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CORCUS to DAHLIA TOWN[FOOT TRAVEL] Empty Sat Feb 17, 2018 11:15 pm

Aniz a demon who left Fairy Tail behind decided to leave Corcus becasue their was nothing to do here now so he decided to go to Dahila town to do many quests. He don't know what has gotten up to him, but he was pretty sure that he need to start doing something. Aniz decided to stop travelling to the whole Fiore, he then travelled East towards Dahlia. Aniz travelled in a dark cloak, and only travel at night where there is nobody around him. He took a longer route and didn't stop even once in the city to eat or whatever. He passed through a beautiful city Era where he was already gone once. He kept walking and walking. He now, arrived to his old city Magnolia he gone in mag to see his house how it was going and passed through near the guild Fairy Tail. Until at one point when Aniz is very tired he slept under a tree. When Aniz woke up he was thirsty so he went to a nearby river and drank from it, not checking if it is clean or not. Aniz continued his journey until he reach Dahlia. Dahlia, Aniz felt calm there. So he decided to do some quests there but first he must search for a room to stay in. Aniz booked a room in a pretty shady Inn, it wasn't that crowded and litty. Aniz set his bag on the bed and jumped onto the bed, exhausted.

"I am not alone. I can hear them... I can hear everyone's voices... I can sense everyone's feelings... I am not alone... Everyone's feelings... They support me... They are what give me the will to stand and fight!!"

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