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The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI]

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The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Thu Aug 06, 2020 9:14 am

Did he know yet? No, he didn't, but he felt it. A familiar soul, he will encounter them sooner. The theater kissed the night time's moon as Masami waited at the center of the stage – the theater was quiet and empty, and Masami was wearing his traditional Joyan clothing, revealing the masculine side of his appearance. His mask was worn at the side of his face, and surrounded him were the candles that lit up, becoming tonight's incense. Thus, such candles created a scent out of them, giving Masami concentration. He was feeling a familiar comeback, whose aura was fearsome, but also unfamiliar. Who was this Masami was going to meet in a few seconds? He was merely waiting for the door to open on its' own, without any sort of preparation nor permission. He felt that he was going to battle someone tonight, but he was already being warned a few nights earlier—could they be a friend, or a foe? A fearsome warrior or a cowardly peasant? Masami knew that no one else should enter the theater but he, himself, and whoever this familiar soul will be, Masami will not hold back. This time, he won't be following anyone's backs.

Ni no Torii (二の鳥居 lit. Second Torii): 202/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 0/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Strength: 1

  • Damage: D-Rank

Speed: 73

  • Lunge Distance & Speed: 12.5m/s
  • Run Speed: 25m/s

Constitution: 85 (45 base; +40 from ring)

  • Hit Points: 2x S-Rank
  • Run Duration: 5 Posts
  • Lunge Frequency: Once per post

Endurance: 121

  • Pain Tolerance: S-Rank

Intelligence: 126

  • Mana Cost Reduction: 40%


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#2Natsumi Duranndal 

The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Thu Aug 06, 2020 2:17 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi was wandering through the streets of Hosenko, enjoying her time there as she quite liked it there, having a fond time till she caught onto a scent, her enhanced senses smelling the scent of someone she met in the past. It was quite familiar as she followed her nose, wounding up in front of a theater. Looking at it as she grinned, soon barging in, making herself known as her eyes came upon Masami, someone she had met and quested with, seeing him made her think about how she has been feeling like she is in a Stasis like state, everyone growing stronger than he, grinning as she waved

"Hey Masami how have you been, I been waiting for the day we will meet again.  

She says walking up till the point she was right in front of him, Looking into his eyes as her blood was pumping, her heart racing, excited to meet an old friend right here within the town.

The memories of their past adventure ran through her head, The quest they took together where they had to provide entertainment for some noble's party, she couldn't remember the noble's name but she remembered the way he danced, excited as such.

Fire Dragon's Iron Fiat [102/525]

Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist  [0/525]

Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame  [102/525]

Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Fire Drago's Fist    [0/700]


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Fri Aug 07, 2020 5:07 am

Finally, the doors opened as Masami expected, but the person whom held unto the doors' knobs were unexpectedly familiar. "Natsumi...?" he called out, facing her as he completely stood up. She was the same person, or at least, she looked the same a few months ago, but Masami couldn't feel the 'same' within her. "Ah, you're in Hosenka now, too." he uttered as if it wasn't even obvious, walking closer to Natsumi with his arms spreading out, welcoming her to the theater. "Any news? Something new must have happened to you..." now, he closed a gap of five-meters between himself and Natsumi.

Something surely happened, expected Masami, because he has grown familiar of how magic feels like. He has also learned how to feel the mana that flowed upon others' veins, and he was feeling such a strong surge of energy on Natsumi. Where exactly has she been this whole time? Being missing for a few months, no contact at all nor any rumors on going. Things happened to Masami, too, so he isn't so different from the girl that stood in front of him, but there was an unknown change of energy that surrounded her. Something... something similar to the aftermath from Zagan's, was it? Masami tilted his head and smiled, keeping his guard up. "Nice meeting you again, Duranndal."

Ni no Torii (二の鳥居 lit. Second Torii): 423/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 0/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Strength: 1

  • Damage: D-Rank

Speed: 73

  • Lunge Distance & Speed: 12.5m/s
  • Run Speed: 25m/s

Constitution: 85 (45 base; +40 from ring)

  • Hit Points: 2x S-Rank
  • Run Duration: 5 Posts
  • Lunge Frequency: Once per post

Endurance: 121

  • Pain Tolerance: S-Rank

Intelligence: 126

  • Mana Cost Reduction: 40%


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#4Natsumi Duranndal 

The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Fri Aug 07, 2020 6:18 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi watched as her old friend, stared at her, hearing him be in shock, just saying her name, she let out a laugh as she thought he was just happy to see her again.

