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A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL]

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#1Lee Nakamura 

A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Empty Mon May 17, 2021 5:30 pm

Lee Nakamura
It was early morning when they arrived in Baska, the sun was starting to peak. Zalor landed in front of the place where the 'Gunter' resided. Lector was told to stay back at the inn for his own safety. Ragtime took control of her body since they left Hargeon. There was no indication that she was being controlled, but more of a serious manner than she usually would be, which wasn't by much. Ryu stood next to her in his labcoat and gray pants with his pink hair down. Lee had to look twice to see if it was Hikaru or not. They did look very much alike.

"Come on, let's not wait any longer" she spoke. She walked forward with her untamed hair in a high ponytail. Ryu stayed silent, but kept up with her pace. They opened the doors to the smell of death, itself. Ragtime forced her to cover her nose as the slayer's heightened senses were even more sensitive than used to. Ryu wrinkled his nose in disgust and shuddered. Even as a doctor, he was not used to the smell of this much death in one area.

"State your purpose" spoke a random person. Ryu turned his head casually and adjusted his tie. "We're here to talk to Gunter Von Wolf. Ryu Nakamura called ahead as a warning or I did" he spoke in a monotone manner. Lee stayed silent and extremely serious, wanting to get out as soon as possible to find Solomon and end his wrath before anything happens.

A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#2Günter Von Wolf 

A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Empty Tue May 18, 2021 12:14 am

Günter Von Wolf

Gunter was Sitting in a underground restaurant listening to the musical performance that was being put on. He had a glass of blood on the table with a bottle of blood beside him, he knew that some people where looking for him so he was prepared. He had the cooks preparing a roast duck dinner and a bottle of wine on the other end of the table with 2 glasses. In Gunter's hand sat a cigar that he was smoking.

As Gunter sat there smoking his Cigar, he was approached by a man who said "sir your guests have arrived." As Gunter stood up from his chair he would turn to his guest's and say "welcome it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Günter Von Wolf" Gunter would then bow to his guest's as they approach the table he would pull out there chairs and help them get seated.

After the guest's are seated, he would snap his fingers as a signal for the cooks to bring out there food. Gunter would then walk back to his seat, as he sat back down the cooks would bring over the food, Gunter would say "For dinner tonight we have roast duck, baked potato's, and a salad. For dessert a cheesecake with a strawberry filling, I hope you enjoy it. Now tell me who are you? And why are you here?"

#3Lee Nakamura 

A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Empty Tue May 18, 2021 12:37 am

Lee Nakamura
Ragtime and Lee could smell something was off. Her dragon senses were going off like alarms, but Ragtime had this under control. The bodyguard leads them to a nice, underground restaurant with an orchestra. The music choice was quite interesting in all three of their opinions. Ryu glanced down at his younger sister, whom was extremely serious the whole time and hadn't spoken a word since they walked in. He could tell she was being very careful with her words. The man they were lead to was non-other than Gunter Von Wolf, himself. Lee and Ragtime had to give it to him, at least he was well-mannered.

He snapped his fingers, right on the dot cooks came out with food and dishes. Gunter explained what would be on the menu for tonight. They were instructed to sit down, as they did before introducing themselves. Ryu bowed as so did Lee. "Pleasure to meet you, I am Ryu Nakamura", he replied. The kitsune bowed a little to show respect and with a serious yet relaxed expression. "My name is Lee Nakamura, the head of the Nakamura family. We came to ask you if you could locate someone for us. Someone...of a dark nature with intentions of harming our family" she explained. Lee sat down and through the whole time she explained, her eyes didn't leave Gunter's. Ryu sat down next to his sister and kept a sharp eye on his sister and then the cooks.

"You see...he was a former Rune Knight with ties to the Church of Illumin, specializing in spiritual aspects of the spirit realm. His name is Solomon Nakamura, we were hoping if you know of his current location is all. We will pay handsomely" spoke Ryu. He showed several stacks of cash in his lab coat, but knew he would probably want information as a form of payment instead.

A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#4Günter Von Wolf 

A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Empty Tue May 18, 2021 1:16 am

Günter Von Wolf

As Gunter listened to there introductions he smiled at the name Nakamura but let them finish. After they explained why they where here and dropped money on the table Gunter spoke while looking at Lee "First of all keep your money, have no interest in that, I have a good idea where such a man might be hiding, however I will tell you after you answer 3 questions to an amount I find sufficient."

Gunter would let his statement sit in while also listening to Lee's and Ryu's response. If Ryu tries to speak Gunter will raise a finger to his lips, then say "I said very clearly that I want her to answer my questions. You have the smell of the streets but she is clearly not like us so she will answer my questions."

As that sunk in the First performance was almost at its end. Gunter then spoke "My first question is I want you to tell me about Nakamura family? Specifically about what it was like to grow up in such a noble house, well I also want to know about the man they call Hikaru." Gunter would listen to Lee's response, if Lee and Ryu had not touched there food by this point he would signal to the food as if to say eat plz.

