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Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena]

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Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Empty Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:14 am


Fleur tried to make sense of a poorly-drawn map that she purchased off a man who indefinitely ran off with her money, having scammed another stupid tourist that had no idea what they were doing. After events in which she acquired her new weapon, the pale princess no longer wanted to stay in Hargeon Town. It was still night, specifically 8:02 pm and Fleur wanted out before the moon flung itself into the sky, where predators roamed the forests for unwary humans to take prey. In her outfit all-black, she slung Yoru across her back and hurried to grab some snacks for the trip before any of the bakeries and so forth closed.

It was an oddity among oddities, having a girl of her dimensions carrying around a midnight blade that was arguably twice her weight. It could have been considered even more odd that Fleur seemed at ease with it all. She never had any experience when it came to swordplay other than what she had seen on television as a child - and even then, the blades weren't twice the actors' size. Again, Fleur didn't mind it all. She hopped in the bakery, picked up a couple of random assortments, just some variety of flavors. Bringing it up to the cashier, she paid and left.

As she walked down the Hargeon marketplace, she noticed that there wasn't anyone in clear sight other than those in the safety of their shops. The ambiance was eerie, too eerie. Her senses shot up, alert. Was there something in this town that she didn't know about?

Word Count: 266

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] 6oCP3PU
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Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Empty Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:27 am

The dreadful sun finally descended from the broad sky of Hargeon. Elena could finally walk on the streets with ease, she was still getting used to her transition, she had become a creature of the night - a vampire. The piercing sunlight had always irritated her delicate eyes, but now that she has morphed into a vampyre, the rays of the sun were deadly to her eyes. She yawned, after awakening from her deep slumber, her schedule was messed up, due to her being stronger during the night, resulting in more activity. She checked the time, before she headed out of her apartment, it was 8:02 PM.

As she gently opened the glass door of her apartment's entrance, a shivering breeze lifted her hair in the air for a slight moment. She had missed the sunlight's warmth, shining brilliantly on her face. Being a Vampyre was interesting, her senses were heightened, endurance during the night amplified, and she had become very sensitive to the scent of blood. What once smelled like metal to her, now scented like a delicious aroma. They all look like meat sausages to me, Elena thought to herself, as she walked pass other people. She was walking towards the Hargeon market place. She was surprised, as she didn't except anyone to be at the market, at such a late hour. She swiftly moved behind the person without sound, due to her vampiric ability, and tapped the girl gently on the shoulder.

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Giphy

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Empty Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:15 am

Fleur couldn't believe pleasure as grandiose as this was possible. The only thing she could feel, numb from the bliss, was her body reacting and instincts kicking in. A total-body experience, everything seemed to disappear except a hot, tingly sensation that made Fleur not worry about anything and just focus on her task at hand. Sensations blended together, combining the thoughts of dancing your soul out and jetting in the craziest roller coaster ever. That was how it felt when she swung her blade - ecstatic.

A ghostly finger that rivaled her own porcelain skin reached out and tapped her on the shoulder. Others would have turned around, a bit startled from the random act that took place. But Fleur was not like others. A traumatized shut-in minimized sociability above all else for a reason; they weren't sane when that reason fluctuated. She kicked her right foot in a circular arc, towards her left foot, that balanced on its heel to support the twist of motion. All the while, Fleur's right hand reached above her shoulder and unsheathed Yoru. The hands joined forces for a slash attack, still unsure of what the owner of the finger looked like.

Under most circumstances, Fleur abandoned the scene at that moment. But just from holding her sword, the feeling of vigor and adrenaline didn't disperse. Though she had yet to realize it, Fleur's confidence levels skyrocketed when her beloved blade came into the equation. It was the greatest feeling and like all other great feelings, no one wanted it to stop.

"What do you want?" she asked the lolita. Her head, on the other hand, asked different questions. Did she tiptoe?

Word Count: 277

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] 6oCP3PU
click signature for character sheet

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Empty Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:37 am

Elena stopped tiptoeing and her weight returned back onto her heels. Another plus of vampirism, you don't get tired in heels, Elena giggled before returning her focus to the stranger. "Hello, what are you doing with such a frightening blade?" Elena motioned towards the stranger's sword, and smiled at her.

The stranger had alabaster white skin, similar to that of a vampyre. She might even be paler than me, Elena played with a strand of hair, twirling it around, between her index finger and thumb. The stranger was beautiful in an exotic way, her pale skin complimented the contrasting tenebrosity of the night.

Elena sniffed the air around her slightly, noticing the scent of the stranger, specifically the scent of her blood. Elena wasn't a barbaric animal much like the other vampyres, she only accepted blood offerings from volunteers. Nevertheless, it was still delightful to smell blood with such an extravagant aroma. She licked her lips slightly, and pinched herself, to remind herself of her personal virtues - to not hurt innocents for her lust of blood.

"Excuse me for my lack of manners, my name Is Elena, and what might your name be?" Elena tried to break the ice, however, her eyes were still focused on the tip of her blade.

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Giphy

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Empty Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:13 pm

The lolita who soon introduced herself as Elena licked her lips and not long after, pinched herself. A ritual? Whatever it was, Fleur only grew more suspicious of the little lady. Elena asked two questions, both of which were voided by the lifeless shut-in. Fleur's analytical side emerged, as she calculated questions that weren't normally asked when given situations such as the present. The first of her inquiries was voiced, but the rest remained to herself. "I didn't ask who you are, but what you want?" With this comment, she managed to shift the conversation into her control. It proved to be an even bigger confidence boost, though at this point, it was an inflation of a rising ego that was never there before. She was the one asking questions here.