Grinning as she replied to his first actual sentence He had said to her after so long.

"Yes I am in Hosenka, though I didn't know you were here till I smelled your scent, It is a sort of cherry blossom scent, so I knew it was you"
She walks closer to him, exuding an aura of magic without realizing it of her Lost ancient style of Slayer Magic, Being a Dragon Slayer, her senses are highly enhanced then a normal human, she is able to track someone down if she so wished it if she smelled their scent before. Smiling at him as her teeth were noticeably sharper, more similar to fangs while her pupils were more a slitted style, Similar to a beast or Lizard.

"Masami you can call me Natsumi, or if you have a nickname for me I won't mind if you call me by that, but I was wondering if you would like to train with me, I wish to practice some new spells I devised, Maybe after we caught up some, I would like to have a cup of tea and some meat with you sometime."

Fire Dragon's Iron Fiat [328/525]

Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist  [0/525]

Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame  [102/525]

Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Fire Drago's Fist    [0/700]


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Fri Aug 07, 2020 7:09 am

How bold, to ask for training immediately after the first time they meet up again. Masami was not so focused on Natsumi's appearance, so he shrugged instead after ignoring the obviously sharper fangs. He knew that something was up ever since that dungeon, and then the meeting with Lanzerossa along with Zagan, the person who seemingly 'owned' the dungeon. Masami should be aware that these occurrences would start becoming more normal the more time has passed, so he wasn't able to question Natsumi as much as he thought so. "Okay." he uttered, the theaters' lights immediately dimming until it was almost completely dark. He owned the theater, after all, so it should listen to exactly as he commanded. The only thing that lit up were the lanterns from the corners of the room, and then the flames that fluttered and flew around Masami's the moment he stretched his arms downward, opening both palms. He looked at Natsumi, giving a second of silence before pointing at her, the balls of fire suddenly charged at Natsumi. Afterwards, Masami placed his mask in front of him, then leaped backwards twice, enclosing a ten-meter distance between him and Natsumi. "Alright, Natsumi..." he called, his voice echoing throughout the whole theater, "let's see what you are made of, shall we?" While he was still in the shadows, his form completely changed, and Natsumi has yet to see what had taken Masami over.

Ni no Torii (二の鳥居 lit. Second Torii): 660/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 0/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Strength: 1

  • Damage: D-Rank

Speed: 73

  • Lunge Distance & Speed: 12.5m/s
  • Run Speed: 25m/s

Constitution: 125 (45 base; +40 from ring; +40 from magic)

  • Hit Points: 3x S-Rank
  • Run Duration: 6 Posts
  • Lunge Frequency: Twice per post

Endurance: 121

  • Pain Tolerance: S-Rank

Intelligence: 126

  • Mana Cost Reduction: 40%


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] SP-Hannya-full-body
テイクオーバー: デーモンソール
(Teiku Ouba: Demon Souru lit. Take-Over: Demon Soul)

Element: Fire

Category: Single

Quantity: Limited

Description: Demon Soul Magic is an incredibly powerful magic which allows its users to utilize the powers of a demon. The user can choose from any polytheistic pantheon. When using their Take Over their appearance changes partly into that of the demon. The user is able to make spells that reflect the abilities of the demon using their spell slots. They can use these spells while they are transformed. The user activates their Demon Soul Magic by saying the word "Superbia" which translates into Pride.


  • The user can choose one physical Attribute (Constitution) which will receive a Self-Buff equal to their rank, when transformed.
  • The user receives Minor Resistance to Fire when transformed.
  • The user receives 1 post cooldown reduction at B-Rank, and 2 post cooldown reduction at S-Rank.


  • The user receives Minor Weakness to Water when transformed.

MANA: 3540/3500

(Kitsune no Yomeiri lit. The Fox' Wedding)

Rank: B-Rank
Mana Cost: 60 MP (-40% from INT)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 02 Posts (-1 post CD from magic)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user stretches their arms downwards and opens their palms, calling forth four (4) spirit balls of various sizes, surrounding the caster. The spirit balls will fly towards the target the user points at 20m/s upon command, dealing D-Rank damage per hit (a total of B-Rank damage).


