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Tourney Time (Private Questo)

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#1Raeburn Gamebell 

Tourney Time (Private Questo) Empty Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:45 pm

Raeburn Gamebell
Arriving to Baska from a merchant caravan, Raeburn isn't sure what he'd be doing. Most places end up illogically similar in the end, so what grand objective has Raeburn arrived for? Too tired to think deeply about his path, it's all dandy now that Raeburn's arrived at whatever might amuse him next. Looking around the streets, Raeburn keeps his ears open too without investing himself too much in what might take his time. Lining the walls, Raeburn squints to see if there's any small merchants with big gains. Apparently, Baska's a trading town, yet Raeburn isn't sure exactly how he's supposed to trade.

When inventory's slim, all that's left is to trade knowledge. Hearing about some upcoming tournament, Raeburn proceeds away from the little shoppers so he can focus on making some quick monies himself. At some point in his younger years, Raeburn had disdained the concept of fighting those weaker. Nowadays, when forced into his weaker rank, Raeburn doesn't mind attacking anyone to fit his status. The fun part about not needing to prove oneself, it's like asking an old man to be beaten by children willingly, and then to go beat up some children in frustration till they learn too.

#ff6666 me

Tourney Time (Private Questo) 2iKq472
#2Raeburn Gamebell 

Tourney Time (Private Questo) Empty Fri Jul 30, 2021 2:48 pm

Raeburn Gamebell
Assured in his happy mindset, Raeburn's ready to participate in some silly tournament. A bridge leading to a big rock kinda gives Raeburn trauma of Era. Not exactly ever having been arrested, Raeburn doesn't mind big prison rocks too much. Living on a rock sounds like it really sucks though. Anyhow, Raeburn isn't looking to stain his days by killing some children in a tournament. As a more sophisticated wild beast, Raeburn likes to secretly wait and kill anything else that doesn't respect possibility. Trimming the weeds before they grow is so old gen. Openly clean and tidy, Raeburn looks casually around for other participants. Thinking deeply again, Raeburn contemplates how to kill some prodigious fighter children if it's actually beneficial.

Unfortunately, Raeburn's most beneficial priority is to simply defeat a prior winner. Any current champion is already a predestined loser in Raeburn's eyes, so he'll gladly not even win the tournament to see the target defeated. Watching someone grow to defeat what's beyond them is such an encouraging development sometimes. Snoring a bit, Raeburn hasn't been looking around too much in his daydreams, he tends to hype up his madness before fighting. Not looking to glorify how he can complete his task, Raeburn doesn't feel like this poor town will equip his arsenal any better. External power can be subjective, and Raeburn just likes to research what's most entertaining.

#ff6666 me

Tourney Time (Private Questo) 2iKq472
#3Raeburn Gamebell 

Tourney Time (Private Questo) Empty Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:08 pm

Raeburn Gamebell
Patting his black robe bored, Raeburn assesses his opponents. Even if he just needs to beat one person, it's probably going to end up being multiple people. Unless someone's really hated, they always have someone else around them to interfere with things later on. Even when a champion's beaten up, it's often not celebrated, there's always a line of the defeated who take offense. Not particularly looking for the champion in the rock's crowd, Raeburn just wants to know what will interfere with him. Considering Raeburn lacks any real armor, he's at a minor disadvantage for most that might sign up for a tournament. Tilting his head from looking around, Raeburn realizes most people suck at building though.

The people that aspire to grow in strength usually get enough profits to swiftly outfit themselves, and they'll wait until the fated mistaken moment. Not expecting any low-rank strong goobers, Raeburn isn't impressed by anything anybody's wearing. Putting aside paranoia, there's simply no way that impressive equipment will be DISGUISED in such a minor event. Picking up a handful of fruit to eat, from a nearby vendor, Raeburn's just more interested in biding his time and playing around. Playing around is always relaxing for the mindset to kill people.

#ff6666 me

Tourney Time (Private Questo) 2iKq472
#4Raeburn Gamebell 

Tourney Time (Private Questo) Empty Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:09 pm

Raeburn Gamebell
There's no one relaxing as much as Raeburn, so he feels somewhat safe. It'd be horrible if some scary person was doing neutral quests to secretly kill people in tournaments. Unwilling to meet someone crazy, Raeburn must be lucky that Illumin didn't allow him to be disadvantaged in every moment. Having come over from Era, Raeburn's happy to see people fighting each other to exhaustion like normal people. Even gangs of people can end up being normal, and if Raeburn can finish this tournament he'd love to see children dying to each other if it helps. Injury's annoying and Raeburn's going to have to end up fine with getting beaten up by children a little. When the means are limited, Raeburn can only swallow his future happiness.

Signing up, Raeburn's just about READY mentally. Joy doesn't spread from Raeburn's face, he feels like there's millions of other fights to be had and upfront confrontation is usually boring. A tournament's fake if it can't swindle everyone into it to enjoy suffering equally. Without getting clear background checks, Raeburn isn't someone who gets excited by some momentary rush of adrenaline. No matter how many tournaments were had beforehand, they don't count in Raeburn's assessment of how to defeat someone. Once someone loses, they're usually satisfied. If Raeburn could beat up his target in an alleyway, he wouldn't need to care for any tournament.

#ff6666 me

Tourney Time (Private Questo) 2iKq472
#5Raeburn Gamebell 

Tourney Time (Private Questo) Empty Sun Aug 08, 2021 10:11 pm

Raeburn Gamebell
Approaching the stage, it's finally Raeburn's turn. For his first fight, he shows reckless abandon and just tackles his opponent. After all, in the first round, there's a good chance some fodder has stepped up. Coming to the edge of the rock, Raeburn throws his opponent off it. BYYYYYE. There's no fall damage, so Raeburn didn't kill his opponent. Indeed, Raeburn couldn't dare to kill his opponent, that just isn't beneficial in the long run. As for the next round, Raeburn gets right on that too. Some fire goes into RaeBURN's face, and he accepts this circumstance with his eyes closed. Having a durable face, it's all daijoubu for Raeburn. Running with his flaming face, Raeburn decides to grab someone who doesn't have self-immunity.

We're all hot now, and that opponent is strangled away. Impressed at himself, Raeburn ignores the cuts on his body from having no armor or weapon. Learning his lesson, Raeburn remembers he should of just baited the champion to fight in the first round and get things over with. Many times, it's great to let an opponent exhaust themselves or present their weakness, but Raeburn's here so he needed to relieve boredom. Eventually reaching some cheap liar of a champion, Raeburn couldn't get as excited as he did for the more normal fights, and he wonders why this is the case. KAPOWIE, the champion fell just like the rest, when Raeburn commits to being a silent ranger this empty feeling often arises. A preset setting isn't very ideal for Raeburn's fights, and when he commits to trickery everything's ogre awfully easily.


#ff6666 me

Tourney Time (Private Questo) 2iKq472

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