizing that the wyvern went to hunt for their food. It was less than thirty minutes later when his mount returned with a large boar. He couldn’t help but laugh when he saw how the wyvern could only drag it back rather than fly. It was obviously larger than normal, but that only made Ikazuchi more thankful towards his long time mount.

After enjoying the sight for a bit longer Ikazuchi quickly approached after recovering a bit during this time and lifted the boar over his head with one hand while patting the wyvern’s head. Words weren’t able to be exchanged, but the intent of each was clearly expressed by their actions. After that Ikazuchi skillfully butchered and prepared the beast before cooking it over the fire. His experience at barbecuing was apparent as it was perfectly cooked and seasoned by the end.

Word Count: 150


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:57 pm

The boar had been far too large for Ikazuchi alone, so he and his wyvern had peacefully enjoyed their meal undisturbed for a long time. It was only through their combined efforts that the boar had been fully devoured leaving them both fully satisfied. Ikazuchi even felt the strong urge to sleep some more after such a large meal. It was to the extent that he believed he would have fallen asleep on the spot had he not stood up in order to avoid that.

‘I need to at least move my body first…’ Such a large meal and his long period of rest left him feeling weaker than normal. As someone who constantly trained himself that feeling took priority over the fatigue he felt. He was even certain that he wouldn’t be able to rest again if he didn’t move his body at a time like this. He stretched his body out of habit as he returned to his living quarters in order to retrieve something.

Word Count: 160


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:58 pm

There was a large chest at the foot of the bed that Ikazuchi opened after entering the room. Inside of this chest were his various equipment that he kept well-maintained during this period of time. The only difference compared to two years ago was the fact that he only possessed one sword instead of two. It had been a difficult decision, but he had relinquished Damocles in order to strengthen his resolution to craft the weapon he had envisioned.

On more than one occasion he regretted this action, but there wasn’t any way to change it after so long. His only comfort was the fact that he finally completed the design for the masterpiece that would eventually replace it. He could hardly contain his excitement as he firmly took hold of Spellcutter and exited the building. He could only try and use that excitement as fuel for the training that would soon follow.

Word Count: 150


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:58 pm

It was close to noon after his long meal earlier and the sun had long since risen high into the sky. Others may find the heat of the sun uncomfortable, but Ikazuchi wouldn’t. As someone who spent so much time in front of a forge, he had long since developed a certain tolerance towards the heat. Recently he even felt as though that heat had seeped into his body as the chilly nights affected him a bit less. It may not be anything significant, but the slight change meant that he was more comfortable than ever under the sun.

He had equipped his sword properly to the right side of his waist and was ready by the time he reached the open area where he tested his creation previously. If it could be said that he lightly moved before, he intended to fully exert himself today in order to make up for the days he had missed. With his right hand firmly gripping the sword’s sheath and his left holding the hilt he took a deep breath before drawing the blade.

Word Count: 180


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:58 pm

Ikazuchi’s eyes had been closed ever since he took hold of his sword sheath. He had done this in order to empty his mind and recall the form of the individuals that he had met previously. His unique eyes granted him information about each person’s general preferences in combat. This meant that he could more easily visualize combat with people that he had only met, not to mention those that he personally saw in action.

He opened his eyes after inducing a half-hypnotized state where he truly perceived a non-existent enemy and slashed at them with full speed and strength. His intent was clearly displayed as he proceeded to move and engage the opponent he manifested. Starting from those who were weak he continued to recreate opponents and engage opponents back to back. This had been his preferred training method since he settled in at this location. It ensured that his skills didn’t deteriorate during the time he spent away from civilization.

Word Count: 160


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:58 pm

There were times during this training that Ikazuchi struggled due to only having one sword, but that meant he would progress one step further by overcoming that weakness. During these years he had gone as far as alternating his hands regularly in order to ensure he could use both hands in an equally coordinated way. He wouldn’t neglect the fact that he specialized in dual swords, and this naturally led to him refining his skills at skillfully switching hands and fighting ambidextrously with only one sword.