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#6Natsumi Duranndal 

The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Fri Aug 07, 2020 11:18 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi could see the place go dark as lanterns lit up, she was excited as it was just like a formal style of battle, her blood pumping as her pupils get smaller, focusing on her opponent and studying him, knowing from past experiences he was a supporter, dancing about. Expecting he kept to the same style of battle, tho prepared if he didn't.

Seeing the flames fly toward her, she took a single leap, covering 5 meters in distances as she opened her mouth, the flames being pulled to her mouth as she devours three of them like a light snack, as the fourth one misses her, she burps as she proclaims.

"I heard some interesting things, you are an Oni huh, owning your own Theater, I am proud of you, even if your a type of Joyan demon as well........... You Might be a demon but ....... I AM A DRAGON!!

She planted a foot to the ground, a magic circle appearing as she closes in on the remaining distance, her right fist engulfed in flames as she throws a punch at point blank range, once afterward she would transition into a step, piveting as she goes to elbow him, flames projecting out of her fist, working as a booster, for her elbow attack.

ire Dragon's Iron Fist [525/525]

Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist  [0/525]

Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame  [120/525]

Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Fire Drago's Fist    [0/700]


Spells          Mana : 698/750:


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Sat Aug 08, 2020 12:42 am

What appeared to Natsumi is a completely different form of Masami. His hair reached even below his waist and his clothes were completely different. She claimed Masami being a demon, exposing everything she knows about the boy, and then telling him that she was a dragon. Masami wasn't surprised, recalling the words of Natsumi from a while ago when she referred to smelling the boy, and no normal human being can do that. Looks like Natsumi knows more about Masami than he knows about himself, after all.

The Momijigari mask's eyes were engulfed in flames, too, positioned at the center of Masami's face, whose mouth released a breath of fire that launched the moment Masami blew through it. The fire continued to charge directly at Natsumi, Masami's distance immediately growing farther away from Natsumi—completely evading all of her attacks—after dashing backwards through a spell twice; then he raised a hand up, about to slam it to the ground. If it is successful, then a 2-meter wall of flames will expand outwards Masami in a circle, like a ring, reaching up to 20-meters of distance. While Masami was still at it, he had nothing to say to the girl.

Ni no Torii (二の鳥居 lit. Second Torii): 860/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 0/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Strength: 1

  • Damage: D-Rank

Speed: 73

  • Lunge Distance & Speed: 12.5m/s
  • Run Speed: 25m/s

Constitution: 125 (45 base; +40 from ring; +40 from magic)

  • Hit Points: 3x S-Rank
  • Run Duration: 6 Posts
  • Lunge Frequency: Twice per post

Endurance: 121

  • Pain Tolerance: S-Rank

Intelligence: 126

  • Mana Cost Reduction: 40%


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] SP-Hannya-full-body
テイクオーバー: デーモンソール
(Teiku Ouba: Demon Souru lit. Take-Over: Demon Soul)

Element: Fire

Category: Single

Quantity: Limited

Description: Demon Soul Magic is an incredibly powerful magic which allows its users to utilize the powers of a demon. The user can choose from any polytheistic pantheon. When using their Take Over their appearance changes partly into that of the demon. The user is able to make spells that reflect the abilities of the demon using their spell slots. They can use these spells while they are transformed. The user activates their Demon Soul Magic by saying the word "Superbia" which translates into Pride.


  • The user can choose one physical Attribute (Constitution) which will receive a Self-Buff equal to their rank, when transformed.
  • The user receives Minor Resistance to Fire when transformed.
  • The user receives 1 post cooldown reduction at B-Rank, and 2 post cooldown reduction at S-Rank.


  • The user receives Minor Weakness to Water when transformed.

MANA: 3210/3500

(Akatoki lit. Daybreak)

Rank: D-Rank
Mana Cost: 30 MP (-40% from INT; used twice)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Supplementary [Dash]
Element: Fire
Range: 05 Meters
Cooldown: 0 Posts (-1 post CD from magic)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user engulfs their body with a thin layer of flames by dispersing a magic circle in front of their chest, allowing them to dash at a maximum range of 5-meters. The fire does not inflict damage whatsoever, but the user may still feel the warmth of the flames – slightly applying a soft glow of flames upon themselves.

