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Summoner's Rift {Private/Training}

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#1Azure Fenic 

Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Empty Thu Aug 04, 2022 5:55 am

Azure Fenic

The Deep Green had been a place that more often than not provided guidance to those that are lost but it's also a place that still had many secrets. Given that the main inhabitance of the Forest liked to play tricks on travelers so the hope is to not be fooled and end up on the other side of it or something worse. Equipped with his satchel, Elem 1.5, note pads, and books he made his way into the forest with his summons well their thoughts that is as having all of them out on their own would have been a hassle this better give me something interesting, he thought jumping over a top side root. Azure wanted to test something with his current summons as there were still many questions even he couldn't find the answer to even with all their Network of informants and unground connections. Normally the summons would try and distract him if it was anything that they thought he wasn't ready to deal with but this was something that they actually wanted.  The wildlife was rather active today as he didn't recall seeing so many birds and rabbits around before, the occasional wolf and bear sure but this number seemed off in some way it was just a matter of finding out just what it was exactly "What do you mean its trying to tell me something?" he asked Blob and Kraken as they seemed certain that they were a sign of some sort.

Taking a few moments to stop and think about everything that had been documented about the forest and it would stand to reason that his summons has some type of connection to this place so it was only fair that he followed their lead on this. 


Last edited by Azure Fenic on Tue Aug 30, 2022 5:03 am; edited 1 time in total

{Sheet / Magic}
Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#2Azure Fenic 

Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Empty Mon Aug 08, 2022 5:21 am

Azure Fenic

Making his way even deeper into the forest he found himself losing track of just how long he had been following the two summons directions the magical energy of nearly everything was slowly being drained, and the trees and flowers had changed from their normal vibrant hues to a more monotone one This must be what it wants me to see? he asked himself pushing on to the location that he was needed at. Beast R stood before him as it sat in the middle of a summoning circle this one had some things added on to it changing small parts of it though even Azure wasn't able to tell just what the changes were for exactly. Beast R sam around in a small circle before it dived back into the rift 'Sit and let the magic take you,' a voice he had never heard echoed through his mind, soft and gentle yet stern. Feeling like it was the only real course of action he made his way to the middle of the circle and tried to override whatever changes were made to it to no avail. 

The more that Azure tried to remove what had been done to the spell the more pushback it generated, it was almost as if it was trying to get him to work with it. None of his summonses had chimed in to even try and give him a hint as to what he was supposed to do but then again this wouldn't be the first time. Okay if rewriting the spell doesn't work then maybe trying to activate it would do it? he asked himself taking in a deep breath while pushing back his hair. Sitting down in the middle of the summoning circle he could feel the magical power of something unlike anything he's dealt with before but at the same time, it was almost calming to be around it for some reason.

Closing his eyes Azure felt himself slowly being pulled, the feeling was similar to being slowly submerged into water, all the sounds from the forest faded out and were replaced with the sound of sparks mixed with the very annoying writing with chalk. Opening their eyes the summoner could hardly see anything or feel anything for that matter. A normal person would be alarmed by this but something felt natural about this as he reached forwards Azure was now in a location that most definitely wasn't the Deep Green "What is this place?" looking at his now ethereal hands Azure looked around what looked like a throne room with faded paintings hung along the decrepit walls. Still trying to learn how to move within his new body the informant could hear something crying out though it sounded more like it was enraged and heading his way rather quickly.

Total 763/2400

{Sheet / Magic}
Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#3Azure Fenic 

Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 4:31 am

Azure Fenic

He waited for the monster or whatever it was to enter the room when he felt something on his back 'Its okay...' a rather manly voice whispered to him, slowly turning around he saw Kraken and Beat R who made him feel somewhat at easy for the time being as the beast that lived here was closing in "Okay quickly explain what's going on!" the two summons did as requested and explained that they summoned him to their world. As they explained everything he could tell that they didn't mention key details such as the monster that is currently silent but everything besides that was rather interesting. Rubbing his temple Blue sat down and tried to connect the dots on their real intentions of being him here, the room began to shake filling him with a mix of emotions. Quickly looking back he could see a titan-like figure standing over him.  