#5Lee Nakamura 

A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Empty Tue May 18, 2021 6:43 am

Lee Nakamura
Lee started to eat a little bit of the food without a word to remain civil. Ryu lookedat his sister then at the food. Without another word, he started to cut the slice of roasted duck. Thiugh, Ryu put back thr money after Guntwr had declined the offer. Money or information were one of two ways dark mages would want in return. As the music play he would ask three questions. Ragtime could read Lee and Ryu were wary even he was. They had to tread lightly with this predator. Silently, she listened and waited to see what they had to discuss.

Ryu tried to answer for her, but Lee held up her hand. She signaled that all was final. She could handle simple questions. Nothing she already wasn't prepared for. He wanted her to answer not Ryu. That was fine. Ragtime stru ctured her sentences. "Very well. Ask away" she spoke. The kitsune was staring at the vampire, waiting for the question. Ryu grew worried now.

"The...Nakamura family? Very well, we are not a noble house of any sorts, but a upper middle class family. We were previously tradesmen thst knew how to play the market. Growing up...was different. I had a good childhood with being in and out of the hospital a lot. Though, my parents and family were there for me. They taught me everything I knew. Ryu and Hikaru are my half brothers, related through our father. Hikaru is a lightning mage that's very skilled in combat specially offensive spells. He is a role model for me since we were kids. He is a previous rune knight now doing God's know what. Haven't seen him in a few years" she answered.

A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.
#6Günter Von Wolf 

A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Empty Tue May 18, 2021 9:48 am

Günter Von Wolf

After Lees response Gunter looked shocked at the fact she said some valuable info. Gunter would smile and say "I do hope you find your brother, also i hope your in better health now." Gunter grabbed his glass and sipped his blood. As the crimson Essence flow's down his throat, He would then bring the Cigar to his lips and enhale deeply. Gunter would think abouy his next question carefully as the smoke exited his body. By this point the second song would begin.

After a minute Gunter would speak again "Tell me about yourself, What drove you to became an adventurer, Why do you risk your life for others?" Gunter would wait for a response. As Lee answered his questions we decided not to waist this girl's time and went right onto asking the next question.

Gunter took one more sip of the blood before he continued "Tell me about Blue Pegasus, I should clarify that I dont care about the defensive capabilities. I what to know what it was like to be apart of the guild for you." Gunter was extremely interested in Lee's response to this question. He would wait for her response before sliding a peice of paper toward Lee. Once Lee takes the info gunter would say "Your spilling blood and im protecting Innocence how our rolls are reversed, may We both find Glory in our upcoming Battles, Oh and do come visit Crawling Chaos when its been built I enjoyed this."

With that Gunter stood up and walked out of the establishment once outside he would think about what Lee said and smile. Gunter would then begin heading down the main road towards his apartment.


#7Lee Nakamura 

A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Empty Tue May 18, 2021 11:13 am

Lee Nakamura
She saw the expression he gave as internally she was wanting to shake Ragtime for revealing that much. Though, her expression didn't change. Dead pan and serious. She was willing to do anything to protect her family. He wished her brother would be found soon and that health was better. She gave a small nod out of respect."Thank you. I qm sure things will or already have worked out." The smell of blood filled her nostrils as it was very strong from this man. She suspected a few things just from the smell and the act he was putting on, but she couldn't get far on assumptions without Ryu's help.

"Why did I become a mage? Honestly, to follow my family's footsteps. I love what I do. Helping those who need it when I didn't get it us why I do this. This world is cruel and harsh. Not many people can say they survived such harsh conditions and still be able to tell the tale. I want to provide people with a sense of belonging and being the light like my brother and family were for me" she spoke. This felt more genuine. Lost of people would say money or power, but she honestly, just wanted to help people. Even if it meant not getting a single thank you. Though, that came with a price. Right now she was paying for it. Her health was not on par where it should be due to stress.

Though, Ryu was starting to grow more and more understanding what Gunter was doing. He mentioned to Gunter previously about her being apart of Blue Pegasus. A small ember emerged from her finger and onto her brother's pant leg. As he patted his leg, the kitsune returned to his final question. "I know my brother probably told you a few details already judging by your questions. Yes, Blue Pegasus is my current guild. It's a wonderful guild that has given me the opportunity to grow and learn about guild life. I have made some life long friends there. If it weren't for that guild, I would be even more lost" she spoke. She given a honest answer leaving out a few details. There were something s she didn't want to mention due to unsure about how true they really were. Gunter slid s piece of paper to her giving her the information. The roles were reverse this time. Ryu nodded and both thanked him. His last words made her think. Lee watched him leave and sighed starting at the paper.

Worth Woodsea



A Dark Mage's little sister's unoffical connection [Gunter/SL] Tumblr_oua5s27DHT1v5lsxco4_r1_500
Character Sheet
One must emulate both the fox and the lion, because a lion cannot defy a snare, while a fox cannot defy a pack of wolves.

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