(Fureimu Oni Faiaa Buresu lit. Flame Oni's Fire Breath)

Rank: B-Rank
Mana Cost: 100 MP
Requirements: None
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 03 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user spews a long jet of fire out of the mask's mouth. It has a width of 30 centimetres.

(Fureimu Oni Baaningu Saakuru lit. Flame Oni's Burning Circle)

Rank: A-Rank
Mana Cost: 200 MP
Requirements: None
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 04 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises their main hand into the air and swings it down slamming the ground. This can also be done while holding onto a weapon. A wall of flames expands outwards from the user in a circle up to 20 meters. The wall has a height of 2 meters.


(Kitsune no Yomeiri lit. The Fox' Wedding)

Rank: B-Rank
Mana Cost: 60 MP (-40% from INT)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 01 Post (-1 post CD from magic)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user stretches their arms downwards and opens their palms, calling forth four (4) spirit balls of various sizes, surrounding the caster. The spirit balls will fly towards the target the user points at 20m/s upon command, dealing D-Rank damage per hit (a total of B-Rank damage).


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#8Natsumi Duranndal 

The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Mon Aug 10, 2020 4:53 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi Can see her old friend form shifting, only to flee as she couldn't be happier, Knowing he wont go down so easy. She could help but let out a loud laugh, having the time of her life in the heat of battle, the flames flying as Masami's flames had a peculiar taste as if it was a meal straight from the Joyan continent itself, a rare and exotic flame she couldn't wait to have more of his Fire, wanting to stick around with him as much as possible. Quite excited as she could see him about to launch another attack, Seeing the eyes of the mask ignite and fire spew out, she couldn't help but grin as the flames are pulled to her mouth, consuming them for another meal. Soon The moment she saw masami making a move, she was determined to eat his flames no matter what shall appear, Upon the attack coming forth she started to consume it. Flames being pulled to her mouth as she devoured it, all pouring into her mouth as once it was all devoured she grined, wiping her mouth and proclaimed.

"Now that was a hefty meal, I swear your flames are the best I have ever tasted, It tastes almost like a traditional Joyan Meal, I am loving it and want to devour more. By the way Masami let me reintroduce myself. I am different then the old me I am Natsumi Duranndal The Fire Dragon Slayer. I should mention I am a First Generation Dragon Slayer. Once this Training match is over, Let us discuss our magics, maybe team up again.

She lunges forth to close the distance as she couldn't help but grin as she planted her feet firmly onto the ground, hands stancked held infront of her mouth as soon her cheeks puff of and a crimson magic circle appears infront of her, as soon a strong Jet of flames shot out, as it fired off a roar can be hear, echoing throughout the theater, even being able to be heard outside was an inhuman roar, The ear piercing roar of a fire dragon.

Fire Dragon's Iron Fist [525/525]

Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist  [0/525]

Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame  [120/525]

Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Fire Drago's Fist    [362/700]


Spells Mana 573/1150 :

Spell Cooldown:


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Tue Aug 11, 2020 9:53 am

And just like that, all of his attacks got consumed by the fire magician in front of him. Although he promised himself not to get surprised, in the end, Natsumi had surprised him. It was just a friendly fight, there was nothing to worry about, but is there no limit to how much this girl can consume? She mentioned that Masami's fire tasted nice and... wait, what? That was just... weird, and eccentric, and Masami thought that he was the weird one.

Masami placed his mask back to the side before he could even express his reactions through his face. "Umm—?" he questioned, miffed and confused, but surprised himself at how quickly everything was happening at once. However, it wasn't as fast as his own guild master's swords, that was; immediately after Natsumi blew through her hands, Masami had already leaped up in the air—supposedly evading the attack by jumping—his arms stretched and crossed out, at the same time screaming out: "Kojiki!" which then called on a platform that was five-meters from the ground, in which Masami had stepped on. He leaped at the second platform which Masami relocated a meters away—drawing Masami closer to Natsumi—then leaping again before both platforms completely vanishes. The sound from that roar had bothered him, indeed, causing him to leap with one hand enclosed on his right ear, trying to suppress the noises. He can't run away from that, it's a lesson he had learned from his own guild master. What would he do then, charge in, even with that sort of sound? Well, that was exactly what was on his mind.