It wasn’t his original intent, but the improvements he made left him satisfied. He had even managed to occasionally defeat individuals that he perceived as beyond him in the past. It wasn’t the same as defeating the actual person as his own decision making differed, but it was satisfying all the same. It strengthened his confidence to be able to overcome those that he couldn’t comprehend previously. It meant a lot to Ikazuchi who had started to doubt himself before he entered into seclusion.

Word Count: 170


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:59 pm

Ikazuchi’s training persisted for most of the afternoon before he was finally satisfied. He didn’t hesitate to collapse to the ground and take a seat while gasping for air. Spellcutter had been returned to its sheath moments before, so the man simply extended his arms behind him for support. His expression was brighter and more relaxed than it had been in a long time. The last of his stress had been blown away after his training session.

Ahead of him was the home that he had lived in for the longest time since he left his family home in Magnolia. He knew it was roughly made, but he had long since become attached to it. He found himself taking in the sight of it longer than normal because he knew the time had come for him to return to the Guild. It was at that moment that his expression froze awkwardly. ‘Did I even tell them where I was going?’ Despite this thought, Ikazuchi was certain that the answer was no.

Word Count: 170


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:59 pm

It was around this time that Ikazuchi caught sight of his wyvern once more delivering its prey to him, this time in the form of a large bird that he didn’t know the name of. He couldn’t help but find the scaly creature cute despite having an appearance most would find intimidating. “So it’s Chicken for dinner?” Ikazuchi couldn’t help but ask this question loudly with a smile. There was naturally no response, but the soft thud as the body of the bird was dropped before him was enough for him.

It only took a moment for Ikazuchi to decide to make a soup with part of it for himself while roasting the rest for his wyvern. After making that decision he entered into the surroundings and foraged for various edible plants. He enjoyed the meat, but he knew better than to only eat meat alone. It was a couple hours later that he finished his meal with the wyvern and finally entered his log home and began preparing for his departure.

Word Count: 170


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 9:59 pm

There wasn’t much that Ikazuchi intended to take with him after searching through every area thoroughly. He had made a saddle for his wyvern during his stay that had leather bags that could easily contain the few things he intended to take with him. Other than his combat gear, the only items from his living quarters that he intended to take were two journals. One contained his various forging techniques that he had completed recently, the other was the work in progress containing the blueprints for various equipment that he had designed during the last two years. It was far from full, but it contained many ideas that he didn’t intend to leave behind.

He didn’t care for his other notes as they were already condensed into these two journals. Whether they rot or happen to be found, he didn’t care for their outcome. As for anything he had made, he wasn’t particularly attached to any normal furniture. It was only his specially crafted tools used in the forging process that he chose to keep and the rare resources that he had found very little of while exploring. These were the things stored in the sturdy leather bags attached to the saddle.

Word Count: 200


Seclusion [SOLO] Empty Sat Aug 13, 2022 10:00 pm

It was getting late after storing his luggage, so Ikazuchi chose to simply lay down in his bed in the living quarters for the last time and get some needed rest. There was no telling what he would experience when he returned to the guild after more than two years. He couldn’t even be sure that the guild hadn’t been targeted and disbanded during such a long period of time.

Ikazuchi woke up early the next morning and chose to clean up properly after not having done so recently. He wasn’t particularly worried due to being alone for so long, but he tried to keep doing the minimum for hygiene if nothing else. He washed himself and his clothes regularly due to that, even to the extent of heating water for those tasks regularly. Other than that, he had made particular powder by blending various plants that removed odors. It was something he learned for survival, but he didn’t hesitate to apply it to himself and his possessions as a deodorant.

The morning sun was shining clearly by the time he equipped his wyvern with its saddle and wore his own equipment. “It’s time to go…” Ikazuchi spoke to both the wyvern and himself as he mounted it a distance away from the log structure. After giving it a final glance he directed his wyvern to fly into the cloudless sky headed for Orchidia.

Word Count: 230

OOC: Leaving Topic

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