The two summons stood in front of the monster as it sporadically looked around the room 'We wanted you to meet adorable babe!!' confused and taken back Azure looked at the monster and then back at the two summons and tried not to voice his thoughts on the matter given the current situation. Not wanting to seem disrespectful after they went through all the work to introduce him to their child of passion he moved in to hug the two summons in congratulations. The monster looked at its parents for roughly a minute before looking at the astral body of its contractor. Without much of a warning, the beast swung its liquid-like arm down towards him just falling an inch short of actually hitting him. Kraken and Render moved to protect him as their child went for another go at him. 'Forgive them, Traveler they are still learning.' 


{Sheet / Magic}
Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#4Azure Fenic 

Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 6:49 am

Azure Fenic

With the new development that their child likes to randomly attack everyone, Azure took a deep breath and looked at the child "So discipline time." he said jokingly as he wasn't really sure if he could call upon the other summons to help them deal with he was sure that Kraken and Render could handle their own child. Render nudged him to grab hold of them to make evading attacks much easier given he still wasn't comfortable moving around. The child began to swing wildly hitting everything around it causing the room to slowly collapse. 'Yould you do the honor of maming them?' Render asked moving Azure away from the falling ruble even though all of this was still new to him he would try and think of something to control the child. 

Kraken tried grabbing it but its body hadn't solidified enough to allow it to grip it, Render did its best to destroy any incoming ruble that made it close to them but it seemed as though a change of tactics was in order. As Render passed him off to Kraken his face turned bright red as he felt the question was very heartwarming "I would be happy too!" landing back on what was left of the floor Azure tried to create a summoning circle as it was another summon so contracting it would more than likely have some type of effect on it.

Total 1298/2400

{Sheet / Magic}
Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#5Azure Fenic 

Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Empty Wed Aug 10, 2022 7:59 am

Azure Fenic

Azure focused on forming the circle above it as placing it underneath it would have little to no effect without a floor, the sensation of power flowing into him was painful but not uncommon. As it slowly advanced toward him with the parents currently ut for the night he needed to speed up the creating the circle and editing it to ensure he didn't die in this world. Without skipping a beat the monster lunged at him with the intent to kill or so he thought it was hard to tell with this one. 

"I have the perfect name for you..." as the circle formed above the two of them they were both enveloped in an explosion of light, he found himself back in the Deep Green in the same spot the original summoning circle was but his body felt as though it had just been thrown into the dryer while it was still on. Attempting to get to his feet he found that traversing the two worlds had side effects to it, one of which being extreme Vertigo as he saw his breakfast and semi-lunch once again. Closing his eyes and sitting back down he found no sign of magic that was here originally 'Your next trial awaits young summoner...' once again the soft and gentle voice passed through his mind as if he hadn't just been through one stressful situation the disembodied voice returns with on real help. 

Total 1538/2400

{Sheet / Magic}
Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#6Azure Fenic 

Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Empty Wed Aug 31, 2022 3:16 am

Azure Fenic

Hearing the voice Azure slowly struggled to his feet again and looked around in hopes that his past head injuries didn't catch up to him or he had finally lost either way he was far from ready to call it a day. knowing what he knows about the forest it was highly possible for a sprite or some other resident to be invading his mind to pull this off. As he stood slightly hunched over holding his side a wave of madness washed over him nearly causing him to fall back down Oh right new contract link forgot about that, normally after the finalization of the contract a small message from the summon plays but this was a rather special case given that it was still a child and didn't have a full grasp of its emotions just yet. 