As he leaped, he held his left pinky in front of his lips, targeting Natsumi, blowing through it as hard as he could; mana expelled and turned into flames before he could even fall to the ground. While everything was still in motion, as if they truly were in a theatrics, Masami couldn't respond to anything Natsumi mentioned. Or at least, he didn't have enough time to, nor did he even have enough time to catch his own breath for fighting fire with fire. Like Natsumi, Masami wasn't the same Kita Masami before. So many things happened in the past few months that he could even count, but this was a fight. It would be rude not to continue, no?

Ni no Torii (二の鳥居 lit. Second Torii): 1252/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 0/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Strength: 1

  • Damage: D-Rank

Speed: 73

  • Lunge Distance & Speed: 12.5m/s
  • Run Speed: 25m/s

Constitution: 125 (45 base; +40 from ring; +40 from magic)

  • Hit Points: 3x S-Rank
  • Run Duration: 6 Posts
  • Lunge Frequency: Twice per post

Endurance: 121

  • Pain Tolerance: S-Rank

Intelligence: 126

  • Mana Cost Reduction: 40%


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] SP-Hannya-full-body
テイクオーバー: デーモンソール
(Teiku Ouba: Demon Souru lit. Take-Over: Demon Soul)

Element: Fire

Category: Single

Quantity: Limited

Description: Demon Soul Magic is an incredibly powerful magic which allows its users to utilize the powers of a demon. The user can choose from any polytheistic pantheon. When using their Take Over their appearance changes partly into that of the demon. The user is able to make spells that reflect the abilities of the demon using their spell slots. They can use these spells while they are transformed. The user activates their Demon Soul Magic by saying the word "Superbia" which translates into Pride.


  • The user can choose one physical Attribute (Constitution) which will receive a Self-Buff equal to their rank, when transformed.
  • The user receives Minor Resistance to Fire when transformed.
  • The user receives 1 post cooldown reduction at B-Rank, and 2 post cooldown reduction at S-Rank.


  • The user receives Minor Weakness to Water when transformed.

MANA: 2940/3500

(Kojiki lit. Records of Ancient Matters)

Rank: C-Rank
Mana Cost: 30 MP (-40% from INT)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 01 Post (-1 post CD from magic)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user utters the spell name while stretching and crossing their arms forward in order to summon a maximum of two (2) 0.5-meter diameter circular platforms created out of flames, allowing the user to walk wherever it is placed (e.g. water, air). The user may command the platforms' locations with a flick of a finger and restrict forced movement (e.g. falling from the sky, knock-back), and will immediately vanish when junction is released.

(Yubikiri lit. Pinky Promise)

Rank: D-Rank
Mana Cost: 240 MP (-40% from INT; used 16 times)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 05 Meters
Cooldown: 0 Posts (-1 post CD from magic)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The spell starts by having the user make a fist upon their left hand then raising their pinky, choosing a target by using the tip of the finger as scope; a magic circle forms at the tip. After blowing unto the finger, the magic circle immediately subdues – releasing a burst of flame with a 0.25-meter of length in a speed of 20m/s that deals D-Rank damage over the target's inflicted area.


(Fureimu Oni Faiaa Buresu lit. Flame Oni's Fire Breath)

Rank: B-Rank
Mana Cost: 100 MP
Requirements: None
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 02 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user spews a long jet of fire out of the mask's mouth. It has a width of 30 centimetres.

(Fureimu Oni Baaningu Saakuru lit. Flame Oni's Burning Circle)

Rank: A-Rank
Mana Cost: 200 MP
Requirements: None
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 03 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises their main hand into the air and swings it down slamming the ground. This can also be done while holding onto a weapon. A wall of flames expands outwards from the user in a circle up to 20 meters. The wall has a height of 2 meters.


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#10Natsumi Duranndal 

The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Tue Aug 11, 2020 10:55 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Letting out the tremendous roar, once finished she could see he had relocated, Noticing he had full control of the theater as to her that was bad. For all she knows he could control it so she could never reach him.

