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Storyline System

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Storyline System Empty Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:16 am


Storyline Regulations


Storylines are a series of quests tailor-made by and for the character these can be done in conjunction with other members or individually. They should not conflict with the plot of the forum. In such instances that certain things are not introduced yet, they will most likely not be allowed to be introduced in the Storyline either e.g. gods and royalty. however, may be considered after careful consideration.
  • All Storylines have a specific cooldown. Once your storyline has been approved, it starts the cooldown for the entire Storyline System. This means that if you complete a Short Storyline, you cannot do a Moderate till that one-month cooldown ends.

  • Storylines are also a means of acquiring custom items that are exclusive items that you make for your character using the forge. More information regarding gaining a custom through a storyline can be found below.

  • More complex in nature, Storyline Quests offer more rewards compared to Regular and Neutral Quests, note these additional rewards are considered Quest Modifiers and count towards the Quest modifier caps.
    Users receive the following modifiers when completing storylines:
    • The user receives a 20% jewel increase for completing storyline quests.
    • The user receives a 20% experience increase for completing storyline quests.
    • The user receives an additional 50% Statistic Points when completing storyline quests, this effect rounds up.

Site Lore Involvement

Storylines can involve the greater lore within the site with the approval of an Administrator depending on the impact of the plot. Characters can interact with NPCs i.e lords of towns, etc. Storylines that involve the lore must meet the following requirements:
  • Long and Moderate Storylines can interact with the site's lore and must be tagged with (Lore) when grading. Requests that would be deemed as negatively impacting the associated individual i.e attacking a high-ranking official, pillage a building, etc can be invaded to prevent the individual/s from completing said task. Preventing the task from taking place only stops the event, the individuals will still receive the rewards and they will need to adjust their storyline according to changes caused by other members.

  • The character must be A-Rank and have been active for 3 months (meeting the activity check requirements) in order to complete a site impacting storyline.

  • Other parties such as NPCs may invade storylines depending on the actions members attempt to complete while doing their storyline.

  • Furthermore, Storylines cannot interact with royalty, nobility, or any canon material such as dragons, gods, etc, without prior approval.

Other Participants

Other users may also take part in storylines either for some of them or for their entirety. If a participant is fully involved or in the majority of it, it will count as their Storyline and also go on cooldown. Examples of Storylines with multiple characters could be a buddy cop flick, a master and a disciple going on a bonding experience, or siblings trying to solve something related to their family.
  • The user must take the difficulty of a quest into account when creating a quest of their own for their Storyline. It is not allowed to create a B-rank quest in which the user does things that would normally not fall under the B-rank category of difficulty.

  • In such cases that the Storyline involves multiple characters, the rank of each participant must be taken into consideration for the level of quests. At most, a quest can be two ranks higher than the rank of the lowest-ranked participant.

  • Should a storyline not be divided into separate Quests per topic, participants will be rewarded based on total participation in the Storyline, depending on their rank and any existing cooldowns.

  • Users may partake in other users' entire storylines regardless of whether the user is on cool-down, however, any S-Rank quests they complete will count towards their monthly S-Rank amount. The same applies to any S-rank quests completed when participating in another user's epic storyline. Any S-Ranks storyline quests that the user undertakes as a participant after reaching the monthly amount will be considered A-Rank quests for rewards and word count.

  • Should a Storyline Quest result in a fight, for example, due to the Site Lore impact being contested, the Quest Topic can be used to claim fight rewards. To do this, the word count for both the Quest and the Combat Topic must be completed. However, wordcount reductions or winner bonuses do not apply.

Custom Items

  • In the template, the user may decide whether they want a monetary reward or a custom item. Should the user choose for a custom, they will be paying for the customers with the rewards, if the storyline rewards are not sufficient the user will pay the remainder. Any extra jewel reward will be retained by the user. and that they must also state the rarity of their custom under the 'Rewards' variable in their last quest e.g. Unique Custom, Legendary Custom.

  • The item is based upon the length of the Storyline and the overall total amount of requests adding up to the required amount of jewels.

