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Seki Kisame

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#1Seki Kisame 

Seki Kisame Empty Sat Mar 31, 2018 9:43 am

Seki Kisame


Name: Seki Kisame

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Class: Sorcerer

Race: Human

Rank: D-rank

Guild: Fairy Tail

Tattoo: Aqua, placed on his right shoulder blade.

Face: Suigetsu Hozuki- Naruto Shippuden


Height: 5'8 ft

Weight: 126.6 lbs

Hair: White, blue

Eyes: Light purple

For the most part people considered Seki to be a rather attractive person with an lean build and pale skin complexion. Seki has rather straight white hair that somewhat frames his face, also he dyed the tips of his hair a almost neon blue, or well at least a light blue. For some odd reason, Seki has pointed teeth, similar to that of an shark, one of theses sharp teeth sticks out even when his mouth his closed. He commonly wears a sleeveless shirt that is purple in color with faded blue pants that he tucks into his boot like sandals. He wears an belt around his waist that carries two water bottles, and then another belt strapped to his chest in order to carry any weapons he may later obtain.

Extra: n/a


Personality: This is someone who usually walks around with either a bored expression or a cocky grin, it usually depends on his mood. He is someone who doesn't conform to the norm, and many people will describe him as being a little insane. For one he tends to be a stoic bundle of energy, and at times it seems like he can't stay still for more than five seconds. Which combine with an bad habit of zoning out when people are trying to talk to him, makes paying attention rather difficult for him. Although when push comes to shove and things get serious Seki can force himself to focus. He tends to talk to himself when he is either frustrated, trying to work out a complex problem, confused about something, or simply mocking someone under his breath.

Even though Seki tends to be rather immature or child-like, he can be rather reserved when around complete strangers, and he doesn't like engaging in meaningless conversations. If he doesn't care about someone or something, then you wont find him talking to that thing or person. This is just an example of his blunt and straight forward nature, which often causes people to think that he is an butt-whole: when in reality he is simply someone who isn't afraid to speak his mind. Although it should be noted that he isn't blunt to the point of being rude, or well at least for certain people that is.

He is also a cocky and arrogant person, Seki doesn't let his over confidence combat abilities. When in battle he tends to be rather cunning and analytical, carefully watching his enemies move-sets while waiting for a opening. He quick wit doesn't just help him in combat but also aids him in attracting partners, it would be easy to call him a manizer, and well he tends to be a shameless flirt. Even though he doesn't seem like it Seki is ultimately an highly emphatic and secretly compassionate person, who simply doesn't like to show his generous nature, and hides it by being a little cold.  


  • Cute Guys: He likes cute men and in his free time he likes to flirt with random guys. More specifically he likes men who are either short and bossy, finding it cute when they boss him around. And he likes men who are rather tall and large but at the same time submissive, he finds it amusing when he bosses them around and they are like big enough to squish him.

  • Swimming: This one should be somewhat obvious but anyway, Seki loves to swim. Like he loves water in general, mostly clean water, but he would go swimming in any water that he deems safe. To him swimming is the same thing as flying, and he finds that the cool liquid calms him down. Plus its fun being shirtless. 

  • Partying: If you cannot find him swimming in a pool or sleeping somewhere, than you will surely find him out partying. More accurately you will find him flirting with cute guys, drinking his boredom away, or simply getting himself into a fight with a random stranger that he no doubt pissed off.


  • Idiots: There is just something really infuriating about people who don't know what they are talking about. Yet they continue to talk about it while spatting out stupid nonsense. What is even more infuriating is when he looses something due to someone else stupidity. 

  • Boredom: Being someone who can't stay still for more than five seconds, it is absolute torture for him to be doing nothing. Like he needs to find something to do or else he would start just talking, or finding something troublesome to do. Sadly, Seki for some reason finds himself bored awesome.

  • Work: Even though he is a bundle of energy Seki is admittedly lazy. He doesn't really like doing anything physical the only exception to this is either fighting or swimming. Besides that Seki hates any form of work, if he can't get out of it, then he will complain while doing it.


  • Freedom: Seki would like to be completely free from almost all responsibilities. He wants to gain enough money that he wouldn't need to work anymore, and he can just pay people to do his bidding. Likewise, while he is free he plans to party and maybe, just maybe, have a family. Though that is admittedly up to debate, seeing that having a family may prove to be restricting. 


  • Ailurophobia: An irrational fear of cats, also known as Gatophobia. He finds them to be cunning killing machines capable of great evil, and when around one of those evil fuzzballs Seki would immediately enter into the 'Flight or Fight' response. He also tends to be highly allergic to them.

  • Gamophobia: The irrational fear of commitment, or the irrational fear of marriage. Seki admittedly wants to find someone that he will love and that would stay at his side no matter what, that is not the problem. The problem is the irrational fear that if he does find that certain someone then they will just become a weakness, or they would prevent him from achieving his goal of freedom. 


Magic Name: Mizu no sōsa (Water Manipulation)

Magic Element: Water

Magic Description:  An type of caster magic that allows him to manipulate the element of water, which is known for its versatility. The user can control the shape, the temperature, the pressure, the density of water, and momentary mimic the water element. One of the basic techniques allows the user to manipulate pre-existing water, but in the case that there is not water around the user can create his own. The user can create his own source of water by either transforming a part of his body into that of the element, turning their magical energy into water and expelling it from their mouths, or pulling water from water vapor within the atmosphere. He cannot control water generated from another water mage, but everything within his surroundings count as free game. Strong users of this magic can alter the battle-field by generating large volume of water. This magic is capable of offensive, defensive, strength buffs, and supplementary means.  


History: Seki was born in Hargeon town where he was raised by both his father and his older brother. He grew up without a mother, and his father was constantly working in order to provide for his family. Due to his father constantly being at work, it fell to his older brother Seiko to watch over and care for him. While his father worked Seiko would spend time teaching Seki the basics of reading and writing, while occasionally taking him down to the beach and swim. Some times he and his brother would over the weekends help his father at the docks. Eventually when he was around ten years old his brother started to each him how to defend himself, and then together they learned how to use water magic.

By the time he was sixteen years old, Seki was taking a couple of odd jobs in order to help the family. Though this was against the wishes of his brother who wished he would simply stay home, while he and his father would do the hard-work. However, his Seki secretly felt a little guilty that when he was younger he didn't help around the house a lot. So despite the wishes of his brother, he continued to take odd and questionable jobs. At the time Seiko was around eighteen years old and decided to place his magical skills to good use, thus he joined the rune-knights. This combine with his father working all day eventually left Seki without his older brother to take care of him, so naturally he started to explore the new found freedom. 

While he was exploring his new found freedom Seki found himself going to his party in order to loosen up after an argument with his brother. The party was without a doubt awesome there was a bunch of hot guys, admittedly some things that shouldn't be their, and somehow he got very drunk and in a fight with a mage. Now this mage was from the famous guild fairy tail and impressed with Seki's skills he managed to get him into the guild.

Reference: N/a


Seki Kisame Empty Tue Apr 03, 2018 9:23 pm

This character application has been approved.

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