She couldnt help but grin as she readies herself for his next attack, opening her mouth as he fires off another fire spell.
The flames starting to gather from his attack, going down her mouth, devouring his flames. Gulping them down as her eyes lit up, becoming rather sharper, She couldn't help but laugh.

"This is so much fun, I Love battling and your magic is so unique, I have never seen anything like this before, it excites me to no end, It is so like you, elegant and unlike anything else out there. I applaude you my old friend, You truly are a great Fire Mage. For that I won't hold back not even the slightest"

She held her arm out, her hands igniting as she begun to spin, more flames forming and spinning till the entire theater floor was covered in a sea of flames, The flames spining, spiralling on the floor as Natsumi was no unseen, hidden under flames themselves.

Stepping onto the ground as she prepares to punch, a red magic circle forming on her feet as she used that to jump towards Masami with incredible force, the floor cracking and breaking.

Jumping out of the flames, encased in fire as she gotton quite close as she threw a punch, encloaked in fire as her punched was aimed right at his cheek, upon impact it would send him flying across the room.

The sea of flames more or less starting to disperse under them as well. Grinning happily as her eyes were fixated on him.

Fire Dragon's Iron Fist [525/525]

Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist  [0/525]

Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame  [120/525]

Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Fire Drago's Fist    [664/700]


Spells Mana 738/1150:

Spell Cooldown:


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Tue Aug 11, 2020 1:41 pm

Wait a minute... did she just—she did! She broke the theater's floors! "Wait a moment, you can't ju—" Masami tried to speak, but a punch from Natsumi landed directly at his face. Well, looks like that's a lesson learned: focus in the battle and don't speak, even if someone breaks your establishment's floors! Masami was sent flying, but apparently he had landed and slid on both feet (it still hurt though, apparently) as he lightly taps the cheek that was just hit by a fist. The floors, were broken, filled with fire... wait, these are fireproof (supposedly), aren't they?

Masami's eyes widened, fixating his eyes on Natsumi, whose smile stretched from ear-to-ear. This was a friendly fight that both sides were supposed to enjoy, but not Masami, not on his turf. His traditional Joyan instincts suddenly filled him, and of course he was angry, especially in his Take-over form. However, if he fights back, the whole theater would break down. What exactly is he supposed to do now?

He clenched his fists while he licked his lips, once again feeling the recently-punched cheek which was now feeling tender to the touch... not now, not in Take-over, Masami was getting angry that he got punched. It was definitely the pride in his demon soul, and all these conflicting thoughts were starting to annoy himself, personally. He shrugged, "Alright, you win, leave the theater's walls alone." then, he walked forward, a part of him was sure that Natsumi will not accept that sort of defeat unless she was completely beaten up. They had a ten-meter distance, and Masami was moving at this distance. It was normal for a human to feel prideful, but when it comes to Joyan businesses and establishments, things are going to get a little different, surely. Masami respects Natsumi a little too much to be able to cheat on this one, but fire also won't hurt Masami as much as he would hurt himself.

Ni no Torii (二の鳥居 lit. Second Torii): 1579/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 0/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Strength: 1

  • Damage: D-Rank

Speed: 73

  • Lunge Distance & Speed: 12.5m/s
  • Run Speed: 25m/s

Constitution: 125 (45 base; +40 from ring; +40 from magic)

  • Hit Points: 3x S-Rank
  • Run Duration: 6 Posts
  • Lunge Frequency: Twice per post

Endurance: 121

  • Pain Tolerance: S-Rank

Intelligence: 126

  • Mana Cost Reduction: 40%


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] SP-Hannya-full-body
テイクオーバー: デーモンソール
(Teiku Ouba: Demon Souru lit. Take-Over: Demon Soul)

Element: Fire

Category: Single

Quantity: Limited

Description: Demon Soul Magic is an incredibly powerful magic which allows its users to utilize the powers of a demon. The user can choose from any polytheistic pantheon. When using their Take Over their appearance changes partly into that of the demon. The user is able to make spells that reflect the abilities of the demon using their spell slots. They can use these spells while they are transformed. The user activates their Demon Soul Magic by saying the word "Superbia" which translates into Pride.


  • The user can choose one physical Attribute (Constitution) which will receive a Self-Buff equal to their rank, when transformed.
  • The user receives Minor Resistance to Fire when transformed.
  • The user receives 1 post cooldown reduction at B-Rank, and 2 post cooldown reduction at S-Rank.