  • Should the user choose an item, they must somehow incorporate it in their Storylines. It could be something granted by a non-player during the story, or perhaps the final reward of the story. This is up to the user.

  • Other participants in the Storyline may claim a custom if they complete the entire storyline alongside its creator. The other participant must be the same rank as the creator or at most one rank higher or lower. Upon completion, both the creator and the other participants will go on a cooldown for Storylines and customs.

  • All Custom Claims have a specific cooldown. Once you claimed one of them, it starts the cooldown for all customs. This means that if you claim a unique custom, you cannot claim a legendary till that three-month cooldown ends.

Custom Rarities

  • Unique: The user can obtain a Unique custom if they complete a Moderate or Long Storyline in which the total amount of quests would net the user at least 1,000,000J. The user can only apply for a unique custom once every 3 months

  • Legendary: The user can obtain a Legendary custom if they complete a Long Storyline in which the total amount of quests would net the user at least 2,500,000J. The user can only apply for a legendary custom once every 4 months

  • Mythic: The user can only obtain a Mythic custom twice per character through this method. It requires the user to complete an Epic which can only be done once at X-rank and then once more at Z-Rank. The Epic itself must consist of 6x A-ranks and 6x S-rank quests.

  • Story Companion: The user can only obtain a Story Companion once per character through this method. It requires the user to complete an Epic which can only be done at X-rank or at Z-Rank. The Epic itself must consist of 6x A-ranks and 6x S-rank quests. The Story Companion costs 7,500,000J and is ineligible for discounts.


  • The user must go to the Storyline Quests section in order to apply for a Storyline.

  • The title of the topic is the name of the Storyline e.g. The Curse of the Black Pearl, Dead Man's Chest, On Stranger Tides, or perhaps Dead Man Tell No Tales. The title is then followed with the difficulty between brackets e.g. On Stranger Tides (Long).

  • The quest template can be found in stickied in the Storyline Quests forum. The user must use that template for their entries.

  • In the topic, the user must create a range of quests for their Storyline. The possible difficulty of the Storyline is based on the rank of the user. In addition, the number of quests and their ranks is based on the difficulty of the Storyline.

  • The user must create all the quests for their Storyline in one go. This allows the moderator to review it as a whole and see if the story possibly conflicts with lore or other regulations.

  • Storyline quests may bring members who are lower in rank than the request, however, they will be rewarded for the equivalent of up to two ranks higher than their Character’s rank.

  • In case the Storyline involves multiple participants, only one person needs to post the Storyline, but in the quest section, they must write down the names of all the participants.

  • The user must be the equivalent rank to the quests they apply for.

Last edited by Naga on Sun Sep 24, 2023 11:37 am; edited 7 times in total


Storyline System Empty Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:30 pm


Storyline Types & Cool-Downs

Short Storylines

  • Quests: Short Storylines consist out of 3 quests.

  • Cooldown: Short Storylines activate a cooldown of two weeks for the Storyline System.

  • Limit: Users can create a maximum of 1x S-Rank requests.

Moderate Storylines

  • Quests: Moderate Storylines consist out of 5 quests.

  • Cooldown: Moderate Storylines activate a cooldown of 1 month for the Storyline System.

  • Limit: Users can create a maximum of 2x S-Rank requests. They may divide the total wordcount into a chosen number of topics.

Long Storylines

  • Quests: Long Storylines consist out of 7 quests.

  • Cooldown: Long Storylines activate a cooldown of 2 months for the Storyline System.

  • Limit: Users can create a maximum of 3x S-Rank requests.

Epic Storylines

  • Quests: Epics consist out of 12 quests.

  • Cooldown: Epic Storylines do not activate a cooldown.

  • Requirements: The user must be X-rank or Z-Rank in order to apply for an Epic.

  • Restriction: Epics can only be done twice per character, once at X-Rank and once again at Z-Rank.

  • Limit: Epics automatically consist out of 6x A-ranks and 6x S-ranks. The user may divide the total wordcount into a chosen number of topics.

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