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Tournament Arc 3-Caius [S-NQ]

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Tournament Arc 3-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Mon May 09, 2022 2:18 am

Another day, another quest. Back in Baska, Caius was at a bar just chilling and then he would watch the tv and see the fighting ring that was going on and he would see some scrubs fighting. They would show that he was the champion but there were some more coming for his title. He would see some big ripped mother fuckers that said Caius sucked and he just laughed because he killed the last 2 of them. These two would be no different. He would slam back some beer and do a line of coke and then he would head to the rock where the tournament was and then he would get ready to fight again as it was a good way to let off steam. It was also a really good way to make the big bucks so he would grind away and get ready for another battle.


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 3-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Mon May 09, 2022 6:03 pm

Caius was now at the building where the tournament was taking place. He got a bunch of praise being the champion and then he would see people would try to get his autograph but he told them to kick rocks and then he would walk to the back and then he would see the man who set up the fights and then he would see them greet him and then he would shake his hand and then he would see the fight that they proposed and then he would see that it was a 2 v 1 fight and then he would see that if he fought both it would draw a lot of people because he fucked up the last 2 and then he would agree to do it as the main even and then he would head to the back to check out the fighters and see what they had to say


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 3-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Tue May 10, 2022 5:12 pm

Caius now would head to the back and he would see the fighters and then he would see the fighters that were doing the warm ups and they didn't look too strong so they probably were doing the opening fights before the main event and then he would see the other fighters that looked tough but they weren't main eventers so they probably would go in the middle and then he would see the men that were big and strong and they would be the final matches before the main event and then he would head to the very back with the two men who wanted to fight him and then he would introduce himself and then he would see them call him a scrub and then he would see them call him a garbage can and then he would see them say he was going down and then he would laugh at them.


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 3-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Wed May 11, 2022 8:27 pm

The two men would walk up to Caius and then he would see that they would taunt him as they were much more bigger than Caius and he was even bigger than most people so they were really big. Caius just laughed at them and told them he would see them in the ring. Caius would head outside and then he would head to the sidelines and then he would get a drink and then he would go back to his seats and then he would sit down and then he would take a drink of his beer and then he would wait for the opening ceremony and then he would watch the opening matchup with the light weights and then he would see the battle was short and then he would wait for the fight to finish and then he would calp when the winner won and then he would wait and watch the mid weight fight.


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 3-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Wed May 11, 2022 8:44 pm

The second round would start and then he would see the mid carders walk in and then he would see that it was a death battle and then he would see that one would have the hammer and then he would see that one would have the sword item and then he would see them start to fight and then he would see that it was an even battle and then he would see one guy start to push the other one back towards the cliff and then he would go on the defensive and then he would lose his footing and then he would have the mace guy on the ropes and then he would sparta kick the man off the cliff and then he would see him plummet down below and die and then he would see him get impaled on the spike pit and then he would wait for the heavyweights. It was one more fight before caius would get in and start to fight.


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 3-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Wed May 11, 2022 9:01 pm

The heavyweight fight was next and this time they had full armor and weapons. The bigger they were the bigger and longer the fight they wanted. THe crowd was going crazy. Both men had large greatswords and the match would start and then he would see the battle begin and then he would watch tme clash back and forth and then he would see the crowd go crazy and then he would see the men keep fighting and then he would see the one man get his arm slice off and then he would see the other fighter stab the other fighter in the leg and then he would see the crowd love the blood and then he would join them and cheer cause fuck these idiots they were here to die for entertainment and then he would see one of the guys chop the other ones head off and then he would see the other one bleed out from hsi wound and die and it was a double KO.


Hi I'm Caius

Tournament Arc 3-Caius [S-NQ] Empty Thu May 12, 2022 1:15 am

Caius was no up so he would walk to the ring and then he would get ready to fight and then he would start to get a dark aura and then he would transform into his demon mode and then he would see the two oppponents get into the ring and then he would see them call him a dickhead and then he would laugh at them and tell them he was going to hit them with a sweet chin music and then he would see they pull out weapons and then he would see the announcer would start to announce the battle and then he would see the bell get rang and then he would start to get ready to fight and then he would watch as the two big men swung their spiked clubs at them and then he would doge them by jumping an dflying up and then he would fly over and then he would kick them in the face and then he would see they got knocked down and then he would fly in circles around them and then he would see they got up and then he would dodge the attacks they threw at them and then he would fly on their head and then he would stomp their head and then he would stomp them in the ground and then he would curb stomp them and then he would see their heads exploded like watermelon and then he would do a victory dance and then he would raise his arms up and then he would have the announcer call it a victory and then he would get his money and still be the champ. Now that he was the tournament chamption he would head back to his hotel and be done for the night.


Hi I'm Caius

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