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Tournament Arc 4-Caius [S-NQ]

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Tournament Arc 4-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Thu May 19, 2022 5:31 am

Baksa just wouldn't leave the man alone. Caius was the champ of the fight club and now he would have to fight the people at Baska rock again. His manager would send him a letter about more challengers and he would answer the call. Caius would get out of his hotel bed and then he would go take a shower and then he would wash himself and then he would turn the water off and then he would dry himself and then he would head to the closet and then he would get his clothes and then he would put the clothes on and then he would be clothed and then he would head downstairs and then he would walk down the stairs and then he would head the buffet and then he would go eat some breakfast and then he would head back to Baska rock and then he would see who he was fighting.


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 4-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Thu May 19, 2022 5:32 pm

Caius headed over to the baska rock and the he would head to the man who had the request and the he would meet him and the he would open his mouth to talk and the he would talk to him and the he would explain the request and the he would see the request and the he would see he would have to fight three men this time and the he would see they won a bunch of matches and the he would see that he was the champ still and the he would see that they wanted the betl and the he would laugh and the he would laugh again and the he would fight the men in the main event and the he would go to the back to talk to the fighters and the he would head over the them and the he would see them talking shit and the he would size them up.


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 4-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Sat May 21, 2022 11:05 pm

Now it was time to go out and watch the fight so Caius would go and then he would head to the stands and then he would watch the rest of of the fights from the special stands and then he would get a drink and then he would drink it and then he would get some food and then he would eat it and then he would head back to his seat and then he would wait and see the announcement of the match and then he would show Caius as the champ and then he would wave to the crowd and then he would see them cheer him and then he would sit down and then he would watch as the opening started and then he would see the first two fighters start and then he would see it was the lightweight division and then he would sit back and watch the blood fly.


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 4-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 3:03 am

The first round would start and then he would go and he would watch the battle and then he would go and see it was a bunch of light weights and then he would go and see that they would fight with spears and then he would go and watch them fight and then he would go and see them charge at each other and then he would go and see them strike each other and then he would go and see them both fall down and then he would go and see they both hit a vital and then he would go and see that they were both dead and then he would go and see that it was a double ko and then he would go and see the crowd go crazy and then he would go and see them clean up the bodies and then he would go and see the 2nd round was about to start so it was only 2 more matches before his.


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 4-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 3:09 am

Now it was the 2nd round and this time it would be with the middle weights and they would come out with axes. This was a more inense round as the betting around Caius got even higher. Caius watched as they would enter the ring and then he would go and see them start to bow before each other and then he would go and see them start the fight and then he would go and see the two of them clash the weapons together and then he would go and see them swing at each other and then he would go and see them miss and then he would go and see one guy sweep the leg and knock the other one over and then he would go and see him swing his axe down in the man's chest and then he would go and see that he was dead and then he would go and see the crowd go crazy and the 2nd round was done. Now it was time for Caius.


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 4-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 5:23 am

Caius walked to the center of the ring and then he would go and wait for his opponents and then he would go and see the announcer would bring out his opponents and then he would go and see them walk in with music playing as the crowd went wild and then he would go and watch as they walked towards the ring with weapons and then he would go and see they had giant great swords and then he would go and see that they wanted to take him out and then he would go and laugh at them and then he would go and see the announcers would call him the champion and then he would go and and see the opponents surround him before the rematch started and then he would go and see the ref start the bell and then he would go and see the match had started


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 4-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Wed May 25, 2022 5:37 am

The battle had started and the three men would charge him. Caius would just smile and then he would go and start to form darkness around him and then he would go and start to charge the obscura and then he would go and sprout wings and then he would go and sprout wings and then he would go and take his legs and then he would go and jump up in the air and then he would go and fly upwards and then he would go and see his opponents fall over as they ran into each other and then he would go and laugh at them for being idiots and then he would go and start to fight them and then he would go and fly down and kick one in the head and then he would go and pick up the sword and then he would go and throw the sword at the one guys head and then he would go and see the sword kill him and then he would go and fly to the next guy and then he would go and see him swing and then he would go and see him miss the swing and then he would go and kick his arm and then he would go and see him drop the sword and then he would go and pick up the sword again and then he would go and fly to the men and then he would go and use his speed that was very fast and then he would go and slicke their necks and blood would spray and then he would go and see that they both died and then he would go and see that the victory was his. Caius had killed them all dead for sure.


Hi I'm Caius

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