Her sword remained in her hands, kept upwards though it leaned towards her right. Even with the target ahead opening up, Fleur did not feel psychologically comfortable around Elena. The set movie cliche of a quiet night being ruined because of an otherworldly creature ran back and forth across her mind. Hopefully nothing bad could erupt from this moment. Fleur wasn't a firm believer that violence solved issues, but she promised herself to adhere justice at all costs and that included the will of brutality when push comes to shove. That being noted, her eyes resembled those of falcons ready to dive in and snatch up their prey. In the moment, she felt the strength of being the upper dog, the predator.

"The second you move, I'm going to chop you up." It wasn't a promise since she knew little of swordplay, but with her mindset of striving until the very last breath and overbearing levels of cockiness, Fleur said it to keep the incredulous lady in check.

Word Count: 299

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] 6oCP3PU
click signature for character sheet

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Empty Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:52 pm

Elena blinked multiple times, waiting for the stranger to reply. However, instead of an expected response, the stranger in turn, asked her a question in return. Elena smirked when the girl asked her what she wanted, and said that she didn't ask for her identity.

"Well, what I desire in life is quite a long story, especially one that I don't want to tell standing up." Elena kneeled down on the floor, and sighed when she could finally rest her feet. "Heels are gorgeous, but they can be painful." Elena shrugged before continuing. She chuckled at the young girl's threatening remarks.

"I'm going to sit down, but you can stay standing, I really don't mind." Elena picked up a broken tree branch on the floor and started to poke the rocks on the floor. "I mean it's pretty scary that you are here lurking at such a late hour, oh my, could you be a serial killer? Elena gasped pretentiously and giggled waving her hand in front of her dismissively.

"Anyways, I'm here to relax, it's nice out here, especially at this hour." Elena beamed at the stranger happily, and twirled around under the moonlight.

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Giphy

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Empty Wed Oct 25, 2017 7:51 pm

A picture paints a thousand words. A brat in the midst of night didn't necessarily shout 'normal' to Fleur in any way, shape, or form.

No remorse fluttered around Fleur's heart for the act she was about to commit - she had already warned the little lady the consequences and at this point, she only happened to be acting on her word. Elena announced that she was going to sit, which went against Fleur's threat. As her knees bent, the pale princess darted towards Elena until they had . In the midst of her dash started the slash that only finished as Fleur's feet came to a stop, one that aimed to force a clean cut right down the middle of the lolita. What could have been left was two symmetrical pieces of her body. Fleur may not have looked like much in the physical department and anyone who evaluated that was correct. But she made up for it with her tactical prowess, a firm believer in brains over brawn. There was no way the wandering child could let herself be chopped up; the choices she had left were to dodge left, backwards, or right. Which would it be?

If the lost child wandering the marketplace alone at 8pm happened to dodge side to side, Fleur set her mind on throwing a Brazilian kick that she had seen so often in movies as a kid. Her long legs were whips, throwing a lower feint before quickly snapping the lower half of her leg to slap it against the side of the child's face. "I warned you." she calmly stated. Whatever she had to say, the pale princess no longer wanted to hear. It simply made no sense that a child was wandering around while the sun set ages ago. The kid didn't seem to fear the darkness either, rather she seemed to enjoy bathing in the presence of the night. Her mind connected the dots and she came to a conclusion. Only perverts pranced around happily at night without a reason.

She probably had nothing underneath her outerwear.

Word Count: 347

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] 6oCP3PU
click signature for character sheet

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Empty Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:46 pm

Elena dodged the slicing of the sword, by moving backwards and proceeded to run backwards, making sure to not lose sight of the lunatic swinging her sword frenziedly. Thankfully, she could see properly in the night, thanks to her vampiric eyes. She accelerated her speed, and threw the stick she was playing with at the woman with a murderous glare. I knew she was a freaking serial killer, they always look so high, Elena thought, while never taking her vision off the woman who stood in the distance. Eventually Elena had escape from what might of been a crime scene, and safely returned home.

She sighed when she finally arrived home, making sure that everything was locked. There are so much lunatics out here, it is really unsafe to adventure outside. It is a shame, especially since it was such a splendid night out, when the moon is shining brilliantly, and the breeze was so soothing. The hoolagan must of been a pervert, she had seen them frequently on the newspaper, about sexually harassing and murdering innocent civilians. She would report this sighting first thing in the morning to the nearby security. She changed into her comfortable pajamas and dozed into sleep.


Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Giphy

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] Empty Thu Oct 26, 2017 5:08 am

Fleur bathed in the light of a nearby lamppost, the only source of illumination until the next one. She donned no smile, but wore an aura of triumph and relief. Though she was but a novice at the art of swordplay, she managed to properly defend herself against perverts roaming the night. The sense of triumph came from there. Relief, on the other hand, shone from two sources -- she was reprieved because she was alive and in perfect condition and secondly, because the end result was that she didn't cause harm to any party. Had she ended up slicing the lolita in half successfully would present a moment to scare her morale for life, throwing her even farther back in her shell than she hoped to be.

With her choice of clothing as per usual, she seemed to blend into the darkness the moment she left the circle of light caused by the lampposts, only to re-enter them a few seconds later. This continued until the end of the road, the entrance of Hargeon Town. She had to leave and she had to leave soon. There were no longer any reasons keeping her in the famed port town. Her head still focused on what had just occurred. Animals attack you from anywhere, huh?

- exit -

Word Count: 213

Sleep and Snacks [Private: Fleur, Elena] 6oCP3PU
click signature for character sheet

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