  • The user receives Minor Weakness to Water when transformed.

MANA: 2940/3500
No spells used in this turn.


(Fureimu Oni Faiaa Buresu lit. Flame Oni's Fire Breath)

Rank: B-Rank
Mana Cost: 100 MP
Requirements: None
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 01 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user spews a long jet of fire out of the mask's mouth. It has a width of 30 centimetres.

(Fureimu Oni Baaningu Saakuru lit. Flame Oni's Burning Circle)

Rank: A-Rank
Mana Cost: 200 MP
Requirements: None
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 02 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises their main hand into the air and swings it down slamming the ground. This can also be done while holding onto a weapon. A wall of flames expands outwards from the user in a circle up to 20 meters. The wall has a height of 2 meters.

(Kojiki lit. Records of Ancient Matters)

Rank: C-Rank
Mana Cost: 30 MP (-40% from INT)
Requirements: Demon Soul Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Fire
Range: 10 Meters
Cooldown: 01 Post (-1 post CD from magic)
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user utters the spell name while stretching and crossing their arms forward in order to summon a maximum of two (2) 0.5-meter diameter circular platforms created out of flames, allowing the user to walk wherever it is placed (e.g. water, air). The user may command the platforms' locations with a flick of a finger and restrict forced movement (e.g. falling from the sky, knock-back), and will immediately vanish when junction is released.


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#12Natsumi Duranndal 

The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Tue Aug 11, 2020 3:22 pm

Natsumi Duranndal
As the flames disperse, the cracked floor can be see as it can be seen clearly, it wasnt as bad as first thought as, only a small crater was there from the hard step, easily coverable by a small rug or something. Seeing him all angry she couldnt stop herself, she was laughing uncontrollably, seeing her friend so upset by this, well seeing him upset at all was new to her.

Soon as she calmed down with her laughing she looked at him right in the eyes

"I suggest you cool down Masami, That is enough for me plus I held back when I did that, it didnt damage so much tho I am sorry about that, I tend to be a tad more destructive when fighting, I dont really mean to, it just happens.  Anyways since we are done fighting, why dont we catch up and chat some, I like to know more about your magic and you can ask about mine if you like, I just wish to try some more of your flames, they are quite good. Meaning you are strong, I find that if a flame is strong, filled with a person's strong will and conviction, They taste deliscious tho if they are filled with malice, evil intent and sorrow they tend to range from gross to bitter.

She said before walking over to him, placing a hand on his shoulder, patting him as she looked down at him.

"I say you have grown as a person, I am truly glad to be your friend, and I hope we can travel together again soon, To be honest if I didn't have friends, I wouldn't have meaning in my life........Oh have you heard about anyone in the guild, I haven't seen anyone else in quite a long time so I was hoping you would know?"

Fire Dragon's Iron Fist [525/525]

Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist  [0/525]

Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame  [392/525]

Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Fire Dragon's Fist    [700/700]


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:29 am

Gratefully, Natsumi was Masami's guild member, whom he automatically respects for being one, otherwise he had already pierced a conjured blade by her abdomen. However, Masami would need more than mere magical power if he'd want to conduct such therapy, so he immediately wiped that thought away, his form shifting back to his original's as if it peeled away into flames and dust. Masami found Natsumi quite chatty, as if she never runs out of things to say. That isn't a problem though, right?

"Held back, yeah right." Masami repeated, sighing as he scratches the back of his neck. "Where have you even been this whole time? You were kinda missing out." he uttered, casting a coating spell by the floor, trying to at least revert the fire's damage using... more fire, as if that would work. He continued to hope that it would, as he didn't want to spend more money trying to fix just the theater's floors. Next time, they should make the floor both fire and damage-proof. It will eventually turn into a battleground in its' peaceful, closed days, anyway. "We're friends, alright – we funded this theater well, so please reduce damage next time." he sighed afterwards, receiving the pat by the shoulder. Apparently, friendship (and the theater establishment) is stronger than Masami's own pride, even with his demon soul. It was a pathetic thing, indeed, but they won't be able to help it either way.