After a minute or so of standing the informant had a feeling that this was just the halfway point for this little exercise that was taking place. Moving away from what would more or less be ground zero filled him with energy and bit and the sensation of someone looking at him from all sides, "Okay I'll bite how are you and what do you want?" he asked trying to make his way deeper into the forest only for silence to respond to his question, the communication felt similar to how his summons speak to him but this was different somehow the voice seemed like it wanted him to find it or just trust it at least


{Sheet / Magic}
Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#7Azure Fenic 

Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Empty Thu Oct 06, 2022 5:31 am

Azure Fenic

The conflict of knowing that he could trust this disembodied voice while also not trusting it had started to make him question his mental state but if Azure was going to solve this something needed to be on the line. Leaves and twigs crunched under his feet with every step it felt like a horror book he read some time ago. The book was about a puppeteer that lived in the woods and created all his puppets from the surrounding trees or at least what he could remember about the plot.

Following his gut feeling the informant somehow found themselves in a rather odd cave or at least they thought it was a cave given how cold and damp it was. Given that none of his information had ever mentioned caves this was something that piqued his interest while also worrying him to a point. 'You have started your final trial young summoner' at this point the voice had lost any value to him as it was clear that this whole situation was the trial, "So do I have to fight you or what?" the question was backed with a fair amount of rage as today had been rather exciting. 

Azure closed his eyes to try and track any magical energy that this voice may have left setting all of this up, when he opened his eyes Ignis was before him or so it would appear given how the cave was. Not wanting to believe that his most trusted summon would betray him twice within the same year he had to trust that she had an excellent reason for summoning herself, but then again he was happy to see a familiar face vaguely. "Playing with my emotions wont end well." he muttered as he walked around the Golem only for it to move in front of him, this would repeat three more times until it reached out to him causing him to summon Blob on reaction and having it pin the golem to the wall.  


{Sheet / Magic}
Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#8Azure Fenic 

Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Empty Sun Oct 09, 2022 9:14 pm

Azure Fenic

His heart nearly burst from his chest as he could feel the fear that he had been trying to suppress from the start making its way top side, "What's the game here?!" a question that he already knew the answer to but refused to believe. This was indeed the trail from what he was able to tell so far but when it came to passing he had no clue as Blob desperately to restrain this new Golem a sudden feeling of guilt washed over him a sense that was uncommon for him. It was clear that whatever this trial entailed it was meant to test his resolve to get through it this whole mess. 

Before he could even move from his current position Blob crashed into him drenching him in its body while the Golem towered over him, seeing that this would require a summon a bit more solid and durable the scholar's only options were either Kraken, Beast R, or Ignis, given that he didn't want the cave to collapse in on him with Indura.


{Sheet / Magic}
Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc
#9Azure Fenic 

Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Empty Mon Oct 10, 2022 12:08 am

Azure Fenic

With a wave of its massive hand tiny sparks of light illuminated the cave revealing its form and identity, shocked by the reveal Azure looked on in pure disbelief as the Golem looked like his birth mother from her prime. Seeing such a thing filled him with rage as part of him thought it was all some sort of mental mind game, "You take that form without reason and expect me to be unphased?" the aura around him that was normally vibrant had changed to a more monochrome one. Flicking his wrist Azure summoned Ignis who without fail lunged at the target. Part of him was expecting the voice to chime in and tell him how he failed this trial but no such thing happened. 

He gave the signal for Ignis to destroy this golem which she happily obeyed, while the two started their fierce exchange the summoner picked himself up while also sending Blob back as it seemed it was far stronger than he thought. Sparks flew with each clash between the two, the slight rumble from the ground that occurred when they took steps made it feel like he was at sea during a mild storm.  Roughly two minutes had passed and it seemed like neither side was close to falling but watching the two summons clash reminded him of something he never experienced before in this lifetime anyway. 

"Okay, I give..." It was clear that this fight had the potential to go on forever and he still had so many other tasks to get to, The two golems stopped their battle as he walked towards them nearly drained 'So you have solved the trial?' it asked to which Azure simply created the contract magic circle looked at her. It may have taken him some time to understand the test as a whole but it was clear to him that forcing himself to push through things was part of it " Ya I have so what do you say Cygnus?" with a smile on his face he and the golem extended their hands to finalize the contract. 

{End of Training}

{Sheet / Magic}
Summoner's Rift {Private/Training} Code-geass-icon
Stellan: #cc0000   Caelese:#0066cc
Fiorian: #9933cc

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