Come to think of it, Masami hasn't hanged out with any of his guild members lately. "Huh, I was with the guild master... a month ago? I think." he placed two fingers by his chin, coming to a thought. It always ends with Masami being alone, but he had gained a companion now, someone who became his mother—to be honest, he doesn't know even her that much, and the thought had made him more tired than he already was. Masami yawned while stretching his arms up in the air, "Man, that was tiring. I don't usually fight." he uttered, then scratched his lower back, walking away after the flames that coated the floor vanished. It at least cleaned the floor, but unfortunately Masami really do have to pay for the damage dealt upon the theater's floors. "I'll lead you to our small apartments for you to rest in, let's train tomorrow." he gave Natsumi a thumbs up, then snapped his fingers. Immediately after that command, all the lights in the theater shut off. Good night.


Ni no Torii (二の鳥居 lit. Second Torii): 1700/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Kami Mono (神物 lit. God Plays): 294/1700
「-40% WC reduction via Intelligence.」

Strength: 1

  • Damage: D-Rank

Speed: 73

  • Lunge Distance & Speed: 12.5m/s
  • Run Speed: 25m/s

Constitution: 85 (45 base; +40 from ring)

  • Hit Points: 3x S-Rank
  • Run Duration: 6 Posts
  • Lunge Frequency: Twice per post

Endurance: 121

  • Pain Tolerance: S-Rank

Intelligence: 126

  • Mana Cost Reduction: 40%


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] SP-Hannya-full-body
テイクオーバー: デーモンソール
(Teiku Ouba: Demon Souru lit. Take-Over: Demon Soul)

Element: Fire

Category: Single

Quantity: Limited

Description: Demon Soul Magic is an incredibly powerful magic which allows its users to utilize the powers of a demon. The user can choose from any polytheistic pantheon. When using their Take Over their appearance changes partly into that of the demon. The user is able to make spells that reflect the abilities of the demon using their spell slots. They can use these spells while they are transformed. The user activates their Demon Soul Magic by saying the word "Superbia" which translates into Pride.


  • The user can choose one physical Attribute (Constitution) which will receive a Self-Buff equal to their rank, when transformed.
  • The user receives Minor Resistance to Fire when transformed.
  • The user receives 1 post cooldown reduction at B-Rank, and 2 post cooldown reduction at S-Rank.


  • The user receives Minor Weakness to Water when transformed.

MANA: 2940/3500
No spells used in this turn.


(Fureimu Oni Baaningu Saakuru lit. Flame Oni's Burning Circle)

Rank: A-Rank
Mana Cost: 200 MP
Requirements: None
Type: Offensive
Element: Fire
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 01 Post
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user raises their main hand into the air and swings it down slamming the ground. This can also be done while holding onto a weapon. A wall of flames expands outwards from the user in a circle up to 20 meters. The wall has a height of 2 meters.


The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Untitl19
#FFD699 (Fiorian) | #A23131 (Joyan)
#14Natsumi Duranndal 

The Oni and the Dragon's Lantern [TRAINING; NATSUMI] Empty Thu Aug 13, 2020 7:15 am

Natsumi Duranndal
Natsumi grinned as she relaxed quite abit. Hearing about all of his questions she calmly answers him.

"I have been training, in solitude, Tho I think that was a mistake cause alot of my outfits were torn to shreds, for awhile I was showing alot of skin out there, so instead i just been wearing Tshirts and shorts for now. I guess I should have left some kind of notice, but I wouldn't know where to even put that."

She got up, stretching quite abit, looking around as she thought, wondering how much she has missed, how much she could have had if she stayed around. Looking at the theater, looking around she couldn't help admire it, wondering how he paid for the building as letting out a quick sigh

"Well I guess I should head out now, I do hope we can meet up at another date, have some lunch and do some quests together hoping to make an actual team with atleast three from in the guild, I truly think we would make a good team."

Saying as she begins walking to the exit as she looked back
"And for the record, I did hold back....I didn't even use any of the Dragon Slayer Secret Arts on you,. they are far more destructive then what i used."

She said just before leaving


Fire Dragon's Iron Fist [525/525]

Fire Dragon's Blooming Fist [105/525]

Fire Dragon's Brilliant Flame [525/525]

Fire Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Crimson Lotus - Fire Dragon's Fist [700/700]

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